PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "RO-RIS-MPAE-ID-015 4/g; 20200120 RChen/EN ingest software needs a date" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = VOLUME VOLUME_SERIES_NAME = "ROSETTA SCIENCE ARCHIVE" VOLUME_ID = "ROOSI_1234" VOLUME_SET_NAME = "ROSETTA OSIRIS DATA" VOLUME_SET_ID = "DE_MPG_MPS_ROOSI_1234" VOLUME_NAME = " RESAMPLED OSIRIS WAC DATA FOR THE COMET ESCORT 3 PHASE" VOLUME_VERSION_ID = "VERSION V2.0" PUBLICATION_DATE = 2019-01-31 VOLUMES = 1 MEDIUM_TYPE = "ELECTRONIC" VOLUME_FORMAT = "ANSI" DATA_SET_ID = "RO-C-OSIWAC-4-ESC3-67PCHURYUMOV-M18-V2.0" DESCRIPTION = " This CODMAC level 4 data set contains radiometric calibrated and geometric distortion corrected (resampled) image data in W/m^2/sr/nm, acquired by the OSIRIS Wide Angle Camera on the Rosetta spacecraft during the COMET ESCORT 3 mission phase, covering the period from 2015-06-30T23:25:00.000 to 2015-07-28T23:24:59.000. Note that the data part of the FITs files in the /DATA/FIT directory is identical to the data part of the PDS files in the /DATA/IMG directory. FITs files are delivered only for CODMAC levels 2,3, and 4 datasets. No FITs files are delivered for CODMAC level 5 datasets." OBJECT = DATA_PRODUCER INSTITUTION_NAME = "MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR SOLAR SYSTEM RESEARCH" FACILITY_NAME = "MAX PLANCK INSTITUTE FOR SOLAR SYSTEM RESEARCH" FULL_NAME = "CECILIA TUBIANA" ADDRESS_TEXT = "MAX PLANCK INSTITUT FOR SOLAR SYSTEM RESEARCH JUSTUS-VON-LIEBIG WEG 3 D-37077 GOETTINGEN GERMANY" END_OBJECT = DATA_PRODUCER OBJECT = CATALOG ^INSTRUMENT_CATALOG = "../zzcommon/instOSIWAC.cat" ^HOUSEKEEPING_CATALOG = "roosi_1234-version_v2.0_hsk.cat" ^MISSION_CATALOG = "../zzcommon/MISSION.cat" ^INSTRUMENT_HOST_CATALOG = {"../zzcommon/hostRL.cat", "../zzcommon/hostRO.cat"} ^REFERENCE_CATALOG = "../zzcommon/reference.cat" ^DATA_SET_CATALOG = "dataset.cat" ^TARGET_CATALOG = {"../zzcommon/targ16.cat", "../zzcommon/targ21.cat", "../zzcommon/targ2867.cat", "../zzcommon/targ67P.cat", "../zzcommon/targ9P.cat", "../zzcommon/targACHERNAR.cat", "../zzcommon/targALPHA_CAS.cat", "../zzcommon/targALPHA_LYR.cat", "../zzcommon/targALPHA_SCO.cat", "../zzcommon/targBETA_CAR.cat", "../zzcommon/targBETA_CEN.cat", "../zzcommon/targBETA_HYI.cat", "../zzcommon/targBIAS.cat", "../zzcommon/targCALIBRATION.cat", "../zzcommon/targCALLAMP.cat", "../zzcommon/targCANOPIUS.cat", "../zzcommon/targCHECKOUT.cat", "../zzcommon/targCTE.cat", "../zzcommon/targDARK.cat", "../zzcommon/targEARTH.cat", "../zzcommon/targFOMALHAUT.cat", "../zzcommon/targINTERPLANETARY_DUST.cat", "../zzcommon/targMAINTENANCE.cat", "../zzcommon/targMARS.cat", "../zzcommon/targPLUTO.cat", "../zzcommon/targSATURN.cat", "../zzcommon/targSTARFIELD.cat", "../zzcommon/targVEGA.cat", "../zzcommon/targZETA_CAS.cat", "../zzcommon/targZETA_OPH.cat"} END_OBJECT = CATALOG END_OBJECT = VOLUME END