PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "Scott Murchie, 2006-05-05; Howard Taylor, 2006-05-09 Jennifer Ward, 2006-06-01, edited" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = "MRO" INSTRUMENT_ID = "CRISM" OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION INSTRUMENT_NAME = "COMPACT RECONNAISSANCE IMAGING SPECTROMETER FOR MARS" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "IMAGING SPECTROMETER" INSTRUMENT_DESC = " Instrument Overview =================== CRISM (Compact Reconnaissance Imaging Spectrometer for Mars) is a hyperspectral imager on the MRO (Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter) spacecraft. MRO's objectives are to recover climate science originally to have been conducted on the Mars Climate Orbiter (MCO), to identify and characterize sites of possible aqueous activity to which future landed missions may be sent, and to characterize the composition, geology, and stratigraphy of Martian surface deposits. MRO will operate from a sun-synchronous, near- circular (255x320 km altitude), near-polar orbit with a mean local solar time of 3 PM. CRISM's spectral range spans the ultraviolet (UV) to the mid-wave infrared (MWIR), 362 nm to 3920 nm. The instrument utilizes a Ritchey-Chretien telescope with a 2.12 degree field-of-view (FOV) to focus light on the entrance slit of a dual spectrometer. Within the spectrometer, light is split by a dichroic into VNIR (visible-near-infrared, 362-1053 nm) and IR (infrared, 1002-3920 nm) beams. Each beam is directed into a separate modified Offner spectrometer that focuses a spectrally dispersed image of the slit onto a two dimensional focal plane (FP). The IR FP is a 640 x 480 HgCdTe area array; the VNIR FP is a 640 x 480 silicon photodiode area array. The spectral image is contiguously sampled with a 6.55 nm spectral spacing and an instantaneous field of view of 61.5 microradians. The Optical Sensor Unit (OSU) can be gimbaled to take out along-track smear, allowing long integration times that afford high signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) at high spectral and spatial resolution. The scan motor and encoder are controlled by a separately housed Gimbal Motor Electronics (GME) unit. A Data Processing Unit (DPU) provides power, command and control, and data editing and compression. Scientific Objectives ===================== CRISM has three major science objectives, which are implemented via key parts of its observing strategy: OBJECTIVE 1: Globally characterize crustal composition, and identify targets that expose rocks diagnostic of past climate conditions and habitability IMPLEMENTATION: - Acquire near-global data at reduced spatial resolution at key wavelengths to characterize surface composition composition (the multispectral survey) - Using the multispectral survey, find and target regions for higher spatial resolution hyperspectral coverage OBJECTIVE 2: Identify and map surface mineralogy of key targets with high spatial and spectral resolutions and high SNR IMPLEMENTATION: - Target thousands of sites with observations that use CRISM's full spatial and spectral resolution - Use along-track scanning used to take out most ground-track motion, so that high SNR can be obtained at high spectral and spatial resolutions - Obtain coverage to >3600 nm to provide high sensitivity to low abundances of carbonates - Obtain inflight calibration of background and responsivity to support radiometric accuracy OBJECTIVE 3: Separate the signature of the surface from that of the atmosphere, and characterize the spatial and temporal properties of the atmosphere IMPLEMENTATION: - Observe each targeted site at multiple geometries to quantify atmospheric effects - Acquire periodic global grids of measurements to monitor atmospheric conditions, and use these results to correct the multispectral survey CRISM's implementation of its science strategy maps into three groups of investigations. CRISM will conduct its first group of investigations through a global, 100- 200 m/pixel, 72-wavelength survey. Through these multispectral survey data, global characterization of surface mineralogy to understand Mars crustal composition will be established using a spectral parameter approach. The mineralogy maps will also be used to search for evidence of aqueous activity that lacks morphologic expression and/or that is not resolved by previous Mars-orbiting instruments. CRISM's second group of investigations is implemented by high-resolution hyperspectral mapping of hundreds to thousands of high priority targets including candidate sedimentary deposits, volcanic regions, crustal sections exposed in steep escarpments, and sites which exhibit evidence for concentrations of aqueously formed minerals. The final group of investigations is implemented using a systematic, global grid of hyperspectral measurements of emission phase functions (EPFs) acquired repetitively throughout the Martian year. EPF measurements allow accurate determination of column abundances of water vapor, CO, dust and ice aerosols, and their seasonal variations. At the same time, the grid's repetitive coverage will track seasonal variations in water content of surface material. Subsystems ========== CRISM consists of three boxes; the Optical Sensor Unit (OSU) which includes the optics, gimbal, focal planes, cryocoolers and radiators, and focal plane electronics; the Gimbal Motor Electronics (GME), which commands and powers the gimbal motor and encoder and analyzes data from the encoder in a feedback loop; and the Data Processing Unit (DPU), which accepts and processes commands from the spacecraft and accepts and processes data from the OSU and communicates it to the spacecraft. The CRISM OSU has a one-time deployable cover that protects the instrument optics from contamination. The cover will be opened following MRO's aerobraking into its science orbit. Light is focused by the Ritchey-Chretien on-axis telescope onto the slit. Following the slit is the spectrometer optics. The dichroic reflects the VNIR, while transmitting the infrared. The two modified Offner spectrometers disperse the light and focus it onto their respective focal planes. Each focal plane has a dedicated electronics board that provides the required clock signals and bias voltages, and digitizes the video data from the focal plane. The digitized data is transmitted through the twist capsule to the DPU. Lamps in the spectrometer housing can illuminate each focal plane, permitting a flat field calibration of the focal planes. The infrared focal plane is cooled to about 110K by one of three cryocoolers (selectable by the DPU). The three position shutter mirror, located between the telescope and spectrometer slit, allows imaging of a scene, measurement of an internal closed-loop controlled integrating sphere, or background measurements. The scanning subsystem consists of the Gimbal Motor Electronics (GME), a high-resolution angular encoder, and the gimbal drive motor. The GME contains the motor driver circuitry, and responds to a commanded profile from the DPU. Software in the DPU implements a control algorithm, utilizing feedback information from the 20-bit encoder to maintain closed-looped control. The system accurately follows a programmed scan pattern that is carefully designed to compensate for orbital motion and to accomplish the desired scan pattern across the Martian surface. The DPU receives unregulated 28 volt power from MRO and provides regulated secondary power to CRISM, receives and processes commands from the MRO, controls the CRISM subsystems, and acquires and formats CRISM science and housekeeping data that is then sent to the spacecraft solid state recorder for downlink to earth. SUMMARY OF TECHNICAL ATTRIBUTES: Spectral Range: 362 - 3920 nm Spectral Sampling: 6.55 nm Field of view: 2.12 degrees Instantaneous field of view (1 pixel): 61.5 microradians Swath Width from 255x320 km orbit: 9.4 to 11.9 km Spatial Sampling from 255x320 km orbit: 15.7 to 19.7 m/pixel IR detector temperature: 100K attainable with cryogenic cooling VNIR detector temperature: heated to -60C Spectrometer housing temperature: <194K SNR: 425 at 2300 nm, for a targeted observation of typical surface materials System MTF, at 9.25 cycles/mm (resolves a 40 meter spot): 0.73 VNIR, 0.4 IR Gimbal Pointing: +/- 60 degrees Along Track Scan Jitter: +/- 25 microradians Spectral Full Width Half-Max: 7.9-10.1 nm VNIR, 9-19 nm IR Spectral Smile (VNIR): 1.3 pixels Keystone (VNIR): < +/- 0.42 pxls Spectral Smile (IR): 1.3 pixels Keystone (IR): < +/- 0.42 pxls Spectral Profile, VNIR: <<1%, 3 pixels from peak Spectral Profile, IR: Typically <2%, 3 pixels from peak Out of Field Stray Light: < 1% Mass: 32.92 kg Power (normal data acquisition): 45.8 W Power (during internal calibrations): 47.3 W Power (during cooldown w/o data collection): 44.4 W Power (during standby with subsystems off): 16.1 W Detectors ========= VNIR: The VNIR focal plane consists of a silicon photodiode detector array indium bump-bonded to a TCM 6604A multiplexer. The focal plane consists of 640 column x 480 rows with 27-micron elements, and the long axis oriented in the along-slit direction. There are four quadrants each 160 columns in width. Readout occurs one row (wavelength) at a time, and each quadrant's output is sent to a separate analog-to-digital converter that digitizes to 14 bits. Component-level calibration (section 4.1) showed that read noise is approximately 180 e-, and gain is 80 e- per 14-bit DN. Full well is approximately 780,000 e-, and response is quasi-linear up to about 93% of full well. A bias voltage applied to the detector assures that, even with the minimum signal and dark current, 14-bit DNs are significantly greater than zero. The columns in the detector have three types of exposure to light. By design, the 10 columns at each edge are physically masked to serve as a reference for dark current. Inside the masked columns, another 10 columns on