PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = "STREAM" LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2006-10-18 LDN:McLaughlin Created. 2011-08-10 LDN:McLaughlin Revisions based on a preliminary review. 2012-09-30 LDN:McLaughlin Resolved liens from 09 Jul 2012 peer review; capitalized 'Moon'. 2013-03-31 LDN:McLaughlin Added J.Plescia to CITATION_DESC because he went well beyond the call of duty for a reviewer to help resolve liens; tweaked inst.cat and a few .txt in /data/ per D.Williams. 2020-09-18 GEO:White Added authors. " OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "A15L-L-LSRP-2/3-SOIL-MECHANICS-V1.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "APOLLO 15 LSRP SOIL MECHANICS DATA V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "TABLE" START_TIME = 1971-06-25T00:00:00 STOP_TIME = 1971-08-13T23:59:59 DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2011-09-01 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = {"DAVID WILLIAMS", "JAMES MITCHELL", "NICHOLAS COSTES", "LESLIE BROMWELL", "D. CARRIER", "J. PLESCIA"} DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "N" DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "Tables of raw readings and reduced data from all six runs on 01 August 1971 of the Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer (LSRP) on the surface of the Moon for the Apollo 15 Soil Mechanics experiment." ABSTRACT_DESC = "This dataset contains tables of raw readings and reduced data from all six runs on 01 August 1971 of the Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer (LSRP) on the surface of the Moon for the Apollo 15 Soil Mechanics experiment. Supporting documentation includes digitized scans in JPEG and PDF format of the original LSRP soil mechanics dataset on microfilm, videos and transcripts of the LSRP as it was operated on the Moon, diagrams and maps of the experiment areas, and photography of the Apollo 15 Station 8 where the experiment was performed." CITATION_DESC = "Mitchell, J., D. Carrier, N. Costes, L. Bromwell, , D. Williams, and J.Plescia, APOLLO 15 LSRP SOIL MECHANICS DATA V1.0, A15L-L-LSRP-2/3-SOIL-MECHANICS-V1.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2012." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= This dataset contains tables of raw readings and reduced data from all six runs on 01 August 1971 of the Lunar Self-Recording Penetrometer (LSRP) on the surface of the Moon for the Apollo 15 Soil Mechanics experiment. Supporting documentation includes digitized scans in JPEG and PDF format of the original LSRP soil mechanics dataset on microfilm, videos and transcripts of the LSRP as it was operated on the Moon, diagrams and maps of the experiment areas, and photography of the Apollo 15 Station 8 where the experiment was performed. All six Apollo 15 penetrometer runs were done near a 40 cm deep trench dug by the astronaut at Station 8 which was next to the ALSEP site which was centered at 26.1341 degrees North latitude, 3.6298 degrees East longitude, roughly 110 meters West-North-West of the lunar module. The runs were performed near the end of second EVA (extra-vehicular activity) on 01 August 1971. The flight unit S/N 2003 and lunar drum S/N 2002 were used for all runs. The drum was returned to Earth and the etchings made by the penetrometer were read and recorded on hand-written charts by the investigators. Copies of the charts were sent to the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), where they were microfilmed and archived. For more information about the experiment see the Chapter 7 of the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report, which is provided in the DOCUMENT directory. Data ==== The raw readings and reduced data from each of the six runs of the penetrometer are provided as fixed-width ASCII text tables and are reproductions of the lunar penetration data reduction charts, in the handwritten LSRP report, which were taken from the penetrometer drum returned to Earth. (The handwritten report was scanned from the microfilm archived at the NSSDC.) The tables are named in the form A15_SMSS_71_M016935_nnn.TAB, where A15 denotes Apollo 15, SMSS is for soil mechanics, 71 is the year of data acquisition, M016935 is the microfilm reel, and nnn is the sequential frame number corresponding to a page that contained the data chart in the report. Each table (*.TAB) is accompanied by an ASCII text file (*.TXT) that provides the header records for that data chart. Each table and header combination is described by a detached PDS label. The header records contained in the *.TXT file for a data table give the mission, date, flight unit, lunar drum, index number (from 2 to 7 and designating penetrometer runs 1 to 6), and notes on the cone or plate used. The columns in the data records of a table give the drum load (the angle of deflection of the stylus on the drum) in degrees/minutes, the drum load in decimal degrees, the drum circumference deflection in millimeters (decimal degrees multiplied by .5542), the load in Newtons (calculated from a calibration curve), and the stress in Newtons per square centimeter (load divided by the cone or plate base area). This is the value plotted for stress on the plots. A second set of columns starts with a column labeled initial drum depth/final in cm and gives a running total of the drum reading. The next column, delta Drum Depth Reading in cm gives the difference between the current drum depth reading and the previous value. The next column, penetration depth in cm, is the drum depth reading multiplied by 31.5 (index 2, Apollo 15). On