The table ACTIVITY.CSV in the INDEX directory cross-references products in this archive with commanded activities of the Phoenix RA. Note that the activity types in the table correspond to the commands listed at the top of each data file. There are several types of RA activities, described below. Guarded Move --------------- RA performs a guarded move (guarded in that limitations are placed on the amount of force the RA can feel and still continue moving). When the RA experiences the designated force limit, it is considered to be in contact with the target surface. Command form: guarded move dof1, dof2, dof3, dof4, move type where dof1-4 are degrees of freedom and "move type" is one of the following: guarded absolute Cartesian, guarded relative Cartesian, tool-frame Cartesian move. Sample Acquire ---------------- RA acquires a sample of soil. Command form: sample acquire x, y, z, trench angle, sample type where x, y, z, is the location to acquire from, and generally the sample type = "uniform". Note: as part of this activity, the RA does a guarded move to find the ground. Cartesian Move ---------------- RA performs move in Cartesian space. Command form: cartesian move x, y, z, theta, reference where x, y, z, and theta describe the position of the scoop (see Shaw et al. 2009 and Bonitz et al. 2008, SHAWETAL2009 and BONITZETAL2008 in REF.CAT). Options for the reference parameter include: "relative Cartesian" and "absolute Cartesian". Joint Move ------------- RA moves arm joints. Command form: joint move jnt1, jnt2, jnt3, jnt4, reference where jnt1-4 is the angle to move each joint in radians, and reference options include "absolute joint" move and "relative joint" move. Trench Dig ------------- RA digs a trench; consists of multiple passes over the trench floor, progressing deeper with each pass. Command form: trench dig x, y, z, trench depth, trench length, trench width, trench angle, dig angle 1, dig angle 2, dump x, dump y, dump z where x,y,z refers to the position of the scoop tip at the start of the dig, "trench angle" refers to the angle the trench base makes with the horizontal, "dig angle 1" refers to the angle the footwall makes with the pre-dig surface, "dig angle 2" refers to the angle the headwall makes with the pre-dig surface, and "dump x", "dump y", "dump z" refer to the scoop position when dumping the soil acquired from the dig. Values for positions and lengths are in meters and values for angles are in radians. Scrape -------- RA scrapes; generally uses bottom blade; consists of multiple passes. Command form: scrape x, y, z, length, depth increment, number of scraping passes, null argument, scraping tool where x, y, z are Cartesian coordinates for the scoop tip at the start of the scrape, depth_increment is the amount the arm is commanded to move down after each scraping pass, and the "scraping tool" parameter can take on the values "blade" or "scoop", where "blade" refers to the bottom blade on the scoop and "scoop" refers to the blade at the scoop tip. During a scrape, the RA performs a guarded move (see above) to locate the surface, and then it backs away from the surface and moves to the end of the area to be scraped and also does a guarded move there to locate the surface. Then the RA moves back to the start and begins the scrape using the specified scraping tool to scrape along the surface for the specified length. At the end of the pass it moves back to the beginning and scrapes along the surface again, continuing for the specified number of scraping passes.