PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2009-12-14 John Diehl, Imaging Node, Initial template submission." OBJECT = TARGET TARGET_NAME = "LOGE" OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION TARGET_TYPE = "SATELLITE" PRIMARY_BODY_NAME = "SATURN" ORBIT_DIRECTION = "UNK" ROTATION_DIRECTION = "UNK" TARGET_DESC = " Loge (provisional designation S/2006 S 5) is a natural satellite of Saturn. Its discovery was announced by David C. Jewitt, Scott S. Sheppard, Jan Kleyna, and Brian G. Marsden on June 26 of 2006, after the observations made between December 13th of 2004 and April 30 of 2006. Loge is about 6 miles long around diameter and orbits Saturn at an average distance of 23,142,000 km in 1314.364 days, at an inclination of 166.5 degrees in the ecliptic (165.3 degress in Ecuador Saturn) retrogradely with an eccentricity of 0.1390. Named after Loge fire giant of Norse mythology, son of Fornjot (not to be confused with Loki)." END_OBJECT = TARGET_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = TARGET END