some tables there is a final column, headed '+correction add 3.75', which is the previous column with a 3.75 cm correction added. This is a correction for the additional length of the cone attached to the bottom of the penetrometer rod on Apollo 15. The six penetrometer runs and associated tables in the DATA directory are provided below. Times in brackets are values listed in the Apollo Lunar Surface Journal (ALSJ at http://history.nasa.gov/alsj/) followed by conversion from Mission Elapsed Time (MET) to UT. The runs started roughly at 148:21:10 MET according to ALSJ which has all times approximately 6 minutes earlier than the times listed in the notes. Run 1 - Index 2 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_011.TAB Adjacent to north end of trench using 0.5 square inch cone 18:01:15 UT [~148:21:10 MET (ALSJ) which corresponds to 17:55:10 UT] Run 2 - Index 3 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_012.TAB Bottom of trench, 0.5 square inch cone 18:03:30 UT [~148:22:20 MET (ALSJ), 17:56:20 UT] Run 3 - Index 4 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_013.TAB In rover tracks directly behind the rover, 0.5 square inch cone 18:04:25 UT [~148:23:36 MET (ALSJ), 17:57:36 UT] Run 4 - Index 5 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_014.TAB Adjacent to rover tracks, 0.5 square inch cone 18:05:15 UT [~148:24:16 MET (ALSJ), 17:58:16 UT] Run 5 - Index 6 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_015.TAB Bottom of trench, flat plate 18:06:30 UT [~148:26:38 MET (ALSJ), 18:00:38 UT] Run 6 - Index 7 - A15A_SMSS_71_M016935_016.TAB Outside of trench, 4 inches from side of trench, plate, causes edge of trench to collapse 18:07:33 UT [~148:27:00 MET (ALSJ), 18:01:00 UT] Known Problems with Penetrometer Runs ------------------------------------- According to the Apollo 15 Preliminary Science Report [APOLLO15A1972] the surface reference pad tended to ride up the shaft during the last four penetrometer runs, so the precise depth of penetration for runs 3 through 6 is difficult to determine and is probably slightly less than the measured value. Therefore the stress-penetration curves in these cases give an upper bound on the depth of penetration for an applied force of 111 Newtons. Supplementary Information ========================== The DOCUMENT directory contains supplementary information about the Soil Mechanics experiment, including the following items. Handwritten LSRP Report ----------------------- In addition to the data tables, it is important to note that the handwritten LSRP report includes hand-drawn plots and notes from the experiment. The Stress versus Penetration plots give the stress in Newtons per square centimeter versus the penetration depth in centimeters on a linear scale. These are plotted from the data in the lunar penetration data reduction tables found in the report and in this dataset. Additionally sets of handwritten notes in the handwritten LSRP report give times and notes on the sampling locations and other aspects of the sampling, including diagrams. The Post-Flight Calibration plots give load in Newtons versus drum circumferential deflection in mm. One line shows the deadweight load and a parallel line shows the correction for the weight of the penetrometer. The latter is the line used for the calibration. The plot is based on a pair of post-flight calibration tables. The first table, 'load calibration' gives the index number, the 'vert. scribe', which looks to be the starting point of the drum rotation for a given index run, and columns giving the load in kilograms and Newtons. All values are given in degrees and minutes. The top value in a cell is the actual reading and the lower value is the reading minus the vert. scribe value, which would represent the drum deflection. The second table, 'penetration calibration', gives the readings in cm for a given position and index number. There is also a pre-flight calibration plot which gives the load in Newtons versus the drum circumferential deflection in mm with a 2 sigma error line on each side of the calibration line. Site Diagrams, Maps, and Images ------------------------------- The DOCUMENT directory contains several diagrams and maps of the experiment areas including high resolution images taken by the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter Camera of the entire Apollo 15 area and the landing site. Videos ------ Index 2, 3, 4, and 6 runs were captured on video with audio and are included in the DOCUMENT directory. Photography ----------- Still photos taken of or near the 40-cm trench of the experiment are included in the DOCUMENT directory. Most of the photos apply to index 2, 3, 4, 6, and 7 runs; one is a context view of the ALSEP site of Apollo 15 Station 8. Transcript ---------- A transcript of the recorded audio commentary as the astronauts performed the experiment at Apollo 15 Station 8 is included in the DOCUMENT directory. " CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " This data set passed an external peer review that was held on 9 July 2012. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = "MOON" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "A15L" INSTRUMENT_ID = "LSRP" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "APOLLO 15" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "APOLLO15A1972" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "COSTESETAL1971" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "MITCHELLETAL1972A" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "SCOTT1975" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END