/* PDS CATALOG TEMPLATES FOR /* PRE-MAGELLAN CDROM DATA SETS /* /* Template: Data Set Collection Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a data set collection to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DSCOLL /* DSCOLLINFO /* DSCOLLDS /* DSCOLLREF /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLL DATA_SET_COLLECTION_ID = "PREMAG-E/L/H/M/V-4/5-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Collection Information Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* data set collection ID entered in the data set /* collection template. OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLINFO DATA_SET_COLLECTION_NAME = "PRE-MGN-E/L/H/M/V-4/5-RADAR-GRAVITY-DATA-V1.0" PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "Raymond E. Arvidson" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "Washington University" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_DESC = "This entity is a collection of selected Earth-based radar data of Venus, the Moon, Mercury, and Mars, Pioneer Venus radar data, airborne radar images of Earth, and line of sight acceleration data derived from tracking the Pioneer Venus Orbiter and Viking Orbiter 2. Included are 12.6 centimeter wavelength Arecibo Venus radar images, 12.6 to 12.9 cm Goldstone Venus radar images and altimetry data, together with altimetry, brightness temperature, Fresnel reflectivity and rms slopes derived from the Pioneer Venus Radar Mapper. For the Moon, Haystack 3.8 centimeter radar images and Arecibo 12.6 and 70 centimeter radar images are included. Mars data include Goldstone altimetry data acquired between 1971 and 1982 and a raster data set containing radar units that model Goldstone and Arecibo backscatter observations. Mercury data consist of Goldstone altimetry files. The terrestrial data were acquired over the Pisgah lava flows and the Kelso dune field in the Mojave Desert, California, and consist of multiple frequency, multiple incidence angle views of the same regions. Data set documentation is provided, with references that allow the reader to reconstruct processing histories. The entire data set collection and documentation are available on a CD-ROM entitled Pre-Magellan Radar and Gravity Data." DATA_SET_COLLECTION_USAGE_DESC = "The intent of the data set collection is to provide the planetary science community with radar and gravity data similar to the kinds of data that Magellan will begin collecting in the summer of 1990. The data set collection will be used for pre-Magellan analyses of Venus and for comparisons to actual Magellan data. The entire data set collection and documentation are available on a CD-ROM entitled Pre-Magellan Radar and Gravity Data. A list of the hardware and software that may be used to read this CD-ROM can be obtained from the PDS Geosciences Discipline Node." DATASETS = 15 EVENT_START_TIME = 19720101000000.000 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19890531000000.000 DATA_SET_COLLECTION_RELEASE_DT = 19900615 END_OBJECT = DSCOLLINFO /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each data set /* associated with the data set collection ID in /* the data set collection template. OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "NDC8-E-ASAR-4-RADAR-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-5-12.6CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-4-70CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-V-RTLS-4-12.6CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-3-70CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-M-RTLS-5-ALT-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-H-RTLS-4-ALT-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-V-RTLS-5-12.6-9CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "HSTK-L-RTLS-4-3.8CM-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB/GSSR-M-RTLS-5-MODEL-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-RSS-4-LOS-GRAVITY-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-4-ALT/RAD-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-5-RADAR-IMAGE-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-5-BACKSCATTER-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Data Set Template Rev: 19900207 OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLDS DATA_SET_ID = "VO2-M-RSS-4-LOS-GRAVITY-V1.0" END_OBJECT = DSCOLLDS /* Template: Data Set Collection Reference Information Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: The following templates for part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. OBJECT_NAME = DSCOLLREF REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ARVIDSONETAL1990A /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR AND GRAVITY DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = N/A PUBLICATION_DATE = 1990 REFERENCE_DESC = "Arvidson, R.E., E.A. Guinness, S. Slavney, D. Acevedo, J. Hyon, and M. Martin, Pre-Magellan radar and gravity data, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, in press." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19900207 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "RAYMOND E. ARVIDSON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "EDWARD A. GUINNESS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "SUSAN SLAVNEY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DAVID ACEVEDO" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "JASON HYON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "MICHAEL D. MARTIN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSCOLLREF END_OBJECT = DSCOLL /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-3-70CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "ARECIBO 70 CM MOON RADAR" EVENT_START_TIME = 19860703 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19870523 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 3 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "THOMAS W. THOMPSON" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1986 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "Backscatter image data of the Moon made with Arecibo 70 cm radar in 1986 and 1987. The observations were made to demonstrate mapping resolution of 0.5 - 1.0 kilometers by using short transmitter pulses and long integration times (up to 8 minutes). Image pixel values are in proportion to raw power in delay-Doppler sampling coordinates." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "No correction has been made for antenna beam, scattering area or scattering law. Thermal signal-to-noise varies across the image. Note that thermal noise samples are in the first set of lines." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MOON END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = DELAY-DOPPLER SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The observations used the large 300 meter reflector at Arecibo for transmission." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = N/A /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = N/A JOURNAL_NAME = N/A PUBLICATION_DATE = N/A REFERENCE_DESC = N/A /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = N/A END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-4-70CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "ARECIBO 70 CM MOON RADAR MOSAIC" EVENT_START_TIME = 19810507 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19840607 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "THOMAS W. THOMPSON" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1981 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "High resolution radar map compiled from measurements made between 1981 and 1984 with the 70 cm wavelength radar at Arecibo Observatory. The data have resolutions ranging from 2 to 5 kilometers. The pixel spacing is 0.1 degrees in latitude and longitude. The point at line 1000 and sample 1000 corresponds to 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude. The pixel values are scaled to represent 20 * log10 (backscattered power). Observed power has been corrected for antenna beam, scattering area and scattering law. Observed power of 1000, which is the lunar average, thus has a value of 60 in the data set. Radar was transmitted in left-hand circular polarization, and both right-hand circular polarization (i.e. polarized) and left-hand circular polarization (i.e. depolarized) echoes were received." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "The mosaic consists of 20 or more sets of data; some mosaic seams exist." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MOON END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "Radar pulses were transmitted using the high power 430 MHz transmitter at Arecibo Observatory. See THOMPSON1987 for details." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = THOMPSON1987 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "LUNAR RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "The Earth, Moon and Planets" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1987 REFERENCE_DESC = "Thompson, T. W., High-resolution Lunar radar map at 70-cm wavelength, The Earth, Moon, and Planets, 37, 59-70, 1987." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Thomas W. Thompson" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-L-RTLS-5-12.6CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "ARECIBO 12.6 CM MOON RADAR" EVENT_START_TIME = 1986 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1987 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DONALD B. CAMPBELL" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "CORNELL UNIVERSITY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1986 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "Scaled backscatter cross section images of the Moon made with the 12.6 cm wavelength radar at Arecibo Observatory. The data are corrected for antenna beam shape, but not for radar scattering variations with incidence angle. Data are scaled to fit within dynamic range of output values. The images are projected onto a Mercator grid with a longitude spacing of 0.01 degrees per pixel." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Latitude and longitude values given in the label are accurate only to the nearest degree. The incidence angle varies by about 6 degrees across the images." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MOON END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The observations used the large 300 meter reflector at Arecibo for transmission." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = N/A /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = N/A JOURNAL_NAME = N/A PUBLICATION_DATE = N/A REFERENCE_DESC = N/A /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = N/A END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB-V-RTLS-4-12.6CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "ARECIBO 12.6 CM VENUS RADAR" EVENT_START_TIME = 19830801 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19880620 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DONALD B. CAMPBELL" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "NATIONAL ASTRONOMY AND IONOSPHERE CENTER, CORNELL UNIVERSITY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1983 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "This data set consists of backscatter images generated from data obtained in 1983 and 1988, where the backscatter cross section has been scaled to fit the dynamic range of the output values. Polarization is circular, with opposite sense receive. The 1983 data cover parts of the northern hemisphere of Venus, and consist of 4 files. The first is a mosaic in Mercator projection with a pixel spacing of 0.12 degrees in longitude. The remaining three files are sections of the mosaic. The mosaic covers 18 to 80 degrees north latitude and 250 (leftmost) to 40 (rightmost) degrees east longitude. The data correspond to incidence angle ranges of 44 to 70 degrees, relative to the sub-earth point. The three sections of the 1983 mosaic have the following characteristics: (a) 18 to 70 degrees north latitude, 320 to 40 degrees east longitude; 0.02 degrees long pixel spacing; (b) 69 to 80 degrees north latitude, 267 to 21 degrees east longitude, 0.04 degrees long pixel spacing; (c) 18 to 70 degrees north latitude, 250 to 331 degrees east longitude, 0.02 degrees longitude pixel spacing. The 1988 data consist of two overlapping images covering the latitudes 12 to 45 degrees north and the longitudes 270 (leftmost) to 10 (rightmost) degrees east. Twenty-five individual looks were averaged to make each 1988 image. The incidence angle for most of the coverage is between 20 and 50 degrees; the extreme range is 12 to 60 degrees. Ground resolution is between 1.5 and 2.5 km." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "1988 data have several areas where the image is degraded due to cross coupling of power from high backscatter cross section features at the ambiguity location in the opposite hemisphere." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The observations used the large 300 meter reflector at Arecibo for transmission." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = CAMPBELLETAL1989 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "GEOLOGY OF VENUS" JOURNAL_NAME = "SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1989 REFERENCE_DESC = "Campbell, D.B., J.W. Head, A.A. Hine, J.K. Harmon, D.A. Senske, and P.C. Fisher, 1989, Styles of volcanism on Venus: New Arecibo high resolution radar data, Science, 246, 373-377." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DONALD B. CAMPBELL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "JAMES W. HEAD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "ALICE A. HINE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "JOHN K. HARMON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DAVID A. SENSKE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PAUL C. FISHER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "ARCB/GSSR-M-RTLS-5-MODEL-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "ARCB MARS RADAR MODEL UNIT MAP" EVENT_START_TIME = 1980 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1986 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "THOMAS W. THOMPSON" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1980 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "A model for Mars depolarized echo power that (1) matches the observed variation of total radar cross section with longitude and (2) produces model spectra that have the broad features of spectra published for Goldstone Solar System Radar and for Arecibo Observatory 1980 to 1982 observations. This model assumes that different geologic units on Mars backscatter in a uniformly bright manner, where echo power is A * Cosine (angle of incidence), where A varies across the planet. This model assigns depolarized echo power on a degree-by-degree basis in latitude and longitude." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Model assumes uniformly bright scattering for all model units. Fits to observations were by trial-and-error; thus, the model is not unique. Areal resolution accurate to +/- 20%; amplitude resolution is accurate to +/- 20%." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MARS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "MODEL ECHO POWER" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "DIMENSIONLESS" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The observations used the large 300 meter reflector at Arecibo for transmission." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The transmitter was the 70 meter antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Network station." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = THOMPSON&MOORE1989 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MARS RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "PROCEEDINGS OF THE 19TH LUNAR & PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1989 REFERENCE_DESC = "Thompson, T.W., H.J. Moore, 1989, A model for depolarized radar echoes from Mars, Proc. 19th Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., 409-422." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "THOMAS W. THOMPSON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "HENRY J. MOORE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-H-RTLS-4-ALT-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "GOLDSTONE MERCURY ALTIMETRY" EVENT_START_TIME = 19720715 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19740714 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "SHALHAV ZOHAR" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1972 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "Each record in the table specifies a longitude and latitude on Mercury and an estimate of its radius at that location, derived from Goldstone Solar System Radar observations. All fields are separated by commas." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Monte Carlo simulations indicate errors of about 150 meters in range. The actual accuracy depends upon signal to noise ratio, scattering law, and the profile distance from the sub-radar point." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MERCURY END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = ELEVATION NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = KILOMETERS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The transmitter was the 64 meter antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Network station." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = CLARKETAL1988 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MERCURY RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "N/A" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1988 REFERENCE_DESC = "Clark, P.E., M.A. Leake, and R.F. Jurgens, 1988, Goldstone radar observations of Mercury, 77-100, in Mercury, The University of Arizona Press, Tucson." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PAM E. CLARK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "M. A. LEAKE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "RAYMOND F. JURGENS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-M-RTLS-5-ALT-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "GOLDSTONE MARS ALTIMETRY" EVENT_START_TIME = 19710620085853 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19820326080836 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "GEORGE S. DOWNS" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1971 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1983 DATA_SET_DESC = "The data set consists of Martian radii and elevations (relative to the 6 millibar reference surface) measured relative to JPL ephemeris DE_118. The data were obtained by the Goldstone Solar System Radar during the oppositions of 1971-1982. Present form of table generated by R. Mehlman, UCLA/IGPP. All fields are separated by commas." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "The altitudes in the set are subject to two types of error: (1) Errors in the measurements of the range to the planet. These range errors are less than 100 meters on the average. (2) Errors due to the differences between the assumed shape of the reference figure and the actual shape of the planet. This error will affect global topography but not local topography. The peak-to-peak magnitude of this error is estimated to be 1800 meters. See DOWNSETAL1975 for further details." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MARS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = ELEVATION NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = KILOMETERS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The transmitter was the 64 meter antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Network station." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = DOWNSETAL1975 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MARS RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "ICARUS" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1975 REFERENCE_DESC = "Downs, G.S., P.E. Reichley, and R.R. Green, 1975, Radar measurements of martian topography and surface properties: The 1971 and 1973 oppositions, Icarus, 26, 273-312." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GEORGE S. DOWNS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "P. E. REICHLEY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. R. GREEN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "GSSR-V-RTLS-5-12.6-9CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "GOLDSTONE 12.6 TO 12.9CM VENUS RADAR SCALED ECHO POWER/ALT" EVENT_START_TIME = 19720620 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19880727 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "RAYMOND F. JURGENS" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 19720601 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 19900401 DATA_SET_DESC = "The Goldstone Solar System Radar observations of Venus from 1972 until 1988 are included in this data set. The system operated at 12.6 cm up until 1977; afterward the system operated at 12.9 cm. The data consist of scaled backscatter cross sections in image format and, in most cases, associated altimetry observations. The data were acquired over 52 separate observing runs. In total the observations cover the region between approximately 260 degrees (leftmost) east longitude to 30 degrees (rightmost) east longitude, within approximately 20 degrees of the equator. Backscatter data were acquired with opposite sense circular polarization with incidence angles typically less than 10 degrees. Associated altimetric data were acquired using a two or three station interferometric system. Data are presented in Mercator projection with degrees/pixel in longitude dependent on the individual data file." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Pre-1977 backscatter images are normalized relative to the square root of the scattering properties for an annulus about the sub-Earth point including the data. The 1977 and later images are normalized relative to the average scattering properties for the annulus. Most of the backscatter images are speckle noise limited as opposed to thermal noise. The confidence is usually limited by the number of looks. The errors in the altimetry data are difficult to estimate and vary greatly over the image. These errors depend upon the accuracy of the ephemeris, the variation of the interferometer fringe spacings, the signal to noise ratio and therefore the scattering law appropriate for each day's observation. The maximum likelihood estimator also does not provide an estimate of the errors. Errors range from 30 meters near the sub-radar region to a few kilometers at the outer edge of the image." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed if the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The transmitter was the 64 meter antenna at the Goldstone Deep Space Network station." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ARVIDSONETAL1990B /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "GEOLOGY OF VENUS" JOURNAL_NAME = "PROCEEDINGS OF THE 20TH LUNAR & PLANETARY SCIENCE CONFERENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1990 REFERENCE_DESC = "Arvidson, R.E., J.J. Plaut, R.F. Jurgens, R.S. Saunders, M.A. Slade, 1990, Geology of Southern Guinevere Planitia, Venus, based on analyses of Goldstone radar data, Proc. 20th Lunar and Planet. Sci. Conf., 557-572." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Raymond E. Arvidson" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Jeffrey J. Plaut" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Raymond F. Jurgens" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. Stephen Saunders" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "M. A. Slade" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = JURGENSETAL1980 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VENUS RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Jurgens, R.F., R.M. Goldstein, H.C. Rumsey, R.R. Green, 1980, Images of Venus by three-station radar interferometry--1977 results, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8282-8294." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Raymond F. Jurgens" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. M. Goldstein" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "H. C. Rumsey" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. R. Green" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "HSTK-L-RTLS-4-3.8CM-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "HAYSTACK 3.8 CM MOON RADAR" EVENT_START_TIME = 19681109 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19690904 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "STANLEY H. ZISK" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1968 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "This data set consists of a series of images of the Moon showing scaled echo power. Each covers about 400 square kilometers of the lunar surface, and contains two co-registered images. Transmitted signal was right-circular polarization, images are therefore left- circular and right-circular. Images are projected as Mercator maps for latitudes less than 16 degrees, Lambert (small-angle cone) between 16 and 48 degrees, Lambert (large-angle cone) between 48 and 80 degrees, and polar stereographic between 80 and 90 degrees." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Images have been corrected for radar system parameters, lunar surface projection parameters, and mean lunar scattering laws. Data in different images should therefore depend on lunar surface scattering properties only, except for variations of echo power as a function of local surface tilt." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MOON END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "DIMENSIONLESS" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* data set id in the dataset template is /* associated with an earth base. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "HSTK" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The radar observations were made using the Haystack radar and post-processing system. See ZISKETAL1974 for details." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "The transmitter frequency is calibrated with a hydrogen maser." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ZISKETAL1974 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "LUNAR RADAR DATA" JOURNAL_NAME = "THE MOON" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1974 REFERENCE_DESC = "Zisk, S.H., G.H. Pettengill, G.W. Catuna, 1974, High-resolution radar maps of the lunar surface at 3.8-cm wavelength, The Moon, 10, 17-50." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "S. H. ZISK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "G. W. CATUNA" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* EBDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "NDC8-E-ASAR-4-RADAR-V1.0" OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "NASA-DC-8-AIRSAR-RADAR-IMAGES" EVENT_START_TIME = 19880602081005 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19880602100813 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "JEFFREY J. PLAUT" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "WASHINGTON UNIVERSITY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 19880602 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 19891231 DATA_SET_DESC = "AIRSAR is the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's airborne polarimetric SAR that operates at C (5.66 cm), L (23.98 cm), and P (68.13 cm) wavelengths in a polarimetric mode (Zebker et al., 1987). AIRSAR acquires data that can be processed to backscatter image formats with range and azimuth resolutions of approximately 20 meters. The pixel values are expressed in radar backscatter cross section as 32-bit numbers. The cross section is the area of a half sphere that would scatter the amount of power received by the antenna. AIRSAR flew on NASA's DC-8 in May 1988 and acquired data at multiple incidence angles and azimuths over selected geological targets in the southern Mojave Desert of California (Arvidson et al., 1990). The AIRSAR data consist of radar images in C, L, and P frequencies for the Pisgah volcanic field, the adjacent Lavic Lake Playa, and the Kelso Dune Field. The data are in both HH (horizontal (linear) wave transmit, horizontal receive) and HV (horizontal transmit, vertical receive) polarizations. Three incidence angle views are included for the Pisgah-Lavic site. Thus there are 6 Kelso scenes and 18 Pisgah-Lavic scenes. The intent is to provide radar backscatter image views over a variety of system and observations parameters for sites that can be visited and that range from rough aa flows, mantled pahoehoe flows, relatively smooth playa surfaces, to a complex dune field. Data are presented in along track - cross track coordinates, using slant range cross track dimensions." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "Because of uncertainties in calibration procedures, absolute values are less well known than relative cross section values." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = EARTH END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 25 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 9 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 6 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = METERS DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Earth Base Data Set Template /* Note: This template shall be completed IF the /* dataset in the dataset template is /* associated with an earthbase. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = NDC8 INSTRUMENT_ID = ASAR MEASUREMENT_SOURCE_DESC = "The radar observations were made using the airborne polarimetric SAR on NASA's DC-8 aircraft. See the data set description." MEASUREMENT_ATMOSPHERE_DESC = N/A MEASUREMENT_STANDARD_DESC = "The response from trihedral corner reflectors is used to calibrate the radar signal." MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Signals are derived from a stable local oscillator source operating at the L-band center frequency (1250 MHz). The P-band center frequency is derived from this source by down-converting, while the C-band center frequency is derived by up-converting." END_OBJECT = EBDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ZEBKERETAL1987 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR IMAGING" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1987 REFERENCE_DESC = "Zebker, H.H., J.J. van Zyl, D.N. Held, 1987, Imaging polarimetry from wave synthesis, J. Geophys. Res., 92, 683-701." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "H. H. Zebker" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "J. J. Van Zyl" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "D. N. Held" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ARVIDSONETALINPREP /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "GRSFE" JOURNAL_NAME = "BULLETIN OF THE GEOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF AMERICA" PUBLICATION_DATE = "UNK:" REFERENCE_DESC = "Arvidson, R.E., D. Evans, T. Farr, L. Gaddis, R. Greeley, E. Guinness, N. Lancaster, S. Petroy, J. Plaut, J. van Zyl, Mojave remote sensing experiment, Bull. Geol. Soc. Am., in preparation." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Raymond E. Arvidson" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Diane Evans" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Thomas Farr" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Lisa Gaddis" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Ronald Greeley" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Edward A. Guinness" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Nick Lancaster" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Shelley B. Petroy" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Jeffrey J. Plaut" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Jakob van Zyl" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* SCDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-4-ALT/RAD-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS RADAR ALTIMETER/RADIOMETER" EVENT_START_TIME = 19781205 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19810323 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "TABLE" DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19881201 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 19881201 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 19881201 DATA_SET_DESC = "This data set consists of groups of measurements made by the Radar Mapper experiment on the Pioneer Venus Orbiter spacecraft. The measurements were made during each approximately 12-second spacecraft rotation period for a period of 32 minutes on either side of periapsis, when the range to the surface was less than about 4500 kilometers. During those 12 seconds, up to 8 measurements were made: (a) cold-sky received calibration when the antenna pointed to the zenith, (b) 'early' imaging, when the antenna pointer at an angle of between 10 and 40 degrees from nadir, (c) planetary thermal noise temperature when the antenna pointed to the nadir (d) one altimetry measurement, or (d-g) four altimetry measurements, and (h) 'late' imaging, when the antenna again pointed at an angle of between 10 and 40 degrees from nadir, but on the other side from 'early' imaging. The decision to make one or four altimetry measurements depended on the spacecraft altitude--one measurement was made above 700 kilometers, four below. Also, the imaging modes were only enabled below 700 kilometers and only generated useful results below 550 kilometers. This data set contains results from the altimetry and radiometry measurements. Each record describes the data collected during a single 12-second roll period. If 4 altimetry measurements were made at that time, the individual results have been averaged." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "This data set includes corrections for timing errors, orbit determination errors, and for atmospheric delay and attenuation. There remain severe systematic errors in the planetary radius and Fresnel reflectivity parameters, the former due to a combination of spacecraft timing and orbit determination errors, the latter to spacecraft timing errors alone." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = .001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "DEGREES KELVIN" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = .001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = RADIUS NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = KILOMETERS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = .001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RMS SLOPE" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DEGREES END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = .001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = TIME SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = .001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECOND DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY CORRECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Spacecraft Data Set Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed if the /* data set in the dataset template is /* associated with a spacecraft. /* OBJECT_NAME = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = ORAD END_OBJECT = SCDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = HAGFORS1970 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "RADIO SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1970 REFERENCE_DESC = "Hagfors, T., Remote probing of the Moon by infrared and microwave emission and by radar, Radio Sci., 5, 219-227, 1970." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "T. HAGFORS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1980A /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "IEEE TRANSACTIONS IN GEOSCIENCE AND REMOTE SENSING" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Pettengill, G. H., D. F. Horwood, and C. H. Keller, Pioneer Venus Orbiter Radar Mapper: design and operation, IEEE Trans. Geosci. Remote Sens., GE-18, 28-32, 1980." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "D. F. HORWOOD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "C. H. KELLER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1980B /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Pettengill, G. H., E. Eliason, P. G. Ford, G. B. Loriot, H. Masursky, and G. E. McGill, Pioneer Venus radar results: altimetry and surface properties, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8261-8270, 1980." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "ERIC ELIASON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PETER G. FORD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "G. B. LORIOT" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "HAROLD MASURSKY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GEORGE E. MCGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = MASURSKYETAL1980 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Masursky, H., E. Eliason, P. G. Ford, G. E. McGill, G. H. Pettengill, G. G. Schaber, and G. Schubert, Pioneer Venus radar results: geology from images and altimetry, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8232-8260, 1980." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "HAROLD MASURSKY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "ERIC ELIASON" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PETER G. FORD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GEORGE E. MCGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "G. G. SCHABER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "G. SCHUBERT" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1983 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1983 REFERENCE_DESC = "Pettengill, G. H., P. G. Ford, and S. Nozette, Venus: global surface radio reflectivity, Science, 217, 640-642, 1983." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PETER G. FORD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "S. NOZETTE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = FORD&PETTENGILL1983 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1983 REFERENCE_DESC = "Ford, P. G., and G. H. Pettengill, Venus: global surface radio emissivity, Science, 220, 1379-1381, 1983." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PETER G. FORD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = KLIOREETAL1985 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "PLANETARY ATMOSPHERES" JOURNAL_NAME = "ADVANCES IN SPACE RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1985 REFERENCE_DESC = "Kliore, A. J., V. I. Moroz, and G. M. Kesting, The Venus international reference atmosphere, Adv. Space Res. (abbr?), vol?, pp?, 1985." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "A. J. KLIORE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "V. I. MOROZ" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "G. M. KESTING" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1988 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1988 REFERENCE_DESC = "Pettengill, G. H., P. G. Ford, and B. D. Chapman, Venus: surface electromagnetic properties, J. Geophys. Res., 93, 14881-14892, 1988." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "GORDON H. PETTENGILL" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "PETER G. FORD" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "B. D. CHAPMAN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-5-BACKSCATTER-V1.0" OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" EVENT_START_TIME = 19781205 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19810323 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19881201 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "Peter G. Ford" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 19881201 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 19881201 DATA_SET_DESC = "This data set consists of a VICAR2 format image of Venus large-angle radar backscatter cross section, from the side-looking mode of the Pioneer Venus radar mapper experiment. The cross section is corrected for Venus atmospheric absorption and normalized to 45 degree incidence angle via the phenomenological Muhleman scattering function. Data are presented in simple cylindrical format, with 1024 lines (latitude) and 4096 samples (longitude)." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "The data have been corrected for spacecraft timing errors, and for atmospheric attenuation." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = ORAD END_OBJECT = SCDATASET OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = MASURSKYETAL1980 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = MUHLEMAN1964 OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "ASTRONOMICAL JOURNAL" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1964 REFERENCE_DESC = "Muhleman, D. O., Radar scattering from Venus and the Moon, Astron. J., 69,34-41, 1964." OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Duane O. Muhleman" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* /* PIONEER VENUS RADAR IMAGES /* (RADIUS, TEMPERATURE, REFLECTIVITY, CORRECTED REFLECTIVITY, RMS SLOPE) /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-ORAD-5-RADAR-IMAGE-V1.0" OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS RADAR IMAGES" EVENT_START_TIME = 19781205 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 19810323 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = IMAGE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19881201 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 5 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "Peter G. Ford" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "Massachusetts Institute of Technology" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 19881201 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 19881201 DATA_SET_DESC = "This data set consists of five VICAR2 format images of Venus derived from Pioneer Venus radar altimeter measurements. Data are presented in simple cylindrical projection format. The radius image contains 1440 lines (latitude) and 2880 samples (longitude), and the others contain 1024 lines and 2048 samples. The images are as follows: (1) An image of Venus radii corrected for atmospheric delay, using the results of Kliore et al., 1985, and further corrected for orbit element estimation errors. This image represents version 3.0 of the official Project Magellan topography database. (2) Venus microwave brightness temperature, in degrees Kelvin, derived from the Pioneer Venus radar altimeter planet radiance (PC) and space radiance (SC) measurements, as follows: the dataset was divided into 1 degree latitude intervals. For each interval, the average SC reading was taken to represent a measurement of the 3K cold sky. The average PC values from lowland regions were interpreted as measuring an average temperature of 735K with an emissivity of 88%. The brightness_temperature is therefore given by (735*0.88*(PC-)+3*(-PC))/(-). (3) Venus surface Fresnel reflectivity, from radar altimeter measurements, derived by analyzing the time-sampled radar echo profile according to Hagfors' Law of near-normal-incidence scattering from a quasi-specular surface. The Fresnel reflectivity is related to the (complex) surface bulk dielectric constant E by ((sqrt(E)-1)/(sqrt(E)+1))**2. The Fresnel reflectivity is derived by analyzing the time-sampled radar echo profile according to Hagfors' Law of near-normal-incidence scattering from a quasi-specular surface. (4) Venus surface Fresnel reflectivity corrected for diffuse scattering from radar altimeter and side-looking backscatter measurements. A correction is made to the Fresnel reflectivity to account for that fraction of the incident radar beam that is reflected by sub-wavelength-sized scatterers. This component was estimated, where possible, from the Pioneer Venus radar side-looking imaging mode, and modeled by the phenomenological function g*a*R*cos(t)**1.5, where t is the scattering angle, g = 2.69 is a fitted geometrical factor, and a is the fraction of the surface covered by diffusely-scattering material. R is the true Fresnel reflectivity. The correction is only made for that portion of the altimetric dataset that is also covered by side-looking imaging data, i.e. from about 15 degrees south to 45 degrees north latitude. (5) Venus RMS average surface slopes at meter scale, from radar altimeter measurements, derived by analyzing the time-sampled radar echo profile according to Hagfors' Law of near-normal-incidence scattering from a quasi-specular surface where the specific radar cross section varies with the scattering angle t according to 0.5*R*C*(cos(t)**4+C*sin(t)**2)**(-1.5), where R is the Fresnel reflectivity and the average slope, S (in radians), is related to the Hagfors constant C by S=1/sqrt(C)." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "The radius data have been corrected for spacecraft timing errors, orbit determination errors, and for atmospheric delay. The brightness temperature, reflectivity, and corrected reflectivity data have been corrected for spacecraft timing errors, receiver filter response factors, and for atmospheric attenuation. Considerable systematic errors remain in these three images, due principally to residual spacecraft timing errors. The RMS surface slope data contain no known systematic errors, beyond those made by the assumption that the Venus surface scatters according to Hagfors' law." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = RADIUS NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = KILOMETERS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "DEGREES KELVIN" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY CORRECTION" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DIMENSIONLESS END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RMS SLOPE" NOISE_LEVEL = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = DEGREES END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT_NAME = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = ORAD END_OBJECT = SCDATASET OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = FORD&PETTENGILL1983 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = HAGFORS1970 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = KLIOREETAL1985 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1980B END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1983 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1988 END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* SCDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "P12-V-RSS-4-LOS-GRAVITY-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS LOS GRAVITY" EVENT_START_TIME = 1978 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1980 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM L. SJOGREN" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1978 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "Line of sight (LOS) gravity data were obtained as part of the Radio Science Experiment by tracking 351 orbits of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter. The data set consists of a table with the following columns: spacecraft latitude, longitude (degrees), accelerations, and altitude (km). The acceleration data were determined from differentiation of raw Doppler residuals and are expressed as units of mm/s^2. To obtain LOS gravity in milligals, accelerations need to be multiplied by 100. An acceleration of 1.20 mm/s^2, therefore, corresponds to 120 mgal, a large gravity anomaly." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "There are several possible sources for error, including the Earth's troposphere and ionosphere, Venus' atmosphere, and space plasma. The noise levels were very dynamic and changed from day to day. For specific information see Sjogren et al., 1980." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = VENUS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "LINE OF SIGHT ACCELERATION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "MM/S^2" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Spacecraft Data Set /* OBJECT_NAME = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = RSS END_OBJECT = SCDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SJOGRENETAL1980 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VENUS GRAVITY" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Sjogren, W.L., R.J. Phillips, P.W. Birkeland, R.N. Wimberly, 1980, Gravity anomalies on Venus, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8295- 8302." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM S. SJOGREN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "ROGER. J. PHILLIPS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "P. W. BIRKELAND" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. N. WIMBERLY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Data Set Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: DATASET /* DATASETINFO /* DATASETTARG /* DSPARMINFO /* SCDATASET /* DSREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASET DATA_SET_ID = "VO2-M-RSS-4-LOS-GRAVITY-V1.0" /* Template: Data Set Information Template /* Note: The template shall be completed for the /* dataset id entered in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "VIKING LOS GRAVITY" EVENT_START_TIME = 1979 EVENT_STOP_TIME = 1979 NATIVE_START_TIME = N/A NATIVE_STOP_TIME = N/A DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 19900615 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM L. SJOGREN" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" SOFTWARE_FLAG = "N" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" PROCESSING_START_TIME = 1979 PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 1990 DATA_SET_DESC = "Line of sight (LOS) gravity data were obtained as part of the Radio Science Experiment by tracking 79 orbits of the Viking Orbiter 2. The data set consists of a table with the following columns: spacecraft latitude, longitude (degrees), accelerations, and altitude (km). The acceleration data were determined from differentiation of raw Doppler residuals and are expressed as units of mm/s^2. To obtain LOS gravity in milligals, accelerations need to be multiplied by 100. An acceleration of 1.20 mm/s^2, therefore, corresponds to 120 mgal, a large gravity anomaly." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = "The data noise level was 0.01 Hz. See Sjogren, 1979." END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO /* Template: Data Set Target Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* target associated with the data set id in /* the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = MARS END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG /* Template: Data Set Parameter Information Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* dataset sampling parameter pair utilized /* by the dataset id in the dataset template. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = PIXEL SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "LINE OF SIGHT ACCELERATION" NOISE_LEVEL = UNK DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = "MM/S^2" END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO /* Template: Spacecraft Data Set OBJECT_NAME = SCDATASET INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VO2 INSTRUMENT_ID = RSS END_OBJECT = SCDATASET /* Template: Data Set Reference Information Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS and also may be used to reference an /* existing publication reference. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SJOGREN1979 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MARS GRAVITY" JOURNAL_NAME = "SCIENCE" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1979 REFERENCE_DESC = "Sjogren, W.L., 1979, Mars gravity: High resolution results from Viking Orbiter 2, Science, 1006-1010." /* Template: Reference Authors Template /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM L. SJOGREN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = DATASET /* Template: Parameter Template /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter name /* and instrument host id associated with a dataset. /* OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "NDC8" DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = ELEVATION INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "HSTK" DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "SCALED ECHO POWER" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ARCB" DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "MODEL ECHO POWER" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = GSSR DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "MODEL ECHO POWER" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "PLANET RADIANCE" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 2 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "SPACE RADIANCE" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 2 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RADIUS" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RMS SLOPE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY CORRECTION" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 2 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY CORRECTION" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "IMAGER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 2 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER OBJECT_NAME = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = P12 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "IMAGER ECHO POWER" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /* Template: Parameter Template /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter name /* and instrument host id associated with a dataset. /* OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "Cross section values are dimensionless and correspond to the area of a sphere that would produce the observed backscattered power, divided by the scattering area, i.e. the pixel area. Sometimes the values are expressed in decibels, i.e., expressed as sigma-naught = 10 * log10 (cross section/pixel area). For the Pioneer Venus data, the values are corrected for atmospheric absorption and normalized to 45 degrees scattering angle via a phenomenological scattering law (Muhleman, 1964)." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "SCALED BACKSCATTER CROSS SECTION" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "Cross section values that may be normalized by scattering laws and corrections for antenna patterns, and scaled to fit output product dynamic range." OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "SCALED ECHO POWER" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The power of the backscattered echo, scaled using some procedure, e.g., scaled to fit within an output dynamic range such as an integer value." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "ELEVATION" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "Measurement of echo power as a function of time is used to estimate range to planet's sub-Earth point. That information and other data are used to extract elevation of the sub-Earth point." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "MODEL ECHO POWER" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "Echo power predicted according to a scattering model." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "BRIGHTNESS TEMPERATURE" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The kinetic temperature of an ideal blackbody which, if observed with the spectral response of the instrument spectral channel in question would yield the observed radiance." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = RADIUS DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The planetary radius measured by the radar altimeter. A correction has been made for atmospheric delay (see Kliore et al., 1985)." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "RMS SLOPE" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The RMS average surface slope at meter scale, from the altimeter measurement. The slope is derived by analyzing the time-sampled profile according to Hagfors' Law of near-normal-incidence scattering from a quasi-specular surface, where the specific radar cross section varies with the scattering angle t according to 0.5*R*C*(cos(t)**4+C*sin(t)**2)**(-1.5), where R is the Fresnel reflectivity and the RMS slope, S (in radians) is related to the Hagfors constant C by S=1/sqrt(C)." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The Fresnel reflectivity of the surface. This is related to the (complex) surface bulk dielectric constant E by ((sqrt(E)-1)/(sqrt(E)+1))**2." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "FRESNEL REFLECTIVITY CORRECTION" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "A correction to the Fresnel reflectivity to account for that fraction of the incident radar beam that is reflected by sub-wavelength-sized scatterers. This component was estimated, where possible, from the ORAD side looking radar imaging mode, and modeled by the phenomenological function g*a*Rf*cos(t)**1.5, where t is the scattering angle, g = 2.69 is a fitted geometrical factor, and a is the fraction of the surface covered by diffusely-scattering material. Rf is the true Fresnel reflectivity, and may be reconstructed from Fresnel reflectivity + Fresnel Reflectivity correction. This correction is only available for that portion of the altimetric dataset that is also covered by side-looking imaging data, i.e. from about 15 degrees south to 45 degrees north latitude. " END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The receiver output power, converted to a digital number. Successive complex voltage samples are correlated against the transmitted pseudo-random noise code, converted to power, and sub-summed for up to 121 successive pulse repetition intervals." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "IMAGER ECHO POWER" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The receiver output power, converted to a digital number. Successive complex voltage samples are Fourier Fourier transformed in groups of 8 to generate a crude 8x8 map of the surface in delay/doppler coordinates." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "PLANET RADIANCE" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The voltage reading from the radar receiver during the radiometry period, when the transmitter was turned off and the antenna pointed within about 5 degrees of the plane defined by the spacecraft spin-axis and the nadir." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "SPACE RADIANCE" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The voltage reading from the radar receiver during the radiometry-background period, when the transmitter was turned off and the antenna pointed within about 5 degrees of the plane defined by the spacecraft spin-axis and the zenith." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "ECHO POWER" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The power received by the antenna." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD OBJECT_NAME = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "LINE OF SIGHT ACCELERATION" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "The acceleration of the spacecraft due to planet mass anomaly, where acceleration is measured along the line of sight between the spacecraft antenna and the Deep Space Net. Obtained by tracking Doppler changes in telemetry frequency." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /* Template: Earth Base Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth base to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EARTHBASE /* EBINFO /* OBJECT_NAME = EARTHBASE EARTH_BASE_ID = GSSR /* Template: Earth Base Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* earth base associated with the earth base ID /* in the earthbase template. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINFO EARTH_BASE_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "GOLDSTONE SOLAR SYSTEM RADAR" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "EARTH BASED" END_OBJECT = EBINFO END_OBJECT = EARTHBASE /* Template: Earth Base Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth base to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EARTHBASE /* EBINFO /* OBJECT_NAME = EARTHBASE EARTH_BASE_ID = "ARCB" /* Template: Earth Base Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* earth base associated with the earth base ID /* in the earthbase template. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINFO EARTH_BASE_INSTITUTION_NAME = "NATIONAL ASTRONOMY AND IONOSPHERIC CENTER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "ARECIBO OBSERVATORY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "EARTH BASED" END_OBJECT = EBINFO END_OBJECT = EARTHBASE /* Template: Earth Base Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth base to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EARTHBASE /* EBINFO /* OBJECT_NAME = EARTHBASE EARTH_BASE_ID = "HSTK" /* Template: Earth Base Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* earth base associated with the earth base ID /* in the earthbase template. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINFO EARTH_BASE_INSTITUTION_NAME = "MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "HAYSTACK OBSERVATORY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "EARTH BASED" END_OBJECT = EBINFO END_OBJECT = EARTHBASE /* Template: Earth Base Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth base to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EARTHBASE /* EBINFO /* OBJECT_NAME = EARTHBASE EARTH_BASE_ID = "NDC8" /* Template: Earth Base Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* earth base associated with the earth base ID /* in the earth base template. /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINFO EARTH_BASE_INSTITUTION_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "NASA DC-8 AIRCRAFT" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "EARTH BASED" END_OBJECT = EBINFO END_OBJECT = EARTHBASE /* Template: Spacecraft Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a spacecraft to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: SPACECRAFT /* SCINFO /* PLATFORM /* SCREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = SPACECRAFT SPACECRAFT_ID = "P12" /* Pioneer Venus Orbiter /* Template: Spacecraft Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* spacecraft id entered in the spacecraft template. /* OBJECT_NAME = SCINFO LAUNCH_DATE = 19780520 INSTRUMENT_HOST_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS ORBITER" INSTRUMENT_HOST_TYPE = "SPACECRAFT" SPACECRAFT_DESC = "The main body of the spacecraft is a flat cylinder 2.5 meters in diameter and 1.2 meters high. In the upper end of this cylinder there is a circular equipment shelf with an area of 4.37 square meters on which all the scientific instruments and electronic subsystems are mounted. The shelf is mounted on the forward end of a thrust tube that connects the spacecraft to the launch vehicle. Below the shelf, 15 thermal louvers control heat radiation from an equipment compartment located between the shelf and the top of the spacecraft. A cylindrical solar array attached to the shelf by 24 brackets forms the circumference of the flat cylinder of the spacecraft. On top of the spacecraft, a 1.09 meter diameter, despun, high-gain, parabolic dish antenna is mounted on a mast so that its line of sight clears equipment mounted outside the spacecraft. The despun design allows the antenna to be mechanically directed to Earth from the spinning spacecraft. The antenna operates at S- and X-bands. The spacecraft also carries a solid propellant rocket motor. Including the antenna mast, the Orbiter is almost 4.5 meters high, and it weighed 553 kg when launched. The launch weight included 45 kg of scientific instruments and 179 kg of rocket propellant." END_OBJECT = SCINFO /* Template: Platform Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* instrument platform on the spacecraft. /* OBJECT_NAME = PLATFORM PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS ORBITER" PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_DESC = "See spacecraft description" END_OBJECT = PLATFORM /* Template: Spacecraft Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = SCREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = FIMMELETAL1983 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "SPACECRAFT DESCRIPTION" JOURNAL_NAME = "N/A" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1983 REFERENCE_DESC = "Fimmel, Richard O., Lawrence Colin, and Eric Burgess, Pioneer Venus, NASA SP-461, Scientific and Technical Information Branch, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, Washington, D. C., 1983." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Richard O. Fimmel" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Lawrence Colin" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Eric Burgess" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE /* Template: Spacecraft Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = SCREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = COLIN1980 /* Template: Reference Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for each /* reference document. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "MISSION SCIENCE" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Colin, L., The Pioneer Venus program, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7575-7598, 1980." /* Template: Reference Authors Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be repeated for each /* author associated with the reference in /* the reference template. /* OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "Lawrence Colin" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = SCREFINFO END_OBJECT = SPACECRAFT /* Template: Mission Template /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set /* for the submission of a mission to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: MISSION /* MSNINFO /* MSNPHSINFO /* MSNREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = MISSION MISSION_NAME = "PIONEER" OBJECT_NAME = MSNINFO MISSION_START_DATE = 19780520 MISSION_STOP_DATE = UNK: MISSION_ALIAS_NAME = "PIONEER 12" MISSION_DESC = "Launched from Kennedy Space Center, the Pioneer Venus Orbiter completed its 300-million-mile voyage in 6-plus months and was placed into Venusian orbit on December 4, 1978, less than a week before the arrival of the Pioneer Venus Multiprobe system. The Orbiter's radar provided altimetry maps for nearly all of the surface of Venus, resolving features down to about 50 kilometers across, in addition to providing SAR images using a side-looking mode." MISSION_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "The mission objectives were to: (1) investigate the clouds of Venus; (2) measure the characteristics of the upper atmosphere and the ionosphere over the entire planet and detect how the solar wind interacts with the ionosphere; (3) obtain information about the planet's surface by using a radar instrument to penetrate the Venusian cloud layers; (4) determine general shape of the gravitational field of Venus and detect local anomalies in the field by measuring how the field affects the orbit of the spacecraft." OBJECT_NAME = MSNPHSINFO SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 TARGET_NAME = VENUS MISSION_PHASE_TYPE = PREFLIGHT SPACECRAFT_OPERATIONS_TYPE = ORBITER MISSION_PHASE_START_TIME = 19680601 MISSION_PHASE_STOP_TIME = 19780520131300 MISSION_PHASE_DESC = "The spacecraft was delivered to the launch site at Kennedy Space Center on March 14, 1978." END_OBJECT = MSNPHSINFO OBJECT_NAME = MSNPHSINFO SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 TARGET_NAME = VENUS MISSION_PHASE_TYPE = LAUNCH SPACECRAFT_OPERATIONS_TYPE = ORBITER MISSION_PHASE_START_TIME = 19780520131300 MISSION_PHASE_STOP_TIME = 19780521 MISSION_PHASE_DESC = "The spacecraft was launched atop an Atlas-Centaur from Kennedy Space Center." END_OBJECT = MSNPHSINFO OBJECT_NAME = MSNPHSINFO SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 TARGET_NAME = VENUS MISSION_PHASE_TYPE = CRUISE SPACECRAFT_OPERATIONS_TYPE = ORBITER MISSION_PHASE_START_TIME = 19780521 MISSION_PHASE_STOP_TIME = 19781204 MISSION_PHASE_DESC = "Two small trajectory correction maneuvers were made on June 1 and November 2, 1978. Interplanetary cruise scientific data wre collected. The Pioneer Venus Orbiter completed its 300-million-mile voyage in 6+ months and was placed into Venusian orbit on December 4, 1978." END_OBJECT = MSNPHSINFO OBJECT_NAME = MSNPHSINFO SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 TARGET_NAME = VENUS MISSION_PHASE_TYPE = ORBIT SPACECRAFT_OPERATIONS_TYPE = ORBITER MISSION_PHASE_START_TIME = 19781204 MISSION_PHASE_STOP_TIME = UNK: MISSION_PHASE_DESC = "The orbiter was placed into Venusian orbit on December 4, 1978, less than a week before the arrival of the Pioneer Venus Multiprobe. The planned mission ended August 4, 1979, and the extended mission began August 5, 1979. Two extended mission phases of 243 days each were planned, and were initiated on April 3, 1980, and December 2, 1980." END_OBJECT = MSNPHSINFO END_OBJECT = MSNINFO OBJECT_NAME = MSNREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = COLIN1980 OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "Pioneer Venus" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Colin, L., The Pioneer Venus program, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 7575-7578, 1980." OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "LAWRENCE COLIN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = MSNREFINFO END_OBJECT = MISSION /* Template: Earth Based Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth based instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EBINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* EBINSTLOC /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTRUMENT EARTH_BASE_ID = "ARCB" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" /* Template: Instrument Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* instrument id entered in the ebinstrument or /* scinstrument template. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO TELESCOPE" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADAR PI_PDS_USER_ID = N/A NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = N/A BUILD_DATE = 1974 INSTRUMENT_MASS = N/A INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = N/A INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 305 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 305 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = N/A INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "To make radar observations of planetary bodies." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = N/A INSTRUMENT_DESC = "Radar system using 300 m diameter radiotelescope and associated systems for solar system exploration and other scientific studies. Operates at 12.6 and 70 cm wavelengths. System was begun in 1974 and has been through upgrades." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = N/A DETECTOR_TYPE = N/A DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = N/A DETECTOR_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" SENSITIVITY_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A ELECTRONICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTLOC PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A LATITUDE = N/A LONGITUDE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = EBINSTLOC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_RATE = N/A SAMPLE_BITS = N/A TOTAL_FOVS = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A NOISE_LEVEL = N/A INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = N/A GAIN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_PATH_TYPE = N/A INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = N/A INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* Template: Instrument Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following template form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = CAMPBELLETAL1989 END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = EBINSTRUMENT /* Template: Earth Based Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth based instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EBINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* EBINSTLOC /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTRUMENT EARTH_BASE_ID = GSSR INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" /* Template: Instrument Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* instrument id entered in the ebinstrument or /* scinstrument template. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO TELESCOPE" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADAR PI_PDS_USER_ID = "N/A" NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = 1961 INSTRUMENT_MASS = N/A INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = N/A INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = N/A INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibration with a hydrogen maser." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "To support exploration of the solar system, including support for independent radar observations and the acquisition of precursor data to support mission studies for future planetary flight projects." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = N/A INSTRUMENT_DESC = "70 m diameter Goldstone Solar System Radar and associated systems for use in NASA Deep Space Network and for radar observations of solar system objects. Through use of time delay-Doppler techniques, the GSSR has been used to generate images and altimetry maps of Venus at 12.5 to 12.9 cm wavelengths. The GSSR has also been used to generate images of Mercury, and altimetric profiles and scattering characteristics for tracks near the equators of Mercury and Mars. The GSSR has employed various antennas in the Goldstone complex at various times. When operated in the bistatic mode the configuration used DSS-14 and DSS-13. The tristatic system added DSS-11 as the third station in 1977 and continued its use through 1980. In 1982 the 26m network (DSS-11) was closed and DSS-12 (a 34m antenna) was added to form the third station. This configuration continued through the 1990 imaging set. The transmitter radiates 400 kw continuously and can be modulated by a wide range of binary phase codes to achieve range resolution. The digital system used to process the data could provide resolution to 5.1 microseconds. The system that began in 1986 provides 0.375 microseconds resolution." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = N/A DETECTOR_TYPE = N/A DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = N/A DETECTOR_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" SENSITIVITY_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A ELECTRONICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTLOC PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A LATITUDE = N/A LONGITUDE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = EBINSTLOC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_RATE = N/A SAMPLE_BITS = N/A TOTAL_FOVS = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A NOISE_LEVEL = N/A INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = N/A GAIN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_PATH_TYPE = N/A INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = N/A INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* Template: Instrument Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following template form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = JURGENSETAL1980 END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = EBINSTRUMENT END_OBJECT = EBINSTRUMENT /* Template: Earth Based Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth based instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EBINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* EBINSTLOC /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTRUMENT EARTH_BASE_ID = "HSTK" INSTRUMENT_ID = "RTLS" /* Template: Instrument Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* instrument id entered in the ebinstrument or /* scinstrument template. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "RADIO TELESCOPE" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADAR PI_PDS_USER_ID = "N/A" NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = 1968 INSTRUMENT_MASS = N/A INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = N/A INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 36 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 36 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = N/A INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "Transmitter frequency calibrated with a hydrogen maser." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "To make radar observations of planetary bodies." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = N/A INSTRUMENT_DESC = "The Haystack observatory system is used for a variety of scientific objectives. It consists of a 36 meter diameter parabolic antenna, 500 kilowatt radar transmitter, 3.8 centimeter maser amplifier receiver, hydrogen-maser time standard for frequency and timing control, and a CDC-3300 computer for real-time data recording." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = N/A DETECTOR_TYPE = N/A DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = N/A DETECTOR_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" SENSITIVITY_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A ELECTRONICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTLOC PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A LATITUDE = N/A LONGITUDE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = EBINSTLOC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_RATE = N/A SAMPLE_BITS = N/A TOTAL_FOVS = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A NOISE_LEVEL = N/A INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = N/A GAIN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_PATH_TYPE = N/A INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = N/A INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* Template: Instrument Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following template form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ZISKETAL1974 END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = EBINSTRUMENT /* Template: Earth Based Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of an earth base instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: EBINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* EBINSTLOC /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTRUMENT EARTH_BASE_ID = "NDC8" INSTRUMENT_ID = ASAR /* Template: Instrument Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: This template shall be completed for the /* instrument id entered in the ebinstrument or /* scinstrument template. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = AIRSAR INSTRUMENT_TYPE = ANTENNAS PI_PDS_USER_ID = "N/A" NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = 1987 INSTRUMENT_MASS = 2500 INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = 0.6 INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 1.2 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 1.2 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = "JET PROPULSION LABORATORY" INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_DESC = "AIRSAR is a synthetic aperture radar that operates in a polarimetric mode in C (5.66 cm), L (23.98 cm) and P (68.13 cm) wavelengths." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "AIRSAR is a prototype of the radar that will fly on the Earth Observing System. The multifrequency, full polarimetric capability is typically augmented by acquiring multiple incidence angle views of a scene. Data are used to evaluate utility of polarimetric SAR in multiple frequency and incidence angle domains." INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "Calibration is provided by on-board systems and by use of corner reflectors located in scenes." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = "AIRSAR flies on NASA's DC-8." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = N/A DETECTOR_TYPE = N/A DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = N/A DETECTOR_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" SENSITIVITY_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A ELECTRONICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = EBINSTLOC PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A LATITUDE = N/A LONGITUDE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = EBINSTLOC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_RATE = N/A SAMPLE_BITS = N/A TOTAL_FOVS = N/A OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = N/A NOISE_LEVEL = N/A INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = N/A MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = N/A SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = N/A GAIN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_PATH_TYPE = N/A INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = N/A INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* Template: Instrument Reference Information Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following template form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a publication reference /* to the PDS. /* OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = ZEBKERETAL1987 END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = EBINSTRUMENT /* Template: Spacecraft Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a spacecraft instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: SCINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* SCINSTOFFSET /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* P I O N E E R V E N U S R A D A R */ /* */ /* I N S T R U M E N T D E S C R I P T I O N */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = ORAD OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "Orbiting Radar" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADAR PI_PDS_USER_ID = PFORD NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = 1977 INSTRUMENT_MASS = 9.7 INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = 0.165 INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = 0.24 INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = 0.305 INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = "Hughes Aircraft" INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "5970-02" INSTRUMENT_DESC = "The Pioneer Venus radar mapper consisted of a 38 cm antenna and a radar transmitter/receiver, and was flown on the Pioneer 12 orbiter. It functioned continuously from December 5th 1978 until March 23 1981 when it was switched off because spacecraft periapsis had risen to such an extent that no further useful data could be obtained. The antenna could be rotated in one plane by means of a stepping motor that was commanded by the radar system. During a periapsis pass, the antenna was moved so that it pointed to the nadir at some point during each 12 second spacecraft rotation period. The radar was loaded from the ground with approximately 200 commands before each mapping pass, and then operated automatically. The commands included interpolation coefficients that set the altimeter range window, the receiver band-pass filter, and the receiver gain. The instrument was capable of making up to 8 observations during each 12 second period: space calibration, 1 or 4 altimetry measurements, 0, 1 or 2 imaging measurements, and a planet calibration. The number of altimetry and image measurements depended on spacecraft altitude and the downlink bandwidth allotted to the radar instrument. Initial altimetry and imaging data processing was performed on-board. Altimetry echoes were detected, sampled, and correlated against the transmitted waveform, a shift-register sequence, and sub-summed for repeated pulses. Imaging echoes were detected, sampled, and Fourier transformed to achieve azimuth resolution." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "The radar mapper was designed to obtain a near global picture of the topography, meter-scale surface slopes and reflectivity of Venus. Constraints imposed by the choice of orbit limited the radar coverage to a latitude band lying between 74 degrees N and 61 degrees S completely around the planet. In addition to the altimetry objectives, the experiment sought an image of the radar scattering properties of the surface at oblique incidence. Sensitivity limited the imaged region to a band around the planet lying between 45 degrees N and 10 degrees S. Altimetric error was less than 200 meters; altimetric surface 'footprint' size varied from about 10 km in diameter at a spacecraft altitude of 200 km, to 50 km at a maximum altitude of 4700 km. Imaging resolution varied from 20 to 40 km, depending on spacecraft altitude." INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "The instrument was calibrated by means of a radar target simulator that was specially built by Hughes, and end-to-end tests of the radar system were conducted on several occasions, including the on-stand test shortly prior to launch. The results were published in the Hughes instrument manual. In Venus orbit, the instrument was calibrated once per 12 second spacecraft rotation period by recording the receiver voltage at that time when the antenna pointed to the zenith, i.e. to cold sky." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = "(1) Shortly after it began operating, a failure was observed in telemetry from the instrument that affected all altimetric and imaging data. This was traced to a circuit failure in the data formatter sub-system, and was totally eliminated by operating the radar on a shortened duty cycle, viz. that all power to the radar was switched off except for a 2 hour period each day. This proved entirely successful, although about 36 days of data were lost while the problem was being diagnosed. (2) It was originally intended that, when the radar was performing 4 altimetry measurements per spacecraft rotation period, they should be made with varying receiver frequencies, thereby 'squinting' the altimeter footprints ahead of, and behind, the nadir point. This proved to be unwise, since the squinted echoes had very low signal strength, so, after approximately 3 months of operation, the radar was commanded no to vary the receiver frequency and the 4 altimeter measurements represented essentially the same surface footprint." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = PVORADANT DETECTOR_TYPE = ANTENNA DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = 1.0 MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 170000.0 MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = 170000.0 NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = 298.0 DETECTOR_DESC = "Transmitter and receiver use the same detector: a 13 cm linearly polarized short-backfire antenna. The 3dB one-way beamwidth is 29 degrees in the E-plane and 25 degrees in the H plane. In normal operation, the E-field is tangent to the Venus surface and the H-field is normal to the Venus surface. The antenna is mounted on the periphery of the instrument bay, at an azimuth of 45 degrees relative to the spacecraft X-axis. It is articulated in one direction and moves under control of a stepping motor commanded by the radar command processor." SENSITIVITY_DESC = "Measured antenna gain was 17 dB. The first sidelobe was 16 dB less than peak, and the sidelobe level at 90 degrees was 29 dB relative to peak. 3dB beamwidth was 29 degrees for the E-plane and 25 degrees for the H-plane." END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PVORADCTL ELECTRONICS_DESC = "The radar electronics consisted of a series of closely coupled sub-units: (a) RF sub-system, consisting of receiver, transmitter, up- and down-converters, and digital frequency synthesizer, (b) Synchronizer sub-system, containing a command processor, ephemeris generator to calculate the range-gate settings, timing circuits, and electronics to control the antenna stepping motor, (c) Radar Processor sub-system, that detects, samples, and formats the echoes, and (d) Power Supply sub-system." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = ALT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = N/A DATA_RATE = 24.0 SAMPLE_BITS = 10 TOTAL_FOVS = 0 OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ALTIMETER ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" NOISE_LEVEL = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = WATTS SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = "TIME" MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 9.0E-3 MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 0.03 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 4.0E-6 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 4.0E-6 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECONDS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PVORADCTL END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = IMG OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_RATE = 309.0 SAMPLE_BITS = 10 TOTAL_FOVS = 0 OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = N/A HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = N/A HORIZONTAL_FOV = N/A VERTICAL_FOV = N/A FOVS = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "IMAGER ECHO POWER" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = "N/A" NOISE_LEVEL = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = WATTS SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = "TIME" MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 9.0E-3 MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 0.03 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 128.0E-6 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 128.0E-6 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECONDS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PVORADCTL END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = RAD OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_RATE = 1.3 SAMPLE_BITS = 10 TOTAL_FOVS = 1 OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = "ELLIPSOIDAL" HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = 29.0 VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = 25.0 HORIZONTAL_FOV = 29.0 VERTICAL_FOV = 25.0 FOVS = 1 END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "PLANET RADIANCE" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.01 MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 10.23 NOISE_LEVEL = 0.05 INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = VOLTS SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = "TIME" MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECONDS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "SPACE RADIANCE" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 