each side are not masked but neither are they exposed to direct illumination through the slit. These columns measure glare from the grating and other components internal to the spectrometer, The central 600 columns are intended to image the slit. Due to manufacturing and alignment tolerances, the actual dimensions of the three illumination regions of the detector are slightly different than the design. A fixed mounted filter on the detector blocks higher orders from the grating. By design the boundary is near 650 nm. The filter, comprised of two distinct filter glasses, stands approximately 0.2 mm off the detector surface. A mask at the filter boundary, consisting of a black stripe 216 microns wide, was microlithographically placed on the filter surface. The mask blocks scatter off the joint between the two glasses and, although it does attenuate the scene at adjacent wavelengths, because it is out of focus the transmission is not reduced to zero. Spectral information is not lost, and the shadowing attenuation can be calibrated out. By design, only 107 out of the 480 available rows have useful amounts of light dispersed light through the slit. 363 of the remaining 393 rows are physically masked; the 10 rows adjacent to the 107 useful rows are unmasked to provide margin for detector alignment in the instrument. The detector is mounted in a focal plane assembly. The FPA holds the detector at the proper angle to the spectrometer housing to locate it at the optical focal plane, and thermally isolates it from the colder spectrometer housing while allowing translation and rotation relative to the side of the spectrometer housing to minimize spectral smile and keystone distortions. The detector's temperature is thermostatically controlled to -60C in order to maintain quantum efficiency above 900 nm. The VNIR detector has a dedicated electronics board in the base of the gimbal that provides the required clock signals and bias voltages, and separately digitizes the video data from each quadrant of the focal plane. The digitized data are transmitted through a twist capsule to the DPU. The focal plane electronics control redundant focal plane lamps in the spectrometer housing that can illuminate the focal plane, permitting a non- uniformity calibration. They also control one of the two redundant lamps in the internal integrating sphere. The board monitors its own temperature and current, shutter motor current, and temperatures of the detector, spectrometer housing, telescope, and baffle. Both the VNIR or IR board can control one of two redundant sets of windings in the shutter motor; in a contingency situation in which the shutter resists movement, both windings can be used together. IR: The infrared (IR) focal plane consists of a HgCdTe detector array indium bump-bonded to a TCM 6604A multiplexer, the same as used in the VNIR array. The HgCdTe detector was grown on a CdTe substrate by molecular beam epitaxy (MBE) by the Rockwell Science Company (RSC). Dimensionally, electrically, and optically, the IR detector resembles the VNIR detector except for differences summarized below. Read noise is slightly lower at 140 e-, but gain and full well are similar. The fixed-mounted filter is a three-zone interference filter designed to block not only higher orders from the grating, but also thermal background to which the detector responds at wavelengths <4250 nm. Zones 1 and 2 are bandpass filters that transmit wavelengths of 1000-1810 nm and 1580-2840 nm respectively. Zone 3, covering longer wavelengths, is a linearly variable filter with an 80-nm bandpass and a linear variation in center wavelength scaled to match the dispersion of the IR spectrometer. All three zones overlap in order to eliminate leaks of thermal background to the detector. At the zone 1/zone 2 boundary there is no gap in transmission, but there is a narrow gap in transmission about 40 nm wide at the zone 2/zone 3 boundary from about 2720-2760 nm. In addition excessive thermal background is admitted at the boundary between zones 2 and 3, but this can be calibrated out. The IR focal plane assembly is more complicated than the VNIR assembly, due to the three times larger temperature contrast that has to be maintained between the detector and spectrometer housing. The cryogenic part of the FPA is mounted to a molybdenum core, and includes the detector held at proper angle to the spectrometer housing to locate it at the optical focal plane, as well as associated electronics. A cold shield, blackened on the interior, limits the view to the spectrometer housing to that necessary to admit the cone of light from the spectrometer optics. Baffling attenuates off-axis scatter of thermal background through the baffle's rectangular aperture. A low-emissivity gold coating on the cold shield's outer surface limits radiative coupling of the baffle to the spectrometer housing. The detector's temperature is maintained at either of two setpoints, 104K or 108K, using an active cryogenic system in order to minimize dark current. The cryogenic portion of the FPA is thermally isolated from its retaining ring by rigid, low thermal conductivity nextel struts. The struts resist creep in the orientation of the cryogenic core in the face of repeated thermal cyclings. Like the VNIR board, the IR focal plane electronics board is located in the base of the gimbal and provides clock signals and bias voltages, and separately digitizes the video data from each quadrant of the focal plane. It transmits digitized data through the twist capsule to the DPU, controls redundant focal plane lamps, controls one of the two redundant integrated sphere lamps, and monitors its own temperature and current, shutter motor current, and temperatures of the detector, spectrometer housing, telescope, and cryogenic coolers. In addition the IR board monitors the temperature of the integrating sphere and current of the IR-controlled sphere lamp. THERMAL CONTROL: CRISM's thermal design is driven by several sometimes conflicting requirements: - maintaining the spectrometer housing at or below -75C to minimize IR thermal background radiation - maintaining the VNIR detector at -60C to retain quantum efficiency at > 900 nm - maintaining the IR detector at <120K to minimize dark current - maintaining the optics near -60C to control their thermal emission at the longest IR wavelengths. - maintaining the mechanical coolers above -40C for cooling efficiency and to prevent leakage of their He refrigerant These goals are met through a combination of passive and active cooling that create the required thermal zones. There are three radiators that provide passive cooling, plus heaters on those components where a minimum temperature must be maintained. The largest of the three radiators, the anti-sunward radiator or cryoradiator, faces toward the terminator from MRO's 3 PM local solar time sun-synchronous orbit. Its purpose is to cool the spectrometer housing. The anti-sunward radiator is constructed from an oriented-strand composite that provides more thermal conductivity than alternative metallic choices for radiator construction. The duck-foot shape increases radiator area while not interfering with the spacecraft deck when the OSU gimbals. Ribs provide mechanical rigidity. The anti-sunward radiator is connected to the spectrometer housing by a flexible link. Where the radiator stem passes through the gimbal base, a polymer spacer provides thermal isolation. A trim heater on the spectrometer housing prevents temperature from falling low enough to cause icing of the optics or to overwhelm the heater on the VNIR detector. The optical bench is exposed on the exterior of the instrument and is one half of the planet-facing radiator that is oriented toward Mars during the Primary Science Phase. It cools the telescope optics to minimize thermal emission at the longest IR wavelengths. The other half of the planet-facing radiator is the plate to which the bodies of the three mechanical coolers are thermally sunk. Its function is to dissipate heat from the coolers. A trim heater plus a spacecraft survival heater keep the cooler bodies above -25C during cold excursions such as during cruise to Mars. A narrow gap between the two segments of the planet- facing radiator maintains their distinct temperatures. The IR detector is maintained below 120K by an active cooling system that utilizes three He-charged mechanical coolers, each linked to the IR detector by a CH4-charged cryogenic diode heat pipe (CDHP). The CDHP's provide thermal conductivity to a cooler that is on, and thermal isolation from a cooler that is off. The coolers are the Ricor K508 model charged with 30 bars of He, and were specially selected from the top 2% of the product line based on high heat lift capacity and a high ratio of heat lift to current drawn. With the cooler body near -20C approximately 700 mW of heat lift is available. The cooler cold tip is connected to a heat pipe with a copper braid. Each cooler draws 450-550 mA of current at 15 V to cool the detector to 104K. The heat pipe is a sealed tube containing a condenser on the cooler end, a wick that connects the condenser with an evaporator on the detector end, and a liquid trap on the detector end. When the cooler is off and the detector is cold, the liquified methane is in the liquid trap and does not circulate; the tortuosity of the wick provides low thermal conductivity. When the cooler is powered on and the condenser end reaches approximately 138K, the methane begins to liquefy there and is wicked to the evaporator where it removes heat, and vapor returns to the condenser end to continue the cycle. After cooler turn-on, the system reaches temperature in approximately 12 hours. The heat pipes are enclosed in a shoebox-shaped cold shroud that envelops the assembly and minimizes radiative coupling to the rest of the instrument. The shroud is thermally coupled by a flexible link to the optical bench, and suspended