PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2009-12-14 John Diehl, Imaging Node, Initial template submission. 2011.10.05 RChen/EN added reference to BESTIA and S18_2004" OBJECT = TARGET TARGET_NAME = "BESTLA" OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION TARGET_TYPE = "SATELLITE" PRIMARY_BODY_NAME = "SATURN" ORBIT_DIRECTION = "UNK" ROTATION_DIRECTION = "UNK" TARGET_DESC = " 'BESTLA', 'BESTIA', and 'S18_2004' refer to the same target. From http://www.dtm.ciw.edu/users/sheppard/satellites/satsatdata.html Mean semi-major axis (km) = 20129000 Mean inclination (deg) = 145.2 Mean eccentricity = 0.521 argument of Pariaphis (deg) = 87.11 Longitude of ascending node (deg) = 295.3 Mean anomaly (deg) = 148.6 Days for one revolution around Saturn = 1083.6 Optical magnitude = 23.8 Diameter (km) = 7 Year of discovery = 2004" END_OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = TARGET END