0.01 MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 10.23 NOISE_LEVEL = 0.05 INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = VOLTS SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = "TIME" MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = SECONDS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = PVORADCTL END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "HAA" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "REAL_TIME PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 30.0 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "High-altitude altimetry mode. Above 700 km altitude, the altimeter is making a single range measurement per 12 second spacecraft rotation period." OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = ALT END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = RAD END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "IM1" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "REAL_TIME PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 30.0 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "Altimetry and single-sided imaging mode. Below 700 km altitude, the altimeter is making 4 range measurements, and the SAR is making a map on one side, for each 12 second spacecraft rotation period." OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = ALT END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = RAD END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = IMG END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "IM2" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "REAL_TIME PLAYBACK" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 30.0 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "Altimetry and double-sided imaging mode. Below 700 km altitude, the altimeter is making 4 range measurements, and the SAR is making map on either side, for each 12 second spacecraft rotation period." OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = ALT END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = RAD END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = IMG END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = PETTENGILLETAL1980A END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = HACREF1977 OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "RADAR ASTRONOMY" JOURNAL_NAME = "N/A" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1977 REFERENCE_DESC = "Pioneer Venus orbiter radar mapper (ORAD) user's manual, Hughes Aircraft Company, Ref. No. D4232, December 1977." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT /* Template: Spacecraft Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a spacecraft instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: SCINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* SCINSTOFFSET /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* PIONEER VENUS RADIOSCIENCE SUBSYSTEM */ /* */ /* INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = P12 INSTRUMENT_ID = RSS OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "PIONEER VENUS RADIOSCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADIOSCIENCE PI_PDS_USER_ID = N/A NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = N/A BUILD_DATE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MASS = N/A INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = N/A INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = N/A INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A INSTRUMENT_DESC = "The radio system is composed primarily of an ultrastable oscillator (1 part in 10^12), a ground-based transmitter and receiver, a spacecraft transmitter and receiver, and antennae. The radio signal (approximately 2200 MHz) is transmitted from one of the three Deep Space Station antennae (Goldstone, California; Madrid, Spain; or Canberra, Australia) and then received at the spacecraft. The signal is immediately retransmitted (there is a multiplication by 240/221 to prevent feedback into the spacecraft receiver loop) and then received at earth, where it is differenced with the originally transmitted signal. A detailed description is given by the Deep Space Network/Flight Project Design Handbook, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, TRK/20, Doc. 180-5, Rev D, Pasadena, Calif., 1979. The difference in frequency (the Doppler shift) can be measured to less than 0.01 Hz S band (about 0.65 mm/s) for a 5-second averaging time. However, there are error sources which frequently degrade this accuracy. Such things as the earth's troposphere and ionosphere, the Venus atmosphere, and space plasma cause the data noise level to increase by several factors. The noise levels were very dynamic and changed significantly from day to day. In some cases where solar conjunction was approaching, the noise increased by a factor of 10 or more and made the data unusable. The data are displayed as residuals which were obtained by differencing the raw observation with the theoretical calculation." SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "UNKNOWN" INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETSC DETECTOR_TYPE = ANTENNA DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = UNK MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = UNK DETECTOR_DESC = "See the instrument description for details on the spacecraft antenna." SENSITIVITY_DESC = "UNKNOWN" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETEB DETECTOR_TYPE = ANTENNA DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = UNK MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = UNK DETECTOR_DESC = "See the instrument description for details on the earth-based antennas." SENSITIVITY_DESC = "UNKNOWN" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELSC ELECTRONICS_DESC = "See the instrument description for details on the spacecraft electronics." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELEB ELECTRONICS_DESC = "See the instrument description for details on the earth-based electronics." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = N/A CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = RSS OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = UNK DATA_RATE = UNK SAMPLE_BITS = UNK TOTAL_FOVS = UNK OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = UNK HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = UNK VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = UNK HORIZONTAL_FOV = UNK VERTICAL_FOV = UNK FOVS = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = VOLTAGE MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = UNK MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = UNK NOISE_LEVEL = UNK INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = UNK MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = UNK MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETSC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETEB END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELSC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELEB END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = OPERATING GAIN_MODE_ID = UNK DATA_PATH_TYPE = UNK INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = UNK INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "UNKNOWN" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = RSS END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SJOGRENETAL1980 OBJECT_NAME = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VENUS GRAVITY" JOURNAL_NAME = "JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1980 REFERENCE_DESC = "Sjogren, W.L., R.J. Phillips, P.W. Birkeland, and R.N. Wimberly, Gravity anomalies on Venus, J. Geophys. Res., 85, 8295-8302, 1980." OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM. L. SJOGREN" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. J. PHILLIPS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "P. W. BIRKELAND" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT_NAME = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "R. N. WIMBERLY" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT /* Template: Spacecraft Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard /* set for the submission of a spacecraft instrument /* to the PDS. /* /* Hierarchy: SCINSTRUMENT /* INSTINFO /* INSTDETECT /* INSTELEC /* INSTFILTER /* INSTOPTICS /* SCINSTOFFSET /* INSTSECTION /* INSTSECTINFO /* INSTSECTFOVS /* INSTSECTPARM /* INSTSECTDET /* INSTSECTELEC /* INSTSECTFILT /* INSTSECTOPTC /* INSTMODEINFO /* INSTMODESECT /* INSTREFINFO /* REFERENCE /* REFAUTHORS /* /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* */ /* VIKING ORBITER RADIOSCIENCE SUBSYSTEM */ /* */ /* INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION */ /* */ /*--------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = VO2 INSTRUMENT_ID = RSS OBJECT_NAME = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "VIKING ORBITER RADIOSCIENCE SUBSYSTEM" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = RADIOSCIENCE PI_PDS_USER_ID = N/A NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = N/A BUILD_DATE = N/A INSTRUMENT_MASS = N/A INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = N/A INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = N/A INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = N/A INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A INSTRUMENT_DESC = "UNKNOWN" SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = "UNKNOWN" INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETSC DETECTOR_TYPE = ANTENNA DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = UNK MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = UNK DETECTOR_DESC = "Antenna on spacecraft" SENSITIVITY_DESC = "UNKNOWN" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETEB DETECTOR_TYPE = ANTENNA DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = UNK MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = UNK NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE = UNK DETECTOR_DESC = "One of the three Deep Space Station Antennae: Goldstone, California; Madrid, Spain; or Canberra, Australia." SENSITIVITY_DESC = "UNKNOWN" END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELSC ELECTRONICS_DESC = "Electronics on spacecraft" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELEB ELECTRONICS_DESC = "Electronics on Earth" END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = N/A FILTER_NAME = N/A FILTER_TYPE = N/A MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = N/A MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = N/A MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT_NAME = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = N/A TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = N/A TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = N/A TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = N/A TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = N/A TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = N/A TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = N/A OPTICS_DESC = "NOT APPLICABLE" END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT_NAME = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = UNK CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = UNK CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = UNK TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = UNK INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "UNKNOWN" END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = RSS OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = UNK DATA_RATE = UNK SAMPLE_BITS = UNK TOTAL_FOVS = UNK OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = UNK HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = UNK VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = UNK HORIZONTAL_FOV = UNK VERTICAL_FOV = UNK FOVS = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = VOLTAGE MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = UNK MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = UNK NOISE_LEVEL = UNK INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = UNK MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = UNK MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = UNK SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETSC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = RSSDETEB END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELSC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = RSSELEB END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT_NAME = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = N/A END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = OPERATING GAIN_MODE_ID = UNK DATA_PATH_TYPE = UNK INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = UNK INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = "UNKNOWN" OBJECT_NAME = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = RSS END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT_NAME = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = SJOGREN1979 END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT