APPENDIX D Product Label Keyword Definitions, Values, Sources

Dictionary:PDS4 Keyword

VICAR Property.VICAR Keyword

General Definition

-Specific Information


Valid Values (attribute)
Children (class)

Data Type



The application_name attribute provides the name associated with the source or process which created the data.
InSight Specific:
Indicates the Application ID (APID) name for this product. APID's are used to distinguish types of telemetry products.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/application_name




The selected_instrument_id attribute specifies an abbreviated name or acronym that identifies the selected instrument mounted on the articulation device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/selected_instrument_id




The device_id attribute specifies the abbreviated identification of an articulation device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/device_id

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/device_id




The device_mode attribute specifies the deployment state (i.e., physical configuration) of an articulation device at the time of data acquisition. Examples include 'Arm Vibe', 'Deployed', 'Free Space', 'Stowed'. Note: the value set for this attribute is mission-specific and should be declared in a mission-specific dictionary.
InSight Specific:
State of the grapple fingers. The value is determined by the IDA FSW by reading the state of the two limit switches on the grapple. It affects when the grapple opening algorithm completes. Bit 0 is the "fingers closed" switch, with 0=fingers-not-closed and 1=fingers-closed. Bit 1 is the "fingers open" switch, with 0=fingers-open and 1=fingers-not-open. This translates to the 4 states in the valid values list.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/device_mode




The device_name attribute specifies the common name of an articulation device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/device_name

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/device_name




The device_phase attribute specifies the current phase of the mission, from an articulation-device-centric point of view.
InSight Specific:
Current mission phase from a grapple-centric perspective. This affects whether the IDA_OPEN_GRAPPLE command is accepted (only in OK_TO_OPEN phase), and the assumed force on the end of the arm (based on which instrument the phase says is grappled) during arm deflection computation. Only human operators (via spacecraft command) can change this value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/device_phase




The sample_fov attribute specifies the angular measure of the field of view of an imaged scene, as measured in the image sample direction (generally horizontal).
InSight Specific:
Computed by projecting rays from the left and right edges of the image at the center through the camera model, and computing the angle subtended by those rays.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/sample_fov





The bayer_algorithm specifies the algorithm used to remove the Bayer pattern in order to create color.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Filter_Array_Parameters/bayer_algorithm

  1) None

  2) Raw Bayer

  3) Malvar

  4) Zhang-Wu

  5) Red Averaged

  6) Green Averaged

  7) Blue Averaged

  8) Red Bilinear

  9) Green Bilinear

  10) Blue Bilinear

  11) Averaged

  12) Bilinear

  13) Panchromatic

  14) Identity




Defines the type of Color Filter Array (CFA) used to encode multiple colors in a single exposure. The most common example of this is the Bayer pattern. This is optional if there is no CFA. Additional attributes, specific to each CFA type, define whether or not the CFA pattern has been removed, and if so, how (e.g. bayer_algorithm).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Filter_Array_Parameters/color_filter_array_type

  1) Bayer RGGB




For instruments using a Color Filter Array (CFA) (such as the Bayer pattern), this attribute defines where the CFA pattern was removed from the data. It is optional if there is no CFA. Valid values: 'Onboard', 'Ground', 'None'. In the case of instruments using the Bayer pattern, use the bayer_algorithm to specify the algorithm used to remove the pattern.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Filter_Array_Parameters/color_filter_array_venue

  1) Onboard

  2) Ground

  3) None




Defines the color space in which this product is expressed. Some color spaces (e.g. XYZ or xyY) are independent of illuminant, while for others (e.g. sRGB or pRGB) the illuminant matters. It is expected that the defined color spaces will increase over time.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/color_space

  1) iRGB

  2) sRGB

  3) pRGB

  4) wRGB

  5) CIE_XYZ

  6) CIE_xyY

  7) HSI




The coordinate_space_frame_type attribute identifies the type of frame being described, such as SITE, LOCAL_LEVEL, LANDER, ROVER, ARM, etc. When combined with Coordinate_Space_Index and the optional solution_id in the Coordinate_Space_Indexed class, this serves to fully name an instance of a coordinate space.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/coordinate_space_frame_type

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/coordinate_space_frame_type

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/coordinate_space_frame_type

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/coordinate_space_frame_type




The derived_image_type_name attribute specifies how to interpret the pixel values in a derived image (or colloquially, the type of the derived image itself). Valid values vary per mission depending on the products produced.
InSight Specific:
Additional types may be added throughout the mission. See the SIS for a table of current valid values.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/derived_image_type_name




The detector_erase_count specifies the number of times a detector has been or will be flushed of data in raw counts, dependent on the parent class for the attribute.
InSight Specific:
Number of fast flushes

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/detector_erase_count




The detector_to_image_rotation attribute specifies the clockwise rotation, in degrees, that was applied to an image along its optical path through an instrument, from detector to final image orientation.
InSight Specific:
The IDC EDR is rotated 270 degrees, so the arm/grapple is at the top of the image. The ICC requires no rotation.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/detector_to_image_rotation





The download_priority attribute specifies which data to downlink/transmit, based on order of importance. The lower numerical priority (higher-ranked number) data products are transmitted before higher numerical priority (lower-ranked number) data products. For example, an image with a downlink priority of 1 will be transmitted before an image with a downlink priority of 6. Value of 0 specifies use of on-board default.
InSight Specific:
Values are 1-6 for InSight.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/download_priority




The earth_received_start_date_time attribute provides the earliest time at which any component telemetry data for a particular product was received.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/earth_received_start_date_time




The earth_received_stop_date_time attribute provides the latest time at which any component telemetry data for a particular product was received.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/earth_received_stop_date_time




The line_fov attribute specifies the angular measure of the field of view of an imaged scene, as measured in the image line direction (generally vertical).
InSight Specific:
Computed by projecting rays from the top and bottom edges of the image at the center through the camera model, and computing the angle subtended by those rays.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/line_fov





Defines the gamma value encoded in this image. Gamma correction is used to nonlinearly compress the intensities in an image, and most display systems assume that images are encoded with an sRGB gamma. Note that this is a string value because the most common gamma correction ("sRGB") is not precisely expressible as a gamma exponent. A numeric value indicates a gamma exponent.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/encoded_display_gamma




The error_model_name attribute specifies the method or algorithm used to create the error estimate. Each mission will define their own set of possible values. Algorithms will be added over time. The initial value is MIPL_CONST_DISPARITY_PROJECTED_V1, which means an arbitrary constant disparity error is assumed (in ERROR_MODEL_PARMS), which is projected through the camera models to approximate an error ellipse, which is then projected to the XYZ or range/crossrange axes depending on the file type.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information/error_model_name




The expected_packets attribute provides the total number of telemetry packets which constitute a complete data product, i.e., a data product without missing data.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/expected_packets




The exposure count attribute provides the number of exposures taken during a certain interval, such as the duration of one command. For example, this may include the number of exposures needed by an autoexpose algorithm.
InSight Specific:
Actual number of auto exposure iterations

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Exposure_Parameters/exposure_count




The exposure_duration attribute provides the amount of time the instrument sensor was gathering light from the scene, such as between opening and closing of a shutter, or between flushing and readout of a CCD.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Exposure_Parameters/exposure_duration





The exposure_duration_count attribute specifies the value, in raw counts, for the amount of time the instrument sensor was gathering light from the scene, such as between opening and closing of a shutter, or between flushing and readout of a CCD. This is the raw count either commanded or taken directly from telemetry as reported by the spacecraft. This attribute is the same as the exposure_duration but in DN counts versus time, and the translation of exposure_duration_count to exposure_duration will differ by mission. The attribute can be specified in the context of both Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters (actual value) and Command_Parameters (commanded value). Both commanded and actual because it's possible for the actual to not match the commanded. For example the exposure might fault out early, or there might be a deadband (for example, pointing backlash) where changes in the input do not actually affect the output.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Exposure_Parameters/exposure_duration_count

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Exposure_Parameters/exposure_duration_count




The exposure_type attribute indicates the exposure setting on a camera. Valid values: 'Manual' - manual exposure setting, 'Auto' - autoexposure is applied by the camera, 'Test' - test exposure setting telling the camera to return a fixed-pattern test image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Exposure_Parameters/exposure_type

  1) Manual

  2) Auto

  3) Test




The first_line attribute indicates the line within a source image that corresponds to the first line in a sub-image.
InSight Specific:
InSight does not support subframing, so this value is always 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Subframe_Parameters/first_line




The first_sample attribute indicates the sample within a source image that corresponds to the first sample in a sub-image.
InSight Specific:
InSight does not support subframing, so this value is always 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Subframe_Parameters/first_sample




The flight_software_version_id attribute identifies the version of the instrument flight software used to acquire the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/flight_software_version_id




The frame_id attribute specifies an identification for a particular instrument measurement frame. A frame consists of a sequence of measurements made over a specified time interval, and may include measurements from different instrument modes. These sequences repeat from cycle to cycle and sometimes within a cycle.
InSight Specific:
Used to denote the commanded camera eye for stereo. InSight has no stereo camera but the IDC is commanded with some images marked "left" and "right" for ease of stereo processing. Note that any given image can be used either as a left or right eye image in special processing; this value reflects only the commanded intent (via IMAGE_ID).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Frame_Parameters/frame_id




The frame_type_name attribute specifies whether the image was commanded as part of a stereo pair or as a single left or right monoscopic image. If frame_type = 'Stereo', a left and a right image should be present.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Frame_Parameters/frame_type_name




The geometry_projection_type attribute specifies how pixels in a file have been reprojected to correct for camera distortion, linearization, or rubber-sheeting (it is not the intent of this field to capture map projections). "Raw" indicates no projection has been done.
InSight Specific:
RAW means the image uses a CAHVOR or one of the CAHVORE camera models. LINEARIZED means that reprojection has been performed to linearize the camera model (thus removing things like lens distortion). This means the image uses a CAHV camera model.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Geometry_Projection_Parameters/geometry_projection_type

  1) Raw

  2) Linearized




The surface_gravity attribute specifies the acceleration of gravity (magnitude, not direction).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/surface_gravity





Defines the illuminant that was used in order to process this image. The valid values are open-ended but currently used values include: None, 5000K.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/illuminant

