PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 LABEL_REVISION_NOTE = "2022-01-01" RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = INSTRUMENT INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = JNO INSTRUMENT_ID = SRU OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION INSTRUMENT_NAME = "STELLAR REFERENCE UNIT" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "CAMERA" INSTRUMENT_DESC = " Instrument Overview =================== The Juno Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) is a custom built star sensor manufactured by Selex Galileo (now Leonardo Finmeccanica) in Florence, Italy. The SRU provides inertial attitude information to Juno's attitude determination software by producing vector measurements of star-like objects observed within its field of view (St. Pierre et al., 2012). The SRU optical heads are mounted on the forward deck of the Juno spacecraft. Only one SRU is operated at any given time. SRU-1 is the nominal operational unit, and SRU-2 provides cold spare redundancy. The SRU may also be operated in a snapshot mode which allows collection of full or partial images by the silicon charge coupled device (CCD) focal plane array. Juno's SRU Team operates the SRU as a broadband visible (450-1100 nm) science imager for the purpose of studying low-light features and phenomena of the Jovian system, such as Jupiter's faint dust ring and auroral emissions. SRU images of lightning on Jupiter's dark side (Becker et al., 2020) support Juno's study of Jupiter's atmospheric dynamics and composition, and images of Jupiter's moons under low illumination conditions support Juno's satellite science. The Radiation Monitoring Investigation (RMI) of the Juno mission was designed to characterize the external Jovian radiation environment using the Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) and other instruments on the spacecraft (Becker et al., 2017). Juno's RMI (a component of the SRU Team) measures noise from penetrating electrons within SRU images collected at Jupiter specifically for this purpose. Noise signals are created by ionization events within the active regions of the SRU focal plane array pixels as penetrating charged particles pass through the material. The objective is to characterize Jupiter's >10 MeV electron environment within regions of the jovian magnetosphere where little to no in situ high energy electron data have previously been collected. Detailed instrument description =============================== The Juno Stellar Reference Unit (SRU) is a low-light, broadband visible (450-1100 nm) imager with no filters. The camera has a 29.924 mm focal length, spatial resolution of 0.57 mrad per pixel, and a 16.4 deg (square) field of view. The collecting area of the optics is 4.155 cm2. The SRU detector is a frame transfer silicon CCD with a 512x512 pixel useful imaging region, a 512x512 pixel light shielded storage region, 17 micron pixel pitch, and a 200,000 electron full well capacity (Becker et al., 2005). The camera gain is 15.47 signal electrons per output analog-to-digital data number (DN). The throughput of the optical system, QT (the CCD quantum efficiency (Q) multiplied by the optics transmission (T)), is provided as a function of wavelength in Appendix C of the Software Interface Specification (SIS). Because the SRU must perform the star measurement function within the extremely harsh radiation environment of Jupiter's magnetosphere its optical head is very heavily shielded in order to reduce noise from penetrating ionizing radiation. The CCD registers impacts by penetrating charged particles as elevated noise signals within a cluster of pixels local to each 'hit.' The noise signal electrons are created by ionization events within the active depletion and diffusion regions of the pixels as charged particles pass through the silicon. Given the heavy shielding of the SRU optical head, only external electrons >1 MeV are energetic enough to generate noise in the CCD with significant probability, either as an impacting primary electron of reduced energy, or by virtue of a secondary particle generated during the transit into the optical head materials. Although there is a probability for external 1 to 10 MeV electrons to generate noise in the SRU CCD, penetrating >10-MeV electrons should be the dominant contributors to CCD noise events in the Juno SRU at Jupiter. This is primarily due to the spectral hardness of the Jovian electron distribution, such that penetrating >10-MeV electrons will be the dominant contributors to CCD noise events (Becker et al., 2017). As Juno is a spin-stabilized spacecraft, the SRU CCD is nominally operated using time delay integration (TDI) to compensate for the motion of the ~two revolutions per minute (RPM) spacecraft spin. Without TDI, the spacecraft spin causes the scene to move along the CCD column direction. When operated using TDI, the rows of the image are shifted during the exposure time at an angular rate consistent with the spacecraft spin. A typical spin rate of 2 RPM (12 degrees per second) results in a 2.7 ms integration dwell time between shifts. This integration time is calculated by the SRU based on the angular rate information provided by the spacecraft. During TDI exposure, the first rows of the image are shifted into the optically shielded storage region and are no longer exposed to light; however, the pixels in the storage region continue to be exposed to impacts from penetrating radiation. The number of TDI shifts is a function of the desired exposure time. Post-exposure, the transfer of the image to the storage region occurs over a period of (526 - Number of TDI shifts during exposure) x 2 usec. Pixels are then read out at a rate of 1 us per pixel; the time to read out a full row of the CCD image is approximately 0.51 ms. The fact that the CCD is read out in a row-wise fashion following transfer into the storage region creates an effective range of exposures to penetrators on a single frame which adds to the measurement capability. For example, this range is 1:25 for 10 ms exposures given the ~250 ms readout time for a full frame image. When operated in a 'no-TDI' mode, the pixels in the image region are exposed to photons without undergoing any row shifts during the exposure time. This causes the scene to smear along the CCD column direction at a rate equal to the spacecraft angular spin rate. Frame transfer and readout occurs in the same fashion as with TDI images. The measurement dynamic range of the SRU's particle detection algorithm was determined to be 200 - 10 million counts cm^-2 CCD s^-1. Measured count rates agreed with simulated expectations to within 20%. See Becker et al. (2017) for further details. See the Software Interface Specification (SIS) Stellar Reference Unit Standard Data Products (Daubar et al. 2022) for more information. " END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_INFORMATION OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BECKERETAL2005" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "BECKERETAL2017" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "DAUBARETAL2022" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = "STPIERREETAL2012" END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT_REFERENCE_INFO END_OBJECT = INSTRUMENT END