PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2007-08-01 MESS:mick V00 Test Draft; 2007-10-07 MESS:chabot V01 Added description; 2007-10-17 MESS:anderson V02 Added Confidence Note; 2007-12-13 PPI Updated dATA_SET_ID; 2008-05-27 PPI Updated citation/ds name to be consistent with the previously updated DSID; 2008-03-28 MESS:korth M1F Data Confidence Note; 2009-04-15 MESS:korth V03 M2F data confidence note added; 2010-03-15 MESS:korth V04 M3F data confidence note added; 2011-03-15 MESS:korth V05 MOI+2 data confidence note added; 2012-01-10 MESS:gannon Release 7 confidence note added; 2012-09-07 MESS:gannon Release 8 confidence note added; 2013-03-08 MESS:gannon Release 9 confidence note added; 2013-07-26 MESS:gannon Release 10 added data confidence note; 2013-09-26 MESS:korth Release 11 added data confidence note; 2014-06-04 MESS:korth Release 12 added data confidence note; 2014-10-07 MESS:korth Release 13 added data confidence note" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "MESS-E/V/H/SW-MAG-2-EDR-RAWDATA-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "MAG UNCALIBRATED (EDR) DATA E/V/H/SW V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE START_TIME = 2004-257T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = "NULL" DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2015-03-06 ARCHIVE_STATUS = "ARCHIVED - ACCUMULATING" PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "HAJE KORTH" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" CITATION_DESC = "B. J. Anderson and H. Korth (APL), MAG UNCALIBRATED (EDR) DATA E/V/H/SW V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2008" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "The MESSENGER MAG uncalibrated observations consist of magnetic field samples and instrument data collected by the MAG instrument during fly-by and orbital operations of Mercury." ABSTRACT_DESC = " Abstract ======== This data set consists of the MESSENGER MAG uncalibrated observations, also known as EDRs. The MAG experiment is a miniature three-axis ring-core fluxgate magnetometer with low-noise electronics. There are eight MAG EDR data products, including standard data, burst-mode data, and status and housekeeping data." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The data set consists of uncalibrated observations, also known as EDRs. The MAG measures the vector magnetic field. There are eight EDR products that will be created for the MAG instrument. They are the Status, Science, Science Header, AC, Low-Rate Housekeeping (LRHK), LRHK Header, Burst, and Burst Log EDRs. Each MAG EDR data product consists of two files. One file contains the data itself and is arranged in ASCII table fixed format with string fields enclosed in double quotes. The other file is a detached PDS label file that describes the contents of the ASCII table file. The label file defines the start and end time of the observation, product creation time, the structure of the ASCII table, and each of the different fields within the table. All EDR data products, with the exception of Burst and Burst Log, contain the observations collected on a given UTC day. Each Burst EDR contains the data from one burst observation. The Burst Log EDR contains the statistical information for every burst observed during the entire mission. Instrument Overview =================== The MAG instrument is a miniature three-axis ring-core fluxgate magnetometer with low-noise electronics. It is mounted on a 3.6 m boom in the anti-sunward direction. The MAG has +/- 1530 and +/- 51300 nT ranges with 20-bit internal resolution and 17-bit output resolution. The MAG probe samples magnetic field values along the X, Y, and Z axes at a rate of up to 20 samples/second. See the MAGINST.CAT file for more information and [ANDERSONETAL2007] for full details. Calibration Overview ==================== This data set is NOT calibrated; it only provides the uncalibrated sensor measurements. Parameters ========== The principal parameters when observing with the MAG are as follows: * Range Mode: This parameter controls whether the range is manually or automatically controlled. * Manual Range: If the range is manually selected, this parameter commands whether the range is +/- 1530 nT or +/- 51300 nT. * Sample Rate: This parameter selects whether data is sampled at 0.01, 0.02, 0.05, 0.1, 0.2, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, or 20 Hz. * AC Axis: This parameter selects the axis for which the log AC value is monitored. * Burst Threshold: If the log AC value exceeds this threshold, burst mode is enabled. * Burst Start: Start of the time window for possible burst sampling. * Burst Stop: End of the time window for possible burst sampling. * Burst Number: Number of bursts allowed within the time window. * Analog Calibration: This parameter selects whether the internal analog calibration is on or off. * A/D Calibration: This parameter selects whether the internal A/D calibration is on or off. * Filters: This parameter selects whether the filters are on or off. * Compression: This parameter selects whether the science packet is compressed or uncompressed. Data ==== All EDR data products, with the exception of Burst and Burst Log, contain the observations collected on a given UTC day. Each Burst EDR contains the data from one burst observation. The Burst Log EDR contains the statistical information for every burst observed during the entire mission. There are eight MAG EDR data products: The Status EDR contains MAG instrument status information, temperatures, voltage, command status counts as well as low-resolution (14-bit) 3-axis magnetic field samples as recorded by A/D converters integral to the Low Voltage Power Supply (LVPS). The Science EDR provides the primary science MAG data and consists of 3-axis field samples from the magnetometer at the commanded sample rate. The Science Header EDR captures the instrument state (health and mode) as reported by the science packet. This information only changes on packet boundaries so it is kept in a separate EDR, minimizing repetition of information. Each row in the Science Header EDR corresponds to the information extracted from one science packet. The AC EDR product contains alternating current (AC) level values at the commanded sample rate. To conserve telemetry the vector sampling will usually be less than the maximum rate, 20 sample/s. To provide a record of the amplitude of fluctuations for frequencies higher than 1 Hz, an AC amplitude is calculated from the internally sampled 20/s data for the sensor axis commanded as the AC_AXIS. Thus, in addition to the vector samples data, a 1 Hz to 10 Hz bandpass average amplitude is evaluated for the commanded sensor axis, selected by command, and recorded as a log AC value with a 4-bit mantissa of the four most significant non-zero bits and a 4-bit power of two exponent of the 4th (least significant) bit of the mantissa. This is called the logAC value. It is created once per second and saved for telemetry at that rate or at the commanded science rate, whichever is less frequent. The LRHK EDR product contains magnetometer low-rate housekeeping data at the commanded sample rate of 50, 500 or 2000 seconds. This includes the 3-axis field values (received from the filter and subsampling logic) and the corresponding AC values. The LHRK Header EDR contains the instrument state (health and mode) as reported by the LRHK packet. This changes only on packet boundaries so it is kept in a separate EDR, minimizing repetition of information. Each row in the LHRK Header EDR corresponds to information extracted from one LHRK packet. The Burst EDR product contains snapshots of vector samples, or burst sampling, over a time span of 8 minutes, at a rate of 20 samples per second for a total of 9600 vector samples. The burst data give information about waves and turbulent phenomena expected to occur at the magnetospheric boundaries and elsewhere in association with pickup processes of volatile species as they are photo-ionized. Typically one burst period will be recorded every day of orbit operations. The Burst Log EDR is a cumulative file for the entire mission. The purpose of the file is to keep a time log of bursts recorded by the instrument, as well as the number of burst packets recorded for each Burst EDR." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= The MAG EDR data are the least processed data set released for the MAG consisting only of raw data converted from spacecraft telemetry files. Data presented here accurately reflect the MAG data as received from the spacecraft. Time tagging has been applied only to assign each data item to a unique MET corresponding to MAG EPU data handling. No corrections for timing latencies in the instrument have been applied so that the MET do not necessarily indicate the physical time corresponding to a given data item. These latencies are described in the MAG calibration report and are applied in the MET to UTC conversions in higher level data products. Review ====== The MAG EDR was reviewed internally by the MAG team prior to release to the PDS. PDS also performed an external review of the MAG EDR. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= Data reported are the minimally processed data obtained during the following mission phases: Launch, Earth Cruise, Earth Flyby, Venus 1 Cruise, Venus 1 Flyby, Venus 2 Cruise, Venus 2 Flyby, Mercury 1 Cruise, Mercury 1 Flyby, Mercury 2 Cruise, Mercury 2 Flyby, Mercury 3 Cruise, Mercury 3 Flyby, Mercury 4 Cruise, Mercury Orbit, Mercury Orbit Year 2, Mercury Orbit Year 3, and Mercury Orbit Year 4. These mission phases and mnemonics are defined as: Start time End time Phase Name Date (DOY) Date (DOY) ----------------------- ---------------- ---------------- L : Launch 03 Aug 2004 (216) 12 Sep 2004 (256) EC : Earth Cruise 13 Sep 2004 (257) 18 Jul 2005 (199) EF : Earth Flyby 19 Jul 2005 (200) 16 Aug 2005 (228) V1C: Venus 1 Cruise 17 Aug 2005 (229) 09 Oct 2006 (282) V1F: Venus 1 Flyby 10 Oct 2006 (283) 07 Nov 2006 (311) V2C: Venus 2 Cruise 08 Nov 2006 (312) 22 May 2007 (142) V2F: Venus 2 Flyby 23 May 2007 (143) 20 Jun 2007 (171) M1C: Mercury 1 Cruise 21 Jun 2007 (172) 30 Dec 2007 (364) M1F: Mercury 1 Flyby 31 Dec 2007 (365) 28 Jan 2008 (028) M2C: Mercury 2 Cruise 29 Jan 2008 (029) 21 Sep 2008 (265) M2F: Mercury 1 Flyby 22 Sep 2008 (266) 20 Oct 2008 (294) M3C: Mercury 3 Cruise 21 Oct 2008 (295) 15 Sep 2009 (258) M3F: Mercury 3 Flyby 16 Sep 2009 (259) 14 Oct 2009 (287) M4C: Mercury 4 Cruise 15 Oct 2009 (288) 03 Mar 2011 (062) ORB: Mercury Orbit 04 Mar 2011 (063) 17 Mar 2012 (077) OB2: Mercury Orbit Year 2 18 Mar 2012 (078) 17 Mar 2013 (076) OB3: Mercury Orbit Year 3 18 Mar 2013 (077) 17 Mar 2014 (076) OB4: Mercury Orbit Year 4 18 Mar 2014 (077) 17 Mar 2015 (076) No MAG data were collected during the Venus 1 Flyby phase. MAG was on for extended periods during the other mission phases. Data returned by MAG varied significantly in the degree of contamination signals present in the data. Periods exhibiting specific types of contamination are noted below by mission phase along with a flag corresponding to data quality. In addition, a comment is given indicating whether the data are correctable or not. The MAG data quality flag is a three digit code denoted as SHC. S, the first digit, indicates the configuration of the sensor. H, the second digit,indicates the sensor survival heater control mode being used. C, the thier digit, indicates the presence of contamination in the data and whether contamination, if present, is judged to be correctable to meet or exceed the science requirement of 1 nT. At the time of this delivery, the contamination correction algorithms are not yet completed. They will be described in the calibrated data record delivery. Dates when calibration events, changes in instrument state, or changes in the heater control mode were made are noted in the comment field with an * in the corresponding data quality flag for that date indicating that the flag transitioned on that date. The data quality flag definitions are below. For example, a data quality flag of '100' indicates: that the boom was deployed with the sensor facing the sun, that the heater operated in hardware regulation, and that no contamination signals are known to be present. MAG Data Qualify Flag Definitions. Three digit quality flag = SHC. S: Sensor Config. Definition ----------------- --------------------------------------------- 0 Sensor stowed - prior to boom deployment 1 Boom deployed - SC +Y axis to Sun - sensor in sunlight 2 Boom deployed - SC -Y axis to Sun - sensor in shadow ------------------ --------------------------------------------- H: Heater Mode Definition ----------------- --------------------------------------------- 0 Hardware regulation (MAG FSW V8) 1 Software regulation version 1 (MAG FSW V9) 2 Software regulation version 2 (MAG FSW V10) ------------------ --------------------------------------------- C: Contamination Definition ----------------- --------------------------------------------- 0 No contamination signals known to be present 1 Uncorrectable contamination signals present 2 Contamination signals present but correctable 3 Contamination signals corrected in CDRs ------------------ --------------------------------------------- MAG data converted to EDRs is derived from four distinct data paths from the instrument. Their definitions are given below. During cruise, BST data are acquired only during the instrument checkout activity that tests the digital filtering. In addition, during spacecraft commissioning the spacecraft storage system was updated to correct telemetry and storage anomalies. In the course of these activities, one or more of the other MAG data streams was not acquired. MAG data type definitions: Mnemonic Definition -------- ------------------------------------- HSK High priority instrument housekeeping SCI Standard science data STA Instrument status data BST Burst science data -------- -------------------------------------- The following listing of MAG data acquisition intervals indicates the dates of data acquisition, the MAG data quality flag, the MAG data types returned and a comment if appropriate indicating a calibration or other MAG specific event. For Sensor Configuration 2, sensor temperature departures from nominal occur when other spacecraft activities place the sensor in sunlight which is allowed within spacecraft pointing constraints. The MAG sensor is protected by a dedicated sun-shade mounted on the magnetometer boom near the sensor. Nonetheless, since the dominant thermal load on the sensor is radiative emission from the MAG sensor sun-shade, illumination of this sun-shade changes the thermal loading and hence changes the MAG sensor temperature. Because departures from nominal temperature, -50 C, and correspondingly in the sensor heater duty cycle, change the sensor offset and time variation, the thermal baseline induced offset and time variability of the MAG data will be different from the calibrated offsets. These events are noted in the comment field to point out the heater corrections and the offsets are not fully calibrated under these conditions. MAG data acquisition intervals (partial days not distinguished): Start Day End Day Qlty Data types/comment Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- L 12 Aug 2004 (225) 13 Aug 2004 (226) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 14 Aug 2004 (227) 15 Aug 2004 (228) 001 HSK,STA 16 Aug 2004 (229) 16 Aug 2004 (229) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 17 Aug 2004 (230) 17 Aug 2004 (230) 001 HSK,STA 18 Aug 2004 (231) 23 Aug 2004 (236) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 24 Aug 2004 (237) 26 Aug 2004 (239) XXX MAG off 27 Aug 2004 (240) 12 Sep 2004 (257) 001 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- EC 13 Sep 2004 (257) 13 Sep 2004 (257) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 14 Sep 2004 (258) 14 Sep 2004 (258) XXX MAG off 15 Sep 2004 (259) 19 Sep 2004 (263) 001 HSK,STA MAG on 20 Sep 2004 (264) 22 Sep 2004 (266) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 27 Sep 2004 (271) 29 Nov 2004 (334) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 30 Nov 2004 (335) 14 Dec 2004 (349) 001 HSK, ,SCI 15 Dec 2004 (350) 10 Jan 2005 (010) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 11 Jan 2005 (011) 25 Jan 2005 (025) 001 HSK, ,SCI 26 Jan 2005 (026) 7 Mar 2005 (066) 001 HSK,STA,SCI 8 Mar 2005 (067) 8 Mar 2005 (067) *01 HSK,STA,SCI Boom deployed 9 Mar 2005 (068) 31 Mar 2005 (090) 201 HSK,STA,SCI 1 Apr 2005 (091) 1 Apr 2005 (091) *01 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls, checkout 2 Apr 2005 (092) 23 May 2005 (143) 201 HSK,STA,SCI 24 May 2005 (144) 26 Jun 2005 (177) XXX MAG off 14 Jun 2005 (165) 14 Jun 2005 (165) XXX MAG on, Flip +Y to Sun 27 Jun 2005 (178) 27 Jun 2005 (178) 100 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout 28 Jun 2005 (179) 28 Jun 2005 (179) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 29 Jun 2005 (180) 29 Jun 2005 (180) 100 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 30 Jun 2005 (179) 18 Jul 2005 (199) 100 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- EF 19 Jul 2005 (200) 20 Jul 2005 (201) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 21 Jul 2005 (202) 21 Jul 2005 (202) *0* HSK,STA,SCI SC -/+Y to Sun 22 Jul 2005 (203) 23 Jul 2005 (204) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 24 Jul 2005 (205) 24 Jul 2005 (205) *0* HSK,STA,SCI SC -/+Y to Sun 25 Jul 2005 (206) 26 Jul 2005 (207) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 