  1) NONE

  2) 5000K

  3) null




The data_size specifies number of bytes in the compressed data stream, not including headers.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/data_size




The image_id is an arbitrary string identifier that is associated with this image. The specific interpretation of it is mission-dependent, and it need not be unique to this image. For example, missions may use it as an image counter, a round-trip token indicating how to process the image, or a FSW-assigned value identifying the image.
InSight Specific:
The image_id is a 32-bit integer token set in the command sent from the ground, and returned in the image telemetry. It contains five subfields, each of which has its own label attributes: sequence_id, mesh_id, mosaic_id, stereo_id, and camera eye (frame_id). See each attribute for its usage. Note that image_id values are not unique (multiple images may share the same ID).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Image_Identifiers/image_id




The image_type attribute specifies the type of image acquired. The intent is to distinguish between different kinds of image-related data that may differ in how they are interpreted. Some types are not standard images, but they are stored in an image structure. Examples include Regular, Thumbnail, Reference Pixels, Histogram, Row Sum, and Column Sum.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Instrument_Information/image_type





  5) ROW_SUM

  6) COL_SUM






The color_subsampling_mode attribute specifies the JPEG color subsampling mode used during compression. Valid values: '4:2:2' - 4:2:2 chroma subsampling, which is the typical case, '4:4:4' - 4:4:4 chroma sampling, which indicates no subsampling, 'Grayscale' - indicates a grayscale image
InSight Specific:
Note that the VICAR valid values are different from PDS 4 but mean the same: COLOR_MODE_GRAY, COLOR_MODE_422, COLOR_MODE_444

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/JPEG_Parameters/color_subsampling_mode

  1) 4:4:4

  2) 4:2:2

  3) Grayscale




The compression_type attribute identifies the type of on-board compression used for data storage and transmission. Valid Values: 'ICER', 'LOCO', 'JPEG', 'JPEG Progressive', 'MSSS Lossless', 'None'.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/compression_type

  1) ICER

  2) ICT

  3) LOCO

  4) JPEG

  5) JPEG Progressive

  6) MSSS Lossless

  7) None




The jpeg_quality attribute is a JPEG specific variable which identifies the resultant or targeted image quality index for on-board data compression.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/JPEG_Parameters/jpeg_quality




The compression_rate attribute provides the average number of bits needed to represent a pixel for an on-board compressed image.
InSight Specific:
Represents actual results (not commanded value)

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/compression_rate




The compression_ratio attribute provides the ratio of the size, in bytes, of the original uncompressed data object to its compressed form (original size / compressed size).
InSight Specific:
Represents actual results (not commanded value)

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/compression_ratio




The instrument_azimuth attribute specifies the value for an instrument's rotation in the horizontal direction. It is usually measured from a low hard stop. Although it may be used for any instrument where it makes sense, it is primarily intended for use in surface-based instruments that measure pointing in terms of azimuth and elevation. When in a group, defines the azimuth (horizontal rotation) at which the instrument is pointed. This value is expressed using the coordinate system referred to by Coordinate_Space_Reference class. The interpretation of exactly what part of the instrument is being pointed is mission-specific. It could be the boresight, the camera head direction, the CAHV camera model A vector direction, or any of a number of other things. As such, for multimission use this value should be used mostly as an approximation, e.g. identifying scenes which might contain a given object.
InSight Specific:
The interpretation is the boresight of the camera, defined as projecting the center of the nominal image (before downsampling or subframing) through the camera model. Azimuth is measured in Site frame.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/instrument_azimuth

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/instrument_azimuth





The instrument_elevation attribute specifies the value for an instrument's rotation in the vertical direction. It is usually measured from a low hard stop. Although it may be used for any instrument where it makes sense, it is primarily intended for use in surface-based instruments that measure pointing in terms of azimuth and elevation. When in a group, defines the elevation (vertical rotation) at which the instrument is pointed. This value is expressed using the coordinate system referred to by Coordinate_Space_Reference class. The interpretation of exactly what part of the instrument is being pointed is mission-specific. It could be the boresight, the camera head direction, the CAHV camera model A vector direction, or any of a number of other things. As such, for multimission use this value should be used mostly as an approximation, e.g. identifying scenes that might contain a given object.
InSight Specific:
The interpretation is the boresight of the camera, defined as projecting the center of the nominal image (before downsampling or subframing) through the camera model. Elevation is measured in Site frame.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/instrument_elevation

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/instrument_elevation





The lid_reference attribute provides the logical_identifier for a product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/Internal_Reference/lid_reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/Internal_Reference/lid_reference

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/Internal_Reference/lid_reference

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/Internal_Reference/lid_reference

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/Data_Correction_File/Internal_Reference/lid_reference

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List/Input_Product/Internal_Reference/lid_reference




The instrument_mode_id attribute provides an instrument-dependent designation of operating mode. This may be simply a number, letter or code, or a word such as 'normal', 'full resolution', 'near encounter', or 'fixed grating'. These types may vary by mission so the permissible values should be set by the mission dictionaries.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Instrument_Information/instrument_mode_id




The instrument serial number element provides the manufacturer's serial number assigned to an instrument. This number may be used to uniquely identify a particular instrument for tracing its components or determining its calibration history, for example.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Instrument_Information/instrument_serial_number




The temperature_value attribute provides the temperature, in the specified units, of some point on an imaging instrument or other imaging instrument device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[1]/temperature_value

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[2]/temperature_value





The device_name attribute supplies the formal name for an imaging instrument, an imaging instrument device, or some point on the instrument or device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[1]/device_name

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[2]/device_name




The instrument_version_number element identifies the specific model of an instrument used to obtain data. For example, this keyword could be used to distinguish between an engineering model of a camera used to acquire test data, and a flight model of a camera used to acquire science data during a mission.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Instrument_Information/instrument_version_number




The invalid_constant attribute provides a value that indicates the original value was outside the valid range for the parameter.
InSight Specific:
The value should be 0.0 for most MIPL-generated products.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Special_Constants/invalid_constant




The line attribute specifies the line number in the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/Pixel_Position_Origin/line




The samples attribute indicates the total number of data instances along the horizontal axis of an image or sub-image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Subframe_Parameters/samples




The linearization_mode attribute specifies what kind of stereo partner was used to linearize the image (the process requires two camera models).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Geometry_Projection_Parameters/linearization_mode

  1) Nominal

  2) Actual

  3) None




The linearization_mode_fov attribute specifies how the linearized camera model's field of view (FOV) as constructed (corresponding to the "cahv_fov" parameter in MIPL software).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Geometry_Projection_Parameters/linearization_mode_fov

  1) Minimum

  2) Maximum

  3) Linear

  4) None




The lines attribute indicates the total number of data instances along the vertical axis of an image or sub-image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Subframe_Parameters/lines




The local_mean_solar_time attribute provides the hour angle of the fictitious mean Sun at a fixed point on a rotating solar system body.
InSight Specific:
The valid value is embedded with a Sol value that can be different than the Sol (see PLANET_DAY_NUMBER) associated with LTST (see LOCAL_TRUE_SOLAR_TIME). The time portion of the valid value is expressed in terms of a 24-hour clock. So, in an example using Sol 27, the valid value range for the 24-hour clock would be represented as 00027M00:00:00.000 to 00027M23:59:59.999.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates/local_mean_solar_time




The local_true_solar_time (LTST) attribute provides the local time on a rotating solar system body where LTST is 12 h at the sub-solar point (SSP) and increases 1 h for each 15 degree increase in east longitude away from the SSP for prograde rotation.
InSight Specific:
The valid value is expressed in terms of a 24-hour clock, so the acceptable range is 00:00:00.000 to 23:59:59.999. See also LOCAL_TRUE_SOLAR_TIME_SOL for the sol number.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates/local_true_solar_time




The start_local_true_solar_time_sol element specifies the number of solar days elapsed since a reference day (e.g. the day on which a landing vehicle set down) for local true solar time (LTST). Days are measured in rotations of the planet in question from midnight to midnight. The reference day is '0', as Landing day is Sol 0. If before Landing day, then value will be less than or equal to '0'and can be negative.
InSight Specific:
The reference day is 0, as Landing day is Sol 0. If before Landing day, then value will be less than or equal to 0 and can be negative.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/start_local_true_solar_time_sol




The mesh_id attribute specifies which terrain mesh this image should be automatically included in. This does not constrain which mesh(es) the image may be included in outside a pipeline environment.
InSight Specific:
Value is extracted from the image_id attributes value. Meshes combine images with matching mesh_id, sequence_id, and Epoch values. A mesh_id of 0 means do not include in a mesh. Values 1-9 mean to match within the same Sol only. Values 10-63 match globally across the entire mission. For non-raw products, any two characters, including non-numeric characters, may be used.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Image_Identifiers/mesh_id




The missing_constant attribute provides a value that indicates the original value was missing, such as due to a gap in coverage.
InSight Specific:
The value should be 0.0 for most MIPL-generated products.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Special_Constants/missing_constant




The mission_phase_name attribute provides the commonly recognized name for a mission phase.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/mission_phase_name




The model_type attribute specifies an identifier for the type or kind of model. The value should be one of a well defined set, providing an application program with sufficient information to know how to handle the rest of the parameters within the model. This value will correlate directly with the specific camera model class that is a subclass of the Camera_Model_Parameters class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/model_type




The mosaic_id attribute specifies which mosaic this image should be automatically included in. This does not constrain which mosaic(s) the image may be included in outside a pipeline environment.
InSight Specific:
For InSight, value is extracted from the image_id value. Mosaics combine iages with matching mosaic_id, sequence_id, and Epoch values. A mosaic_id of0 means do not include in a mesh. Values 1-9 mean to match within the same Sol only. Values 10-63 match globally across the entire mission. For non-raw products, any two characters, including non-numeric characters, may be used.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Image_Identifiers/mosaic_id




The analog_offset attribute identifies the analog value that is subtracted from the signal prior to the analog/digital conversion.
InSight Specific:
This value is the video offset, and has a range 0-4095.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/analog_offset




Specifies the factor that has been applied to the R cell of the Bayer pattern, before de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Responsivity/responsivity_r




Specifies the factor that has been applied to the G cell of the Bayer pattern, before de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Responsivity/responsivity_g




Specifies the factor that has been applied to the B cell of the Bayer pattern, before de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Responsivity/responsivity_b