from the warm side of the instrument housing by Kevlar cables. The heat pipes are supported inside the shroud by a second set of small-diameter Kevlar cables, creating a dual-nested Kevlar cable thermal isolation/structural support system. The shroud is gold-plated for low emissivity to minimize radiative coupling. The assembly is baked out in vacuum prior to operation to dissipate adsorbed water that raises emissivity of surfaces inside the shroud and introduces parasitic losses. Optics ====== TELESCOPE AND SPECTROMETER: CRISM's optomechanical structure is all-aluminum to minimize change in focus with temperature. Components are mounted to an optical bench, which also serves as a Mars-facing radiator that cools the optics to minimize IR background, and as a mount for the shutter and internal integrating sphere. Light is focused by a 100-mm aperture, and 441-mm focal length Ritchey- Chretien on-axis telescope onto a slit. Both the primary and secondary mirrors are coated aluminum, and are baffled to block out-of-field paths to the slit. The secondary is mounted by a spider and obscures 29% of the aperture. The telescope is protected by a composite baffle with flexure mounts to the optical bench. The interior of the baffle is vaned to attenuate off-axis scattered light. The end of the baffle is covered by a hinged, solid-composite, one-time deployable cover. Deployment occurs using a high-output paraffin actuator with redundant heaters. The cover has a telltale that indicates whether the cover is closed or not. The slit is 27 microns wide and 16.3 mm long and is mounted in an assembly for fastening to the optical bench. The slit is mounted on a 76-mm radius cylindrical surface whose axis is perpendicular to the slit, to improve focus. The slit is constructed of nickel and its telescope facing side is gold plated, both to resist effects of heating and to dissipate incident solar energy in the event of a direct view of the sun. Irregularities in slit width cause along-slit variations in system response at the percent level; the maximum irregularity is a burr that attenuates incoming light by only 10%. Following the slit is the spectrometer optics. A wedged, ZnSe dichroic beamsplitter reflects the VNIR while transmitting the IR, each to its own modified Offner spectrometer and focal plane assembly. The wedge directs internal reflections in the transmitted IR light out of its nominal path, so that the reflections can be blocked by the order-sorting filter on the detector. The two modified Offner spectrometers disperse the light and focus it onto their respective focal planes. In the VNIR spectrometer M1 and M3 are prolate ellipsoids and the grating (M2) is mounted on a spherical surface. In the IR spectrometer M1 and M2 are spherical and M3 is a generalized asphere approximating an oblate ellipsoid. Both spectrometers account for the curved slit, thereby creating a flat, well-corrected slit image at the detector. Each spectrometer also has a fold mirror after M3 that directs the light out of plane to focus on the focal plane assembly (FPA) mounted on the side of the spectrometer for thermal control. Nominally each spectrometer has unity magnification, but due to manufacturing tolerances the angular sizes of the two FOVs differ by 1.2%. The diffraction gratings are an aluminized polymer manufactured by JPL using an electron beam process. Each is dual-zone, with each zone blazed to maximize efficiency in either the longer- or shorter-wavelength parts of the VNIR or IR spectral range. The areas of each zone are sized to balance SNR in their two wavelength ranges. CRISM uses the first-order diffracted light; higher orders from the gratings are blocked by fixed-mounted filters on the detectors. CALIBRATION SUBSYSTEM: CRISM has several internal calibration capabilities that allow monitoring of bias, dark current and thermal background, detector nonuniformity, and responsivity of the optics including the slit and everything behind it. Two parts of the calibration subsystem, a shutter and an integrating sphere, are built into the optical bench. The shutter is an aperture-filling vane with a polished aluminum rear surface, attached to a 33-position stepper motor with 3-degree steps. In its closed position (32), the shutter enables measurement of bias, dark current, and (for the IR detector) thermal background. At position 17 it provides a view of the internal integrating sphere. The open position was redefined in software to step 3 to eliminate an unanticipated reflection from the base of the shutter. The stepper motor has no absolute position knowledge, and instead moves between reference positions of open (3), sphere (17), and closed (32) by counting steps. A photodiode can view a fiducial LED when the shutter is located at positions 0, 17, or 32. Normally the fiducial is left unpowered to eliminate stray light, but it will be powered periodically inflight to check that the shutter has not skipped positions. The internal integrating sphere provides a smooth, near-flat field of dispersed light as viewed by either spectrometer, that samples all of the optics except the telescope. It is intended as the primary inflight reference for radiometric calibration. The sphere is lined with sandblasted aluminum and has a slightly vignetted rectangular aperture. Illumination is provided by either of two small incandescent lamps, one controlled by the VNIR focal plane electronics that is located in the plane of the slit off to one side, and one that is controlled by the IR focal plane electronics that is located orthogonal to the slit off to one side. The VNIR-controlled bulb is the primary bulb for inflight calibration because its orientation generates less cross-slit brightness gradient, minimizing effects of small irreproducibilities in the shutter's position viewing the sphere. The lamps' peak current is 115 mA, and current level can be commanded either directly (open loop) or under closed loop control. For closed loop control, a Si photodiode inside the sphere measures the brightness of the lamp and adjusts current to match a brightness goal. There is one photodiode per lamp, controlled by the same focal plane electronics. A single closed-loop setpoint (90% of maximum) is used inflight, and each lamp runs at 2000K at its setpoint. Convolved with the efficiency of the optics and detectors, signal in DN/second as viewed at the detector peaks near 2200 nm. Under closed loop control, either of the sphere lamps' brightness stabilizes in 3- 4 seconds after it is turned on, and for the same sphere temperature, it repeatedly achieves the same current to within one part in a thousand. Each detector can also be illuminated by either of two redundant focal plane lamps, which are mounted in the spectrometer housing and bathe the detector with undispersed white light. The purpose of these lamps is measure pixel- to-pixel nonuniformities in detector response, at brightness levels that are unattainable using dispersed light from the sphere bulbs. This is particularly important for the VNIR detector, where <500-nm radiance from the sphere is low. All four of the bulbs are identical to the sphere bulbs except for their mounting. The VNIR bulbs are mounted in the spectrometer housing to directly illuminate the focal plane. For the IR detector the cold shield prevents a direct view, so the lamps illuminate the detector by flooding the spectrometer housing to create indirect illumination. At either detector, lamp 2 is the primary lamp for inflight use because its radiance field is more uniform at any given detector row (wavelength). The lamps' currents are only commandable directly, open loop. Multiple levels are used for inflight, measurements in order to attain Mars- and sphere-like brightnesses at different detector rows Electronics =========== SCANNING SYSTEM: The scanning subsystem consists of the Gimbal Motor Electronics (GME), a high-resolution angular encoder, the gimbal drive motor, and the OSU base. The GME contains the motor driver circuitry, and responds to a commanded profile from the DPU. Software in the DPU implements a control algorithm, utilizing feedback information from the 20-bit, 6-microradian precision angular postion encoder to maintain closed-looped control. The system accurately follows a programmed scan pattern that is carefully designed to compensate for orbital motion and to accomplish the desired scan pattern across the Martian surface. DATA PROCESSING UNIT: The DPU receives unregulated 28-32 volt power from MRO and provides regulated secondary power to CRISM, receives and processes commands from MRO, controls the CRISM subsystems, and acquires and formats CRISM science and housekeeping data that is then sent to the spacecraft solid-state recorder (SSR) for downlink to earth. The DPU is based upon the modular stacking electronics system developed for CONTOUR/ CRISP and several of the instruments on MESSENGER. The CRISM design consists of eight electronics boards, although there are only 4 unique board designs. Two of the board designs are closely based on existing MESSENGER board designs. The DPU consists of a Processor System and a Power System. The Power System consists of DC/DC converter boards with additional circuitry, one each for the coolers, IR focal plane, VNIR focal plane, and the remaining DPU boards. The DPU Power Board receives primary power from the spacecraft and distributes it through an internal stacking connector to all boards in the Power System. An I2C serial data bus from the Processor Board controls all functions on the Power System boards. The I2C serial data bus and primary power distribution allow for daisy chaining of additional Power System boards as required. Each of the power boards also telemeters its own temperature and the currents and voltages being supplied by it. The Processor System consists of Processor Board, a Spacecraft Interface Board, and two Focal Plane Interface Boards (one per