Data directory: 2011-12-21-12.14.36-10282-BlankCal-1-1-1/ CDH FM 1 2.0.10 LSIM FM 1 0.6 PS FM 1 FB FM 1 PROM Ver. 1.8 GSE:. Revision: 1.4 Test temp.:. room gse-startup.bas packet 2 ***NMS segmented boot loader v1.8 -- T. Nolan 04/05/2011*** Reset type: power up Load partition: 0x10000000 (1048576 bytes) ITF partition: 0x10100000 (393216 bytes) Table partition: 0x10160000 (638976 bytes) Boot loader: time code = 377759767, 30720 .. Boot loader: no op . Boot loader: table operation succeeded id name type flg start end blks bytes checksum 0 Master Record 229 00 0 0 1 -1 FFFFFFFF 0 Directory #1 228 00 1 10 10 -1 FFFFFFFF 1 ladlib.bas 80 00 11 132 122 30664 3046C239 21 mt20111007d.dat 45 00 133 137 5 1200 F826726B 22 mt20111007e.dat 45 00 138 142 5 1200 15FED085 23 mt20111007f.dat 45 00 143 147 5 1200 70AACEAE 24 mt20111007g.dat 45 00 148 152 5 1200 3AA9C9B8 12 wag5mt.dat 45 00 153 157 5 1200 4FC3D396 13 wag6mt.dat 45 00 158 162 5 1200 71A9FFDF 14 wag7mt.dat 45 00 163 167 5 1200 73313277 15 wag8mt.dat 45 00 168 172 5 1200 46E52944 16 wag9mt.dat 45 00 173 177 5 1200 59DB5091 17 mt20111006.dat 45 00 178 182 5 1200 C5738B13 18 mt20111007a.dat 45 00 183 187 5 1200 9FE6CA7F 19 mt20111007b.dat 45 00 188 192 5 1200 6DB178DE 20 mt20111007c.dat 45 00 193 197 5 1200 823E76EA 30 bt20111011b.dat 46 00 198 198 1 112 D1A41748 31 bt20111012a.dat 46 00 199 199 1 112 DD93117F 35 FSW_2.0.10.dat 32 00 200 892 693 175178 DE9BDA63 0 Free Blocks 226 00 893 2767 1875 -1 FFFFFFFF 25 mt20111007h.dat 45 00 2768 2772 5 1200 B074C85D 26 mt20111007i.dat 45 00 2773 2777 5 1200 B074C85D 27 mt20111007j.dat 45 00 2778 2782 5 1200 B3E9C4A7 28 ladlib.1.28 97 00 2783 2903 121 30439 833F6D84 29 mt20111011a.dat 45 00 2904 2908 5 1200 C57D146C 32 FSW_2.0.9.dat 32 00 2909 3600 692 175026 CD44EBEA 38 ladlib.1.34 97 00 3601 3721 121 30546 95D12677 0 Free Blocks 226 00 3722 3843 122 -1 FFFFFFFF 36 ladlib.1.31 97 00 3844 3964 121 30546 14BC256E 37 ladlib.1.32 97 00 3965 4085 121 30546 9DBE2B63 0 Directory #2 228 00 4086 4095 10 -1 FFFFFFFF Boot loader: Loading file id 35, FSW_2.0.10.dat 00000: LADEE NMS Flight Software Rev -- T. Nolan Oct 18 2011 18:18:31 00000: watchdog_task: initialized 00000: telem_task: initialized 00000: basic_task: initialized 00000: useq_task: AMUX table not found 00000: useq_task: initialized 00000: qms: loaded mass table from file mt20111011a.dat 00000: qms: 7 bands loaded from file bt20111012a.dat 00000: qms: initialized 00000: qms: acquisition stopped 00000: alarm_task: limit table not found 00000: alarm_task: initialized 00000: hss_receiver: initialized 00000: hss_task: old time=0, new time=377759780 00001: qms.telem mode = 1 00001: malloc: 1237097 of 1310720 bytes allocated 00001: NMS is up! 00024: hss_task: no op 00028: loading library file ladlib.1.34 (30546 bytes) 00036: qms.telem mode = 1 00041: FSW Configured EM1_CTRL=0x00000032 EM2_CTRL=0x00000033 00041: qms temperature compensation enabled 00041: Loaded ladlib.bas Revision: 1.34 00041: Library loaded 00041: Verify pressure log is running and chamber is ready 00041: Enter go to set nominal lens voltages 00063: qms.telem mode = 2 00068: sys.marker: id=1, txt=OS Init 1, 4 00072: sys.marker: id=2, txt=CS Init 00077: sys.marker: id=3, txt=FOCUS MODE 4 00077: Multiplier 1 On @ 2499 00077: sys.marker: id=4, txt=EM 1 on @ 2499 00077: Enter go to turn on CS 1 00107: Filament 1 ON 00107: sys.marker: id=5, txt=Filament ON 1 @ 100 00107: Enter go to turn on OS 1 00137: sys.marker: id=6, txt=FOCUS MODE 1 00156: Filament 4 ON 00156: sys.marker: id=7, txt=Filament ON 4 @ 100 00156: Enter go to start background scans 00262: Background warm up scans 00262: Enter DONE = true to end 00266: sys.marker: id=8, txt=FOCUS MODE 4 00268: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00268: sys.marker: id=9, txt=CSN Background 00269: qms: acquire scan for 50 sec 00319: qms: acquisition stopped 00324: sys.marker: id=0, txt=CSN Background 00324: FSCAN done 00328: sys.marker: id=10, txt=FOCUS MODE 1 00329: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00330: sys.marker: id=11, txt=OSNT Background 00330: qms: acquire scan for 50 sec 00380: qms: acquisition stopped 00385: sys.marker: id=0, txt=OSNT Background 00385: FSCAN done 00389: sys.marker: id=12, txt=FOCUS MODE 4 00390: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00390: sys.marker: id=13, txt=CSN Background 00391: qms: acquire scan for 50 sec 00441: qms: acquisition stopped 00446: sys.marker: id=0, txt=CSN Background 00446: FSCAN done 00450: sys.marker: id=14, txt=FOCUS MODE 1 00451: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00452: sys.marker: id=15, txt=OSNT Background 00452: qms: acquire scan for 50 sec 00502: qms: acquisition stopped 00507: sys.marker: id=0, txt=OSNT Background 00507: FSCAN done 00507: Enter go to acquire Smart Scan baseline 00529: sys.marker: id=16, txt=FOCUS MODE 4 00529: sys.marker: id=17, txt=SCN SS baseline 00530: qms: scan params Bands [1, 8) by step 1 00530: qms: acquire scan for 60 sec 00530: baseline accum started 00590: qms: acquisition stopped 00600: band 1 baseline=1612678 00600: band 2 baseline=418816 00600: band 3 baseline=3381 00600: band 4 baseline=871 00600: band 5 baseline=52 00600: band 6 baseline=189 00600: band 7 baseline=1 00600: sys.marker: id=0, txt=SCN SS baseline 00600: Threshold 1 = 3225356 00600: Threshold 2 = 837632 00600: Threshold 3 = 6762 00600: Threshold 4 = 1742 00600: Threshold 5 = 200 00600: Threshold 6 = 378 00600: Threshold 7 = 200 00601: Enter go when pressure is stable or go shutdown to end 00665: sys.marker: id=18, txt=FOCUS MODE 4 00665: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00665: sys.marker: id=19, txt=FS:CSN 00666: qms: acquire scan for 100 sec 00766: qms: acquisition stopped 00771: sys.marker: id=0, txt=FS:CSN 00771: FSCAN done 00771: qms: scan params AMU [2.0, 100.0) by step 1.0 00771: sys.marker: id=20, txt=US:CSN 00772: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 00792: qms: acquisition stopped 00797: sys.marker: id=0, txt=US:CSN 00797: USCAN done 00797: sys.marker: id=21, txt=SS:CSN 00798: qms: acquire scan for 60 sec 00858: qms: acquisition stopped 00863: sys.marker: id=0, txt=SS:CSN 00863: SSCAN done 00863: qms: scan mass vector(5) with dwell=4 00863: sys.marker: id=22, txt=VS:CSN 00864: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 00864: qms: acquisition stopped 00865: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 00885: qms: acquisition stopped 00890: sys.marker: id=0, txt=VS:CSN 00890: VSCAN done 00894: sys.marker: id=23, txt=FOCUS MODE 1 00894: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 00895: sys.marker: id=24, txt=FS:OSNT 00895: qms: acquire scan for 100 sec 00995: qms: acquisition stopped 01000: sys.marker: id=0, txt=FS:OSNT 01000: FSCAN done 01000: qms: scan params AMU [2.0, 100.0) by step 1.0 01000: sys.marker: id=25, txt=US:OSNT 01001: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01021: qms: acquisition stopped 01026: sys.marker: id=0, txt=US:OSNT 01026: USCAN done 01026: qms: scan mass vector(5) with dwell=4 01026: sys.marker: id=26, txt=VS:OSNT 01027: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01027: qms: acquisition stopped 01028: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01048: qms: acquisition stopped 01053: sys.marker: id=0, txt=VS:OSNT 01053: VSCAN done 01057: sys.marker: id=27, txt=FOCUS MODE 2 01057: qms: scan params AMU [1.5, 90.5) by step 0.1 01058: sys.marker: id=28, txt=FS:OSNB 01058: qms: acquire scan for 100 sec 01158: qms: acquisition stopped 01163: sys.marker: id=0, txt=FS:OSNB 01163: FSCAN done 01163: qms: scan params AMU [2.0, 100.0) by step 1.0 01163: sys.marker: id=29, txt=US:OSNB 01164: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01184: qms: acquisition stopped 01189: sys.marker: id=0, txt=US:OSNB 01189: USCAN done 01189: qms: scan mass vector(5) with dwell=4 01189: sys.marker: id=30, txt=VS:OSNB 01190: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01190: qms: acquisition stopped 01191: qms: acquire scan for 20 sec 01211: qms: acquisition stopped 01216: sys.marker: id=0, txt=VS:OSNB 01216: VSCAN done 01216: sys.marker: id=31, txt=OSNB Energy Scan 01314: sys.marker: id=0, txt=OSNB Energy Scan 01314: qms: acquisition stopped 01314: Enter go when pressure is stable or go shutdown to end 01326: qms: acquisition stopped 01326: sys.marker: id=32, txt=Filaments Off 01326: qms: acquisition stopped 01340: sys.marker: id=33, txt=Zero lens voltages 01340: Multipliers Off 01340: sys.marker: id=34, txt=Multipliers Off 01340: Filaments are off and voltages are 0 01340: Hey operator, type cdhDown