PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = " 2003-09-18, E. Means, initial draft created from concatenating the following files together. DDS_REF.CAT EPD_REF.CAT 1997-09, S. Stone, initial draft, 1998-06, S. Joy, revised, 2003-09-17, E. Means, references added, HIC_REF.CAT 1998-06-10, S. Joy, initial draft, 2000-03-17, M. Sharlow, added references, reformatted MAG_REF.CAT 1998-06-16, S. Joy, initial draft, 2000-09-14, J. Mafi, references added, 2002-07-12, B. Harris, references added, PLS_REF.CAT 1997-09, K. Ackerson, initial draft, 1998-06-25, S. Joy, minor revisions, PWS_REF.CAT 1998-06, S. Joy, initial draft, 1998-10, W. Kurth, minor revisions, RSS_REF.CAT 2001-04-06, D. Simpson, initial draft, SSD_REF.CAT 2002-07, B. Harris, initial draft;" NOTE = "The MAG reference list is divided by the planetary body that is the subject of each document. 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