PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2010-05-25, C. Piker (U. IOWA), initial; 2010-05-29, W. Kurth (U. IOWA), general revision; 2015-09-10, C. Piker (U. IOWA), Lien Resolution additions; " OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = " JUNO E/J/SS WAVES CALIBRATED SURVEY FULL RESOLUTION V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = SPREADSHEET ARCHIVE_STATUS = "PRE PEER REVIEW" START_TIME = 2011-08-09T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 2016-11-16T00:00:00 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = NULL PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. WILLIAM S. KURTH" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science spectral information calibrated in units of spectral density for the entire Juno mission." ABSTRACT_DESC = " The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science electric spectral densities from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic spectral densities from 50Hz to 20kHz with complete sweeps at 30, 10 and 1 second intervals depending on the instrument mode. This is a complete full resolution data set containing all low rate science data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including initial checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and all cruise data. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are processed into spectra on board. These data are presented as ASCII text spreadsheets for ease of use. This data set is intended to be the most comprehensive and complete data set included in the Juno Waves archive. Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to lead the user to the particular data file(s) of interest. This data set should be among the first used of any in the Waves archive as it will lead one to the information required to locate more detailed products." CITATION_DESC = "Kurth, W.S., and Piker C.W., JUNO E/J/S/SS WAVES CALIBRATED SURVEY FULL RESOLUTION V1.0, JNO-E/J/SS-WAV-3-CDR-SRVFULL-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The Juno Waves calibrated full resolution survey data set includes all low rate science electric spectral densities from 50Hz to 41MHz and magnetic spectral densities from 50Hz to 20kHz with complete sweeps at 30, 10 and 1 second intervals depending on the instrument mode. This is a complete full resolution data set containing all low rate science data received from Waves from launch until the end of mission including near Earth checkout, the Earth flyby, the Jupiter orbits and all cruise data. Data are acquired from the Waves Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receiver (HFR) and are processed into spectra in flight. These data are presented as ASCII text spreadsheets for ease of use. This data set is intended to be the most comprehensive and complete data set included in the Juno Waves archive. Pre-rendered spectrograms generated from these data are included as well to lead the user to the particular data file(s) of interest. This data set should be among the first used of any in the Waves archive as it will lead one to the information required to locate more detailed products. Parameters ========== This data set consists of electric and magnetic field spectral densities in the following frequency bands: Spectral Density Frequency Range Receiver, Band ---------------- ------------------ ------------------------ Magnetic 50 Hz to 20 kHz LFR, B Electric 50 Hz to 20 kHz LFR, Lo E Electric 19 kHz to 150 kHz LFR, Hi E Electric 133 kHz to 3 MHz HFR (44 or 45), Baseband Electric 3 MHz to 41 MHz HFR (44 or 45), Hi Bands The frequency bands are derived from the analysis bandwidths of the Low Frequency Receiver (LFR) and High Frequency Receivers (HFR-44, HFR-45). The the center frequencies of the bins are roughly log spaced in frequency. The time between frequency sweeps depends on the instrument operating mode as follows: 1. Periapsis Cadence - 1 complete sweep per second 2. Intermediate Cadence - 1 complete sweep every 10 seconds 3. Apoapsis Cadence - 1 complete sweep every 30 seconds Additional cadences can be programmed in flight should the science or unknown operating constraints dictate. Typically electric measurements from 50 Hz to 150 kHz and magnetic measurements from 20 kHz to 20 kHz are measured simultaneously, however this is not always the case. Waves has the ability to sample solar panel switching noise and to mitigate this noise to a limited extent. When operating in this mode it is not possible to collect all data below 150 kHz simultaneously. In these instances time tags on the magnetic data will not line up with time tags on the corresponding electric, however in either case timing information in the data files are accurate and should be relied upon when processing the data. Processing ========== Data products for this data set were generated by the CDR data production pipeline as described in section 3 of the VOLSIS document found under the DOCUMENTS sub-directory. The inputs to the processing are: 1. Science and Housekeeping packets from the Waves Level 2 data set. 2. Calibration tables located on this volume. 3. NAIF Juno mission SPICE kernels. 4. A listing of mission phase names and orbit number by UTC. The result of the processing is one spreadsheet file per frequency band per day in which data are available. The WAVES_CAL document in the DOCUMENT directory provides details of the calibration process. These data are calibrated using the best calibration tables and algorithms available at the time the data were archived. Should a significant improvement in calibration become available, an erratum will be noted in the erratum section. Later versions of the products may contain better calibrations. Data ==== The Waves calibrated full resolution survey mode data set includes five ASCII spreadsheets of wave spectra as a function of time from both the upper and lower band of the LFR, the lower band of the HFR as well as the upper spectrum analyzer bands of the HFR. Each spreadsheet contains a fixed number of fields containing the measurement initiation times by spacecraft clock and UTC, a flag to indicate the employment