Bundle Description for the LADEE NMS Archive Bundle =================================================== Overview ======== The LADEE NMS archive bundle includes all data taken by the Neutral Mass Spectrometer (NMS) instrument aboard the Lunar Atmosphere and Dust Environment Explorer (LADEE) spacecraft. The LADEE mission and spacecraft are described in the LADEE mission and spacecraft description documents, available in the LADEE archive bundle. These data are generated by ionizing the neutral gas and then selectively filtering and detecting the resulting ions according to their mass-to-charge ratio. The NMS instrument is described in the LADEE NMS Software Interface Specification (SIS) and the NMS Reference document, which are also available in the document collection. Data Collections =============== The data is included in two different processing levels, raw and calibrated. Raw data are the original data from the instrument. Calibrated data are raw data converted to engineering units and corrected for detector response. The calibration process is also described in the NMS reference document. Flight data are available in both raw and calibrated form in the data_raw and the data_calibrated collections. Data acquired during instrument integration, calibration and testing is made available in the calibration collection in a raw form. The following table describes the NMS products in the calibration, data_raw, data_calibrated, and data_derived collections: Data Definitions Table ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Product Name Description File Label ------------ ----------- ---------- Calibration Housekeeping Raw housekeeping packets gnd_hk_ Calibration Science Raw science packets gnd_sci Calibration Message Log Raw message log gnd_msg Calibration Markers Raw marker file gnd_mkr Raw Housekeeping Raw housekeeping packets raw_hk_ Raw Science Raw science packets raw_sci Raw Message Log Raw message log raw_msg Raw Markers Raw marker file raw_mkr Calibrated Housekeeping Calibrated housekeeping packets cal_hk_ Calibrated Science Calibrated science packets cal_sci Calibrated Message Log Calibrated message log cal_msg Calibrated Markers Calibrated markers lists cal_mkr He Abundance He abundance measured by NMS he Ne Abundance Ne abundance measured by NMS ne Ar Abundance Ar abundance measured by NMS ar ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Document Collection =================== The document collection contains the following documents. It also contains an inventory of its contents. Document Description -------- ----------- NMS ICD PDS interface control document. NMS SIS The Software Interface Specification, including a full description of the data formats and contents, and a brief description of the NMS instrument. NMS Reference Document Provides detailed description of the instrument, calibration process, and calibration results necessary to process the NMS data. NMS Flight TID List Provides the list of activities executed by NMS from launch until the end of the mission. Context Collection ================== The context collection contains pointers to the context information including mission, spacecraft, instrument, and bundle descriptions. XML_schema Collection ================= The schema collection contains pointers to all schemas used to generate the LADEE NMS bundle.