PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT NOTE = "Comments on the Odyssey SPICE Archive" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2002-09-27 END_OBJECT = TEXT END COMMENTS ON THE ODYSSEY SPICE DATA ARCHIVE ====================================== This document contains comments and errata concerning the Odyssey SPICE Data Archive. 1. Text Kernel File Format -------------------------- All SPICE text kernel files (LSK, PCK, SCLK, IK, FK) provided on these volumes have lines terminated by only (UNIX convention.) This is dictated by NAIF's archiving approach to include a consistent set of UNIX binary (IEEE architecture) and text ( only for end of line marker) kernels on the archive volumes. However, the format of the text kernels is specified in their associated labels as ASCII (INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII.) This is a violation of the PDS standard stating that lines in ASCII files must be delimited by the combination of . 2. Text Formatting in spiceds.cat --------------------------------- Text in the spiceds.cat's DATA_SET_DESC and CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE fields is not formatted properly. It has lines longer than 70 characters and does not follow left indentation and header underlining guidelines suggested by the PDS standard.