of on-board noise mitigation techniques, a flag to indicate whether the row is a science measurement or a noise sample spectra, and a flag to indicate the presence of burst mode data near the given measurement time, as well as one field for each frequency bin. Typically electric measurements from 50 Hz to 150 kHz and magnetic measurements from 20 kHz to 20 kHz are measured simultaneously, however this is not always the case. Waves has the ability to sample solar panel switching noise and to mitigate this noise to a limited extent. When operating in this mode it is not possible to collect all data below 150 kHz simultaneously. In these instances time tags on the magnetic data will not line up with time tags on the corresponding electric data, however regardless of the operating mode timing information in the data files is accurate and should be relied upon when processing these data instead of assuming any particular time correspondence between receiver bands and sensors. Ancillary Data ============== Ancillary data included with the data set collection include a series of files that describe the Waves operating modes as a function of time and provide a time-ordered listing of the Instrument Expanded Block (IEB) trigger commands (WAV_MAJOR_MODE) (the mode by which Waves is reconfigured). Also a detailed description of each of the modes (or IEBs) is provided. Other data which are ancillary to this data set, but which are archived separately from this collection are the Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility's SPICE kernels describing the position and attitude of Juno and various solar system bodies as a function of time. Coordinate Systems ================== The data in this data set are measurements of wave electric and magnetic field spectral densities measured by the Waves electric and magnetic sensors. These fields are presented as detected by the sensors and are not rotated into any other coordinate system. If desired the SPICE kernels can be used with the SPICE toolkit to convert from the spacecraft frame to virtually any frame which may be of use in analyzing these data. However, for many purposes, because of the broad beam of the dipole-like sensors, the spectral densities are extremely useful and may be entirely adequate with no coordinate transformations at all. Software ======== As these data are calibrated and in simple ASCII form, no software is provided, and none is required, for conversion or interpretation. However the EXTRAS/SOFTWARE directory does contain the viewing tool used to generate the BROWSE directory spectrograms. This tool may be used to 'zoom in' on regions of interest and to view burst mode data when available. Media/Format ============ This data set is provided to the Planetary Data System electronically as part of a volume level 'tarball' file, though the standards for file names, directory names and path lengths follow the guidelines provided in the 'Planetary Data System Standards Reference', version 3.8, under section 10.1.3, 'Specification for Files Delivered Electronically'. The 'tarball' file contains all files for a release of this volume in a single GNU Tar file that has then been compressed via the GNU gzip utility. The tar file preserves the relative directory path for each file so when unpacked the original volume directory structure is recreated. See Section 4 of the VOLSIS for more details on the data transfer methods. The primary data products are comma separated values (CSV) files. Since this is a survey product, an attempt has been made to group a single sweep of all frequency ranges routinely covered by the instrument into single rows in the product data files. In actuality every receiver section may be scheduled independently of the others and there are operational modes where it is not possible to include measurements from all frequencies with a single row in the product files. At Apoapsis Cadence (1 sweep/30 seconds), or Intermediate Cadence (1 sweep/10 seconds), one row in the product data files typically contains an amplitude measurement for each frequency. However when operating in one of the Periapsis Cadence modes (~1 sweep/second) certain instrument bands will only be sampled once for every two times a higher frequency band is covered. In these cases a single row in the data product files may have many empty entries. This is normal and reflects the original collection scheduling. It is not a transmission error nor a processing error. " CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= This data set contains all survey mode full resolution calibrated data for the Juno Waves instrument for the interval defined by the START_TIME and STOP_TIME elements above. Every effort has been made to ensure that all data returned to the ground from the spacecraft are included and that the calibration is accurate. This section will be updated with information on known issues with the data, such as interference from other spacecraft systems, or other information needed to use the data with confidence. Review ====== The Waves calibrated full resolution survey data will be reviewed internally by the Juno Waves team prior to release to the PDS. The initial release of this data set was also peer reviewed by the PDS. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= The analog-to-digital converter used for the High Frequency Receiver upper channels (above 3 MHz) has an idiosyncrasy caused by an oscillation in the chip's reference voltage. As a result, the converted values can deviate from the correct ones by of order 10 data numbers. Hence, the HFR channels above 3 MHz may show quasi-random variations around their correct values when the oscillation is occurring. Since the same converter is used for some housekeeping parameters, some of those parameters can be monitored for fluctuations from their nominal values as an indicator of this condition. We have added a flag in the QUALITY_FLAGS column of the SURVEY data set to indicate times when we suspect this condition is present where the flag value of 1 indicates suspect data and a value of 0 indicates the condition is not suspected. It is possible for a low-level of this condition to be present in the HFR channels without the housekeeping parameters indicating the condition. Experience has shown that resetting the chip can stop or reduce the oscillation, hence, such a reset can be performed as a part of setting up major modes. It is planned to do this reset a small number of times per Jupiter orbit at major mode changes. The baseband HFR (150 kHz to 3 MHz) has an unidentified temperature- dependent noise band which can be seen to move through this range of frequencies as the temperature of Waves varies. Changes in the Waves mode of operation and/or changes in the power state of other vault- located equipment have been noted to result in the movement of this band. Presently, there is no method with which to remove or mitigate this noise band. Limitations =========== The Waves instrument collects data samples via three receivers, the LFR, HFR-44 and HFR-45. In addition, each receiver contains different analog signal paths for different frequency bands. Furthermore the electric and magnetic pre-amps have different gains and there are two different sensors from which Waves can sample the near space environment. Taken together this constitutes 17 separate analog signal pathways that signals may take before being converted to digital data values. Due the the peculiarities of circuit board layout, part selection and necessary design compromises, each path potentially exhibits a different sensitivity range. The two tables below describe the well-calibrated sensitivity range of each analog pathway. The well-calibrated range is the input amplitude region where a proportional change in physical signal amplitude corresponds to a proportional change in Waves output data numbers in some well-defined space. In cases below, proportionality is described in either Linear-Log space, or Log-Log space. Waves data are calibrated outside this range, however absolute amplitudes become more uncertain the further above or below this range they occur. Electric Spectral Density Well-calibrated Range ----------------------------------------------- DN = Data Number, raw value from the instrument V = Root mean square voltage Range Units are: V**2 m**-2 Hz**-1 Proportionality Well-Calibrated Test Tone Signal Path Space Range Frequency ----------------- ----------------- ------------------ ---------- LFR, LO_E Log(DN) vs Log(V) 4.6e-15 to 3.1e-1 @ 5.0 kHz LFR, HI_E Log(DN) vs Log(V) 2.0e-15 to 6.4e-2 @ 25.0 kHz HFR-44, Baseband Log(DN) vs Log(V) 5.5E-13* to 2.0E-3 @ 1.0 MHz HFR-44, 3-5 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.5E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 3.75 MHz HFR-44, 5-8 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.5E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 6.75 MHz HFR-44, 8-15 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.5E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 10.75 MHz HFR-44, 15-26 MHz DN vs Log(V) 2.6E-13** to 3.4E-4 @ 21.75 MHz HFR-44, 26-34 MHz DN vs Log(V) 2.3E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 29.75 MHz HFR-44, 34-41 MHz DN vs Log(V) 4.2E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 38.75 MHz HFR-45, Baseband Log(DN) vs Log(V) 5.5E-13* to 2.0E-3 @ 1.0 MHz HFR-45, 3-5 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.0E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 3.75 MHz HFR-45, 5-8 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.0E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 6.75 MHz HFR-45, 8-15 MHz DN vs Log(V) 1.0E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 10.75 MHz HFR-45, 15-26 MHz DN vs Log(V) 3.7E-13** to 3.4E-4 @ 21.75 MHz HFR-45, 26-34 MHz DN vs Log(V) 2.3E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 29.75 MHz HFR-45, 34-41 MHz DN vs Log(V) 4.2E-14 to 3.4E-4 @ 38.75 MHz * Lower value is affected by temperature effects and my be higher than stated here. See the Data Coverage and Quality section above. ** The HFR_HI 21 MHz channel picks up noise from the Waves micro- processors. The lower sensitivity bound provided here applies only to the 21 MHz channel. Other channels in the range 15 to 26 MHz have a lower noise floor, most likely at about 2.0E-14, but data for these noise floors were not collected during ground calibrations. Magnetic Spectral Density Well-calibrated Range ----------------------------------------------- DN = Data Number, raw value from the instrument nT = Root mean square nanoTeslas Range Units are: nT**2 Hz**-1 Proportionality Well-Calibrated Test Tone Signal Path Space Range Frequency ----------- ------------------ ---------------- --------- LFR, B Log(DN) vs Log(nT) 6.6E-9 to 1.5E-2 @ 5.0 kHz Note that the absolute noise floor of certain signal pathways, especially those involving the LFR, is below the bottom of the well- calibrated range in the chart above. In most cases this lower end is not known precisely from direct measurements. This is because ambient electrical noise in flight is typically much less than the levels seen in terrestrial calibration environments. Histograms of quit cruise data provide reasonable estimates of the noise floor of each signal pathway. When viewing the included BROWSE images the archive user should know that calibrations have been applied such that large amplitude signals (as expected near Jupiter periapsis) are valid. However most cruise data are near the noise floor of each receiver. Care must be taken when comparing weak signals across receiver bands. Browse images included on this volume are designed to correspond to the rough sensitivity range of each receiver, not to place identical signal amplitudes at identical hues. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "EARTH" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "JUPITER" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "SOLAR_SYSTEM" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "JNO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "WAV" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "JUNO" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NULL" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END