focal plane). The Processor System boards use Actel field-programmable-gate-array (FPGA) signals routed to an internal stacking connector for interfaces between boards. The Actels are programmed to implement a data bus between boards, allowing for daisy chaining of additional Processor System boards as required. The Processor Board controls IR and VNIR focal plane power and cooler power via its I2C bus, and gimbal position using a serial RS422 interface to the GME. The Spacecraft Interface board communicates with the spacecraft via serial low-voltage differential signal (LVDS) command and telemetry interfaces, receives spacecraft time synchronization and side A/B selection via a hardware signal, and transmits science data to the SSR via serial LVDS interfaces for the IR and VNIR focal planes. The Focal Plane Interface Boards provide clock, frame, and command data signals to the IR and VNIR focal plane electronics under control of the Processor Board. They receive focal plane data and perform data editing and compression. The Processor Board generates telemetry headers for image data and passes them to the Focal Plane Interface Boards for incorporation onto image frames before transmission to the SSR. Operational Modes ================= SOFTWARE CONTROL: Core functions include autonomy, spacecraft interface, basic thermal control, and the macro system described below. Data compression is partially derived from that in the MESSENGER/MDIS camera, whereas cooler and gimbal control and focal plane lamp control are derived from the CONTOUR/CRISP instrument. Features specific to CRISM include wavelength-dependent compression, observation control, and closed loop control of the internal integrating sphere. VNIR and IR detector control: Key variables in constructing observing scenarios include the following. All are independently selectable separately for the VNIR and IR detectors. Image source. Image data may be generated using digitized output from the detector, or using one of up to seven test patterns stored in the focal plane electronics. Frame rate. Frame rates of 1, 3.75, 5, 15, and 30 Hz are supported. The 1 Hz frame rate is used for hyperspectral measurements of the onboard integrating sphere, because the long exposures possible at 1 Hz are needed for appreciable SNR at the shortest VNIR wavelengths. 3.75 Hz is used for hyperspectral measurements of Mars; this is the highest frame rate at which the DPU electronics support onboard compression options over the range of wavelengths imaged onto the detectors with useful SNR. 15 and 30 Hz frame rates are used for nadir-pointed multispectral measurements that return only selected wavelengths. The 5 Hz frame rate is not planned for use inflight, because at that rate the electronics do not support compression of a hyperspectral wavelength selection, and it would produce excessive along- track smear in a nadir-pointed observation. Integration time. Integration times are in increments of 1/480th of the inverse of the frame rate. At 1 Hz, for example, available integration times are 1/480th sec, 2/480th sec...480/480th sec, and at 15 Hz, 1/7200th sec, 2/7200th sec...480/7200th sec. Compression. All CRISM data are read off the detector in 14-bit format and are compressed real-time in hardware. Compression options, in succession are: - Subtraction of an offset, on a line by line basis: Offsets are set by uploading a data structure to the DPU. - Multiplication by a gain, on a line by line basis, with the output in 12- bit format. Gains are set by uploading a data structure to the DPU. - Row selection: All detector rows having useful signal can be saved, or alternatively an arbitrary, commandable subset of rows (a wavelength filter) can be saved. The number of rows with useful signal is 545, 107 in the VNIR and 438 in the IR. These are returned in hyperspectral measurements. The nominal number of rows for multispectral mode is 73, 18 in the VNIR and 55 in the IR. For each detector, there are four wavelength filters from which to choose rapidly by command: hyperspectral (545 total channels), multispectral (73 total channels), and two sets of expanded multispectral (82 and 94 channels). New options are set by uploading a data structure to the DPU. - Pixel binning: Pixels can be saved unbinned or binned 2x, 5x, or 10x in the spatial direction. No pixel binning in the spectral direction is supported. - Optionally, conversion from 12 to 8 bits using one of eight look-up tables (LUTs) specified on a line by line basis: The line-by-line choices are set by uploading a data structure to the DPU. The LUTs are stored in non- volatile memory and are not uploadable - Optionally, lossless Fast + differential pulse-code modulation (DPCM) compression. The offsets, gains, and row-dependent LUT choices were set following instrument calibration. Offsets were derived from measurements of bias at different frame rates and detector temperatures, so that the minimum 14-bit DN at any frame rate over the range of expected operating temperatures translates to a positive, non-zero value. A single, wavelength-independent value is used for each detector. Gain and LUT choices were set following determination of instrument responsivity and estimation of signal levels and SNRs for Mars. The gain settings were driven by four requirements: (a) 12-bit sampling near the level of read noise so that SNR would be effectively improved by spatial pixel binning, (b) avoiding saturation, (c) maintaining appreciable SNR at photon-starved wavelengths, and (d) operation considerations, i.e., avoiding repeatedly changing settings. The driving cases are VNIR observations of the internal integrating sphere and VNIR and IR observations of icy regions Mars. In each case, obtaining sufficient SNR at <600 nm or >2600 nm requires driving other wavelengths to occupy a large part of the dynamic range of 9800 14-bit DNs. This is 4000 times the VNIR read noise and 5000 times the IR read noise. Therefore it was decided to use wavelength-independent gains that code the full range of near-linear detector response into 12 bits, which maintains 12-bit sampling at the level of the read noise in the VNIR and at 1.2 times the read noise in the IR. The wavelength-dependent LUT choices were made to avoid 8-bit saturation while also minimizing quantization errors at expected signal levels in multispectral mode observing Mars. Selection of the multispectral wavelength filters was a research project. OMEGA data were used to generate a core set of wavelengths needed to accurately capture the centers and shapes of absorption bands and key spectral ratios due to minerals known to be present (olivine, pyroxene, ferric oxides, sulfates, and clays) or sought-after (carbonates), or due to known atmospheric constituents. These were augmented with companion wavelengths needed to subtract a leak of the 2nd order from the grating through the IR order sorting filter at nominal wavelengths >2800 nm. The extended sets were populated using the CRISM spectral library, to provide better characterization of known or suspected minerals and to detect key minerals of exobiologic interest that are not known to be present, but may be at low abundances (nitrates, phosphates). Calibration subsystem control: Calibration lamps. 4095 levels are commandable in each of two lamps at each focal plane, and in two lamps in the integrating sphere. All settings are open-loop, meaning that current is commanded directly. For the integrating sphere only, closed loop control is available at 4095 settings. For closed loop control, the setting refers to output from a photodiode viewing the interior of the integrating sphere; current is adjusted dynamically to attain the commanded photodiode output. Shutter position. The stepper motor running the shutter has 33 positions, and can be commanded in two modes. It may be commanded to move a discrete number of steps, or it may be commanded to a predefined position (open, closed, or viewing the integrating sphere). In software, open=3, sphere=17, and closed=32. Scan system control: A torque motor under software control moves the gimbal. Pointing toward nadir is defined as 0 degrees. The gimbal can move back and forth between hard stops at -60 and +60 degrees. The software also limits the gimbal to stay within a minimum and maximum position. These soft stop angles are uploadable. The motor includes a relative position encoder and an index pulse at a known position. Until the software is commanded to find the index, the software does not have absolute knowledge of the gimbal's position. The software searches for the index by moving the gimbal back and forth between the hard stops. A hard stop is recognized via a limit switch or a motor stall condition. Once per second the software computes one second's worth of angular positions and velocities to follow over the next second. The software tries to remove differences between the computed values and the platform's actual position and velocity using a Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) algorithm. The PID control parameters are uploadable. The gimbal control software can be commanded into several different modes where the tables of positions and velocities are computed in different ways. When the mode is off, the motor is not driven. In hold mode, the platform is held at the current position. In slew mode, the platform is moved to a commanded angle. In profile mode the platform's desired angle and velocity are computed such that the spectrometer points to a fixed target on the Martian surface as the spacecraft passes over the target. The platform's angle versus time is an S-shaped curve. CRISM software stores about 1800 S- curve profiles. New or replacement profiles can be uploaded. The upload is not the angle vs. time curve itself, but the coefficients of a polynomial approximation of the ratio of downtrack target distance to spacecraft altitude. Offsets or constant-rate scans can