27 Jul 2005 (208) 27 Jul 2005 (208) *0* HSK,STA,SCI SC -/+Y to Sun 28 Jul 2005 (209) 30 Jul 2005 (211) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 31 Jul 2005 (212) 31 Jul 2005 (212) *0* HSK,STA,SCI,BST SC -/+Y to Sun 1 Aug 2005 (213) 1 Aug 2005 (213) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 2 Aug 2005 (214) 2 Aug 2005 (214) *0* HSK,STA,SCI,BST SC -/+Y to Sun 3 Aug 2005 (215) 3 Aug 2005 (215) 100 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 4 Aug 2005 (216) 7 Aug 2005 (219) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 8 Aug 2005 (220) 8 Aug 2005 (220) 100 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 9 Aug 2005 (221) 9 Aug 2005 (221) 100 HSK,STA,SCI Long checkout 10 Aug 2005 (222) 14 Aug 2005 (226) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 15 Aug 2005 (227) 16 Aug 2005 (228) XXX MAG off Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- V1C 17 Aug 2005 (229) 8 Sep 2005 (251) XXX MAG off 9 Sep 2005 (252) 9 Sep 2005 (252) XXX SC -Y to Sun 10 Sep 2005 (253) 23 Feb 2006 (054) XXX MAG off 24 Feb 2006 (055) 7 Mar 2006 (066) 200 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on 8 Mar 2006 (067) 8 Mar 2006 (067) *0* HSK,STA,SCI SC +Y to Sun 9 Mar 2006 (068) 26 Mar 2006 (085) 100 HSK,STA,SCI 27 Mar 2006 (086) 27 Mar 2006 (086) 1*0 HSK,STA,SCI MAG FSW 9 load 28 Mar 2006 (087) 18 Apr 2006 (108) 110 HSK,STA,SCI 19 Apr 2006 (109) 19 Apr 2006 (109) 110 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout 20 Apr 2006 (110) 13 May 2006 (133) 11* HSK,STA,SCI 14 May 2006 (134) 21 May 2006 (141) 111 HSK,STA,SCI SEU in filters 22 May 2006 (142) 22 May 2006 (142) 11* HSK,STA,SCI Filters off 23 May 2006 (143) 24 May 2006 (144) 110 HSK,STA,SCI 25 May 2006 (145) 25 May 2006 (145) 110 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 26 May 2006 (146) 30 May 2006 (150) 110 HSK,STA,SCI 31 May 2006 (151) 12 Jun 2006 (163) XXX MAG off 13 Jun 2006 (164) 20 Jun 2006 (171) 110 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on 21 Jun 2006 (172) 21 Jun 2006 (172) *1* HSK,STA,SCI SC -Y to Sun 22 Jun 2006 (173) 12 Jul 2006 (193) 211 HSK,STA,SCI 13 Jul 2006 (194) 13 Jul 2006 (194) 2*1 HSK,STA,SCI Disabled v1 htr 14 Jul 2006 (195) 26 Jul 2006 (207) 201 HSK,STA,SCI 27 Jul 2006 (208) 9 Oct 2006 (282) XXX MAG off Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- V1F 10 Oct 2006 (283) 7 Nov 2006 (311) XXX MAG off Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- V2C 8 Nov 2006 (312) 17 Dec 2006 (351) XXX MAG off 18 Dec 2006 (352) 18 Dec 2006 (352) 2*1 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, Htr control test 19 Dec 2006 (353) 7 Mar 2007 (066) XXX MAG off 8 Mar 2007 (067) 8 Mar 2007 (067) 211 HSK,STA,SCI 9 Mar 2007 (068) 9 Mar 2007 (068) 2** HSK,STA,SCI MAG FSW 10 load 10 Mar 2007 (069) 10 Mar 2007 (069) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 11 Mar 2007 (070) 11 Mar 2007 (070) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout 12 Mar 2007 (071) 22 May 2007 (142) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- V2F 23 May 2007 (143) 1 Jun 2007 (152) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 2 Jun 2007 (153) 2 Jun 2007 (153) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 3 Jun 2007 (154) 4 Jun 2007 (155) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 5 Jun 2007 (156) 6 Jun 2007 (157) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Venus 2 Flyby 7 Jun 2007 (158) 20 Jun 2007 (171) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M1C 21 Jun 2007 (172) 30 Jun 2007 (181) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 1 Jul 2007 (182) 11 Jul 2007 (192) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU, Y-axis 12 Jul 2007 (193) 20 Jul 2007 (201) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU, X&Y-axis 21 Jul 2007 (202) 14 Aug 2007 (226) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 15 Aug 2007 (227) 15 Aug 2007 (227) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 16 Aug 2007 (228) 25 Aug 2007 (237) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 26 Aug 2007 (238) 19 Dec 2007 (353) XXX MAG off 20 Dec 2007 (354) 30 Dec 2007 (364) 223 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M1F 31 Dec 2007 (365) 11 Jan 2008 (011) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 12 Jan 2008 (012) 12 Jan 2008 (012) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Reset, rolls, heater control loop oscillations 13 Jan 2008 (013) 13 Jan 2008 (013) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 14 Jan 2008 (014) 15 Jan 2008 (015) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Mercury 1 flyby 16 Jan 2008 (016) 18 Jan 2008 (018) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 19 Jan 2008 (019) 19 Jan 2008 (019) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 20 Jan 2008 (020) 28 Jan 2008 (028) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M2C 29 Jan 2008 (029) 22 Feb 2008 (053) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 23 Feb 2008 (054) 23 Feb 2008 (054) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 24 Feb 2008 (055) 24 Feb 2008 (055) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 25 Feb 2008 (056) 27 Mar 2008 (087) XXX MAG off 28 Mar 2008 (088) 19 Apr 2008 (110) 223 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on 20 Apr 2008 (111) 22 Apr 2008 (113) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal test 23 Apr 2008 (114) 05 May 2008 (126) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 06 May 2008 (127) 06 May 2008 (127) XXX MAG off 07 May 2008 (128) 24 May 2008 (145) 223 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on 25 May 2008 (146) 27 May 2008 (148) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU, Y-axis 28 May 2008 (149) 20 Aug 2008 (233) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 21 Aug 2008 (234) 21 Aug 2008 (234) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 22 Aug 2008 (235) 26 Aug 2008 (239) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 27 Aug 2008 (240) 27 Aug 2008 (240) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Reset 28 Aug 2008 (241) 28 Aug 2008 (241) 223 HSK,STA,SCI MAG off (3 hours) 29 Aug 2008 (242) 21 Sep 2008 (265) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M2F 22 Sep 2008 (266) 01 Oct 2008 (275) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 02 Oct 2008 (276) 02 Oct 2008 (276) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Reset, checkout 03 Oct 2008 (277) 03 Oct 2008 (277) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 04 Oct 2008 (278) 05 Oct 2008 (279) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 06 Oct 2008 (280) 06 Oct 2008 (280) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Mercury 2 flyby, invalid data (MET): 131,772,500-131,800,000 07 Oct 2008 (281) 08 Oct 2008 (282) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 09 Oct 2008 (283) 09 Oct 2008 (283) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Rolls 10 Oct 2008 (284) 14 Oct 2008 (288) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 15 Oct 2008 (289) 16 Oct 2008 (290) 222 HSK,STA,SCI 12-hour, 40 degC thermal variation 17 Oct 2008 (291) 20 Oct 2008 (294) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M3C 21 Oct 2008 (295) 28 Oct 2008 (302) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 29 Oct 2008 (303) 01 Nov 2008 (306) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal baseline testing, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Nov 2008 (307) 19 Nov 2008 (324) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 20 Nov 2008 (325) 11 Jan 2009 (011) XXX MAG off 12 Jan 2009 (012) 12 Jan 2009 (012) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Jan 2009 (012) 19 Jan 2009 (019) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 20 Jan 2009 (020) 21 Jan 2009 (021) 222 HSK,STA,SCI 30-hour, 40 degC thermal variation, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Jan 2009 (022) 31 Jan 2009 (031) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 01 Feb 2009 (032) 01 Feb 2009 (032) 222 HSK,STA,SCI 3-hour, 15 degC thermal variation, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Feb 2009 (033) 24 Feb 2009 (055) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 25 Feb 2009 (056) 25 Feb 2009 (056) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 26 Feb 2009 (057) 10 Mar 2009 (069) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 11 Mar 2009 (070) 20 Mar 2009 (079) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 9-day, 15 degC thermal variation, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Mar 2009 (080) 05 May 2009 (125) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 06 May 2009 (126) 07 May 2009 (127) XXX MAG off 08 May 2009 (128) 08 May 2009 (128) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 May 2009 (129) 25 Jun 2009 (176) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 26 Jun 2009 (177) 26 Jun 2009 (177) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Spike of unknown origin in X-axis of SCI data at MET 154,497,208.25. 