PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2013-02-27 NAIF:Semenov initial version; 2013-06-10 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2013-08-26 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2013-12-13 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2014-03-17 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2014-07-31 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2014-12-04 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2015-03-16 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2015-07-29 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; 2015-12-04 NAIF:Semenov changed STOP_TIME; " OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "MSL-M-SPICE-6-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "MSL SPICE KERNELS V1.0" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " Navigation and ancillary data in the form of SPICE System kernel files for the MSL rover. " ABSTRACT_DESC = " This data set includes the MSL SPICE data files (``kernel files''), which can be accessed using SPICE software. The SPICE data contain geometric and other ancillary information needed to recover the full value of science instrument data. In particular SPICE kernels provide rover and planetary ephemerides, instrument mounting alignments, rover orientation, and data needed for relevant time conversions. " CITATION_DESC = " Semenov, B.V., and C.H. Acton, MSL SPICE KERNELS V1.0, MSL-M-SPICE-6-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2013. " DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" START_TIME = 2011-11-26T15:51:07 STOP_TIME = 2015-08-02T19:12:30 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2013-02-27 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "BORIS V. SEMENOV" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "SPICE KERNEL" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "Y" DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= This data set includes the complete set of MSL SPICE data files (``kernel files''), which can be accessed using SPICE software. The SPICE data contain geometric and other ancillary information needed to recover the full value of science instrument data. In particular SPICE kernels provide rover and planetary ephemerides, instrument mounting alignments, rover orientation, and data needed for relevant time conversions. This data set is contained on a single virtual volume, MSLSP_1000, including data from all mission phases and covering 2011-11-26T15:51:07 through the end time of the latest rover surface path SPK file supplied in the data set. Until the end of the rover lifespan this data set will be accumulating with new data added approximately every three to six months. Data Types (SPICE kernel types) =============================== SPK kernels contain ephemerides for spacecraft, planets, satellites, comets and asteroids as well as for moving or fixed spacecraft and instrument structures. They provide position and velocity, given in a Cartesian reference frame. SPK files are located under the ``data/spk'' directory of this data set. PCK kernels contain certain physical, dynamical and cartographic constants for target bodies, such as size and shape specifications, and orientation of the spin axis and prime meridian. PCK files are located under the ``data/pck'' directory of this data set. IK kernels (Instrument description kernels) give descriptive and operational data peculiar to a particular scientific instrument, such as internal timing relative to the spacecraft clock and field-of-view model parameters. IK files are located under the ``data/ik'' directory of this data set. CK kernels describe pointing, containing a transformation traditionally called the C-matrix which is used to determine time-tagged pointing (orientation) angles for a spacecraft structure upon which science instruments are mounted. CK files are located under the ``data/ck'' directory of this data set. EK (Events) kernels are derived from the integrated sequence of events used to produce actual spacecraft commands. EK files are located under the ``data/ek'' directory of this data set. LSK (Leapseconds) kernels contain the leapseconds and the values of other constants required to perform a transformation between Universal Time Coordinated (UTC) and Ephemeris time (ET). LSK files are located under the ``data/lsk'' directory of this data set. SCLK (Spacecraft Clock) kernels contain on-board clock calibration data required to perform a mapping between Ephemeris time (ET) and spacecraft on-board time (SCLK). SCLK files are located under the ``data/sclk'' directory of this data set. FK (Frame Definitions) kernels contain information required to define reference frames, sources of frame orientation data and connections between these frames and other frames supported within the SPICE system. This includes mounting alignment information for each instrument. FK files are located under the ``data/fk'' directory of this data set. Kernel File Details =================== A brief overview of the different types of MSL kernels included in this data set is provided in the CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE section of this file while details specific to individual files are found in the ``*info.txt'' files in the corresponding data directory. The most detailed description of the data in each file is provided in metadata included inside the file -- in the description area of text kernels or in the comment area of binary kernels. Software ======== The SPICE Toolkit contains software modules needed to read SPICE kernel files. SPICE software is highly documented via internal headers. Additional documentation is available in separate ASCII text files called Required Reading files. For example, the S- and P- Kernel (SPK) Required Reading File, named SPK.REQ, describes use of the SPK kernel file readers and contains sample programs. The latest SPICE Toolkit for a variety of computer platforms such as PC, Mac, SUN, etc. is available at the NAIF Node of PDS electronically (via anonymous FTP and WWW servers). Refer to information in ``software/softinfo.txt'' for details regarding obtaining this software. Each version of the Toolkit is also archived at the NASA National Space Science Data Center. Loading Kernel Files into a SPICE-based Application =================================================== The easiest way to make data from a collection of SPICE kernels available to a SPICE-based application is to list these kernels in a meta-kernel and load it into the program using the high level SPICE data loader routine FURNSH. This data set provides such meta-kernel(s) under the ``extras/mk'' directory. For more information about the MSL meta-kernel(s), see the file ``extras/mk/mkinfo.txt''. " CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " This data set contains SPICE kernel files created during mission operations and after mission data reconstruction and analysis. Some general information about this collection follows here, but the prospective user is also referred to extensive descriptions about each file that are stored inside each kernel file. These metadata provide detailed information regarding the information source from which the data were derived, the type of processing applied to the source data, applicability of the data, etc. Metadata are located in the ``comment area'' for binary kernel types (SPK, CK, ESQ), accessible using either the COMMNT or SPACIT utility program found in the NAIF Toolkit. Metadata are located after ``\begintext'' markers within the text kernel types (PCK, IK, FK, LSK, SCLK, MK), accessible by using any available text file display tool such as a word processor, text editor, or the unix ``more'' or ``cat'' commands. Where there are questions about data accuracy or ``confidence'' not addressed herein the reader is invited to contact the NAIF node of the Planetary Data System for possible further information. SPK Files ========= Six kinds of SPK files are provided in this archive: -- cruise trajectory SPK -- EDL trajectory SPK -- landing site location SPK -- rover path and site locations SPKs -- Solar System planets and satellites ephemeris SPKs -- rover structures and instruments locations SPK Each kind of file is briefly described below; more information is available in the file ``data/spk/spkinfo.txt''. Cruise trajectory SPK --------------------- The cruise trajectory SPK file contains the reconstructed cruise trajectory determined by the MSL Navigation (NAV) Team, JPL. The informal 1-sigma uncertainty for the MSL cruise trajectory reconstruction is TBD. EDL trajectory SPK ------------------ The EDL trajectory SPK file contains the reconstructed EDL trajectory determined by the MSL EDL Team, JPL. The informal 1-sigma uncertainty for the MSL EDL trajectory reconstruction is TBD. Landing site location SPK ------------------------- The landing site location SPK file contains the landing site location relative to the center of Mars in the Mars body-fixed frame (IAU_MARS, based on IAU 2000 Mars rotation constants), determined by the MSL Localization Group, JPL. The informal accuracy estimate for the landing site location is TBD. Rover path and site locations SPKs ---------------------------------- The rover path and site location SPK files contain the locations of the sites along the path relative to the landing site and location of the rover relative to these sites. These SPKs were created using telemetry data available in the PLACES server developed and maintained by the MSL Operations Product Generation Subsystem (OPGS) Team. The set of telemetry data in the PLACES server included rover and site location data from only a subset of telemetry products containing such information. Specifically, it included data from the product and image headers and mobility summaries, containing rover location during non-motion periods, and did not include data from the high-rate mobility history products containing rover location during motion periods. For this reason, these SPKs do not provide real data during motion but instead provide interpolated values. Because data provided in these SPKs is based on telemetered rover position estimated on-board, these SPKs are only as accurate as that estimate, which, depending on the traverse distances, slippage and sliding, can off by meters. Solar System planets and satellites ephemeris SPKs -------------------------------------------------- The DE425 planetary ephemeris and MAR085 Martian satellite ephemeris SPK files included in this data set contain ephemeris data for the Solar System planet barycenters, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Moon, Mars, and Martian moons. These versions of ephemerides were officially used by the project during mission operations. The internal comments included within these SPK files provide detailed accuracy information. Rover structures and instruments locations SPK ---------------------------------------------- The MSL structures SPK file included in this archive provides relative locations of selected rover structures and instruments such as Remote Sensing Mast (RSM), Robotic Arm (RA), and cameras. The data included in the file are based of dimensions from the spacecraft engineering drawings and CAHVORE camera model files. CK Files ======== Four kinds of C-kernel files are provided in this archive: -- cruise orientation CKs -- EDL orientation CK -- rover orientation CKs -- RSM, RA, and HGA orientation CKs Each kind of file is briefly described below; more information is available in the file ``data/ck/ckinfo.txt''. Cruise orientation CKs ---------------------- The cruise orientation CK files contain the reconstructed cruise orientation determined by the MSL ACS Team and the MSL NAV Team, JPL. The set of CKs provided by the MSL ACS Team includes a CK with complete cruise orientation based on H-vector