be superimposed on top of the commanded angle. Using these capabilities, typical observations include either of two basic gimbal pointing configurations and two basic superimposed scan patterns. Pointing can be (1) fixed (nadir-pointed in the Primary Science Phase, a.k.a. pushbroom) or (2) dynamic, tracking a target point on the surface of Mars and taking out ground track motion. Two types of superimposed scans are supported: (1) a short, 4-second duration fixed-rate (EPF-type) scan which superimposes a constant angular velocity scan on either of the basic pointing profiles, or (2) a long, minutes-duration fixed-rate (target swath- type) scan. For the second configuration, dynamic targeting, the motion of the slit projected onto the surface is primarily a combination of gimbal movement and spacecraft velocity with slight variations due to continuous spacecraft yawing, and rolling in the case of off-nadir targeting. The scan platform control software can be placed in a diagnostic mode by command. In this mode, high rate scan data replaces image data. Instrument macros: A macro is a sequence of commands that can be stored and then executed later. A macro can be any length as long as the total length of all the macros fit into available memory. Up to 256 macros may be defined; each macro is identified by a small integer, 0 - 255. A macro is loaded to the instrument by placing CRISM in a learning mode to define a macro. If a command arrives with its macro field indicating learn, the command is added to the macro currently being constructed. Any command that arrives without the learn field, is executed immediately. There are commands for running and stopping a macro. There are also special commands for adding delays to a macro; these can be used only within a macro. One macro can call another or can execute loops. Both calls and loops can be nested. Up to 64 macros can be running concurrently. Several default macros are available as soon as CRISM is started, and are used to control instrument autonomy. Observation control: An observation is defined as the execution of a stored sequence of macros while the scan platform follows a desired profile. For the observation to be useful the spacecraft must be oriented properly and the command sequence and scan profile started at the correct time. Consequently, the spacecraft computer is intimately involved in observation control. Two blocks of observation data are uploaded for each target, one to the spacecraft computer and one to CRISM. Both blocks include a unique target identifier (target ID). The spacecraft observation data also includes the target's latitude and longitude, an estimate of closest approach time tCA, and an offset from tCA indicating when to start observing. Using orbit and target data, the spacecraft computes the actual tCA. As the spacecraft nears the target, it rolls to allow CRISM to view the target and notifies CRISM. The observation data uploaded to CRISM contains the target ID, a scan profile ID, and a list of macros and time offsets between their execution. The relative timing of the macros will vary with the target. The spacecraft starts CRISM's observation by sending CRISM a command (CRM_OBS_START) some time before tCA - dt1. The command has the target ID, tCA, and dt1. When CRISM receives the command, it uses the target ID to find the corresponding stored target data. The scan profile identifier is extracted and, using tCA, the scan profile computation begins. The first macro of the target is run (m0) at tCA - dt1. After the first offset time elapses (dmt0), the second macro is run (m1). This process repeats until all of the macros are run or an offset time of 65535 seconds is encountered. When the spacecraft sends CRM_OBS_START command, it also prepares the SSR for receiving CRISM images. After the last macro of the observation is run, CRISM notifies the spacecraft so that the SSR can be closed. Cooler control: The CRISM coolers are operated with a modified Proportional Integral (PI) control loop. The CRISM software calculates the error (difference between the goal and actual cooler cold tip temperature), and applies the control algorithm to compute a digital value commanding the cooler level and sends the result to a digital to analog converter. The digital value ranges from 0 to 4095 and controls how fast the cooler motor runs. The control algorithm runs at 5 Hz. The algorithm operates in two modes. If the error is above a threshold, only the proportional (P) part of the algorithm is applied. The error is multiplied by a gain and an offset is added. Once the error drops below the threshold, both the proportional and integral (PI) terms are applied. The error is added to the integrated error. Limits are placed on both the error to add and the total integrated error. Heater control: The CRISM DPU controls the temperature of five zones of the instrument: two that encompass the focal plane electronics boards in the base of the instrument, plus the cooler bodies, the spectrometer housing, and the VNIR detector. The heater in each zone may be commanded off, on, or controlled by software. If a heater is being controlled by software, it uses a goal and hysteresis commanded for that zone. Every second the zone's temperature is compared against its limits. If the temperature is too low, the heater will be turned on. If the temperature is too high, the heater will be turned off. Status reporting and autonomy: A collection of environmental data is monitored by CRISM including voltages, currents, and temperatures. These analog values are read every second or more frequently. Each monitored item has a lower and upper limit. If an item is out of limit for one cycle, but back within limits on the subsequent cycle, a transient alarm is reported. The alarm ID indicates the item being monitored and whether the value was too low or too high. The values accompanying the alarm are the out of limit data and the corresponding limit. If an item is either too high or two low for two consecutive monitoring cycles, a persistent alarm is reported. For some out of limit conditions, the software will execute a macro in reponse to power off the subsystem that generated the alarm. Data transmission: CRISM data are sent via three dedicated links to the spacecraft SSR for downlink to the ground. A low-speed link is used for the once-per-second or less frequent reports of voltages, currents, and temperatures via the spacecraft interface board in the DPU. These status packets also contain the commanded software and power configuration of the instrument. The low-speed link also transmits alarms, and can be commanded to transmit dumps of memory contents, the onboard macro library, or a memory checksum (the last bits of the sum of memory contents) as health and status checks. The VNIR and IR detector each have a dedicated high-speed link to the SSR via its interface board in the DPU. Each row of an image frame is prefaced with a line number to track its wavelength, and each image frame is prefaced with a header containing a snapshot of the contents of the status packet at the time of frame measurement, as well as the spacecraft time, target ID, and gimbal position at the beginning, middle, and end of frame integration. OBSERVATION TYPES: CRISM science observations use nine basic sequences of macros that translate into different sequences of EDRs. All of the sequences use an onboard target list for autonomous pointing and time of observations by the spacecraft guidance and controls system. A target ID is used to uniquely identify a target on this list. Four of the macro sequences are intended for execution while the gimbal is tracking a target, and superimposing 11 slow scans: Full resolution targeted observation, half resolution (long or short) targeted observation, and atmospheric survey EPF. All follow the same basic outline. The gimbal is first set to +60 degrees to begin the scan, which then starts at the commanded time. During approach to the target, the scan profile is designed to slowly sweep the optical line-of-sight (LOS) back and forth across the target. Thus, instead of holding the target still within the FOV, short +/- 0.3 degree scans are superimposed. These short scans are called EPF scans. During target over-flight (+35 to -35 degree gimbal angle), the gimbal takes a much longer sweep across the target. It is this long central scan that differentiates the classes of observations. The incoming EPF sequence is repeated outgoing, except in reverse order. Four dark measurements of instrument background are taken, marking the start and end of each group of EPF scans, effectively bracketing the incoming and outgoing EPF scans and the central scan. The character of the central scan is what differentiates the four types of gimbaled science observations: A FULL RESOLUTION TARGETED measurement utilizes CRISM's full resolution capabilities, at the expense of a relatively large data volume. The gimbal is first moved to the starting position of the central scan, which depends on the scan's length. However, it is not the scan length that is the independent variable, but rather the desired speed of the central scan and the time available for execution. Taken together these dictate length of the scan and the initial gimbal position. For full resolution observations, the central scan is executed such that the LOS scans at a rate of 1 pixel (approximated as 60 microradians) per integration time, and crosses the target at mid-scan. The number of integrations is selected to mostly occupy the range of gimbal angles between +/- 35 degrees. Depending on the altitude above a particular target, one of several choices of macros is used to mostly occupy but not overfill this gimbal range, and the corresponding gimbal setup macro is used. The data are taken without spatial pixel binning, and the dark and lamp data are correspondingly taken without pixel binning. However to conserve data volume, the