27 Jun 2009 (178) 08 Jul 2009 (189) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 09 Jul 2009 (190) 20 Jul 2009 (201) XXX MAG off 21 Jul 2009 (202) 21 Jul 2009 (202) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Jul 2009 (203) 18 Aug 2009 (230) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 19 Aug 2009 (231) 23 Aug 2009 (235) XXX MAG off 24 Aug 2009 (236) 24 Aug 2009 (236) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, checkout, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Aug 2009 (237) 01 Sep 2009 (244) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 02 Sep 2009 (245) 03 Sep 2009 (246) XXX MAG off 04 Sep 2009 (247) 04 Sep 2009 (247) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, checkout, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Sep 2009 (248) 15 Sep 2009 (258) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M3F 16 Sep 2009 (259) 24 Sep 2009 (267) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 25 Sep 2009 (268) 25 Sep 2009 (268) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Reset, checkout 26 Sep 2009 (269) 26 Sep 2009 (269) 223 HSK,STA,SCI S/C Y-axis rolls 27 Sep 2009 (270) 28 Sep 2009 (271) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 29 Sep 2009 (272) 29 Sep 2009 (272) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Mercury 3 flyby 30 Sep 2009 (273) 30 Sep 2009 (273) XXX MAG off 01 Oct 2009 (274) 01 Oct 2009 (274) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, checkout, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Oct 2009 (275) 02 Oct 2009 (275) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 03 Oct 2009 (276) 03 Oct 2009 (276) 223 HSK,STA,SCI S/C Y-axis rolls 04 Oct 2009 (277) 06 Oct 2009 (279) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 07 Oct 2009 (280) 08 Oct 2009 (281) 222 HSK,STA,SCI 15-hour, 50 degC thermal variation, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Oct 2009 (282) 12 Oct 2009 (285) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 13 Oct 2009 (286) 14 Oct 2009 (287) XXX MAG off Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- M4C 15 Oct 2009 (288) 09 Dec 2009 (343) XXX MAG off 10 Dec 2009 (344) 10 Dec 2009 (344) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG on, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Dec 2009 (345) 15 Feb 2010 (046) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 16 Feb 2010 (047) 16 Feb 2010 (047) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout 17 Feb 2010 (048) 01 Mar 2010 (060) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 02 Mar 2010 (061) 05 Mar 2010 (064) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Mar 2010 (065) 06 Mar 2010 (065) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 07 Mar 2010 (066) 08 Mar 2010 (067) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Mar 2010 (068) 09 Mar 2010 (068) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 10 Mar 2010 (069) 12 Mar 2010 (071) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Mar 2010 (072) 13 Mar 2010 (072) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 14 Mar 2010 (073) 15 Mar 2010 (074) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Mar 2010 (075) 18 Mar 2010 (077) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 19 Mar 2010 (078) 19 Mar 2010 (078) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Mar 2010 (079) 01 Aug 2010 (213) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 02 Aug 2010 (214) 02 Aug 2010 (214) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Aug 2010 (215) 13 Aug 2010 (225) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 14 Aug 2010 (226) 14 Aug 2010 (226) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Aug 2010 (227) 19 Aug 2010 (231) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 20 Aug 2010 (232) 22 Aug 2010 (234) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU, Z-axis 23 Aug 2010 (235) 23 Aug 2010 (235) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU, Z-axis; thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Aug 2010 (236) 29 Aug 2010 (241) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Aug 2010 (242) 06 Sep 2010 (249) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 07 Sep 2010 (250) 07 Sep 2010 (250) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout 08 Sep 2010 (251) 18 Sep 2010 (261) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 19 Sep 2010 (262) 19 Sep 2010 (262) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Sep 2010 (263) 19 Oct 2010 (292) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 20 Oct 2010 (293) 22 Oct 2010 (295) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Oct 2010 (296) 02 Nov 2010 (306) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 03 Nov 2010 (307) 03 Nov 2010 (307) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Nov 2010 (308) 07 Nov 2010 (311) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 08 Nov 2010 (312) 08 Nov 2010 (312) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Nov 2010 (313) 15 Nov 2010 (319) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 16 Nov 2010 (320) 16 Nov 2010 (320) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Nov 2010 (321) 17 Nov 2010 (321) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 18 Nov 2010 (322) 19 Nov 2010 (323) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Nov 2010 (324) 20 Nov 2010 (324) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 21 Nov 2010 (325) 21 Nov 2010 (325) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Nov 2010 (326) 30 Nov 2010 (334) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 01 Dec 2010 (335) 03 Dec 2010 (337) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Dec 2010 (338) 05 Dec 2010 (339) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 06 Dec 2010 (340) 06 Dec 2010 (340) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Dec 2010 (341) 17 Dec 2010 (351) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 18 Dec 2010 (352) 18 Dec 2010 (352) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Dec 2010 (353) 29 Dec 2010 (363) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 30 Dec 2010 (364) 31 Dec 2010 (365) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Jan 2011 (001) 03 Jan 2011 (003) 223 HSK,STA,SCI 04 Jan 2011 (004) 04 Jan 2011 (004) 223 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout 05 Jan 2011 (005) 09 Mar 2011 (068) 223 HSK,STA,SCI,BST 10 Mar 2011 (069) 16 Mar 2011 (075) 223 HSK,STA,SCI SEU, LogAC channel pegged at 255, SCI data apparently not affected 17 Mar 2011 (076) 22 Mar 2011 (081) XXX MAG off Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- ORB 23 Mar 2011 (082) 28 Mar 2011 (087) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Mar 2011 (088) 29 Mar 2011 (088) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Mar 2011 (089) 04 Apr 2011 (094) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Apr 2011 (095) 05 Apr 2011 (095) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG partially off, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Apr 2011 (096) 09 Apr 2011 (099) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Apr 2011 (100) 10 Apr 2011 (100) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Apr 2011 (101) 16 Apr 2011 (106) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Apr 2011 (107) 17 Apr 2011 (107) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Apr 2011 (108) 23 Apr 2011 (113) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Apr 2011 (114) 24 Apr 2011 (114) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Apr 2011 (115) 30 Apr 2011 (120) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 May 2011 (121) 01 May 2011 (121) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 May 2011 (122) 07 May 2011 (127) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 May 2011 (128) 08 May 2011 (128) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 May 2011 (129) 14 May 2011 (134) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 May 2011 (135) 15 May 2011 (135) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 May 2011 (136) 18 May 2011 (138) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 May 2011 (139) 21 May 2011 (141) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 May 2011 (142) 22 May 2011 (142) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 May 2011 (143) 23 May 2011 (143) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 May 2011 (144) 28 May 2011 (148) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST MAG off during long eclipse, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 May 2011 (149) 29 May 2011 (149) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, MAG off during long eclipse, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 May 2011 (150) 02 Jun 2011 (153) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST MAG off during long eclipse, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jun 2011 (154) 04 Jun 2011 (155) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Jun 2011 (156) 05 Jun 2011 (156) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Jun 2011 (157) 11 Jun 2011 (162) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Jun 2011 (163) 12 Jun 2011 (163) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Jun 2011 (164) 18 Jun 2011 (169) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Jun 2011 (170) 19 Jun 2011 (170) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Jun 2011 (171) 25 Jun 2011 (176) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Jun 2011 (177) 26 Jun 2011 (177) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Jun 2011 (178) 02 Jul 2011 (183) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jul 2011 (184) 03 Jul 2011 (184) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Jul 2011 (185) 09 Jul 2011 (190) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Jul 2011 (191) 10 Jul 2011 (191) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Jul 2011 (192) 16 Jul 2011 (197) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Jul 2011 (198) 17 Jul 2011 (198) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Jul 2011 (199) 23 Jul 2011 (204) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Jul 2011 (205) 24 Jul 2011 (205) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Jul 2011 (206) 25 Jul 2011 (206) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Jul 2011 (207) 30 Jul 2011 (211) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Jul 2011 (212) 31 Jul 2011 (212) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Aug 2011 (213) 06 Aug 2011 (218) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Aug 2011 (219) 07 Aug 2011 (219) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Aug 2011 (220) 13 Aug 2011 (225) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Aug 2011 (226) 14 Aug 2011 (226) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Aug 2011 (227) 20 Aug 2011 (232) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Aug 2011 (233) 21 Aug 2011 (233) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Aug 2011 (234) 27 Aug 2011 (239) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Aug 2011 (240) 28 Aug 2011 (240) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Aug 2011 (241) 03 Sep 2011 (246) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Sep 2011 (247) 04 Sep 2011 (247) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Sep 2011 (248) 10 Sep 2011 (253) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Sep 2011 (254) 11 Sep 2011 (254) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Sep 2011 (255) 16 Sep 2011 (259) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Sep 2011 (260) 17 Sep 2011 (260) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Sep 2011 (261) 19 Sep 2011 (262) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Sep 2011 (263) 20 Sep 2011 (263) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Power cycle (clear bit errors, data unaffected), thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Sep 2011 (264) 23 Sep 2011 (266) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Sep 2011 (267) 24 Sep 2011 (267) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Sep 2011 (268) 30 Sep 2011 (273) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Oct 2011 (274) 01 Oct 2011 (274) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Oct 2011 (275) 07 Oct 2011 (280) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Oct 2011 (281) 08 Oct 2011 (281) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Oct 2011 (282) 14 Oct 2011 (287) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Oct 2011 (288) 15 Oct 2011 (288) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Oct 2011 (289) 21 Oct 2011 (294) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Oct 2011 (295) 22 Oct 2011 (295) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Oct 2011 (296) 28 Oct 2011 (301) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Oct 2011 (302) 29 Oct 2011 (302) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Oct 2011 (303) 31 Oct 2011 (304) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Nov 2011 (305) 04 Nov 2011 (308) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Nov 2011 (309) 05 Nov 2011 (309) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Nov 2011 (310) 11 Nov 2011 (315) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Nov 2011 (316) 12 Nov 2011 (316) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Nov 2011 (317) 18 Nov 2011 (322) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Nov 2011 (323) 19 Nov 2011 (323) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Nov 2011 (324) 25 Nov 2011 (329) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Nov 2011 (330) 26 Nov 2011 (330) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Nov 2011 (331) 02 Dec 2011 (336) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Dec 2011 (337) 03 Dec 2011 (337) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Dec 2011 (338) 09 Dec 2011 (343) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Dec 2011 (344) 10 Dec 2011 (344) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Dec 2011 (345) 15 Dec 2011 (349) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Dec 2011 (350) 16 Dec 2011 (350) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Dec 2011 (351) 23 Dec 2011 (357) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Dec 2011 (358) 24 Dec 2011 (358) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Dec 2011 (359) 29 Dec 2011 (363) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Dec 2011 (364) 30 Dec 2011 (364) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Dec 2011 (365) 31 Dec 2011 (365) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Jan 2012 (001) 05 Jan 2012 (005) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Jan 2012 (006) 06 Jan 2012 (006) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Jan 2012 (007) 12 Jan 2012 (012) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Jan 2012 (013) 13 Jan 2012 (013) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Jan 2012 (014) 19 Jan 2012 (019) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Jan 2012 (020) 20 Jan 2012 (020) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Jan 2012 (021) 26 Jan 2012 (026) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Jan 2012 (027) 27 Jan 2012 (027) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Jan 2012 (028) 02 Feb 2012 (033) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Feb 2012 (034) 03 Feb 2012 (034) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Feb 2012 (035) 08 Feb 2012 (039) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Feb 2012 (040) 09 Feb 2012 (040) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Feb 2012 (041) 15 Feb 2012 (046) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Feb 2012 (047) 16 Feb 2012 (047) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Feb 2012 (048) 22 Feb 2012 (053) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Feb 2012 (054) 23 Feb 2012 (054) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Feb 2012 (055) 29 Feb 2012 (060) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Mar 2012 (061) 01 Mar 2012 (061) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Mar 2012 (062) 07 Mar 2012 (067) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Mar 2012 (068) 08 Mar 2012 (068) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Mar 2012 (069) 14 Mar 2012 (074) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Mar 2012 (075) 15 Mar 2012 (075) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Mar 2012 (076) 17 Mar 2012 (077) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- OB2 18 Mar 2012 (078) 19 Mar 2012 (079) 222 HSK,STA,SCI,BST Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Mar 2012 (080) 20 Mar 2012 (080) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Mar 2012 (081) 21 Mar 2012 (081) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Mar 2012 (082) 27 Mar 2012 (087) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Mar 2012 (088) 28 Mar 2012 (088) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Mar 2012 (089) 03 Apr 2012 (094) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Apr 2012 (095) 04 Apr 2012 (095) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Apr 2012 (096) 10 Apr 2012 (101) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Apr 2012 (102) 11 Apr 2012 (102) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Apr 2012 (103) 15 Apr 2012 (106) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Apr 2012 (107) 16 Apr 2012 (107) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG off for OCM into 8-h orbit, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Apr 2012 (108) 26 Apr 2012 (117) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Apr 2012 (118) 27 Apr 2012 (118) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Apr 2012 (119) 01 May 2012 (122) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 May 2012 (123) 02 May 2012 (123) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 May 2012 (124) 05 May 2012 (126) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 May 2012 (127) 06 May 2012 (127) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 May 2012 (128) 10 May 2012 (131) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 May 2012 (132) 11 May 2012 (132) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 May 2012 (133) 15 May 2012 (136) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 May 2012 (137) 16 May 2012 (137) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 May 2012 (138) 19 May 2012 (140) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 May 2012 (141) 20 May 2012 (141) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 May 2012 (142) 24 May 2012 (145) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 May 2012 (146) 25 May 2012 (146) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 May 2012 (147) 29 May 2012 (150) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 May 2012 (151) 30 May 2012 (151) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 May 2012 (152) 02 Jun 2012 (154) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jun 2012 (155) 03 Jun 2012 (155) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Jun 2012 (156) 08 Jun 2012 (160) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Jun 2012 (161) 12 Jun 2012 (164) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG off due to boom temperature limit exceedance (FPP230), full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Jun 2012 (165) 13 Jun 2012 (165) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Jun 2012 (166) 21 Jun 2012 (173) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Jun 2012 (174) 22 Jun 2012 (174) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Jun 2012 (175) 26 Jun 2012 (178) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Jun 2012 (179) 27 Jun 2012 (179) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Jun 2012 (180) 03 Jul 2012 (185) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Jul 2012 (186) 04 Jul 2012 (186) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Jul 2012 (187) 06 Jul 2012 (188) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Jul 2012 (189) 07 Jul 2012 (189) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG off due to DPU SEU, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Jul 2012 (190) 10 Jul 2012 (192) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Jul 2012 (193) 11 Jul 2012 (193) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Jul 2012 (194) 17 Jul 2012 (199) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Jul 2012 (200) 18 Jul 2012 (200) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Jul 2012 (201) 24 Jul 2012 (206) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Jul 2012 (207) 25 Jul 2012 (207) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Jul 2012 (208) 31 Jul 2012 (213) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Aug 2012 (214) 01 Aug 2012 (214) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Aug 2012 (215) 07 Aug 2012 (220) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Aug 2012 (221) 08 Aug 2012 (221) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Aug 2012 (222) 14 Aug 2012 (227) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Aug 2012 (228) 15 Aug 2012 (228) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Aug 2012 (229) 21 Aug 2012 (234) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Aug 2012 (235) 22 Aug 2012 (235) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Aug 2012 (236) 28 Aug 2012 (241) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Aug 2012 (242) 29 Aug 2012 (242) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Aug 2012 (243) 04 Sep 2012 (248) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Sep 2012 (249) 05 Sep 2012 (249) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Sep 2012 (250) 11 Sep 2012 (255) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Sep 2012 (256) 12 Sep 2012 (256) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Sep 2012 (257) 18 Sep 2012 (262) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Sep 2012 (263) 19 Sep 2012 (263) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Sep 2012 (264) 25 Sep 2012 (269) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Sep 2012 (270) 26 Sep 2012 (270) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Sep 2012 (271) 02 Oct 2012 (276) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Oct 2012 (277) 03 Oct 2012 (277) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Oct 2012 (278) 09 Oct 2012 (283) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Oct 2012 (284) 10 Oct 2012 (284) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Oct 2012 (285) 16 Oct 2012 (290) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Oct 2012 (291) 17 Oct 2012 (291) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Oct 2012 (292) 23 Oct 2012 (297) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Oct 2012 (298) 24 Oct 2012 (298) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Oct 2012 (299) 28 Oct 2012 (302) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Oct 2012 (303) 29 Oct 2012 (303) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Oct 2012 (304) 30 Oct 2012 (304) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Oct 2012 (305) 31 Oct 2012 (305) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Nov 2012 (306) 06 Nov 2012 (311) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Nov 2012 (312) 07 Nov 2012 (312) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Nov 2012 (313) 13 Nov 2012 (318) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Nov 2012 (319) 14 Nov 2012 (319) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Nov 2012 (320) 20 Nov 2012 (325) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Nov 2012 (326) 21 Nov 2012 (326) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Nov 2012 (327) 27 Nov 2012 (332) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Nov 2012 (333) 28 Nov 2012 (333) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Nov 2012 (334) 04 Dec 2012 (339) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Dec 2012 (340) 05 Dec 2012 (340) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Dec 2012 (341) 11 Dec 2012 (346) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Dec 2012 (347) 12 Dec 2012 (347) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Dec 2012 (348) 18 Dec 2012 (353) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Dec 2012 (354) 19 Dec 2012 (354) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Dec 2012 (355) 25 Dec 2012 (360) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Dec 2012 (361) 26 Dec 2012 (361) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Dec 2012 (362) 01 Jan 2013 (001) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Jan 2013 (002) 02 Jan 2013 (002) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jan 2013 (003) 15 Jan 2013 (015) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Jan 2013 (016) 16 Jan 2013 (016) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Jan 2013 (017) 17 Jan 2013 (017) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Jan 2013 (018) 22 Jan 2013 (022) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Jan 2013 (023) 23 Jan 2013 (023) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Jan 2013 (024) 24 Jan 2013 (029) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Jan 2013 (030) 30 Jan 2013 (030) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Jan 2013 (031) 03 Feb 2013 (034) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Feb 2013 (035) 04 Feb 2013 (035) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Feb 2013 (036) 05 Feb 2013 (036) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Feb 2013 (037) 06 Feb 2013 (037) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Feb 2013 (038) 12 Feb 2013 (043) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Feb 2013 (044) 13 Feb 2013 (044) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Feb 2013 (045) 19 Feb 2013 (050) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Feb 2013 (051) 20 Feb 2013 (051) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Feb 2013 (052) 