PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2021-04-01, GEO:dp" OBJECT = DATA_SET DATA_SET_ID = "ODY-M-GRS-5-AND-V2.0" OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION MISSION_NAME = "2001 MARS ODYSSEY" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_MISSION OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION DATA_SET_NAME = "ODY MARS GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETER 5 AND V2.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = "N" DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = TABLE START_TIME = 2002-02-19T00:00:00.000Z STOP_TIME = UNK DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 2021-04-01 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "WILLIAM BOYNTON" DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = "Y" ARCHIVE_STATUS = "ARCHIVED - ACCUMULATING" ABSTRACT_DESC = "Averaged neutron data from the Neutron Spectrometer in the Odyssey GRS Instrument suite." DATA_SET_TERSE_DESC = "Averaged neutron data from the Neutron Spectrometer in the Odyssey GRS instrument suite." CITATION_DESC = "Boynton, W.V., Mars 2001 Odyssey Gamma Ray Spectrometer Averaged Neutron Data V2.0, ODY-M-GRS-5-AND-V2.0, NASA Planetary Data System, 2021." DATA_SET_DESC = " Data Set Overview ================= The following description applies to Version 1.0 of the Averaged Neutron Data (AND) data set. The data have been completely reprocessed in Version 2.0. See mons2_pds_final.pdf in the DOCUMENT directory of the archive. The Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometer (GRS) is a suite of three instruments working together to collect data that will permit the mapping of elemental concentrations on the surface of Mars. The suite of three instruments, the gamma sensor head (GS), the neutron spectrometer (NS) and the high-energy neutron detector (HEND), are a complimentary set of instruments in that the neutron instruments have better counting statistics and sample to a greater depth than the GS, but the GS determines the abundance of many more elements. A full description of the Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometer instrument can be found in [BOYNTONETAL2004]. The ODY MARS GAMMA RAY SPECTROMETER 5 AND data set is a table of neutron data from the NS sub-system of the Mars Odyssey Gamma-Ray Spectrometer that have been averaged (AND) over 5- degree latitude by 5-degree longitude spatial grids and 15- degrees of aerocentric solar longitude (Ls). The AND are an intermediate data product. These data are calculated from the derived neutron data (DND) and result in maps of thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron counting rates. The GRS collects a new spectrum (pixel) approximately every 20 seconds, 360 times per orbit. Approximately 4200 neutron measurements are expected to be received every day. The data are downloaded from the spacecraft by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) into the Telemetry Data System (TDS). The TDS sends data to a process that translates data packets and examines instrument health via messages. Data are output to a spooler that passes it to the University of Arizona (UA) database ingest process. The ingest process inputs raw data into the UA database. Neutron data are processed by Los Alamos National Laboratory through a number of programs to yield the DND from which the AND are determined. The AND is intended to be the second intermediate data product available for the NS portion of the GRS data. This data should be useful to those scientists who are experienced in neutron spectroscopy. Parameters ========== The averaged neutron data set (AND) is composed of a single data type. The objective of compiling the AND is to create a table of neutron counting data from the DND time series. Each AND product data file will contain a table of neutron counting rates (counts per second) averaged over 5-degree latitude by 5-degree longitude spatial grids and 15-degrees of Ls, the number of 20-second collection intervals that have been averaged, and the standard deviation in counts per second of the counting rate for each average. Each spatial grid corresponds to one row in the table. The first 72 rows in the table are the data for the 5 degree latitude band centered at 87.5 degrees north latitude, the second 72 rows are the data for the band centered at 82.5 degrees north latitude, et cetera. Within each latitude band, longitude increases eastward from the cell centered at 2.5 degrees east longitude to the cell centered at 357.5 degrees east longitude. AND data files will be labeled by the beginning and ending Ls values. Processing ========== The products of the neutron data reduction algorithms are a time-series data set (DND), corrected for variations in the instrument response and the cosmic ray background, that can be used to produce thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron global maps of Mars. Tables of temporally and spatially averaged counting rates (AND) are also provided. The AND data set consists of maps of thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron counting rates averaged over 15-degree Ls intervals. The maps are 5-degree cylindrical projections. In addition to the counting rates, maps of