direction without modeling spin, a CK with fully reconstructed orientation based on real-time quaternions covering only communication periods, a CK with high-rate high-accuracy orientation covering only a few very short periods during attitude maneuvers, and a CK with modeled orientation covering only non-communication periods. The CK provided by the MSL NAV team contains fully reconstructed orientation based on H-vector direction and NAV de-spinned tracking data, covering only communication periods. EDL orientation CK ------------------ The EDL orientation CK file contains the reconstructed EDL orientation determined by the MSL EDL Team, JPL. The informal accuracy for the MSL EDL orientation reconstruction is TBD. Rover orientation CKs --------------------- The rover orientation CK files contain the orientation of the rover relative to the local level frame. These CKs were created using telemetry data available in the PLACES server developed and maintained by the MSL OPGS Team. The set of telemetry data in the PLACES server included rover orientation data only from a subset of telemetry products containing such information. Specifically, it included data from the product and image headers and mobility summaries, containing rover orientation during non-motion periods, and did not include data from the high-rate mobility history products, containing rover orientation during motion periods. For this reason, these CKs do not provide real data during motion but instead provide interpolated values. Due to incomplete source data these CKs have gaps in coverage, which can be closed, if needed, using the CKSPANIT utility program. RSM, RA, and HGA orientation CKs -------------------------------- The rover structure orientation CK files contain the orientation of the RSM, RA, and High Gain Antenna (HGA) relative to the rover frame. These CKs were created using telemetry data available in the PLACES server developed and maintained by the MSL OPGS Team. The set of telemetry data in the PLACES server included structure articulation angle data from only a subset of telemetry products containing such information. Specifically, it included data from the product and image headers and articulation summaries, containing structure articulation angles during non-articulation periods, and did not include data from the high-rate articulation history products, containing structure articulation angles during articulation periods. For this reason, these CKs do not provide real data during articulation but instead provide interpolated values. The sets of CKs for RSM and RA include CKs based on encoder angles (less accurate but more complete) and CKs based on resolver angles (more accurate but less complete). While RSM and HGA CKs based on resolver angles provide accurate orientation matching that computed in the flight software, the RA CKs do not because the simple forward kinematics approach implemented using these CKs and corresponding frame chains does not model flexing of the RA which can lead to end point orientation errors of a degree or more for some RA configurations. Due to incomplete source data these CKs have gaps in coverage, which can be closed, if needed, using the CKSPANIT utility program. PCK Files ========= PCK files provide size, shape and orientation data for ``target'' bodies such as Mars. A description of these data items and reference to their source is provided inside the PCK file, which is a simple text file that can be viewed using any word processor, text editor or text display utility. This data set includes the generic PCK file based on the IAU/IAG/COSPAR values published in 2000. More information about the PCK files included in this data set is available in the file ``data/pck/pckinfo.txt''. FK Files ======== Frames kernel files provide specifications for how one reference frame is defined relative to another frame. A description of these specifications and references to their source is provided inside the FK file, which is a simple text file that can be viewed using any word processor, text editor or text display utility. The MSL FK provided in this data set contains the complete set of frame definitions for the rover, its structures such as mast, arm, and antennas, and all of its science instruments. Meta information provided in the comments included in this file consists of the frame definitions, description of the frame relationships, source of and accuracy of the mounting alignment information, etc. More information about the MSL FK files is available in the file ``data/fk/fkinfo.txt''. IK Files ======== Instrument kernel files provide specifications for geometric parameters and--where applicable--field-of-view size, shape and orientation for the named instruments. Metadata describing these estimates are provided in each IK file included in this archive. Parameter values were determined from pre-launch measurements, instrument parameters specification documents, and in some cases from analysis of in-flight calibration data. The accuracy estimates for these data vary from instrument to instrument and, where available, are included in the IK internal comments. This data set includes IK files for all rover cameras, a few other rover-mounted instruments, and all cruise stage, descent stage and rover mounted antennas. Because the sets of geometric parameters included in the IKs vary from instrument to instrument users are encouraged to carefully examine the IKs before using them. More information about MSL IK files is available in the file ``data/ik/ikinfo.txt''. SCLK Files ========== Spacecraft Clock kernel files provide a tabulation of data needed for converting time measurements between ephemeris time (ET) and spacecraft clock time (SCLK). For surface missions like MSL SCLK kernel files are also used to provide data for conversions between ET and Local Mean Solar Time (LMST). The ``data/sclk/sclkinfo.txt'' file provides names of and/or explains