EPF scans are taken with 10x pixel binning; the gimbal scan rate for the EPFs yields approximately square pixels projected onto the surface. A HALF RESOLUTION LONG targeted measurement covers a larger area, but at half the spatial resolution. It is intended for targets for which areal coverage is more important than the highest possible resolution. The gimbal is again moved to the starting position of the central scan, which for a given scan duration is about twice the angular offset as the full resolution targeted measurement. The LOS is scanned at a rate of 2 pixels (120 microradians) per integration time, and sufficient integrations are executed to mostly occupy the range of gimbal angles between +/- 35 degrees. Depending on the altitude above a particular target, one of several choices of macros is used to mostly occupy but not overfill this gimbal range, and the corresponding gimbal setup macro is used. The duration of the scan is the same as for a full resolution targeted measurement taken from the same altitude. The data are taken with 2x spatial pixel binning; the higher scan rate yields approximately square pixel footprints projected onto the planet surface. The area covered by the central scan is approximately twice that as for a full resolution targeted measurement. The dark data are correspondingly taken with 2x pixel binning. However to conserve data volume, the EPF scans are taken with 10x pixel binning; the gimbal scan rate yields approximately square pixels projected onto the surface. A HALF RESOLUTION SHORT targeted measurement is a lower data volume alternative to the two types of targeted observations just described, intended to provide flexibility in covering more targets. The gimbal is first moved to the starting position of the central scan, which in this case is chosen so the scan only occupies about half the range of gimbal angles between +/- 35 degrees. Then the LOS is scanned at a rate of 2 pixels (120 microradians) per integration time, and sufficient integrations are executed to occupy approximately half the range of gimbal angles between +/- 35 degrees. Depending on the altitude above a particular target, one of several choices of macros is used, and the corresponding gimbal setup macro is used. The duration of data collection over the central scan is half that of a full resolution targeted measurement taken from the same altitude. The data are taken with 2x spatial pixel binning; the higher scan rate yields approximately square pixel footprints projected onto the planet surface. The area covered by the central scan is approximately the same as that as for a full resolution targeted measurement. The dark data are correspondingly taken with 2x pixel binning. However to conserve data volume, the EPF scans are taken with 10x pixel binning; the gimbal scan rate yield approximately square pixels projected onto the surface. In an EPF measurement, the central scan is replaced with another EPF scan. The EPFs and dark data are all taken with 10x pixel binning. An EPF measurement is intended to characterize the atmosphere or the average surface properties of a kilometers-sized area, as a part of tracking seasonal changes. The multispectral survey is intended to map large areas Mars Odyssey/THEMIS- IR scale of resolution, for two purposes: (a) to find sites for targeted measurements, or (b) to characterize composition over large, contiguous areas. This type of observation does not use a scan profile, but is nadir- pointed and measures selected wavelengths at elevated frame rates. The basic configuration is a repeating sequence of alternating Mars-viewing and background measurement macros. The Mars-viewing periods are constrained to be in blocks of 3 minutes so that adequate interpolation of background is possible. CRISM spends most of its observing time in this mode. In MULTISPECTRAL SURVEY mode, the instrument is fixed pointing at nadir, and selected wavelengths are measured at spatial resolution that is reduced by binning pixels in the spatial direction, to manage data volume. This mode of operation is intended to search for new targets of interest and to provide moderate spatial and spectral resolution mapping of surface composition. Data are compressed to 8 bits using the LUTs defined line by line. Multispectral survey data and accompanying background and lamp calibrations are taken in 10x pixel binning mode, with 72 channels selected. Dark, lamp, and Mars data are all taken at 15 Hz, yielding 200-m effective pixels projected on Mars. MULTISPECTRAL SURVEY POLAR mode differs in that data are compressed only losslessly. MULTISPECTRAL WINDOWS resemble the above multispectral survey, except that they are taken at 30 Hz with 5x pixel binning, yielding 100-m effective pixels projected on Mars. These data are always taken in 12-bit format. Multispectral windows have 3 basic uses: - Polar monitoring. Selected parts of the polar region are observed several times around specific periods of Ls to monitor seasonal changes in the polar cap. - Ridealongs. If a High-Resolution Imaging Science Experiment (HiRISE) or Context Imager (CTX) measurement is not coordinated with a CRISM targeted measurement, then a 15-second duration multispectral window with a preceding dark measurements and following lamp measurement may be executed, with the window centered on the center of the HiRISE or CTX target. This assures that science observations by either of those instruments are accompanied by at least a minimal CRISM observation. - Depending on downlink availability, multispectral windows can be used in place of the multispectral survey for mapping selected regions of the planet. Because of lower SNR than in survey mode, this is only recommended for resolution of 100-m scale spatial heterogeneity, not for detection of weak bands. RADIOMETRIC CALIBRATION is performed at least daily. A radiometric calibration consists of a set of sphere measurements (with the sphere operated closed-loop) with bracketing measurements of the ambient background with the shutter viewing the darkened sphere. These data are used to recover radiometric responsivity. A BIAS CALIBRATION consists of a set of shutter-closed measurements at each frame rate, at 4-5 integration times per frame rate. These data are used to recover detector bias, i.e., the offset image with zero scene radiance or thermal background. Bias calibration is performed at least daily. FLAT-FIELD CALIBRATION is performed at monthly intervals. A flat-field calibration consists of a set of of a bland region of Marx with bracketing background measurements. These data are used to recover non-uniformity of the VNIR detector. (The integrating sphere provides sufficient signal for this to be measured in the IR, but in the VNIR, at wavelengths <600 nm there is insufficient signal at a single detector element to determine non- uniformity at the desired accuracy of 0.001.) A calibration source INTERCALIBRATION is performed monthly to track long- term changes in system response. The sphere bulb controlled by the VNIR electronics is the primary radiometric reference for CRISM. The IR- controlled bulb is measured only monthly to monitor output of the VNIR- controlled bulb for long-term changes. Calibration =========== Calibration occurred onground and continues inflight, the latter using recurring measurements that accompany measurements of Mars (e.g., shutter- closed measurements and measurements of the internal integrating sphere and focal plane lamps) as well as special observations including star measurements. Ground calibration characterized those attributes that are difficult to measure inflight, such as linearity, and establishes the baseline performance of the onboard calibration subsystem (such as the radiance field of internal sources) that is needed to process inflight calibrations. Ground calibration occurred in six stages: (1) The VNIR and IR detectors were characterized individually at temperature for detector-specific attributes such as bias, dark current, and linearity. (2) The detectors were aligned in the optical assembly for best focus and to minimize optical distortions including spectral smile, keystone, and rotation of the detector relative to the beam. At the same time, data were collected to characterize the calibration subsystem and optical performance. (3) The integrated system was tested at temperature. (4) Following environmental testing, calibrations not requiring collimated light were repeated during thermal balance measurement of the instrument. (5) Measurements requiring collimated light were repeated. (6) After initial delivery and integration onto the MRO spacecraft, CRISM and the other instruments were refitted with replacement FPGAs. Following the FPGA replacement, key calibrations were repeated. Stage 1 was completed at the Optical Development Laboratory at APL. Stages 2, 3, 5, and 6 were completed at the Optical Calibration Facility (OCF) at APL. Observations were acquired either looking out a sapphire window at one of several calibrated field-filling radiance sources (a blackbody, a gold- lined integrating sphere, a Spectralon-lined integrating sphere, and Spectralon and rare-earth oxide-doped Spectralon plates illuminated by a halogen lamp), or through a collimator looking at sub-pixel or extended white light or monochromatic sources, a military resolution target, or various geologic hand samples to validate calibration. Stage 4 was completed at APL's Space Simulation Laboratory in a thermal vacuum chamber outfitted with a sapphire window, viewing a blackbody or the halogen lamp-illuminated Spectralon plates. In all cases, observations of external sources were accompanied by measurements of the internal calibration subsystems. During stages 1 and 2 over 168,000 frames of VNIR or IR data were acquired, and during stages 3 through 6 over 946,000 frames were acquired, typically in bursts of 12 to improve photon counting statistics. Measurements were