The height_pixels attribute provides the vertical dimension, in pixels.
InSight Specific:
InSight does not support downsampling, so this value is always 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Downsampling_Parameters/Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions/height_pixels





The width_pixels attribute provides the horizontal dimension, in pixels.
InSight Specific:
InSight does not support downsampling, so this value is always 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Downsampling_Parameters/Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions/width_pixels





The start_sol_number is the number of the Mars day on which an observation began. Landing day is Sol 0.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/start_sol_number




The positive_azimuth_direction attribute specifies the direction in which azimuth is measured in positive degrees for an observer on the surface of a body. The azimuth is measured with respect to the elevation reference plane. A value of 'clockwise' indicates that azimuth is measured positively clockwise, and 'counterclockwise' indicates that azimuth increases positively counter-clockwise.
InSight Specific:
For operational coordinate frames, which follow the Mars Pathfinder convention, increasing azimuth moves in a clockwise (CLOCKWISE) direction as viewed from above.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/positive_azimuth_direction

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/positive_azimuth_direction

  1) Clockwise

  2) Counterclockwise

  3) CW

  4) CCW




The positive_elevation_direction attribute provides the direction in which elevation is measured in positive degrees for an observer on the surface of a body. The elevation is measured with respect to the azimuthal reference plane. A value of UP or ZENITH indicates that elevation is measured positively upwards, i.e., the zenith point would be at +90 degrees and the nadir point at -90 degrees. DOWN or NADIR indicates that the elevation is measured positively downwards; the zenith point would be at -90 degrees and the nadir point at +90 degrees.
InSight Specific:
For operational coordinate frames, which follow the Mars Pathfinder convention, the positive elevation direction is UP.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/positive_elevation_direction

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/positive_elevation_direction

  1) Up

  2) Zenith

  3) Down

  4) Nadir




The product_completion_status attribute indicates whether or not a product is complete or is in one of a number of incomplete states. Sample values might indicate that all portions of the product have been downlinked and received correctly, that all portions have not yet been received, or that the product contains transmission errors. The specific values are mission-dependent.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/product_completion_status






The creation_date_time attribute provides a date and time when the object was created.
InSight Specific:
This represents the Earth time when the product was created, not the time the spacecraft acquired the data.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/File/creation_date_time




The alternate_id attribute provides an additional identifier supplied by the data provider.
InSight Specific:
This is the filename minus the extension (including the version number).

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Alias_List/Alias/alternate_id




The file_name attribute provides the name of a file.
InSight Specific:
This is the filename minus the extension (including the version number).

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/File/file_name




The value_offset attribute is the offset to be applied to each stored value in order to recover an original value. The observed value (Ov) is calculated from the stored value (Sv) thus: Ov = (Sv * scaling_factor) + value_offset. The default value is 0.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Element_Array/value_offset




The unit attribute provides the unit of measurement.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Element_Array/unit




The scaling_factor attribute is the scaling factor to be applied to each stored value in order to recover an original value. The observed value (Ov) is calculated from the stored value (Sv) thus: Ov = (Sv * scaling_factor) + value_offset. The default value is 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Element_Array/scaling_factor




The radiometric_correction_type_name identifies the method used for radiometric correction.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]/Radiometric_Correction_Parameters/radiometric_correction_type_name




The x component of a Cartesian position vector.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/Vector_Range_Origin/x_position





The y component of a Cartesian position vector.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/Vector_Range_Origin/y_position





The z component of a Cartesian position vector.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/Vector_Range_Origin/z_position





The received_packets attribute provides the total number of telemetry packets actually used to construct this data product. cf. expected_packets.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/received_packets




The local_identifier_reference attribute provides the value of the local_identifier of the entity described by the referencing class. Note that a local_identifier attribute, with the same value as this local_identifier_reference, must be present within the label.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Local_Internal_Reference/local_identifier_reference




The sample_bit_mask attribute Specifies the active bits in a sample. Any bit mask is valid in an non-raw product. Any 8-bit product, whether a scaled raw product or other, will have the value "2#11111111" and be stored in one byte. Any 12-bit product, whether an unscaled raw product, or an ILUT partially-processed product (see companding_method), will have the value "2#0000111111111111" and be stored in two bytes. A 15-bit product (e.g. Radiometrically-corrected Calibrated product type) will have the value "2#0111111111111111" and be stored in two bytes. Any 32-bit integer product (e.g. Histogram Raw product) will have the value "2#11111111111111111111111111111111" and be stored in four bytes. For floating-point data, sample_bit_mask is not valid and may be absent. If present, it should be ignored. NOTE: In the PDS, the domain of sample_bit_mask is dependent upon the currently-described value in the sample_bits attribute and only applies to integer values.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/sample_bit_mask




The companding_venue attribute specifies where companding or expanding of the data was completed either onboard or on the ground. Valid values: 'Hardware' - companding was done by hardware, for example inside the camera. 'Software' - companding was done by flight software. 'None' - data was not companded

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/Companding_Parameters/companding_venue

  1) Hardware

  2) Software

  3) None




The companding_method attribute specifies how data was companded. Generally this will either be via a lookup table (such as a square root encoding), or by shifting bits to preserve the high order bits and discard the low order bits. The value of this keyword is mission specific but there are recommended values that should apply across missions when possible: NONE - no scaling. LUTn - use the numbered lookup table. Lookup tables are defined in the mission SIS. It is preferred for "n" to be a number but it could be a name, for example LUT_MMM_3 to indicate LUT 3 for the MMM instruments (on MSL). MSB_BITn - Shift to make bit "n" the most significant. Bits start numbering at 0 so MSB_BIT7 means no shift for a 12->8 bit companding, while MSB_BIT11 means to shift right 4 bits for a 12->8 bit companding. AUTOSHIFT - Data should be shifted to preserve the highest value. This value should only appear in a command echo; one of the MSB_BITn values should be used in downlinked data to specify what the actual shift was.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/Companding_Parameters/companding_method




The sample attribute specifies the sample number

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/Pixel_Position_Origin/sample




The sequence_id identifies the command sequence used to acquire this product.
InSight Specific:
Value is extracted from the IMAGE_ID field and indicates the purpose for which the image was acquired.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Command_Execution_Information/sequence_id




The solar_azimuth attribute specifies one of two angular measurements indicating the direction to the Sun as measured from a specific point on the surface of a planet (eg., from a lander or rover). The positive direction of the elevation is set by the positive_azimuth_direction attribute in the reference coordinate space. The azimuth is measured positively in the clockwise direction (as viewed from above) with the meridian passing through the positive spin axis of the planet (i.e., the north pole) defining the zero reference.
InSight Specific:
Computed using SPICE.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/solar_azimuth

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/solar_azimuth





The solar_elevation attribute specifies one of two angular measurements indicating the direction to the Sun as measured from a specific point on the surface of a planet (eg., from a lander or rover). The positive direction of the elevation is set by the positive_elevation_direction attribute in the reference coordinate space. The elevation is measured from the plane which is normal to the line passing between the surface point and the planet's center of mass, and that intersects the surface point.
InSight Specific:
Computed using SPICE.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/solar_elevation

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/solar_elevation





The solar_longitude attribute provides the angle between the body-Sun line at the time of interest and the body-Sun line at its vernal equinox.
InSight Specific:
This provides a measure of season on a target body, with values of 0 to 90 degrees representing northern spring, 90 to 180 degrees representing northern summer, 180 to 270 degrees representing northern autumn and 270 to 360 degrees representing northern winter.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates/solar_longitude





solar_longitude is the solar longitude, as defined in the main PDS4 data dictionary.
InSight Specific:
This provides a measure of season on a target body, with values of 0 to 90 degrees representing northern spring, 90 to 180 degrees representing northern summer, 180 to 270 degrees representing northern autumn and 270 to 360 degrees representing northern winter.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/solar_longitude





The solution_id attribute specifies the unique identifier for the solution set to which the values in the group belong. For certain kinds of information, such as pointing correction (pointing models) and rover localization (coordinate system definitions), the "true" value is unknown and only estimates of the true value exist. Thus, more than one set of estimates may exist simultaneously, each valid for its intended purpose. Each of these sets is called a "solution" to the unknown true value. The solution_id attribute is used to identify which solution is being expressed by the containing group. No specific naming convention is defined here, however it is recommended that projects adopt one. The intent is to be able to identify who created the solution, and why. Possible components of the naming convention include user, institution, purpose, request ID, version, program, date/time.
InSight Specific:
Must be globally unique across all coordinate system instances, i.e. it cannot be reused to define the same coordinate system instance differently. Different coordinate system instances (for example, different values of the RMC index) may share the same SOLUTION_ID. See also REFERENCE_COORD_SYSTEM_NAME and REFERENCE_COORD_SYSTEM_SOLN_ID. The SOLUTION_ID should be the same identifier used in the PLACES rover localization database. The special name "telemetry" is used for values telemetered from the rover. If SOLUTION_ID is absent, "telemetry" should be assumed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/solution_id

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/solution_id




The spacecraft_clock_partition provides the clock partition active for the spacecraft_clock attribute.
InSight Specific:
Always 1 for InSight.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/spacecraft_clock_partition




The spacecraft_clock_start is the value of the spacecraft clock at the beginning of the observation.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/spacecraft_clock_start




The spacecraft_clock_stop is the value of the spacecraft clock at the end of the observation. spacecraft_clock_stop should only be used if there's also a spacecraft_clock_start value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/spacecraft_clock_stop




The spice_kernel_file_name attribute provides the file name of a SPICE kernel file used to process the data or to produce geometric quantities given in the label.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/SPICE_Kernel_Files/SPICE_Kernel_Identification/spice_kernel_file_name




The start_date_time attribute provides the date and time appropriate to the beginning of the product being labeled.
InSight Specific:
The time period of interest is returned from SPICE suburoutines and is based on the beginning of data acquisition.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates/start_date_time




The stereo_baseline_length attribute specifies the separation between the two cameras used for processing of the stereo image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Stereo_Product_Parameters/stereo_baseline_length