the number of measurements binned in each pixel and the standard deviation of the pixel counting rates are provided. A summary of these algorithms adapted from Appendix A of PRETTYMANETAL2004] is provided here. See [Neutron Spectrometer Processing V.1.1] for details of the neutron data reduction process. See [FELDMANETAL2002] and [BOYNTONETAL2004] for details of the neutron spectrometer design and operation. The neutron spectrometer consists of a block of boron-loaded plastic that is diagonally segmented into four optically decoupled prisms that are viewed by separate photomultiplier tubes. During mapping, two of the prisms are aligned along the axis of motion of the spacecraft: Prism 2 (P2) faces in the forward direction and Prism 4 (P4) faces opposite to the direction of motion. The remaining two prisms are oriented along the nadir axis: Prism 1 (P1) faces downward towards Mars and Prism 3 (P3) faces upwards towards the spacecraft. P1 is covered with cadmium foil, which absorbs neutrons below roughly 0.5 eV. Consequently, P1 is sensitive to epithermal neutrons. Raw (EDR) neutron data, including spectra, histogram, and events arrays, are processed through several automated programs to yield normalized neutron counting rates for all four of the NS prisms, from which thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron counting rates are determined. The first step in the neutron processing is the determination of the 10B(n,alpha) peak centroid and the after-pulse threshold of each prism averaged over a course time window 720 collection intervals in length. This information is used subsequently by algorithms that determine the area of the 10B(n, alpha) peak for each prism for each 19.75s interval The 10B(n,alpha) peak centroid is determined using double pulse events (Category-2 events), which are primarily a result of interactions of fast neutrons with the spectrometer. Fast neutrons are identified by the detection of a characteristic double pulse. The light output caused by proton recoils produced by the prompt interaction of a fast neutron and the hydrogen in the plastic provides a measure of the energy of the incident neutron. A second pulse of light corresponding to the absorption of the neutron at low energy by 10B follows a delay in which the neutron is slowing down in the plastic, but does not produce light. This double-pulse signature occurs for neutrons above approximately 700 keV. Category-2 event mode data (EDR EVENTS_ARRAY) are accumulated over a coarse time window containing 720 19.75s intervals. The overload counts (EDR GCR_CNT) are monitored and events are discarded for intervals for which the overload counts exceed a user-defined threshold, currently set at 7000. For each time window, the second event spectrum is constructed from the accumulated event-mode data. If the number of accepted intervals is less than 360, then the time window is not analyzed and the window is assigned the results for centroid and threshold from the analysis of the previous window. The second event spectrum acquired for each window is analyzed by simultaneously fitting two normal distributions (one for the 10B peak and one for the after-pulse peak) and a constant background (to represent the continuum) to the data. The fitting algorithm minimizes the sum of the squares of the difference between the model and the data weighted by the statistical uncertainty in the counting data i.e., a weighted least squares fit to the data. The weighted least squares fit yields the peak centroids, the highest of which is taken as the 10B peak, the full width at half maximum, and the after-pulse threshold, which is taken to be the channel for which the model is minimum between the two centroids. For a more complete description see Neutron Spectrometer Processing V1.1 in the documents directory that accompanies this release. The peak centroid determined by this process is used subsequently to make gain corrections in the next processing step, which is evaluation of the Category 1 single event spectrum. Thermal and epithermal neutrons are detected through the 10B(n,alpha)7Li* reaction, which produces a distinct peak in the pulse-height spectrum caused by the deposition of the recoil energy of the reaction products in the scintillator. This peak corresponds to an equivalent electron energy of 93 keV. For each prism, the net counting rate for this peak was determined from the Category-1 pulse-height spectrum, a spectrum of single-interaction events that is recorded every 19.75 s. During this measurement interval, the spacecraft traverses approximately one degree of arc length (roughly 60 km). Determination of peak areas for each prism from the Category-1 spectra involved several steps summarized here: 1) A correction was applied to each spectrum to remove artifacts of the differential nonlinearity of the analog to digital converter from the spectrum. 2) The spectra were corrected in gain so that the 93 keV peak always fell in Channel 11. Implementation of this step required knowledge of the original peak location determined from the second interaction spectrum. The gain correction enabled the same region of interest (range of energy) to be used for the peak and background for all spectra. 3) For each prism, selected channels surrounding the peak above and below were fitted to a power law. The power law was determined for spectra in a sliding window 5 x 19.75 s in length. The length of the window was selected empirically to minimize the uncertainty in the background parameters because of statistical variations in counting rate while avoiding the introduction of bias resulting from integration over surface features. 4) The peak areas (counts in the peaks for each prism) were determined for each 19.75 s spectrum by subtracting the background predicted by the power law from the total counts in the peak region of interest. The thermal-neutron counting rate was determined by subtracting the peak area for the backward-looking prism (P4) from that of the forward-looking prism (P2). During the mapping phase, the spacecraft traveled in a circular polar orbit at an average altitude of 400 km and speed of 3380 meters per second. A significant portion of the population of thermal neutrons at orbital altitudes had speeds much less than that of the spacecraft and the flux of low-energy neutrons incident on the exposed face of P2 was much higher than that of P4. If the return of neutrons from the spacecraft is neglected, both prisms should receive the same contribution from epithermal neutrons. Consequently, subtraction of P4 from P2 yielded a response that was representative of the thermal-neutron population. The epithermal-neutron counting rate was taken to be the counting rate for P1, which was shielded from thermal neutrons by a Cd foil. Note that based on an analysis of cruise data, the cosmic-ray-induced background for Category-1 counting rates for P1, P2, and P4 was found to be consistent with zero. For fast neutrons, two data products are provided in the raw data set: Event-mode data for which the magnitude of the first pulse, time to the second pulse, and magnitude of the second pulse of a selected number of events (84 per 19.75 s acquisition period) were recorded; and histogram data for which first pulses with magnitude above a preset, fixed threshold were binned into histograms for early and late time windows. The late time interval (nominally chosen to be between 20 and 25 microseconds) was selected so that it is well beyond the die-away time of neutrons in the spectrometer and thus contains accidental events only. The early time interval (nominally chosen to be between 0.4 and 5.4 microseconds) was selected so that it is sensitive to neutrons slowing down in the spectrometer. Subtraction of the late from early time histograms yields a pulse-height spectrum that is sensitive to the energy spectrum of fast neutrons. The fast-neutron counting rate was taken to be the first two channels of the histogram spectrum for P1, which is primarily sensitive to neutrons coming directly from Mars. The lower channels were selected because they give the greatest count rates and are also least susceptible to contamination by after-pulsing. However, because considerable drift in gain occurred, the threshold selected for after-pulse suppression used to construct the histogram data was not always effective. During times of high gain, the threshold was too low and after-pulsing events contaminated the histogram spectrum. Variations caused by shifts in gain were corrected using the BellyBand algorithm described below. Neutron counting rates are sensitive to a number of factors unrelated to the surface and atmosphere of Mars. These include, for example, instrument drift and variations in the galactic cosmic-ray flux. To eliminate these variations from our data set, we developed an algorithm to adjust our time-series counting data so that counting rates at equatorial latitudes did not change with time and were equal to the average counting rates observed over a normalization interval, which was arbitrarily selected to be from LS equals 329 degrees to LS equals 131 degrees. The region between latitudes plus to minus 30 degrees (the belly band) was used for normalization. Minor variations in counting rate due to seasonal changes in atmospheric mass were initially ignored, but were later restored to the time series. The belly-band normalization algorithm removes gain and offset variations caused by a number of effects, including variations in the galactic cosmic-ray background and errors in the Category 1 background subtraction algorithm, with a linear correction (CAT1_PRISMX_NORM_SLOPE, CAT1_PRISMX_NORM_OFFSET) However, the normalization algorithm also removes variations that would otherwise be present as a result of seasonal changes in atmospheric mass at the equator. To restore the effect of atmospheric mass, we combined maps of atmospheric mass at equatorial latitudes (derived from the ARC-GCM) with expressions for counting rate as a function of atmospheric thickness [PRETTYMANETAL2004] to determine the relative variation of belly-band-averaged neutron-counting rates as a function of time. The normalized counting rates were then multiplied by the relative variation to restore the atmospheric effect. Use of pressures from the ARC-GCM is justified because the ARC-GCM fits the Viking 1 and 2 landing-site pressure data that are representative of equatorial to midlatitude