purposely taken at a variety of frame rates and exposure times. Detector alignment: The final ground calibration yields wavelength limits of 362-1053 nm in the VNIR and 1002-3920 nm in the IR, over the range of detector rows that are included in the wavelength filters used for hypespectral observations. Measured dispersion is 6.55 nm/channel. Columns 0-11 of the VNIR detector and 0-7 and 634-639 of the IR detector are physically masked and serve as an unilluminated reference for integrity of radiometric calibration. Specifically, near-zero values in calibrated data indicate correct removal of bias, thermal background, and electronics ghosts. Columns 12-23 and 627- 639 of the VNIR detector and 8-27 of the IR detector are exposed but not directly illuminated through the slit and measured glare from the gratings. Columns 25-625 of the VNIR detector and 29-632 of the IR detector measure the scene or the internal integrating sphere. Other columns are transitional. Keystone (spatial drift along a detector column) is +/- 0.4 pixels at the edges of the detectors, with near-zero values near column 250 on each detector. The total magnitude of spectral smile (wavelength drift along a detector row) exceeds 1 pixel, with the least variation along-slit near column 275 of the VNIR detector and column 350 of the IR detector. Thus, for extraction of data from overlapping EPF measurements, columns 275-350 form the sweet spot on the detectors where optical distortions are minimal. Modulation transfer function and scattered light: A key requirement of CRISM is to resolve small-scale deposits. The requirement of MTP>0.2 at 9.25 cycles/mm at the detector, required to resolve a 75-m spot on the surface from MRO's nominal 300-km altitude, is exceeded at all wavelengths. The smallest spot at which this requirement is met at all wavelengths in the central 1.8 degrees of the FOV is 38 meters. The point spread function falls by a factor of 100 within 3 spatial pixels and 1000 within 10 spatial pixels. Integrating from 0.01-3 degrees outside the instrument aperture defined by the slit, approximately 1.3% of the measured light in a given spatial pixel comes from more than 3 spatial pixels distance and 0.1% from outside 3 degrees. Spectral sampling: In order to distinguish spectrally similar minerals that have different geological implications for their environments of formation, adequate spectral resolution is necessary. This requires not only spectral sampling, but a sufficiently narrow full width half maximum (FWHM) of the instrument response in the spectral direction (the slit function). CRISM's spectral sampling is specified at <10 nm to provide oversampling, and the instrument meets that requirement. The measured FWHM is 8 nm in the VNIR across the FOV. In the IR it increases from 10 nm at short wavelengths to 15 nm at the longest wavelengths at the center of the FOV, and broadens by about 2 nm to +/- 0.8 degrees from the center of the FOV. Outside +/- 0.9 degrees from the center of the FOV the telescope is slightly vignetted, so further degradation is expected at extreme field angles. Signal to noise ratio: Extraction of mineralogically useful spectral data at high spatial and spectral resolution requires high SNR. The internal CRISM requirement is an SNR of 400 at 2300 nm for typical Martian materials. 2300 nm was chosen because it approximates the wavelength of key absorption bands due to H2O and OH in minerals, and the value of 400 is to detect 1% depth absorption bands with confidence. SNR for a reference Martian scene was estimated using system responsivity derived from observations of the Spectralon plate at <2500 nm and the large-aperture blackbody at >2000 nm. For typical Martian scendes, SNR is >100 at nearly all wavelengths and >300 at 500-2500 nm, just exceeding the requirement at 2300 nm. Lower SNR at <450 nm and >2500 nm is a consequence of Mars's inherently low reflectance at those wavelengths. Effective SNR is higher during 10x-binned multispectral mapping because of the statistical effects of averaging multiple spatial pixels. Operational Considerations ========================== Like any spacecraft instrument, CRISM exhibits artifacts that require corrections beyond the basic radiance calibration. The seven most significant artifacts were found early enough during calibration either to be corrected or to be characterized sufficiently to be calibrated out. First, the boundary of zones 1 and 2 of the VNIR order sorting filter is a joint between two distinct glasses with different indices of refraction. When illuminated during stage 1 testing for linearity, it was found to cause significant (>>10%) scattered light at shorter wavelengths (<670 nm). This was correcting by replacing the VNIR focal plane assembly with the flight spare, onto which a narrow black stripe was painted to shadow the joint. The black stripe attenuates the light from 610-710 nm and explains the dip in response at those wavelengths in Figures 36 and 37. Second, the linearity of both detectors was found to be extraordinarily sensitive to the bias voltage applied. Upon discovery of this during stage 1 testing, the voltage was modified from 5 to 4.8 V to lessen the effect. In hindsight, and if time had allowed, there should have been a study of several bias voltages near 4.8 V to identify the one producing the least nonlinearity. Third, CRISM's gimbal housing has a gap between two segments of its planet facing radiator, in order to simultaneously maintain the cooler bodies at >248K and the spectrometer housing at <198K. During ad hoc testing for scattered light during stage 2 (performed by walking a flashlight around the gimbal housing with a mounted but unaligned VNIR detector), a sneak path for undispersed light to the VNIR detector was discovered. This was easily fixed by covering the VNIR FPA with thermal blanketing, but the result was a heat leak from the FPA to the spectrometer housing, raising spectrometer housing temperature to near is maximum desired value of -75C. To remediate the heat leak, VNIR operating temperature was modified from -20C, intended originally, to -60C. Fourth, the original open position for the shutter at step 0 of 33 was found to create a ghost image of the scene approximately 1 degree out of the FOV in the cross-slit direction, with a magnitude 10-30% of the primary scene. This was remediated by a software fix, in which open was redefined to position 3, which moves the origin of the ghost image to an angle further from the FOV at which it is baffled by the telescope. Secondary artifacts created by this fix are discussed in more detail below. Fifth, zone 1 of the IR order sorting filter was found to have a red leak at >4200 nm, beyond CRISM's nominal wavelength range but within the >spectral range at which the detector responds. Hence, thermal background is unexpectedly large at 1000-1700 nm in the IR. This was discovered too late for redesign of the filter; the main effect is decreased - but still high - SNR at the affected wavelengths. Sixth, it was intended originally that the maximum wavelength would be 4050 nm - compared to MRO's basic requirement of >=3600 nm - in order to cover the strong carbonate band centered at 3980 nm. Due to tolerances in the manufacturing process, the peak response of the zone 3 linearly variable filter was mismatched to the peak required for 4050 nm light to fall on the detector. The mismatch was greater than the 80-nm bandpass of the filter. To maintain responsivity at >2700 nm, a long-wavelength cutoff of 3920 nm was accepted to properly align the filter with light dispersed from the gratings. Finally, the spectrometer slit - which defines the mapping of wavelengths to detector rows as well as the spatial FOV - is mounted on a curved surface whose axis of curvature is parallel to the wavelength direction. The slit assembly is fixed with pins through holes whose diameters are oversized to provide margin for fastening the assembly. During instrument-level vibration testing between calibration stages 3 and 4, the slit assembly shifted in the wavelength direction by the tolerance in the hole diameters, shifting wavelength calibration by about 15 nm in both the VNIR and IR. Although vibration testing exceeded expected launch vibrations by about 50%, additional shifting of the slit assembly during launch cannot be ruled out. If this occurred, it can easily be calibrated out using the measured positions of Martian atmospheric gas absorptions. The remaining artifacts are relatively minor and/or have straightforward (though sometimes tedious) corrections and are discussed below. Electronics effects: Several attributes of the VNIR and IR detectors have to be corrected for small differences in detector temperature between measurements of scenes and measurements of internal calibration sources. The required precision of knowledge of detector temperature is approximately 0.3K. Relatively late in calibrations, it was found that raw values of temperatures telemetered by the IR focal plane electronics (including both redundant detector temperatures) were being perturbed by up to 2K by changes in current loads on the board. These variations in current result from normal operations like changing frame rate, running lamps, or running a cooler. In practice, this artifact is corrected by calibrating it out. The large number of ground calibration frames afforded many cases in which loads changed while temperature remained constant, and these cases occurred over temperatures that span the operating range. The raw telemetry value at each frame rate is corrected to its corresponding value at 1 Hz before conversion from digital to physical units. Both detectors, but especially the VNIR detector, is subject to a weak ghost image of any illuminated spot into its corresponding location in every other quadrant of the detector. The cause is suspected to be that all four quadrants share a common ground through which