24 Feb 2013 (055) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Feb 2013 (056) 25 Feb 2013 (056) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Feb 2013 (057) 26 Feb 2013 (057) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Feb 2013 (058) 27 Feb 2013 (058) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Feb 2013 (059) 28 Feb 2013 (059) 222 HSK,STA,SCI MAG partially off due to fault-protection processor reset, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Feb 2013 (060) 05 Mar 2013 (064) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Mar 2013 (065) 06 Mar 2013 (065) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Mar 2013 (066) 12 Mar 2013 (071) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Mar 2013 (072) 13 Mar 2013 (072) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Mar 2013 (073) 17 Mar 2013 (076) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- OB3 18 Mar 2013 (077) 19 Mar 2013 (078) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Mar 2013 (079) 20 Mar 2013 (079) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Mar 2013 (080) 26 Mar 2013 (085) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Mar 2013 (086) 27 Mar 2013 (086) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Mar 2013 (087) 02 Apr 2013 (092) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Apr 2013 (093) 03 Apr 2013 (093) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Apr 2013 (094) 09 Apr 2013 (099) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Apr 2013 (100) 10 Apr 2013 (100) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Apr 2013 (101) 16 Apr 2013 (106) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Apr 2013 (107) 17 Apr 2013 (107) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Apr 2013 (108) 21 Apr 2013 (111) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Apr 2013 (112) 22 Apr 2013 (112) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Apr 2013 (113) 23 Apr 2013 (113) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Apr 2013 (114) 24 Apr 2013 (114) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Apr 2013 (115) 30 Apr 2013 (120) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 May 2013 (121) 01 May 2013 (121) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 May 2013 (122) 06 May 2013 (126) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 May 2013 (127) 07 May 2013 (127) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU (Y-Axis), full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 May 2013 (128) 08 May 2013 (128) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU (Y-Axis), checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 May 2013 (129) 14 May 2013 (134) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 May 2013 (135) 15 May 2013 (135) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 May 2013 (136) 21 May 2013 (141) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 May 2013 (142) 22 May 2013 (142) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 May 2013 (143) 26 May 2013 (146) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 May 2013 (147) 27 May 2013 (147) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Unexpected auto-range triggered by SEU in data bits, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 May 2013 (148) 28 May 2013 (148) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 May 2013 (149) 29 May 2013 (149) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 May 2013 (150) 04 Jun 2013 (155) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Jun 2013 (156) 05 Jun 2013 (156) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Jun 2013 (157) 11 Jun 2013 (162) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Jun 2013 (163) 12 Jun 2013 (163) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Jun 2013 (164) 18 Jun 2013 (169) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Jun 2013 (170) 19 Jun 2013 (170) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Jun 2013 (171) 25 Jun 2013 (176) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Jun 2013 (177) 26 Jun 2013 (177) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Jun 2013 (178) 02 Jul 2013 (183) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jul 2013 (184) 03 Jul 2013 (184) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Jul 2013 (185) 09 Jul 2013 (190) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Jul 2013 (191) 10 Jul 2013 (191) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Jul 2013 (192) 23 Jul 2013 (204) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Jul 2013 (205) 24 Jul 2013 (205) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Jul 2013 (206) 30 Jul 2013 (211) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Jul 2013 (212) 31 Jul 2013 (212) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Aug 2013 (213) 06 Aug 2013 (218) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Aug 2013 (219) 07 Aug 2013 (219) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Aug 2013 (220) 13 Aug 2013 (225) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Aug 2013 (226) 14 Aug 2013 (226) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Aug 2013 (227) 20 Aug 2013 (232) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Aug 2013 (233) 21 Aug 2013 (233) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Aug 2013 (234) 27 Aug 2013 (239) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Aug 2013 (240) 28 Aug 2013 (240) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Aug 2013 (241) 03 Sep 2013 (246) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Sep 2013 (247) 04 Sep 2013 (247) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Sep 2013 (248) 10 Sep 2013 (253) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Sep 2013 (254) 11 Sep 2013 (254) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Sep 2013 (255) 17 Sep 2013 (260) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Sep 2013 (261) 18 Sep 2013 (261) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Sep 2013 (262) 24 Sep 2013 (267) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Sep 2013 (268) 25 Sep 2013 (268) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Sep 2013 (269) 01 Oct 2013 (274) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Oct 2013 (275) 02 Oct 2013 (275) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Oct 2013 (276) 08 Oct 2013 (281) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Oct 2013 (282) 09 Oct 2013 (282) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Oct 2013 (283) 15 Oct 2013 (288) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Oct 2013 (289) 16 Oct 2013 (289) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Oct 2013 (290) 22 Oct 2013 (295) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Oct 2013 (296) 23 Oct 2013 (296) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Oct 2013 (297) 29 Oct 2013 (302) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Oct 2013 (303) 30 Oct 2013 (303) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Oct 2013 (304) 05 Nov 2013 (309) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Nov 2013 (310) 06 Nov 2013 (310) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Nov 2013 (311) 12 Nov 2013 (316) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Nov 2013 (317) 13 Nov 2013 (317) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Nov 2013 (318) 19 Nov 2013 (323) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Nov 2013 (324) 20 Nov 2013 (324) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Nov 2013 (325) 26 Nov 2013 (330) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Nov 2013 (331) 27 Nov 2013 (331) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Nov 2013 (332) 03 Dec 2013 (337) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Dec 2013 (338) 04 Dec 2013 (338) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Dec 2013 (339) 10 Dec 2013 (344) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Dec 2013 (345) 11 Dec 2013 (345) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Dec 2013 (346) 17 Dec 2013 (351) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Dec 2013 (352) 18 Dec 2013 (352) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Dec 2013 (353) 22 Dec 2013 (356) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Dec 2013 (357) 24 Dec 2013 (358) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit 2/s data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Dec 2013 (359) 25 Dec 2013 (359) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit 2/s data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Dec 2013 (360) 31 Dec 2013 (365) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit 2/s data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 Jan 2014 (001) 01 Jan 2014 (001) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit 2/s data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Jan 2014 (002) 07 Jan 2014 (007) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit 2/s data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Jan 2014 (008) 08 Jan 2014 (008) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Jan 2014 (009) 14 Jan 2014 (014) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 Jan 2014 (015) 15 Jan 2014 (015) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Jan 2014 (016) 21 Jan 2014 (021) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 Jan 2014 (022) 22 Jan 2014 (022) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Jan 2014 (023) 28 Jan 2014 (028) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 Jan 2014 (029) 29 Jan 2014 (029) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Jan 2014 (030) 04 Feb 2014 (035) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Feb 2014 (036) 05 Feb 2014 (036) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Feb 2014 (037) 11 Feb 2014 (042) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Feb 2014 (043) 12 Feb 2014 (043) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Feb 2014 (044) 18 Feb 2014 (049) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Feb 2014 (050) 19 Feb 2014 (050) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Feb 2014 (051) 25 Feb 2014 (056) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Feb 2014 (057) 26 Feb 2014 (057) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Feb 2014 (058) 04 Mar 2014 (063) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Mar 2014 (064) 05 Mar 2014 (064) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Mar 2014 (065) 11 Mar 2014 (070) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Mar 2014 (071) 12 Mar 2014 (071) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Mar 2014 (072) 17 Mar 2014 (076) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles Start Day End Day Qlty Data types Phase Date (DOY) Date (DOY) SHC ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- OB4 18 Mar 2014 (077) 18 Mar 2014 (077) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Mar 2014 (078) 19 Mar 2014 (078) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Mar 2014 (079) 25 Mar 2014 (084) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Mar 2014 (085) 26 Mar 2014 (085) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Mar 2014 (086) 01 Apr 2014 (091) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Apr 2014 (092) 02 Apr 2014 (092) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Apr 2014 (093) 08 Apr 2014 (098) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Apr 2014 (099) 09 Apr 2014 (099) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Apr 2014 (100) 15 Apr 2014 (105) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Apr 2014 (106) 16 Apr 2014 (106) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Apr 2014 (107) 22 Apr 2014 (112) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Apr 2014 (113) 23 Apr 2014 (113) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Apr 2014 (114) 29 Apr 2014 (119) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Apr 2014 (120) 30 Apr 2014 (120) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 01 May 2014 (121) 06 May 2014 (126) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 May 2014 (127) 07 May 2014 (127) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 May 2014 (128) 13 May 2014 (133) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 May 2014 (134) 14 May 2014 (134) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 15 May 2014 (135) 20 May 2014 (140) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 May 2014 (141) 21 May 2014 (141) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 22 May 2014 (142) 27 May 2014 (147) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 May 2014 (148) 28 May 2014 (148) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 29 May 2014 (149) 03 Jun 2014 (154) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Jun 2014 (155) 04 Jun 2014 (155) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 05 Jun 2014 (156) 10 Jun 2014 (161) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Jun 2014 (162) 11 Jun 2014 (162) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 12 Jun 2014 (163) 17 Jun 2014 (168) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Jun 2014 (169) 18 Jun 2014 (169) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 19 Jun 2014 (170) 24 Jun 2014 (175) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 25 Jun 2014 (176) 25 Jun 2014 (176) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 26 Jun 2014 (177) 01 Jul 2014 (182) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 02 Jul 2014 (183) 02 Jul 2014 (183) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Jul 2014 (184) 08 Jul 2014 (189) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Jul 2014 (190) 09 Jul 2014 (190) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Jul 2014 (191) 15 Jul 2014 (196) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 16 Jul 2014 (197) 16 Jul 2014 (197) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Jul 2014 (198) 22 Jul 2014 (203) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 23 Jul 2014 (204) 23 Jul 2014 (204) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 24 Jul 2014 (205) 29 Jul 2014 (210) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 30 Jul 2014 (211) 30 Jul 2014 (211) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 31 Jul 2014 (212) 05 Aug 2014 (217) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 06 Mar 2014 (218) 06 Aug 2014 (218) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 07 Mar 2014 (219) 07 Aug 2014 (219) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 08 Mar 2014 (220) 08 Aug 2014 (220) 222 HSK,STA,SCI A/D SEU (X-Axis),Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 09 Mar 2014 (221) 12 Aug 2014 (224) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 13 Aug 2014 (225) 13 Aug 2014 (225) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 14 Aug 2014 (226) 19 Aug 2014 (231) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 20 Aug 2014 (232) 20 Aug 2014 (232) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 21 Aug 2014 (233) 26 Aug 2014 (238) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 27 Aug 2014 (239) 27 Aug 2014 (239) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 28 Aug 2014 (240) 02 Sep 2014 (245) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 03 Sep 2014 (246) 03 Sep 2014 (246) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 04 Sep 2014 (247) 09 Sep 2014 (252) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 10 Sep 2014 (253) 10 Sep 2014 (253) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 11 Sep 2014 (254) 16 Sep 2014 (259) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 17 Sep 2014 (260) 17 Sep 2014 (260) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Checkout, full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles 18 Sep 2014 (261) 23 Sep 2014 (266) 222 HSK,STA,SCI Full-orbit high-rate data, thermal variations, uncalibrated offsets and heater duty cycles ----- ----------------- ----------------- ----- ----------------------------- Limitations =========== This data set is minimally processed data. The data are received from the spacecraft telemetry and ingested into the MESSENGER Science Operations Center(SOC). The Science Header Data (SHD) EDRs are subject to occasionally dropped packets resulting from MET-based de-duplication of ambiguous enumeration of packets during ground processing. The problem arises when a science data packet is terminated early and a second such packet is created within the same integer MET. Early packet termination is forced intentionally during the short checkout procedure executed weekly during the orbit phase. For about 10% of the days on which such checkout occurs, the SHD EDR are missing a single data record because time keeping in these is limited to integer MET. The telemetry packet numbering is unambiguous and the issue will be resolved in a future data release by using time stamps with sub-second time resolution. The Science Data (SCI) EDRs are not affected by this problem because time stamps already have sub-second time resolution. Since the SHD EDRs are not used in the creation of higher-level data products, the data bug has no impact on scientific data analysis." END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "MESSENGER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = {"CALIBRATION", "EARTH", "VENUS", "MERCURY"} END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = MESS INSTRUMENT_ID = "MAG" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ANDERSONETAL2007" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END