PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2014-10-23, Brad Trantham (SwRI), initial; " OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-J-UVS-3-RDR-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "JUNO JUPITER UVS 3 REDUCED DATA RECORD V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = {"IMAGE", "TABLE"} ARCHIVE_STATUS = "PRE PEER REVIEW" START_TIME = "NULL" STOP_TIME = "NULL" DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = "NULL" PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "BRAD TRANTHAM" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "Y" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " The Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) CODMAC Level 3 Reduced Data Record is a collection of the far ultraviolet photon detections obtained by the UVS instrument, corrected, calibrated, and located in space and time. " ABSTRACT_DESC = " The Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) CODMAC Level 3 Reduced Data Record is a collection of the far ultraviolet photon detections obtained by the UVS instrument, corrected for instrumental effects, radiometrically calibrated, and correlated with the auxiliary information needed to locate the observations in space and time. These data are organized, in a manner very similar to the RDR product files from which they are derived, into extensions within files formatted according to the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) standard, version 2.1b. The UVS RDR archive enables reprocessing of the corrected and calibrated science data into far ultraviolet map products as map processing routines improve. Investigators interested in applying advanced mapping methods or needing to understand the properties of the corrected and calibrated data will find the RDR products useful. Many investigators, however, will be interested in using the UVS CODMAC Level 5 far ultraviolet map products directly. " CITATION_DESC = " Trantham, Brad, JUNO J UVS REDUCED DATA RECORD V1.0, JNO-J-UVS-3-RDR-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2014. " DATA_SET_DESC = " DATA SET OVERVIEW ================= The Juno Ultraviolet Spectrograph (UVS) CODMAC Level 3 Reduced Data Record is a collection of the far ultraviolet photon detections obtained by the UVS instrument, corrected for instrumental effects, radiometrically calibrated, and correlated with the auxiliary information needed to locate the observations in space and time. These data are organized, in a manner very similar to the RDR product files from which they are derived, into extensions within files formatted according to the Flexible Image Transport System (FITS) standard, version 2.1b. The UVS RDR archive enables reprocessing of the corrected and calibrated science data into far ultraviolet map products as map processing routines improve. Investigators interested in applying advanced mapping methods or needing to understand the properties of the corrected and calibrated data will find the RDR products useful. Many investigators, however, will be interested in using the UVS CODMAC Level 5 far ultraviolet map products directly. PARAMETERS ========== The fundamental derived parameters contained in the UVS RDR data set are the absolute time tag for each of the detected far ultraviolet photons, the weight factor applied to each to account for instrumental effects, the radiometric and wavelength calibrations and the geometric locations. From these derived parameters in the RDR data set further processing will be able to compute monochromatic fluxes (photons/sec/cm^2/Angstrom) at the UVS location. PROCESSING ========== UVS EDR data products will be generated at the UVS Science Operations Center (SOC), located at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas. The products will be generated by an automated pipeline process. The UVS instrument will nominally generate one to many housekeeping telemetry files and science data files per orbit. Once per day these UVS-generated files will be retrieved from the Juno spacecraft by the Juno Mission Operations Center (MOC) and then transferred by the MOC to the UVS SOC. The automated UVS SOC pipeline will ingest these files and invoke software to process them into EDR data product files. No calibration of the science data will be done at this time. Raw housekeeping telemetry values will be converted to engineering units, where applicable, and these converted values will be included in the EDR data product files. The pipeline will then invoke software to read these EDR data product files, apply instrumental corrections and calibrations (for detector deadtime, dark counts, flatfield, effective area, and wavelength), spatially locate the data with the aid of input SPICE kernels, and write the results out into the RDR data product files. The FITS header of the RDR data product file will contain information regarding which corrections and calibrations were performed, and how. DATA ==== The UVS RDR data product file will contain the following types of data: 1. Calibrated Spectral Image: This is a reconstructed histogram generated from the photon list data in the EDR data product but with instrumental calibrations applied. This summary image is used as a 'quick-look' check on data quality. [Extension 0 = primary FITS header and data unit (HDU)] 2. Acquisition List: This dataset contains a list of the generated frame acquisitions as determined from the housekeeping data file. The list includes, for each frame, the instrument frame sequence number, start and stop times, mode type, aperture door and other instrument state information. These data are simply copied as is from the EDR data product. The frame acquisition times and instrument state data contained in this list are used to cross-reference with the photon list mode data in the science files for purposes of selecting data and checking timing consistency. [Extension 1] 3. Ancillary Data: This dataset contains ancillary spatial location and pointing information that varies smoothly and slowly over the Juno orbit. Also included in this extension are other slowly varying instrument-related quantities such as the detector locations of the STIM pixels, a measure of the background dark signal, and data quality flags. Entries in this table are typically separated by 30s intervals instead of on a per-photon basis in order to reduce data volume and computation time. [Extension 2] 4. Calibrated Analog Count Rate: This dataset contains a high-resolution sequence of UV photon count rates as read from the housekeeping data, with corrections for deadtime applied. [Extension 3] 5. Calibrated Digital Count Rate: This dataset contains a high-resolution sequence of UV photon count rates computed from the calibrated photon list data for each acquisition (nominally the whole orbit), with corrections for deadtime applied. [Extension 4] 6. Pulse Height Distribution (Lyman Alpha): This is one of three histograms where the bins are arranged as pulse height vs. time. One histogram will be created per spin of the spacecraft. The spin rate may vary over the course of the mission.. This histogram contains photons whose spectra are recorded on detector columns numbered between 850 and 930. [Extension 5] 7. Pulse Height Distribution (Stellar): This is one of three histograms where the bins are arranged as pulse height vs. time. One histogram will be created per spin. This histogram contains photons whose spectra are recorded on detector columns numbered between 931 and 1770. [Extension 6] 8. Pulse Height Distribution (STIM): This is one of three histograms where the bins are arranged as pulse height vs. time. One histogram will be created per spin. This histogram contains photons whose spectra are recorded on detector columns numbered between 0-149 and 1950-2047. [Extension 7] 9. Housekeeping Data: This dataset contains the complete housekeeping dataset, both in raw format and, where applicable, in calibrated engineering units. These data are simply copied as is from the EDR data product. HK data are included here to assist with joint instrument and data quality trending analyses (foreseen and unforeseen). [Extension 8] 10. Wavelength Lookup Image: This dataset contains a 2048 x 256 image whose floating-point pixel values are the wavelengths corresponding to the pixel locations on the detector. This wavelength calibration image is provided to be used with Extension 0 for quick-look checks, but not for scientific analysis. Its file-averaged wavelength solution makes it generally unsuitable to be used with pixel list data. [Extension 9] 11. Mask Information: This dataset contains the coordinates and times of masks applied to the detector during observations. This data is parsed out of planning documents prepared by the operations team and the extension will be left empty if the planning document was unavailable at processing time. [Extension 10] ANCILLARY DATA ============== Ancillary data used in the generation of the UVS RDR data set include those calibration values required to apply instrumental corrections and calibrations to the science data as well as trajectory and pointing information for the Juno spacecraft and clock conversion tables required to enable the geometric calibration of the science data. The source of the instrumental calibration data are the UVS engineers and UVS scientists at the Southwest Research Institute in San Antonio, Texas [see GLADSTONEETAL2014 for further details], while the source of the spacecraft trajectory, pointing, and clock data are SPICE kernels provided to the UVS SOC by the Juno JSOC, having been ultimately generated by the MOC itself, the Flight Dynamics Facility (FDF) at GSFC, or the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at JPL. SOFTWARE ======== Because the UVS RDR data product files adhere to version 2.1b of the FITS standard, all FITS readers up to this standard should be able to successfully read these files. There are many such FITS readers freely available in the public domain. MEDIA/FORMAT ============ The UVS EDR data product files are written in FITS format, and the format of each file is described in an accompanying detached PDS label. The EDR archive itself will be electronically delivered from the Juno SOC (JSOC) to the PDS Imaging Node, where it will be made generally available via the World Wide Web. " CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence level information will be provided after more thorough analysis of the data. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "JUNO" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "JUPITER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "JNO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "UVS" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "GLADSTONEETAL2014" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END