pressure variations and were found to be reproducible year after year. This procedure was applied to the fast and epithermal counting data that show the largest effect. Thermal neutrons vary negligibly with atmospheric mass when the water abundance of the surface is less than about 15 percent, which is representative of the belly band. The fast neutrons, which have the largest variation, show a 5 percent peak-to-peak variation in counting rate over an entire Martian year. Therefore, the correction is relatively minor. Averaged neutron counting rates are produced from the derived (background subtracted, normalized) neutron counting rates. A summing algorithm is used to bin and combine thermal, epithermal, and fast neutron counting data both spatially and temporally. The spatial constraint is variable, but will be set at 5-degrees latitude by 5-degrees longitude bins for the AND records. In order to be grouped within a particular 5-degree bin, the latitude and longitude must be greater than or equal to the lower limit and less than the upper limit. The thermal data are assigned latitudes and longitudes that are shifted by 4.5 degrees along the spacecraft trajectory from the sub-satellite point. Similarly, the epithermal data are assigned locations that are shifted by 1 degree along the trajectory. The temporal constraint on the AND product is variable, but will be constrained for the PDS to be 15-degrees of Mars Ls. The 15-degree periods are called seasons by the GRS Team. Data ==== The AND data set is composed of a 24 data tables per Mars year. Each data table will contain 2592 rows of data. Averaged Neutron Data -------------------- Averaged Neutron Data are composed of the averaged neutron data and the associated timing, and spatial information for each 5-degree latitude by 5-degree longitude spatial and 15-degree Ls temporal interval. The averaged neutron data consists of 11 columns of data that are output from the AND processing for each spatial and temporal cell. The timing and spatial data provided with the AND includes center points of the spatial cell and the beginning and ending times that data was averaged over. Ancillary Data ============== None at this time. Coordinate System ================= The coordinate system used for all GRS data is a Mars aerocentric system following the IAU convention [SEIDELMANNETAL2002], with east longitudes from 0 to 360. Software ======== A library of source code to parse the AND data product files is included in the software directory. This library allows a programmer to build applications that display or manipulate AND data. This source is written in the Java language, and requires version 1.3 of the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) or Java Software Development Kit (SDK). Documentation for the code is located in the software directory in the file GRS_CODE_DOC.ZIP. The contents of this file are described in the label GRS_CODE_DOC.LBL and the source and the binary classes that make up the library are in the file DR_CODE.JAR. Media/Format ============ The AND will be delivered using CDROM media. Formats will be based on standards for such products established by the Planetary Data System (PDS) [PDSSR2001]. " CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Confidence Level Overview ========================= The data presented in the AND is intended to be the second intermediate data set released for the neutron spectrometer sub-system of the GRS. Data presented here are a highly processed representation of the neutron data as received from the spacecraft. It is possible that changes will be made in the neutron processing algorithms if errors are found. If errors are found, the data will have to be regenerated from the DND data set. Review ====== The AND was reviewed internally by the GRS team prior to release to the PDS. PDS will also perform an external peer review of the AND. Data Coverage and Quality ========================= Data presented in the AND product is by definition, i.e. inclusion in the DND data set, 'good'. Limitations =========== The major limitation of this data set is that it is averaged from the derived neutron data. The validity of the derived neutron data is based on the 'correctness' of each step in the processing. It is possible that changes will be made in the neutron data processing if errors are found. If errors are found, the data will have to be regenerated from the newly processed derived neutron data set. Data Compression =============== No compression is used on the AND data set. " END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET TARGET_NAME = MARS END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_TARGET OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "ODY" INSTRUMENT_ID = "GRS" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_HOST OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "PRETTYMANETAL2004" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BOYNTONETAL2004" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "FELDMANETAL2002" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "SEIDELMANNETAL2002" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "PDSSR2001" END_OBJECT = DATA_SET_REFERENCE_INFORMATION END_OBJECT = DATA_SET END