naming convention for each of the SCLK types provided in this data set. On-board Clock Correlation SCLKs -------------------------------- These SCLK files provide a tabulation of data needed for converting time measurements between ephemeris time (ET) and MSL spacecraft clock time (SCLK). They are made from similar files -- SCLK/SCET file, or SCLKvSCET file -- produced by another mission entity. The official on-board correlation SCLK files used in operations and included in this data set provide correlation that is incorrect in an absolute sense by as much as 3 minutes during some periods (e.g. in the middle of cruise). The error stems from a combination of reasons: the spacecraft generated too few time correlation packets, the specifics of the process used to derive the correlation function, the requirements for backward compatibility between correlation versions imposed by the ground system tools, and the requirement to minimize the deployment of the new correlation in the ground data system. An improved SCLK file for the on-board clock correlation included in this data was made to specifically fix correlation during cruise where large time correlation errors translated to large attitude knowledge errors due to the spacecraft spin. This SCLK kernel is accurate to a 10-30 milliseconds before February 2012, to better than 5 milliseconds from February through July 2012, and to about a millisecond for August 2012. SPICE software does not prohibit an SCLK file from being used for time conversions occurring for ``future times'' (or more accurately, for epochs that occur later than the epoch of the last telemetry data used in producing the last correlation coefficients found in the SCLK file). Such ``predict'' time conversions are likely to be inaccurate (changed somewhat) once the epoch of interest has been passed. Local Mean Solar Time (LMST) SCLK files --------------------------------------- These SCLK files provide a way of converting between the Local Mean Solar Time (LMST) time system used during surface operations and other time systems. LMST was introduced as a replacement of the Local True Solar Time (LTST) because a time system with a constant duration of a second was needed for use in the planning and sequencing processes. The LMST is essentially a linear approximation of the local true solar time with the rate set equal to the mean Mars local second duration and the initial reference point set to LMST midnight of the landing SOL. Due to ellipticity of Mars orbit this approximation is periodic and deviates from the LTST by as much as 50 minutes during Martian year. The difference between LTST and LMST is illustrated by this table: LTST LMST ---------------------- ---------------------- LTST-SOL-0001-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0001-11:26:43 LTST-SOL-0010-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0010-11:25:20 LTST-SOL-0020-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0020-11:23:52 LTST-SOL-0030-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0030-11:22:34 LTST-SOL-0040-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0040-11:21:27 LTST-SOL-0050-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0050-11:20:36 LTST-SOL-0060-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0060-11:20:05 LTST-SOL-0070-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0070-11:20:00 LTST-SOL-0080-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0080-11:20:24 LTST-SOL-0090-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0090-11:21:23 LTST-SOL-0100-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0100-11:22:59 LTST-SOL-0110-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0110-11:25:18 LTST-SOL-0120-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0120-11:28:23 LTST-SOL-0130-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0130-11:32:14 LTST-SOL-0140-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0140-11:36:51 LTST-SOL-0150-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0150-11:42:13 LTST-SOL-0160-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0160-11:48:14 LTST-SOL-0170-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0170-11:54:47 LTST-SOL-0180-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0180-12:01:42 LTST-SOL-0190-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0190-12:08:47 LTST-SOL-0200-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0200-12:15:49 LTST-SOL-0210-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0210-12:22:35 LTST-SOL-0220-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0220-12:28:53 LTST-SOL-0230-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0230-12:34:32 LTST-SOL-0240-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0240-12:39:26 LTST-SOL-0250-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0250-12:43:29 LTST-SOL-0260-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0260-12:46:39 LTST-SOL-0270-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0270-12:48:56 LTST-SOL-0280-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0280-12:50:20 LTST-SOL-0290-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0290-12:50:56 LTST-SOL-0300-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0300-12:50:46 LTST-SOL-0310-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0310-12:49:54 LTST-SOL-0320-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0320-12:48:27 LTST-SOL-0330-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0330-12:46:28 LTST-SOL-0340-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0340-12:44:02 LTST-SOL-0350-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0350-12:41:13 LTST-SOL-0360-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0360-12:38:07 LTST-SOL-0370-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0370-12:34:46 LTST-SOL-0380-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0380-12:31:15 LTST-SOL-0390-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0390-12:27:38 