The stereo_match_id attribute specifies which other image this image matches with for stereo processing. If used for a mission, the two images making up a stereo pair should share the same stereo_match_id value.
InSight Specific:
The image_id is a 32-bit integer token set in the command sent from the ground, and returned in the image telemetry. It contains five subfields, each of which has its own label attributes: sequence_id, mesh_id, mosaic_id, stereo_id, and camera eye (frame_id). See each attribute for its usage. Note that image_id values are not unique (multiple images may share the same ID).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Image_Identifiers/stereo_match_id




The stop_date_time attribute provides the date and time appropriate to the end of the product being labeled.
InSight Specific:
The time period of interest is returned from SPICE suburoutines and is based on the end of data acquisition.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates/stop_date_time




The provider_id attribute identifies the organization or subsystem that supplied the telemetry data product to the producer of the raw (EDR) PDS data product. This is typically (but not always) the organization responsible for reassembling packetized data into a single product. These may vary by mission so the permissible values should be set by the mission dictionaries.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/provider_id




The telemetry_source_name specifies the name source of the telemetry data described in the parent class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/telemetry_source_name




The telemetry_source_sclk_start attribute specifies the value of the spacecraft clock (in seconds) at the creation time of the source product from which this product was derived.
InSight Specific:
This is the time in the CCSDS header. Used to find all the matching packets for one product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/telemetry_source_sclk_start




The telemetry_source_start_time specifies the creation time of the source product from which this product was derived. It is the same as the telemetry_source_sclk_start converted to Spacecraft Event Time (SCET).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/telemetry_source_start_time




The transport_protocol attribute specifies the protocol used in the creation of the telemetry data products by the subsystem which generates the telemetry stream.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information/transport_protocol

  1) SFDU

  2) Data Product



The active_flag attribute indicates whether or not the data correction described by the parent class is active.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction/active_flag

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[1]/active_flag

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]/active_flag

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/active_flag



The Algorithm_Parameter class provides a name and value(s) use for input into the autoexposure algorithm.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters/Algorithm_Parameter[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters/Algorithm_Parameter[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters/Algorithm_Parameter[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters/Algorithm_Parameter[4]

  1) name

  2) value


The Alias class provides a single alternate name and identification for this product in this or some other archive or data system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Alias_List/Alias

  1) alternate_id

  2) alternate_title

  3) comment


The Alias_List class provides a list of paired alternate names and identifications for this product in this or some other archive or data system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Alias_List

  1) alias


The Array 2D Image class is an extension of the Array 2D class and defines a two dimensional image.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_2D_Image

  1) offset

  2) axes

  3) name

  4) local_identifier

  5) axis_index_order

  6) md5_checksum

  7) description

  8) has_Display_2d_Image

  9) has_Axis_Array

  10) has_Element_Array

  11) associated_Special_Constants

  12) associated_Statistics

  13) data_object

  14) local_internal_reference


The Array 3D Image class is an extension of the Array 3D class and defines a three dimensional image.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image

  1) offset

  2) axes

  3) name

  4) local_identifier

  5) axis_index_order

  6) md5_checksum

  7) description

  8) has_Axis_Array

  9) has_Element_Array

  10) associated_Special_Constants

  11) associated_Statistics

  12) data_object

  13) local_internal_reference


The Articulation_Device_Parameters class contains those attributes and sub-classes that describe an articulation device. An articulation device is anything that can move independently of the spacecraft to which it is attached. Examples include mast heads, wheel bogies, arms, filter wheel, scan platforms.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]

  1) device_id

  2) device_name

  3) device_mode

  4) device_phase

  5) selected_instrument_id

  6) Coordinate_Space_Present


The autoexposure_algorithm_name attribute provides the algorithm used for histograwm thresholding or autoexposure of the image. Some example algorithms from past missions are, 'Maki 2003' used on MER cameras, MSL ECAMs, M2020 EECAMs; 'Maurice 2012' used on MSL ChemCam; 'Smith 1997' used on Mars Pathfinder Imager.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters/autoexposure_algorithm_name

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Autoexposure_Parameters/autoexposure_algorithm_name



The Autoexposure_Parameters class contains attributes used to identify or describe the histogram thresholding algorithm and applicable attributes required for those algorithms. The input parameters for the algorithm can be specified using the Algorithm_Parameter class or via a Local_Internal_Reference to a mission-specific parameter definition.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Autoexposure_Parameters

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Autoexposure_Parameters

  1) autoexposure_algorithm_name

  2) Algorithm_Parameter


The Axis Array class is used as a component of the array class and defines an axis of the array.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[3]

  1) axis_name

  2) local_identifier

  3) elements

  4) unit

  5) sequence_number

  6) has_Band_Bin_Set


The axis_name attribute provides a word or combination of words by which the axis is known.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[1]/axis_name

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[2]/axis_name

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[3]/axis_name



The blue_channel_band attribute identifies the number of the band, along the band axis, that should be loaded, by default, into the blue channel of a display device. The first band along the band axis has band number 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Color_Display_Settings/blue_channel_band



The CAHV camera model is equivalent to the standard linear photogrammetric model for a pinhole camera, It is useful for very small field of view cameras and as a building block for more complex camera models. The CAHV model consists of four 3-vectors: C, A, H, and V. Vector C gives the location of the pinhole. Vector A gives the camera axis, defined as the normal to the image plane. Vector H encodes the horizontal axis of the image plane (H'), the coor- dinate (Hc) of the image column at the optical center of the image plane, and the horizontal focal length (Hs) of the camera, in pixels. Vector V encodes corresponding information (V', Vc, Vs) in the vertical direction. The angle (theta) between horizontal and vertical vectors H' and V' is about 90 degrees. (Taken from Camera Response Simulation for Planetary Exploration, by Dr. Richard Madison, Marc Pomerantz, and Dr. Abhinandan Jain,

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHV_Model

  1) Vector_Center

  2) Vector_Axis

  3) Vector_Horizontal

  4) Vector_Vertical


The CAHVOR model describes a camera with radial lens distortion about the lens axis. In addition to the CAHV parameters, it includes 3-vectors O and R. Vector O is the optical axis of the lens, slightly different from vector A due to imperfect lens mounting. A ray from a point in space, passing through the pinhole, bends at the pinhole according to a function of the angle between the ray and optical axis O. The function is a polynomial whose coefficients are stored in vector R. (Taken from Camera Response Simulation for Planetary Exploration, by Dr. Richard Madison, Marc Pomerantz, and Dr. Abhinandan Jain,

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVOR_Model

  1) Optical_Terms

  2) Vector_Center

  3) Radial_Terms

  4) Vector_Axis

  5) Vector_Horizontal

  6) Vector_Vertical


A third model, CAHVORE, describes more general cameras including those with fisheye or otherwise wide field of view lenses. An additional vector, E, describes the apparent motion of the camera entrance pupil. (Taken from Camera Response Simulation for Planetary Exploration, by Dr. Richard Madison, Marc Pomerantz, and Dr. Abhinandan Jain,

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model

  1) cahvore_model_type

  2) cahvore_model_parameter

  3) Vector_Entrance

  4) Optical_Terms

  5) Vector_Center

  6) Radial_Terms

  7) Vector_Axis

  8) Vector_Horizontal

  9) Vector_Vertical


The cahvore_parameter_type attribute is a scalar floating-point number used for CAHVORE Type 3 models (see cahvore_model_type). If the parameter is 1.0, the model is identical to type 1; if 0.0, it is identical to type 2. Most fish-eye lenses use a value in between.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/cahvore_model_parameter



The cahvore_model_type attribute indicates which variant of the CAHVORE model to use. Type 1 is a perspective-projection model, similar to CAHV and CAHVOR except for the moving entrance pupil. Type 2 is a fish-eye lens model reflecting fundamentally different geometry. Type 3 is a generalization that includes the first two, and is used for most fisheye-type lenses (see cahvore_model_parameter).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/cahvore_model_type

  1) 1

  2) 2

  3) 3



A camera model describes the mathematical relationship between the coordinates of a point in 3-dimensional space and its projection onto a 2-dimensional image plane. There are numerous types of camera models, only two of which are currently implemented.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters

  1) model_type

  2) calibration_source_id

  3) solution_id

  4) Internal_Reference

  5) CAHVORE_Model

  6) Coordinate_Space_Reference

  7) Quaternion_Model_Transform

  8) Vector_Model_Transform


The Cartography class provides a description of how a 3D sphere, spheroid, or elliptical spheroid or the celestial sphere is mapped onto a plane.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography

  1) has_Spatial_Domain

  2) has_Spatial_Reference_Information


The Citation_Information class provides specific fields often used in citing the product in journal articles, abstract services, and other reference contexts.

  1) /Product_File_Text/Identification_Area/Citation_Information

  1) author_list

  2) editor_list

  3) publication_year

  4) keyword

  5) description


The color_display_axis attribute identifies, by name, the axis of an Array (or Array subclass) that is intended to be displayed in the color dimension of a display device. I.e., bands from this dimension will be loaded into the red, green, and blue bands of the display device. The value of this attribute must match the value of one, and only one, axis_name attribute in an Axis_Array class of the associated Array.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Color_Display_Settings/color_display_axis



The Color_Display_Settings class provides guidance to data users on how to display a multi-banded Array object on a color-capable display device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Color_Display_Settings

  1) color_display_axis

  2) comment

  3) red_channel_band

  4) green_channel_band

  5) blue_channel_band


The Color_Filter_Array_Parameters class describes whether or not an image was acquired using a Color Filter Array (CFA) and if so, whether and how the CFA pattern was removed. A CFA is a method for making color images using one exposure on a single sensor plane, where microfilters of different wavelengths are put in front of pixels in a specific pattern. The most common pattern is the Bayer pattern, which has a red, blue, and two green pixels in every 2x2 pixel square. Although generally used for RGB color, CFA filters can be of any number and wavelength (see color_filter_array_type).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Filter_Array_Parameters

  1) color_filter_array_type

  2) color_filter_array_state

  3) color_filter_array_venue

  4) bayer_algorithm


Specifies whether the image still has a CFA pattern ("Encoded"), the CFA pattern has been removed ("Decoded") or it never had a pattern ("No CFA").

