PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2008-12-01 en:bsword, kept only new references for ingestion, minor edits, renamed DSNRADTRK2003 to THORNTON&BORDER2003; 20160607 RChen/EN work around catalog ingest. Delete this line next time." OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ASMAR&RENZETTI1993" REFERENCE_DESC = "Asmar, S.W., and N.A. Renzetti, The Deep Space Network as an Instrument for Radio Science Research, Jet Propulsion Laboratory Publication, 80-93, Rev. 1, 15 April 1993." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ASMARETAL1995" REFERENCE_DESC = "Asmar, S.W., R.G. Herrera, and T. Priest, Radio Science Handbook, JPL D-7938, Volume 6, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1995." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "DSN810-5" REFERENCE_DESC = "Deep Space Network / Flight Project Interface Design Book, Document 810-5, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA." 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END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "MISSION2006" REFERENCE_DESC = "JPL D-22239 MRO 31-201 Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Mission Plan, Rev C: General Release, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA, 2006." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "MOYER1971" REFERENCE_DESC = "Moyer, T.D., Mathematical Formulation of the Double-Precision Orbit Determination Program (DPODP), TR 32-1527, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 1971." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "PAVLISETAL2007" REFERENCE_DESC = "Pavlis, D.E., S. Poulose, C. Deng, and J.J. McCarthy, GEODYN II System Documentation, SGT-Inc., Greenbelt, Maryland, Contractor report, 2007." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "TAYLORETAL2006" REFERENCE_DESC = "Taylor, J., D. Lee, and S. Shambayati, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Telecommunications, DESCANSO Design and Performance Summary Series, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, CA, 2006." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "THORNTON&BORDER2003" REFERENCE_DESC = "Thornton, C.L. and J.S. Border, Radiometric Tracking Techniques for Deep Space Navigation, John Wiley and Sons, Hoboken, NY, 2003." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "TYLERETAL1992" REFERENCE_DESC = "Tyler, G.L., G. Balmino, D.P. Hinson, W.L. Sjogren, D.E. Smith, R. Woo, S.W. Asmar, M.J. Connally, C.L. Hamilton, and R.A. Simpson, Radio Science Investigations with Mars Observer, Journal of Geophysical Research, 97, 7759-7779, 1992." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "TYLERETAL2001" REFERENCE_DESC = "Tyler, G.L., G. Balmino, D.P. Hinson, W.L. Sjogren, D.E. Smith, R.A. Simpson, S.W. Asmar, P. Priest, and J.D. Twicken, Radio science observations with Mars Global Surveyor: Orbit insertion through one Mars year in mapping orbit, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 23327-23348, 2001." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "YOU2005" REFERENCE_DESC = "You, Tung-Han, JPL D-22240 MRO-31-302, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter Navigation Plan, Revision B, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, CA, 2005." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "YUANETAL2001" REFERENCE_DESC = "Yuan, D.N., W.L. Sjogren, A.S. Konopliv, and A.B. Kucinskas, Gravity Field of Mars: A 75th Degree and Order Model, Journal of Geophysical Research, 106, 23377-23401, 2001." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "ZUBERETAL2007B" REFERENCE_DESC = "Zuber, M.T., O. Aharonson, J.M. Aurnou, A.F. Cheng, S.A. Hauck, II, M.H. Heimpel, G.A. Neumann, S.J. Peale, R.J. Phillips, D.E. Smith, S.C. Solomon, and S. Stanley, The geophysics of Mercury: Current status and anticipated insights form the MESSENGER mission, Space Science Reviews, 131, 105-132, 2007." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END