PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2009-12-15 John Diehl, Imaging Node, Initial template submission. 2011.10.05 RChen/EN added reference to S*_2004" OBJECT = TARGET TARGET_NAME = "FORNJOT" OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION TARGET_TYPE = "SATELLITE" PRIMARY_BODY_NAME = "SATURN" ORBIT_DIRECTION = "UNK" ROTATION_DIRECTION = "UNK" TARGET_DESC = " 'FORNJOT' and 'S8_2004' refer to the same target. Fornjot (provisional designation S/2004 S 8). It is about 6 kilometres in diameter, and orbits Saturn at an average distance of 23,609 Mm in 1354 days at an inclination of 168 degrees to the ecliptic (160 degrees to Saturn's equator) in a retrograde direction and with an eccentricity of 0.186." END_OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = TARGET END