PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2007-09-12 LDP:McLaughlin Created. 2008-06-21 LDP:McLaughlin Resolved liens from the Dec 2007 peer review. 2008-10-16 GEO:Slavney Corrected BATESETAL1979 citation. 2008-10-16 GEO:Slavney Corrected APOLLO15A1972 reference key ID. 2008-10-16 GEO:Slavney Corrected NASATMX581311976 reference key ID." OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "APOLLO15A1972" REFERENCE_DESC = "Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-289, 546 pages, Washington, D.C., 1972." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BATESETAL1979" REFERENCE_DESC = "Bates, J.R., W.W. Lauderdale and H. Kernaghan, ALSEP termination report, NASA Reference Publication Series, NASA-RP-1036, 162 pages, published by NASA, Washington, D.C., 1979." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "DAVIES&COLVIN2000" REFERENCE_DESC = "Davies, M.E. and T.R. Colvin, Lunar coordinates in the regions of the Apollo landers, Journal of Geophysical Research, 105, E8, 20,227-20,280, 2000." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "NASATMX581311976" REFERENCE_DESC = "Apollo Scientific Experiments Data Handbook, JSC-09166, NASA TMX-58131, August 1974 (revised April 1976), in Johnson Space Center History Office." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "LANG1992" REFERENCE_DESC = "Lang, K.R., Astrophysical Data: Planets and Stars, Springer-Verlag, New York, Incorporated, 1992." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "HODGESETAL1972" REFERENCE_DESC = "Hodges, R.R., J.H. Hoffman, and D.E. Evans, Lunar Orbital Mass Spectrometer Experiment, Apollo 16 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-315, pages 21-1 to 21-6, Washington, DC, 1972." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "HODGESETAL1974" REFERENCE_DESC = "Hodges, R.R., J.H. Hoffman, and F.S. Johnson, The lunar atmosphere, Icarus, 21, 415-426, 1974." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "HOFFMANETAL1973" REFERENCE_DESC = "Hoffman, J.H., R.R. Hodges, F.S. Johnson, and D.E. Evans, Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment, Apollo 17 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-330, pages 17-1 to 17-9, Washington, DC, 1973." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "JOHNSONETAL1972A" REFERENCE_DESC = "Johnson, F.S., D.E. Evans, and J.M Carroll, Cold Cathode Gage Experiment (Lunar-Atmosphere Detector), Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report, NASA SP-289, pages 13-1 to 13-5, Washington D.C., 1972." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE OBJECT = REFERENCE REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "JOHNSONETAL1972B" REFERENCE_DESC = "Johnson, F.S., J.M Carroll, and D.E. Evans, Lunar atmosphere measurements, Proceedings of the Lunar Science Conference, 2, 2231-2242, 1972." END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END