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Filter_Array_Parameters/color_filter_array_state

  1) Encoded

  2) Decoded

  3) No CFA



The Color_Parameters class contains parameters describing color correction or processing and how the image is represented in color.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters

  1) color_space

  2) color_component

  3) illuminant

  4) encoded_display_gamma

  5) Onboard_Responsivity

  6) Onboard_Color_Matrix


The Command_Execution_Information class contains information about how the command that acquired this data was executed, such as sequence or activity.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Command_Execution_Information

  1) sequence_id

  2) sequence_version_id

  3) sequence_execution_count

  4) command_sequence_number

  5) command_source_id

  6) observation_id

  7) request_id


The Command_Parameters class contains attributes used to identify or describe the commands sent to a spacecraft to perform one or more actions resulting in the acquisition of the current data product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters

  1) description

  2) detector_erase_count

  3) Autoexposure_Parameters

  4) Exposure_Parameters

  5) Data_Correction_Parameters


The comment attribute is a character string expressing one or more remarks or thoughts relevant to the object.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Alias_List/Alias/comment

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/comment

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/Internal_Reference/comment

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/Internal_Reference/comment

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/Internal_Reference/comment

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/Internal_Reference/comment

  7) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List/Input_Product/Internal_Reference/comment

  8) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Internal_Reference/comment

  9) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Source_Product_Internal/comment



The Companding_Parameters class describes whether or not data is or has had its bit depth reduced (for example conversion from 12 to 8 bits via a lookup table or bit scaling), the venue where it occurred (Software or Hardware), and the method used to complete the companding.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/Companding_Parameters

  1) companding_state

  2) companding_venue

  3) companding_method


The companding_state attribute specifies whether the data is or has had its bit depth reduced, for example conversion from 12 to 8 bits via a lookup table or bit scaling. Valid values: None - values have not been companded. Companded - values are currently companded. Expanded - values have been companded but are now expanded back to original size.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/Companding_Parameters/companding_state

  1) None

  2) Companded

  3) Expanded



The compression_class attribute identifies the type of on-board compression used for data storage and transmission. Note that the compression_type identifies the specific compression algorithm used (for example, ICER), whereas the compression_class gives a simple indicator of the type of compression mode. Valid values: 'Lossless', 'Lossy', 'Uncompressed'

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/compression_class

  1) Lossless

  2) Lossy

  3) Uncompressed



The Coordinate_Space classes are typically used for lander/rover geometry while the Coordinate_System construction is used for orbiter/flyby geometry.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]

  1) local_identifier

  2) positive_azimuth_direction

  3) positive_elevation_direction

  4) Coordinate_Space_Present

  5) Vector_Origin_Offset

  6) Quaternion_Plus_Direction

  7) Coordinate_Space_Reference


Identifies a coordinate space using an index value given in an identified list.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index[1]

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index[2]

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed/Coordinate_Space_Index

  1) index_value_number

  2) index_id


The Coordinate_Space_Indexed class contains the attributes and classes identifying the indexed coordinate space.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present/Coordinate_Space_Indexed

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Coordinate_Space_Indexed

  1) coordinate_space_frame_type

  2) solution_id

  3) Coordinate_Space_Index


The Coordinate_Space_Present class includes the attributes that identifies the spacecraft's present coordinate space.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Present

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Present

  1) Coordinate_Space_Indexed


The Coordinate_Space_Reference class includes the attributes that identify the reference coordinate space to be used in relation to the spacecraft's present coordinate space. The reference coordinate space is the space in which the present coordinate space is defined.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Coordinate_Space_Reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference

  1) Coordinate_Space_Indexed



  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical

  1) pixel_scale_x

  2) pixel_scale_y

  3) maximum_elevation

  4) minimum_elevation

  5) start_azimuth

  6) stop_azimuth

  7) zero_elevation_line

  8) Vector_Projection_Origin


The Data_Correction class specifies describes details regarding the calibration and/or processing performed on the data product. This class can be used to describe various data corrections, such as antiblooming, bad pixel replacement, blemish protection, dark current correction, or shutter correction. This can be specified multiple times in order to detail numerous corrections, and should be used to designate PDS3-like flag attributes, such as dark_current_correction_flag and flat_field_correction_flag.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[1]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]

  1) active_flag

  2) data_correction_type

  3) data_correction_venue

  4) Data_Correction_File

  5) Flat_Field_Correction_Parameters

  6) Radiometric_Correction_Parameters

  7) Shutter_Subtraction_Parameters


The Data_Correction_File class specifies a file containing explicit details regarding the calibration and/or processing performed on the data product. The enclosing class and surrounding attribute provide the necessary context to interpret this file. As a subclass of the Data_Correction_Parameters class, this specifies calibration applied to the science data as opposed to calibration the instrument before launch. As a subclass of the Derived_Product_Parameters class, this specifies a file describing the post processing of the product after radiometric and photometric calibrations.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/Data_Correction_File

  1) description

  2) External_Reference


The Data_Correction_Parameters class describes data processing steps applied to data, either on-board a spacecraft or after receipt of the data on the ground, to remove artifacts introduced into the data by the instrument. As a child of the Command_Parameters class, these attribute values are those that were commanded to the spacecraft.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Data_Correction_Parameters

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters

  1) Data_Correction


The data_correction_type attribute specifies the type of data correction to be applied using the accompanying file or constants. Valid values: 'Antiblooming', 'Bad Pixel', 'Blemish Protection', 'Brightness', 'Dark Current', 'Flat Field', 'Inverse LUT', 'Light Flood', 'Responsivity', 'Shutter'

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction/data_correction_type

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[1]/data_correction_type

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]/data_correction_type

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/data_correction_type

  1) Antiblooming

  2) Bad Pixel

  3) Blemish Protection

  4) Brightness

  5) Dark Current

  6) Flat Field

  7) Inverse LUT

  8) Light Flood

  9) Radiometric

  10) Responsivity

  11) Shutter Subtraction



The data_correction_venue attribute specifies where data correction was performed. Valid values: 'Onboard' - data correction was performed onboard the spacecraft. 'Ground' - data correction was performed by software on the ground.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction/data_correction_venue

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[1]/data_correction_venue

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]/data_correction_venue

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/data_correction_venue

  1) Onboard

  2) Ground



The data_type attribute provides the hardware representation used to store a value in Element_Array.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Element_Array/data_type

  1) ComplexLSB16

  2) ComplexLSB8

  3) ComplexMSB16

  4) ComplexMSB8

  5) IEEE754LSBDouble

  6) IEEE754LSBSingle

  7) IEEE754MSBDouble

  8) IEEE754MSBSingle

  9) SignedBitString

  10) SignedByte

  11) SignedLSB2

  12) SignedLSB4

  13) SignedLSB8

  14) SignedMSB2

  15) SignedMSB4

  16) SignedMSB8

  17) UnsignedBitString

  18) UnsignedByte

  19) UnsignedLSB2

  20) UnsignedLSB4

  21) UnsignedLSB8

  22) UnsignedMSB2

  23) UnsignedMSB4

  24) UnsignedMSB8



The Derived_Geometry class is a container for surface based observations (lander or rover). It is used to provide some geometric quantities relative to a specific Reference Coordinate Space.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[2]

  1) emission_angle

  2) Coordinate_Space_Reference


The Derived_Product_Parameters class contains attributes used to identify and describe processing performed on products in order to produce a higher level product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters

  1) derived_image_type_name

  2) horizon_mask_elevation

  3) Placement_Target_Instrument

  4) Vector_Range_Origin

  5) Pointing_Correction_Parameters


The description attribute provides a statement, picture in words, or account that describes or is otherwise relevant to the object.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Modification_History/Modification_Detail/description

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Header/description



The Device_Angle class is a container for the set of angles between the various components or devices of the spacecraft.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle

  1) local_identifier

  2) Device_Angle_Index


The Device_Angle class is a container for the set of angles the spacecraft device specified in the parent Articulation_Device_Parameters class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[4]

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[5]

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[6]

  7) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[7]

  8) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Angle/Device_Angle_Index[8]

  1) index_value_angle

  2) index_id


The Device_Temperature class is a container for all available device temperatures of an articulated device and/or part(s) of a device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Temperature

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/Device_Temperature

  1) local_identifier

  2) Device_Temperature_Index


The Device_Temperature_Index class specifies the attributes describing the temperature of one device or some part of a device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Temperature/Device_Temperature_Index[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Temperature/Device_Temperature_Index[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Temperature/Device_Temperature_Index[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Device_Temperature/Device_Temperature_Index[4]

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[2]/Device_Temperature/Device_Temperature_Index

  1) index_value_temperature

  2) index_value_number

  3) index_id


The Discipline area allows the insertion of discipline specific metadata.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area


The Display_Direction class specifies how two of the dimensions of an Array object should be displayed in the vertical (line) and horizontal (sample) dimensions of a display device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Display_Direction

  1) comment

  2) horizontal_display_axis

  3) horizontal_display_direction

  4) vertical_display_axis

  5) vertical_display_direction


The Display_Settings class contains one or more classes describing how data should be displayed on a display device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings

  1) local_internal_reference

  2) has_display_direction

  3) has_color_display_settings

  4) has_movie_display_settings


The radial "zone" or "shell" of the target for which the observations were collected or which are represented in the product(s). The value may depend on wavelength_range and size of the target.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary/Science_Facets/domain

  1) Atmosphere

  2) Dynamics

  3) Heliosphere

  4) Interior

  5) Interstellar

  6) Ionosphere

  7) Magnetosphere

  8) Rings

  9) Surface



The Downsampling_Parameters class describes whether or not downsampling occurred, the venue where it occurrected (Software or Hardware), the method used to downsample, and the pixel averaging dimensions. A downsampled image is a smaller version of the image, resulting in reduced resolution of the same coverage area

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Downsampling_Parameters

  1) downsampling_flag

  2) downsampling_venue

  3) downsampling_method

  4) Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions


The Element Array class is used as a component of the array class and defines an element of the array.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Element_Array

  1) data_type

  2) unit

  3) scaling_factor

  4) value_offset


The elements attribute provides the count of the number of elements along an array axis.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[1]/elements

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[2]/elements

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[3]/elements



The Encoded Image class is used for ancillary images in standard formats, such as JPEG.

  1) /Product_Browse/File_Area_Browse/Encoded_Image

  1) name

  2) offset

  3) encoding_standard_id

  4) local_identifier

  5) object_length

  6) md5_checksum

  7) description

  8) data_object


The encoding_standard_id attribute provides the formal name of a standard used for the structure of an Encoded Byte Stream digital object.

  1) /Product_Browse/File_Area_Browse/Encoded_Image/encoding_standard_id

  1) GIF

  2) J2C

  3) JPEG

  4) PDF

  5) PDF/A

  6) PNG

  7) TIFF



The Error_Model_Information class specifies the name of the error model used, a reference to the algorithm descriptions, and the parameters needed for that algorithm. The specific set of values is determined by each individual missions.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information

  1) error_model_name

  2) Error_Model_Parameter

  3) Internal_Reference


The Error_Model_Parameter class specifies name and value for a parameter defined by the error model described by the parent class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information/Error_Model_Parameter[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information/Error_Model_Parameter[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information/Error_Model_Parameter[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Error_Model_Information/Error_Model_Parameter[4]

  1) name

  2) value


The Exposure_Parameters class contains attributes identifying the image instrument exposure configuration and image exposure values. As a child of the Image_Product_Information class, these attribute values identify the actual exposure values when the image was taken. As a child of the Command_Parameters class, these attribute values are those that were commanded to the spacecraft at the time the image was taken.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Command_Parameters/Exposure_Parameters

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Exposure_Parameters

  1) exposure_count

  2) exposure_duration

  3) exposure_duration_count

  4) exposure_type


The Field_Delimited class defines a field of a delimited record or a field of a delimited group.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[4]

  5) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[1]

  6) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[2]

  7) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[3]

  8) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[1]

  9) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[2]

  10) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[3]

  11) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/Record_Delimited/Field_Delimited[4]

  1) name

  2) field_number

  3) data_type

  4) maximum_field_length

  5) field_format

  6) unit

  7) scaling_factor

  8) value_offset

  9) description

  10) associated_Special_Constants

  11) associated_Statistics


The field_delimiter attribute provides the character that marks the boundary between two fields in a delimited table.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/field_delimiter

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/field_delimiter

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/field_delimiter

  1) Comma

  2) Horizontal Tab

  3) Semicolon

  4) Vertical Bar

  5) comma

  6) horizontal tab

  7) semicolon

  8) vertical bar



The File class consists of attributes that describe a file in a data store.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/File

  1) file_name

  2) local_identifier

  3) creation_date_time

  4) file_size

  5) records

  6) md5_checksum

  7) comment

  8) data_object


The File Area Browse class describes a file and one or more tagged_data_objects contained within the file.

  1) /Product_Browse/File_Area_Browse

  1) has_File

  2) has_tagged_data_object


The File Area Observational class describes, for an observational product, a file and one or more tagged_data_objects contained within the file.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational

  1) has_File

  2) has_composite_structure

  3) has_tagged_data_object


The File Area Observational Supplemental class describes, for an observational product, additional files and tagged_data_objects contained within the file.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational_Supplemental[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational_Supplemental[2]

  1) has_File

  2) has_composite_structure

  3) has_tagged_data_object


The File Area Text class describes a file that contains a text stream object.

  1) /Product_File_Text/File_Area_Text

  1) has_File

  2) has_tagged_data_object


The file_size attribute provides the size of the file.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/File/file_size




The Filter class describes the filter associated with a particular observation. The filter may be identified by name, identifier, number or some combination of these.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Filter

  1) filter_name

  2) filter_id

  3) filter_number

  4) bandwidth

  5) center_filter_wavelength

  6) comment


The Frame_Parameters class contains attributes providing information specific to an image frame. A frame consists of a sequence of measurements made over a specified time interval, and may include measurements from different instrument modes.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Frame_Parameters

  1) frame_id

  2) frame_type_name

  3) interframe_delay


The Geometry class is a container for all geometric information in the label. The Image_Display_Geometry class should have one instance if the primary data object is an Array object for which two of the dimensions are suitable for display in the vertical (line) and horizontal (sample) dimensions of a display device. Multiple instances of the Image_Display_Geometry class are only appropriate if the data product contains multiple Array objects and the orientations of the various objects are not the same.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry

  1) SPICE_Kernel_Files

  2) Expanded_Geometry

  3) Image_Display_Geometry

  4) Geometry_Orbiter

  5) Geometry_Lander


The Geometry_Lander class is a container for all geometric information in the label relating to a landed spacecraft, including rovers.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander

  1) Articulation_Device_Parameters

  2) Camera_Model_Parameters

  3) Coordinate_Space_Definition

  4) Derived_Geometry

  5) Motion_Counter


The Geometry_Projection_Parameters describes the geometric projection or warping the image has undergone. It is not the intent of this class to describe map projections, but rather image warps such as linearization (stereo epipolar alignment), geometric sensor correction, or rubber-sheeting. If present, a linearization partner image can be referenced using either an Internal_Reference or External_Reference.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Geometry_Projection_Parameters

  1) linearization_mode

  2) linearization_mode_fov

  3) geometry_projection_type

  4) External_Reference


The green_channel_band attribute identifies the number of the band, along the band axis, that should be loaded, by default, into the green channel of a display device. The first band along the band axis has band number 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Color_Display_Settings/green_channel_band



The Header class describes a data object header.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Header

  1) name

  2) object_length

  3) offset

  4) local_identifier

  5) parsing_standard_id

  6) md5_checksum

  7) description

  8) data_object


The Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition class provides the reference frame or system from which linear or angular quantities are measured and assigned to the position that a point occupies.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition

  1) has_Geographic

  2) has_Geodetic_Model


The horizontal_display_axis attribute identifies, by name, the axis of an Array (or Array subclass) that is intended to be displayed in the horizontal or "sample" dimension on a display device. The value of this attribute must match the value of one, and only one, axis_name attribute in an Axis_Array class of the associated Array.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Display_Direction/horizontal_display_axis



The horizontal_display_direction attribute specifies the direction across the screen of a display device that data along the horizontal axis of an Array is supposed to be displayed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Display_Direction/horizontal_display_direction

  1) Left to Right

  2) Right to Left



The identification area consists of attributes that identify and name an object.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area

  1) logical_identifier

  2) version_id

  3) title

  4) information_model_version

  5) product_class

  6) alias_list

  7) citation_information

  8) modification_history


The Image_Compression_Parameters class contains attributes describing onboard compression parameters used for data storage and transmission.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters

  1) compression_class

  2) compression_mode

  3) compression_type

  4) compression_rate

  5) compression_ratio

  6) compression_quality

  7) deferred_flag

  8) error_pixel_count

  9) ICER_Parameters


The Image_Identifiers class contains items that help to identify the image or guide how processing should be done to the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Image_Identifiers

  1) image_id

  2) mosaic_id

  3) mesh_id

  4) stereo_match_id


The Image_Product_Information class contains classes and attributes that describe the image product itself, including information about the exposure duration, filters, data correction, sampling, frame, sub-frames, and how the product was derived.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information

  1) Autoexposure_Parameters

  2) Exposure_Parameters

  3) Data_Correction_Parameters

  4) Filter

  5) Color_Filter_Array_Parameters

  6) Sampling_Parameters

  7) Downsampling_Parameters

  8) Frame_Parameters

  9) Subframe_Parameters

  10) Color_Parameters


The Imaging class contains classes and attributes describing both the image product itself and the imaging instrument. Image product information can include exposure duration, filters, data correction, sampling, frame, sub-frames, and how the product was derived. For the imaging instrument, information can be provided describing the dynamic physical or operating characteristics of the imaging instrument.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging

  1) Local_Internal_Reference

  2) Command_Parameters

  3) Image_Product_Information

  4) Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters

  5) Image_Compression_Parameters


The Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters class contains attributes providing the values of any dynamic physical or operating characteristics of the imaging instrument.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters

  1) analog_offset

  2) sample_fov

  3) line_fov

  4) detector_first_line

  5) detector_first_sample

  6) detector_lines

  7) detector_to_image_rotation

  8) gain_mode_id

  9) gain_number

  10) Instrument_Device_Current

  11) Instrument_Device_Temperature

  12) Instrument_Device_Voltage


The information_model_version attribute provides the version identification of the PDS Information Model on which the label and schema are based.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/information_model_version

















The Input_Product class describes one of the product most directly used as input to software for product creation, including raw, partially-processed, calibrated, or derived products.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List/Input_Product

  1) local_identifier

  2) External_Reference


The Input_Product_List class describes all of the product(s) most directly used as input to software for product creation, including raw, partially-processed, calibrated, or derived products. These Input Products can be explicitly described in this label using the Input_Product class, and/or a list of products can be specified in another product referenced by the Internal_Reference or Local_Internal_Reference.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List

  1) Input_Product


The Instrument_Device_Temperature class provides a container for the set of temperatures of some point on an instrument or other device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature

  1) Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index


The Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index class provides the temperature of some point on an instrument or other device.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Imaging_Instrument_State_Parameters/Instrument_Device_Temperature/Instrument_Device_Temperature_Index[2]

  1) device_name

  2) raw_count


The Instrument_Information class specifies information about the configuration of the instrument as it acquired this observation.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Instrument_Information

  1) image_type

  2) image_acquire_mode

  3) instrument_mode_id

  4) instrument_serial_number

  5) instrument_version_number

  6) camera_product_id

  7) camera_product_id_count


The Internal_Reference class is used to cross-reference other products in the PDS registry system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/Internal_Reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/Internal_Reference

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/Internal_Reference

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/Internal_Reference

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/Data_Correction_File/Internal_Reference

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List/Input_Product/Internal_Reference

  7) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Internal_Reference

  1) lid_reference

  2) reference_type

  3) comment


The Investigation_Area class provides information about an investigation (mission, observing campaign or other coordinated, large-scale data collection effort).

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area

  1) name

  2) type

  3) internal_reference


The JPEG_Parameters class contains attributes describing onboard compression parameters specific to Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) image compression.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Compression_Parameters/JPEG_Parameters

  1) color_subsampling_mode

  2) jpeg_quality

  3) jpeg_parameter


The map_projection_name attribute provides the name of the map projection.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/lander_map_projection_name

  1) Cylindrical

  2) Vertical

  3) Perspective

  4) Polar

  5) Orthographic

  6) Orthorectified

  7) Cylindrical Perspective



The lidvid_reference attribute provides the logical_identifier plus version_id, which uniquely identifies a product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Internal_Reference/lidvid_reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Source_Product_Internal/lidvid_reference



The Local class provides a description of any coordinate system that is not aligned with the surface of the planet.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local

  1) local_description

  2) local_georeference_information


The local_description attribute provides a description of the coordinate system and its orientation to the surface of a planet.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/local_description



The local_identifier attribute provides a character string which uniquely identifies the containing object within the label.

  1) /Product_Browse/File_Area_Browse/File/local_identifier

  2) /Product_Browse/File_Area_Browse/Encoded_Image/local_identifier



The Local Internal_Reference class is used to cross-reference other Description Objects in a PDS4 label.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Local_Internal_Reference

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Local_Internal_Reference

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Local_Internal_Reference

  1) comment

  2) local_identifier_reference

  3) local_reference_type


The local_reference_type attribute provides the name of an association between an entity identified by a local_identifier_reference and another corresponding entity identified by a local_identifier. The values for the local_reference_type are expected to be enumerated for appropriate contexts in the Schematron files of local (i.e., discipline and mission) data dictionaries.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Derived_Geometry[1]/Coordinate_Space_Reference/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Local_Internal_Reference/local_reference_type



A logical identifier identifies the set of all versions of an object. It is an object identifier without a version.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/logical_identifier



The Map_Projection class provides the systematic representation of all or part of the surface of a planet on a plane or developable surface from the perspective of an in-situ spacecraft.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander

  1) lander_map_projection_name

  2) Cylindrical


The maximum_elevation attribute specifies the elevation (as defined by the coordinate system) of the first line of the image. For the Polar projection, specifies the highest elevation used, i.e. the elevation of the outermost circle of pixels. Applies to lander map projections Cylindrical, Polar, Sinusoidal, Perspective and Cylindrical-Perspective.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/maximum_elevation




The md5_checksum attribute is the 32-character hexadecimal number computed using the MD5 algorithm for the contiguous bytes of single digital object (as stored) or for an entire file.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/File/md5_checksum



The minimum_elevation attribute specifies the elevation (as defined by the coordinate system) of the last line of the image for Cylindrical map projections. Applies to Cylindrical, Perspective and Cylindrical-Perspective lander map projections.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/minimum_elevation




The mission area allows the insertion of mission specific metadata.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area


The Mission Information class provides a set of optional attributes that have their value sets defined by the mission.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information

  1) mission_phase_name

  2) mission_phase_identifier

  3) start_orbit_number

  4) stop_orbit_number

  5) spacecraft_clock_start_count

  6) spacecraft_clock_stop_count


The modification_date attribute provides date the modifications were completed

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Modification_History/Modification_Detail/modification_date



The Modification_Detail class provides the details of one round of modification for the product. The first, required, instance of this class documents the date the product was first registered.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Modification_History/Modification_Detail

  1) modification_date

  2) version_id

  3) description


The Modification_History class tracks the history of changes made to the product once it enters the registry system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Modification_History

  1) modification_detail


The Motion_Counter class provides a set of integers that describe a (potentially) unique location (position / orientation) for a rover or other movable object. Each time an event occurs that results in a movement, a new motion counter value is created. This includes intentional motion due to drive commands, as well as potential motion due to other articulating devices, such as arms or antennae. This motion counter (or part of it) is used as a reference to define instances of coordinate systems that can move such as SITE or ROVER frames. The motion counter is defined in a mission-specific manner. Although the original intent was to have incrementing indices (e.g., MER), the motion counter could also contain any integer values that conform to the above definition, such as time or spacecraft clock values.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Motion_Counter

  1) name

  2) local_identifier

  3) Motion_Counter_Index


The Motion_Counter_Index class identifies and populates one element of a Motion_Counter list. The class should be repeated for each element of the list.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Motion_Counter/Motion_Counter_Index[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Motion_Counter/Motion_Counter_Index[2]

  1) index_value_number

  2) index_id


The name attribute provides a word or combination of words by which the object is known.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/name

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/name

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/name

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/name



The object_length attribute provides the length of the digital object in bytes.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Header/object_length




The observation area consists of attributes that provide information about the circumstances under which the data were collected.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area

  1) comment

  2) has_time_coordinates

  3) has_primary_result_description

  4) has_investigation_area

  5) has_observing_system

  6) has_target_identification

  7) has_mission_area

  8) has_discipline_area


The Observing System class describes the entire suite used to collect the data.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System

  1) name

  2) description

  3) observing_system_component

  4) data_object


The Observing System Component class references one or more subsystems used to collect data. A subsystem can be an instrument_host, instrument, or any other similar product. Each subsystem is categorized as either a sensor or a source. If the observing system includes both a sensor and a source, Observing System Component occurs twice (once for each type) otherwise it only occurs once.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]

  1) name

  2) type

  3) description

  4) internal_reference

  5) external_reference


Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the B pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and G pixel values to produce the output Blue value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_B_b



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the G pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and B pixel values to produce the output Blue value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_B_g



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the R pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied G and B pixel values to produce the output Blue value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_B_r



The Onboard_Color_Matrix class represents a 3x3 matrix that is used onboard to perform color correction. It is done after de-Bayering, as all three color bands are needed for each pixel. The first three elements are multiplied by the R,G,B (respectively) pixel values and summed to get the output Red pixel value. Similarly, the second three create the output Green, and the last three the output Blue. If the label is not present, no correction was performed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix

  1) onboard_R_r

  2) onboard_R_g

  3) onboard_R_b

  4) onboard_G_r

  5) onboard_G_g

  6) onboard_G_b

  7) onboard_B_r

  8) onboard_B_g

  9) onboard_B_b


Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the B pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and G pixel values to produce the output Green value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_G_b



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the G pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and B pixel values to produce the output Green value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_G_g



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the R pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied G and B pixel values to produce the output Green value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_G_r



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the B pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and G pixel values to produce the output Red value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_R_b



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the G pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied R and B pixel values to produce the output Red value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_R_g



Specifies the factor that has been multiplied by the R pixel value after de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. This value is summed with the multiplied G and B pixel values to produce the output Red value.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Color_Matrix/onboard_R_r



The Onboard_Responsivity class specifies factors that have been applied to the R, G, and B cells (respectively) of the Bayer pattern, before de-Bayering (demosaicking) takes place. The intent of these is to approximately balance the filters so the de-Bayering process is not skewed, and EDR/ILT products look reasonable before full radiometric or color correction is done on the ground. If these factors are not present, no correction was performed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Color_Parameters/Onboard_Responsivity

  1) responsivity_r

  2) responsivity_g

  3) responsivity_b


The Optical_Terms provides the optical axis coefficients used for lens-distortion correction when the distortion is radial.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVOR_Model/Optical_Terms

  1) c0

  2) c1

  3) c2



  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified

  1) pixel_resolution_x

  2) pixel_resolution_y

  3) x_axis_maximum

  4) x_axis_minimum

  5) y_axis_maximum

  6) y_axis_minimum

  7) Pixel_Position_Origin

  8) Vector_Projection_Origin

  9) Vector_Projection_X_Axis

  10) Vector_Projection_Y_Axis

  11) Vector_Projection_Z_Axis


The Parameter class describes any information about software program execution. Examples of information that can be captured here are software input arguments, software output arguments, log information, and references to specific data products. This class is intended to be freeform to allow data providers the ability to specify information they determine applicable and useful for their data processing software and data products.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[1]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[2]

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[3]

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[1]

  7) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[2]

  8) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[3]

  9) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[4]

  10) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[1]

  11) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[2]

  12) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[3]

  13) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[4]

  14) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[1]

  15) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[2]

  16) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[3]

  17) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/Software_Program_Parameters/Parameter[4]

  1) name

  2) parameter_type

  3) value

  4) External_Reference


The parsing_standard_id attribute provides the formal name of a standard used for the structure of a Parsable Byte Stream digital object.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Header/parsing_standard_id

  1) 7-Bit ASCII Text

  2) CDF 3.4 ISTP/IACG

  3) FITS 3.0

  4) ISIS2

  5) ISIS2 History Label

  6) ISIS3

  7) PDS DSV 1

  8) PDS ODL 2

  9) PDS3

  10) Pre-PDS3

  11) UTF-8 Text

  12) VICAR1

  13) VICAR2



The Pixel_Averaging class provides the height and width, in pixels, of the area over which pixels were averaged prior to image compression.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Downsampling_Parameters/Pixel_Averaging_Dimensions

  1) height_pixels

  2) width_pixels


The Pixel_Position_Origin class specifies the sample coordinate of the location in the image of the "special" point of the mosaic. For Vertical, Orthographic and Orthorectified projections, this is the origin of the projected coordinate system, corresponding to the Vector_Projection_Origin. In PDS3, this information was specified using the LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET and SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET keywords.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/Pixel_Position_Origin

  1) line

  2) sample


The pixel_resolution_x and pixel_resolution_y attributes indicate the image array pixel resolution (distance/pixel or degree/pixel) relative to the Cartesian (x,y) coordinate system as defined by the map projection. Due to varying properties across different map projections, actual surface distances for an individual pixel may be accurate only at specific location(s) within the image array (e.g. reference latitude or longitude, standard parallels, etc). For most PDS products, x and y resolution values are equal ('square' pixels). The inclusion of both x and y attributes allows for anticipated products where resolution may differ for each axis ('rectangular' pixels). NOTE: Definition of this PDS4 attribute differs from how 'resolution' was defined within PDS3.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/pixel_resolution_x




The pixel_resolution_x and pixel_resolution_y attributes indicate the image array pixel resolution (distance/pixel or degree/pixel) relative to the Cartesian (x,y) coordinate system as defined by the map projection. Due to varying properties across different map projections, actual surface distances for an individual pixel may be accurate only at specific location(s) within the image array (e.g. reference latitude or longitude, standard parallels, etc). For most PDS products, x and y resolution values are equal ('square' pixels). The inclusion of both x and y attributes allows for anticipated products where resolution may differ for each axis ('rectangular' pixels). NOTE: Definition of this PDS4 attribute differs from how 'resolution' was defined within PDS3.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/pixel_resolution_y