electrical cross-talk occurs. This is a small effect at the <1% level, and in practice is removed by scaling the image of each quadrant by an empirically determined value that is nonlinearly related to signal level, and then subtracting the scaled quadrant image from that of every other detector. To the uncertainties in measurement, each of the four quadrants in a detector behaves only slightly differently. There is a minimal effect of frame rate, but ghost magnitude is apparently unaffected by detector temperature. As mentioned previously, both detectors exhibit slightly nonlinear response to input signal. This was characterized during stage 1 testing by a matrix of measurements at each frame rate, in which both the level of a well- calibrated light source and exposure time were varied. Both types of modulation of total signal produce indistinguishable results. Nonlinearity is well described by a logarithmic function of bias- and ghost-corrected DN; corrections for flight scale DN by the difference in relative responsivity from that occurring at a reference DN level. It is critical that bias and ghost corrections be performed prior to this correction, to eliminate negative values due to interquadrant ghosting. Each frame rate exhibits a different nonlinear relationship of relative responsivity and bias- and ghost corrected DN, but the 4 quadrants of each detector are indistinguishable. Shutter reproducibility: In order to illuminate the spectrometer slit's full 2.12 degree FOV, CRISM's telescope illuminates a circular region of slightly larger diameter surrounding the slit. The base of the shutter, on the hinge end, just protrudes into the illuminated area. At position 0, originally intended as the open position, the reflective rear surface of the shutter provides the detectors an unbaffled view of the scene approximately 1 degree from the center of the FOV in a cross-slit direction, creating an out-of-focus ghost image of that location. Moving the shutter through successive steps redirects the angle from which the ghost image originates to further from the center of the FOV. At position 3, the angle from which the ghost image originates is baffled by the telescope, and the ghost disappears. To remediate the ghost image, the open position of the shutter was redefined in software as position 3. At position 3 the shutter attenuates up to 10% of the light coming from an external scene, depending on the wavelength. The short-wavelength zone of the VNIR grating and the long-wavelength zone of the IR grating are blocked preferentially. In frames that view the integrating sphere, ratioing successive views of the sphere (between which the shutter is moved) creates a distinctive wavelength-dependent pattern in which brightness of the sphere is non- repeatable by up to a few percent. This is explained by a small (0.1 degree) non-reproducibility in the angle at which the sphere is viewed and the fact that, unlike the external scene, the spectrometer's view of the sphere is vignetted by the sphere's aperture. With a slight shift in shutter position, the cone of sphere light entering spectrometer optics shifts. The filling of dual zone gratings changes slightly, decreasing responsivity at long VNIR wavelengths and short IR wavelengths. Also, the shadow of the black strip on the VNIR order-sorting filter zone boundary shifts, creating a distinctive trough and peak pattern at detector rows 222-235. Because this effect is so characteristic as a function of wavelength, it is easily correctable. Ratios of different sphere observations during ground calibration are used to create a multiplicative correction to a sphere image as a function of wavelength. In flight data to be corrected, the magnitude of the peak near VNIR row 235 is measured. The correction is scaled to by the magnitude of the peak, and it is multiplied by the data. The VNIR row 235 peak is used to scale the corrections for both the VNIR and IR. To the limits of measurement error, the small irreproducibility of shutter position at the open position has no measurable effect on external scene data. IR second order leakage: During stage 3 calibration in the OCF, monochromatic light was scanned in a grid in wavelength and along-slit spatial positions to search for out-of- band light. Out of band leakage was found in zone 3 of the IR order sorting filter. The filter admits up to 3% of the 2nd order light from the grating, at wavelengths 1400-1950 nm, that falls at detector rows whose nominal wavelengths are 2800-3900 nm. The leakage peaks at a nominal wavelength of 3400 nm. Due to the falloff of both the solar spectrum and the Martian reflectance spectrum with increasing wavelength, the relative magnitude of the leakage to the signal in zone 3 is exaggerated. The OCF testing provided sufficient data for an empirical correction for this effect, in which scaled values of signal at second-order wavelengths are subtracted from first-order (nominal) wavelengths. Bias levels: Bias is the response of the detector to zero input signal from light or thermal background, and includes two components. At operating temperatures of -60C, VNIR dark frames measure only bias. One component is a fixed pattern that varies pixel-to-pixel +/- 25 14-bit DN's, and has a weak columnar organization. The second component is a step function of about 20 14-bit-DNs that occurs at some row of the detector. The row at which this occurs moves systematically with frame integration time. The fixed-pattern component of bias depends on frame rate, differing by about 100 14-bit DNs between frame rates. It also varies with detector temperature and temperature of the focal plane electronics. It is thought that the temperature dependence may be due to effects on electronics components that are involved in applying a bias voltage to the detector. To the limits of measurement uncertainty, the temperature dependence itself is independent of quadrant or frame rate. Inflight, the fixed pattern to the bias will be measured via dedicated calibrations, and will be adjusted for changes in detector or focal plane electronics temperature based on telemetered temperatures. The step function will be modeled. Bad pixels: The IR detector is operated at cryogenic temperature to minimize dark current and bias level of the detector. With increasing detector temperature, not all pixels accrue an elevated bias level or dark current - the latter of which adds noise due to its electron counting statistics - at the same rate. The most susceptible pixels, within which effective SNR or available dynamic range are adversely impacted, are bad pixels. Sphere radiance: Under closed-loop control, the brightness of either of the integrating sphere's lamps is measured by a Si photodiode that adjusts current up or down to reach a commandable brightness goal. The responsivity of the Si in the photodiode is affected by temperature at >900 nm, becoming more sensitive to light at warmer temperatures. So, as sphere temperature increases and the Si becomes more photosensitive, the same commanded goal requires less lamp current. The decrease in lamp current results in a decrease in with increasing sphere temperature. Inflight, sphere radiance is modeled based on ground calibration at different operating temperatures, which were measured by comparing against stable external sources (the Spectralon plate and blackbody). Output radiance at the commanded brightness goal is calculated at every pixel of each detector as a function of telemetered sphere temperature; there is a separate model for each sphere bulb. Detector responsivity: Both the VNIR and IR detectors exhibit dependence of their spectral responsivities on detector temperature. In the VNIR detector, the +/- 1K thermostatic cycling of the detector heater on the timescale of minutes affects responsivity at >900 nm by up to a few percent, due to the temperature-dependence of Si photosensitivity at those wavelengths. Inflight, differences in responsivity on such very short time scales will be corrected using a function of telemetered detector temperature, derived from VNIR ground measurements of a stable reference (the Spectralon plate) taken as detector temperature cycled. In the IR detector, the longest wavelengths (especially zone 3) exhibit a cyclical pattern of responsivity variation as a function of wavelength. The pattern is interpreted as Fabry-Perot fringes due to interference by long- wavelength light that penetrates the HgCdTe detector material which - at those wavelengths - is only a few wavelengths thick. The pattern shifts systematically as a function of detector temperature due to thermal expansion of the detector material. The change in temperature required to introduce these artifacts at the level of anticipated noise in the data is near 0.25K, and IR detector temperature is predicted to vary by 1-2K in the course of one Mars orbit. A model of detector IR responsivity as a function of temperature, analogous to that for the VNIR detector, is used to calibrate out the fringes. However it is not anticipated that the model would be accurate enough to correct the effect to the level of noise due to its high frequency and the problems with telemetered IR detector temperature. Instead, the sphere will be measured repeatedly as detector temperature changes, and the sphere used as a relatively stable reference against which to calibrate out these effects." END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BUGBYETAL2005" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "LEESETAL2005" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "MURCHIEETAL2004" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "MURCHIEETAL2006" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "PELKEYETAL2005" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "SILVERGLATE&FORT2004" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "TROLLETAL2005" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT END