CORADR_0266/REF.CAT Some did not match existing values so were replaced. New values were reformatted, e.g. replacing given names with initials. CORADR_0266/STDRDS.CAT Fixed value of DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = XXXX. Not sure this file should even be in this directory. CORADR_0266/VOLDESC.CAT Added STDR in DATA_SET_ID and ^DATA_SET_CATALOG. Not sure I should have, but the was in the directory and voldesc did not reference it. COUVIS/VOLDESC.CAT - DATA_SET_ID and DATA_SET_CATALOG should use {} for multiple values, not (). - DATA_SET_ID points to *-V1.4, but the files all have -V1.3 - COUVIS-2-WAV also has no URL and is not in voldesc, unlike the other 4 UVIS. COUVIS/SSSBDS.CAT DATA_SET_NAME exceeds 60 characters. Please change "CASSINI ORBITER SATURN UVIS SOLAR STELLAR BRIGHTNESS TIME SERIES V1.3" to "CASSINI ORBITER SATURN UVIS SOLAR STELLAR BRIGHTNESS 1.3" COUVIS/SWAVDS.CAT: DATA_SET_ID = "CO-J-UVIS-2-WAV-V1.3" should be "CO-S-..." covims/ - ARCHIVE_STATUS = "ACCUMULATING" should be "ARCHIVED - ACCUMULATING" - near bottom, END_OBJECT = DATA_SET is missing COMIMI2*: On PPI's website, the three dataset.cats all have V1.0, but the voldescs and the labels to the data all have V1.1. From Debra Kazden's email, it doesn't sound like a new is coming today (April 2). I think the new will have good info, so my preferred lie is to keep V1.0 (and muck with From last time. CIRS_14xx still has no URL and probably all the other problems (see 201501?) COMAG2/CO_REDR_DS.CAT has a bunch of extra keywords outside the main object COMAG*/VOLDESC.CAT All set NSSDC_DATA_SET_ID. Comment it out, and replace keyword with nSSDC_d...