LTST-SOL-0400-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0400-12:23:57 LTST-SOL-0410-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0410-12:20:15 LTST-SOL-0420-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0420-12:16:37 LTST-SOL-0430-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0430-12:13:04 LTST-SOL-0440-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0440-12:09:38 LTST-SOL-0450-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0450-12:06:21 LTST-SOL-0460-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0460-12:03:14 LTST-SOL-0470-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0470-12:00:19 LTST-SOL-0480-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0480-11:57:37 LTST-SOL-0490-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0490-11:55:06 LTST-SOL-0500-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0500-11:52:49 LTST-SOL-0510-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0510-11:50:44 LTST-SOL-0520-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0520-11:48:49 LTST-SOL-0530-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0530-11:47:05 LTST-SOL-0540-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0540-11:45:30 LTST-SOL-0550-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0550-11:44:01 LTST-SOL-0560-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0560-11:42:37 LTST-SOL-0570-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0570-11:41:17 LTST-SOL-0580-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0580-11:39:57 LTST-SOL-0590-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0590-11:38:38 LTST-SOL-0600-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0600-11:37:17 LTST-SOL-0610-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0610-11:35:53 LTST-SOL-0620-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0620-11:34:27 LTST-SOL-0630-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0630-11:32:57 LTST-SOL-0640-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0640-11:31:23 LTST-SOL-0650-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0650-11:29:48 LTST-SOL-0660-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0660-11:28:11 LTST-SOL-0670-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0670-11:26:36 LTST-SOL-0680-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0680-11:25:03 LTST-SOL-0690-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0690-11:23:36 LTST-SOL-0700-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0700-11:22:19 LTST-SOL-0710-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0710-11:21:14 LTST-SOL-0720-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0720-11:20:26 LTST-SOL-0730-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0730-11:20:00 LTST-SOL-0740-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0740-11:19:58 LTST-SOL-0750-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0750-11:20:27 LTST-SOL-0760-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0760-11:21:30 LTST-SOL-0770-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0770-11:23:13 LTST-SOL-0780-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0780-11:25:38 LTST-SOL-0790-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0790-11:28:49 LTST-SOL-0800-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0800-11:32:47 LTST-SOL-0810-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0810-11:37:32 LTST-SOL-0820-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0820-11:43:00 LTST-SOL-0830-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0830-11:49:07 LTST-SOL-0840-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0840-11:55:45 LTST-SOL-0850-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0850-12:02:43 LTST-SOL-0860-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0860-12:09:49 LTST-SOL-0870-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0870-12:16:50 LTST-SOL-0880-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0880-12:23:33 LTST-SOL-0890-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0890-12:29:47 LTST-SOL-0900-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0900-12:35:21 LTST-SOL-0910-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0910-12:40:08 LTST-SOL-0920-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0920-12:44:04 LTST-SOL-0930-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0930-12:47:06 LTST-SOL-0940-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0940-12:49:15 LTST-SOL-0950-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0950-12:50:32 LTST-SOL-0960-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0960-12:51:01 LTST-SOL-0970-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0970-12:50:45 LTST-SOL-0980-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0980-12:49:48 LTST-SOL-0990-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-0990-12:48:16 LTST-SOL-1000-12:00:00 LMST-SOL-1000-12:46:12 LSK Files ========= Leapseconds kernel files provide a tabulation of ``leapseconds'' and some other terms used in converting time measurements between ephemeris time (ET) and Universal Time (UTC). ``Spacecraft Event Time'' (SCET) is the commonly used name for UTC events measured at the spacecraft. Metadata describing how the LSK data are obtained or computed is contained inside the LSK text file. The time conversion provided by SPICE LSK files is accurate to approximately 0.000030 seconds. More information about the LSK files is available in the file ``data/lsk/lskinfo.txt''. EK Files ======== The MSL project did not produce any EK files; therefore, no EKs are included in this data set. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "MARS SCIENCE LABORATORY" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = MARS END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = MSL INSTRUMENT_ID = SPICE END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ACTON1996" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END