PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2005-07-23 John Diehl, Imaging Node, Initial template submission." OBJECT = TARGET TARGET_NAME = "PALLENE" OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION TARGET_TYPE = "SATELLITE" PRIMARY_BODY_NAME = "SATURN" ORBIT_DIRECTION = "UNK" ROTATION_DIRECTION = "UNK" TARGET_DESC = " Orbits between Mimas and Enceladaus. Originally named S/2004 S2. It has been determined that Pallene is the same body as S/1981 S14, which was seen in one Voyager 2 image. No disk-resolved images of any of the new satellites have yet been taken. Size estimates have been made by assuming appropriate disk-integrated reflectivities and taking into account the solar phase angle and the pixel size in kilometers to compute observed I/F values and subsequently derive a surface area. This calculation yielded approximate diameters 4 km for Pallene. Pallene is in a quiescent region and might be expected to have a smaller eccentricity and inclination, yet it does not. Pallene has an eccentric and inclined orbit." END_OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = TARGET END