urn:nasa:pds:insight_cameras:data:d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m 1.0 InSight IDC EDR Observational Product - d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m Product_Observational D009L0005_596975299EDR_F0101_0060M1 VICAR PRODUCT_ID 2018-08-02 1.0 Initial version Observational Intent 2018-12-01T22:28:14.597Z 2018-12-01T22:28:14.784Z 13:36:59.827 12:56:56 298.731 Science Raw Visible Surface Imaging InSight Mission urn:nasa:pds:context:investigation:mission.insight data_to_investigation This is the PDS4 logical identifier for the InSight mission. Insight Lander Spacecraft urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument_host:spacecraft.insight is_instrument_host This is the PDS4 logical identifier for the InSight Lander spacecraft. Insight Deployment Camera Instrument urn:nasa:pds:context:instrument:idc.insight is_instrument This is the PDS4 logical identifier for the Insight Deployment Camera onboard the Insight spacecraft. Mars Planet urn:nasa:pds:context:target:planet.mars data_to_target This is the PDS4 logical identifier for the planet - mars. TEST 1 EDR 596975299.39145 596975299.51354 1 5 13:36:59.827 5 12:56:56 5 298.731 0060 138 IDC_6 TTACS UNK 138_596975321_C_000_065_180615055910 SFDU 2018-12-01T22:28:36.000Z 596975321 COMPLETE 2018-06-12T00:17:08.190Z 2018-06-12T00:17:58.705Z 6 528325 65 65 9.807 62931218 01 01 009 REGULAR IMAGING CAMERA FULL_FRAME 31 EMC Raw chronos.insight IDA INSTRUMENT_DEPLOYMENT_ARM IDC JOINT 1 AZIMUTH-ENCODER 0.238054 JOINT 2 ELEVATION-ENCODER -0.719065 JOINT 3 ELBOW-ENCODER 1.89301 JOINT 4 WRIST-ENCODER 0.0025133 JOINT 1 AZIMUTH-POTENTIOMETER 0.243223 JOINT 2 ELEVATION-POTENTIOMETER -0.716757 JOINT 3 ELBOW-POTENTIOMETER 1.89303 JOINT 4 WRIST-POTENTIOMETER 0.0032701 AZIMUTH JOINT 30.591 ELEVATION JOINT 30.9483 ELBOW JOINT 32.857 WRIST JOINT 32.4186 -0.134678 0.005361 0.990875 GRAPPLE GRAPPLE CLOSED STOWED GRAPPLE 28.9024 678 CAHVOR 0.715242 0.369645 -0.40284 0.368049 0.0913763 0.925304 -95.1112 1244.4 467.473 -918.775 -212.785 943.7 0.377694 0.138874 0.915456 0.002433 0.004323 0.003906 LANDER_FRAME_1_0 to_reference_coordinate_space 0.117447 -0.19291 -0.0220878 -0.973912 0.674361 0.366772 -0.36359 LANDER_FRAME_1_0 LANDER_FRAME_1_0_telemetry Clockwise Up LANDER_FRAME SITE 1 DRIVE 0 telemetry 0.0 0.0 0.0 -0.01723 -0.0675295 0.00152077 0.997567 Forward SITE_FRAME SITE 1 ARM_FRAME_1_0 ARM_FRAME_1_0_telemetry Clockwise Up ARM_FRAME SITE 1 DRIVE 0 telemetry 0.674361 0.366772 -0.36359 0.117447 -0.19291 -0.0220878 -0.973912 Forward LANDER_FRAME_1_0 to_reference_coordinate_space 13.9824 -67.5201 207.252 -60.1204 LANDER_FRAME_1_0 to_reference_coordinate_space 192.068 -60.0094 207.252 -60.1204 SITE_FRAME SITE 1 RMC SITE 1 DRIVE 0 d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m imaging_parameters_to_image_object 2 Maki 2003 AUTO_EXPOSURE_DATA_CUT 2000 AUTO_EXPOSURE_PERCENT 5.0 AUTO_EXPOSURE_PIXEL_FRACTION 1.0 MAX_AUTO_EXPOS_ITERATION_COUNT 6 30 Auto true Shutter Subtraction Onboard Maki 2003 1 186.3 30 true Shutter Subtraction Onboard Bayer RGGB Decoded Onboard Malvar 8 Companded Software LUT0 1 1 LEFT Stereo 1 1 1024 1024 1.0 1.0 1.71822 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 1.0 3895 45.0407 45.0491 270.0 IDC_CCD 19.5091 IDC_ELECTRONICS -20.1232 Lossy JPEG 4.0308 1.98472 4:2:2 95 d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m processing_information_to_data_object MULTIMISSION IMAGE PROCESSING SUBSYSTEM, JET PROPULSION LAB LABEL VICAR nsytmipl 2018-08-02T00:53:35.035Z d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m display_settings_to_array Sample Left to Right Line Top to Bottom Band 1 2 3 urn:nasa:pds:insight_cameras:browse:d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m::1.0 data_to_browse Reference pointer to browse version of this image. urn:nasa:pds:insight_cameras:data:d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m::1.0 data_to_raw_source_product Reference pointer to the raw source product. D009L0005_596975299EDR_F0101_0060M1.VIC 2018-06-15T05:59:27.000Z
VICAR_Header 0 8192 VICAR2 VICAR Header
d009l0005_596975299edr_f0101_0060m 8192 3 Last Index Fastest UnsignedByte DN Band 3 1 Line 1024 2 Sample 1024 3 0.0 0.0