The pixel_scale_x and pixel_scale_y attributes indicate the image array pixel scale (pixel/degree or pixel/distance) relative to the Cartesian (x,y) coordinate system as defined by the map projection. Due to varying properties across different map projections, actual surface distances for an individual pixel may be accurate only at specific location(s) within the image array (e.g. reference latitude or longitude, standard parallels, etc). For most PDS products, x and y scale values are equal ('square' pixels). The inclusion of both x and y attributes allows for anticipated products where scale may differ for each axis ('rectangular' pixels). NOTE1: For presentation of hard-copy maps, a map scale is traditionally expressed as a 'representative fraction' (the ratio of a hard-copy map to the actual subject surface (e.g. 1:250,000, where one unit of measure on the map equals 250,000 of the same unit on the body surface)). This usage is relevant when map/data are presented on hard-copy media (paper, computer screen,etc). When defining pixel scale within a stored image/array context here, we are expressing a ratio between the image array and the actual surface (thus, pixel/degree or pixel/distance units). NOTE2: Definition of this PDS4 attribute differs from how 'scale' was defined within PDS3

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/pixel_scale_x




The pixel_scale_x and pixel_scale_y attributes indicate the image array pixel scale (pixel/degree or pixel/distance) relative to the Cartesian (x,y) coordinate system as defined by the map projection. Due to varying properties across different map projections, actual surface distances for an individual pixel may be accurate only at specific location(s) within the image array (e.g. reference latitude or longitude, standard parallels, etc). For most PDS products, x and y scale values are equal ('square' pixels). The inclusion of both x and y attributes allows for anticipated products where scale may differ for each axis ('rectangular' pixels). NOTE1: For presentation of hard-copy maps, a map scale is traditionally expressed as a 'representative fraction' (the ratio of a hard-copy map to the actual subject surface (e.g. 1:250,000, where one unit of measure on the map equals 250,000 of the same unit on the body surface)). This usage is relevant when map/data are presented on hard-copy media (paper, computer screen,etc). When defining pixel scale within a stored image/array context here, we are expressing a ratio between the image array and the actual surface (thus, pixel/degree or pixel/distance units). NOTE2: Definition of this PDS4 attribute differs from how 'scale' was defined within PDS3

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/pixel_scale_y




Indicates the instrument that is referred to by the product. This is not the same as the instrument that acquired the product. For example, on InSight instrument placement products, it defines which instrument is being placed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/Placement_Target_Instrument

  1) name

  2) Internal_Reference


The Primary_Result_Summary class provides a high-level description of the types of products included in the collection or bundle

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary

  1) type

  2) purpose

  3) data_regime

  4) processing_level

  5) processing_level_id

  6) description

  7) has_Science_Facet


The Process class describes one of the software processes used to produce the data product referenced in the parent Processing_Information class. This class includes descriptions of the process owner as well as the data processing software used to create the data product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process

  1) name

  2) description

  3) process_owner_name

  4) process_owner_institution_name

  5) Software


The pprocess_owner_institution_name attribute specifies the name of the institution that owns the software process.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/process_owner_institution_name



The Processing_Information class contains detailed information regarding the history of processing of the data product(s) described in the label. Information that can be specified using this class includes input products used to create a specific data product and the software and processes used to produce that product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information

  1) Local_Internal_Reference

  2) Input_Product_List


The processing_level attribute provides a broad classification of data processing level.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary/processing_level

  1) Calibrated

  2) Derived

  3) Partially Processed

  4) Raw

  5) Telemetry



The product_class attribute provides the name of the product class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/product_class

  1) Product_AIP

  2) Product_Ancillary

  3) Product_Attribute_Definition

  4) Product_Browse

  5) Product_Bundle

  6) Product_Class_Definition

  7) Product_Collection

  8) Product_Context

  9) Product_DIP

  10) Product_DIP_Deep_Archive

  11) Product_Data_Set_PDS3

  12) Product_Document

  13) Product_File_Repository

  14) Product_File_Text

  15) Product_Instrument_Host_PDS3

  16) Product_Instrument_PDS3

  17) Product_Metadata_Supplemental

  18) Product_Mission_PDS3

  19) Product_Native

  20) Product_Observational

  21) Product_Proxy_PDS3

  22) Product_SIP

  23) Product_SIP_Deep_Archive

  24) Product_SPICE_Kernel

  25) Product_Service

  26) Product_Software

  27) Product_Subscription_PDS3

  28) Product_Target_PDS3

  29) Product_Thumbnail

  30) Product_Update

  31) Product_Volume_PDS3

  32) Product_Volume_Set_PDS3

  33) Product_XML_Schema

  34) Product_Zipped



The product_type_name identifies a group of data products within a collection that have some property in common, such as processing level, resolution, or instrument-specific setting.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/product_type_name



The program_start_date_time specifies the datetime for the start of the software program execution.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[1]/program_start_date_time

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/program_start_date_time

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/program_start_date_time

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/program_start_date_time

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/program_start_date_time

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/program_start_date_time



The program_type_name attribute specifies the type of software program used for this software processing. Some examples include: VICAR, ISIS, GDAL.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[1]/program_type_name

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/program_type_name

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/program_type_name

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/program_type_name

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/program_type_name

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/program_type_name



The program_user attribute specifies the username of the person responsible for running the software prgoram.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[1]/program_user

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/program_user

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/program_user

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/program_user

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/program_user

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/program_user



The publication_year attribute provides the year in which the product should be considered as published. Generally, this will be the year the data were declared "Certified" or "Archived".

  1) /Product_File_Text/Identification_Area/Citation_Information/publication_year



The purpose attribute provides an indication of the primary purpose of the observations included.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary/purpose

  1) Calibration

  2) Checkout

  3) Engineering

  4) Navigation

  5) Observation Geometry

  6) Science



The Quaternion_Model_Transform class specifies, along with Vector_Model_Transform class, the transform used for the camera model in an image. Camera models created by the calibration process have associated with them a pose, comprised of the position (offset) and orientation (quaternion) of the camera at the time it was calibrated. The model is transformed ("pointed") for a specific image by computing, generally using articulation device kinematics, a final pose for the image. The camera model is then translated and rotated from the calibration to final pose. This class specifies the quaternion portion of the final pose.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Quaternion_Model_Transform

  1) qcos

  2) qsin1

  3) qsin2

  4) qsin3


Quaternion_Plus_Direction provides the four elements of a quaternion and its direction of rotation. The two end point frames must be identified in the enclosing class. See the defintion of Quaternion_Base for more details on the quaternion classes in this dictionary.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Quaternion_Plus_Direction

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Quaternion_Plus_Direction

  1) qcos

  2) qsin1

  3) rotation_direction

  4) qsin2

  5) qsin3


The Radial_Terms class provides the radial lens distortion coefficients defined in the ground (object) coordinate system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/Radial_Terms

  1) c0

  2) c1

  3) c2


The Radiometric_Correction_Parameters class is a container for the type and details of the radiometric calibration performed on the product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[2]/Radiometric_Correction_Parameters

  1) radiometric_correction_type_name

  2) radiance_scaling_factor

  3) radiance_offset


The Record_Delimited class is a component of the delimited table (spreadsheet) class and defines a record of the delimited table.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/Record_Delimited

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/Record_Delimited

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/Record_Delimited

  1) fields

  2) maximum_record_length

  3) groups

  4) has_Delimited_Field


The record_delimiter attribute provides the character or characters used to indicate the end of a record.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/record_delimiter

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/record_delimiter

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/record_delimiter

  4) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational_Supplemental[1]/Stream_Text/record_delimiter

  1) Carriage-Return Line-Feed

  2) carriage-return line-feed



The records attribute provides a count of records.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]/records

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]/records

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]/records



The red_channel_band attribute identifies the number of the band, along the band axis, that should be loaded, by default, into the red channel of a display device. The first band along the band axis has band number 1.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Color_Display_Settings/red_channel_band



The Reference_List class provides lists general references and cross-references for the product. References cited elsewhere in the label need not be repeated here.

  1) /Product_Observational/Reference_List

  1) internal_reference

  2) external_reference


The reference_type attribute provides the name of the association.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Data_Correction_Parameters/Data_Correction[3]/Data_Correction_File/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Input_Product_List/Input_Product/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  7) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Internal_Reference/reference_type

  8) /Product_Observational/Reference_List/Source_Product_Internal/reference_type



Release_number is the number of a scheduled release of data from the provider to PDS. The first data release is typically Release 1. The release_number for a given product is always the first release in which it appears, and does not change if the product is revised later.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/release_number



The rotation_direction attribute identifies the direction of the rotation for a specific quaternion. This is used when the two frames involved are unambiguously identifed in the enclosing classes.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Quaternion_Plus_Direction/rotation_direction

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Quaternion_Plus_Direction/rotation_direction

  1) Present to Reference

  2) Reference to Present

  3) Forward

  4) Reverse

  5) From Base

  6) Toward Base



The sample_bits attribute specifies the logical or active number of bits in the data, which is distinct from the physical number of bits (for example, encoding 12-bit data within 16-bit words). These logical bits are stored in the low order (least significant) bits, with unused bits filled with 0 (or 1 for negative integers to preserve a two's complement representation). This is distinct from the valid data range (specified by valid_minimum and valid_maximum in Special_Constants class) because all values, including missing/invalid flag values, must fit within the sample_bits. The intent is that the data should be able to be sent through a communication channel that passes only sample_bits with no loss in fidelity.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters/sample_bits



The Sampling_Parameters class contains attributes and classes related to the sampling, scaling, companding, and compression or reduction in resolution of data.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Sampling_Parameters

  1) crosstrack_summing

  2) downtrack_summing

  3) sample_bits

  4) sample_bit_mask

  5) sampling_factor

  6) Companding_Parameters


The Science_Facets class contains the science-related search facets. It is optional and may be repeated if an product has facets related to, for example, two different disciplines (as defined by the discipline_name facet). Note that Science_Facets was modeled with Discipline_Facets as a component and Discipline_Facets was modeled with Group_Facet1 and Group_Facet2 as components. This dependency hierarchy was flattened and only Science_Facets exists in the schema.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary/Science_Facets

  1) wavelength_range

  2) domain

  3) has_Discipline_Facets


The sequence_number attribute provides a number that is used to order axes in an array.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[1]/sequence_number

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[2]/sequence_number

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Axis_Array[3]/sequence_number



The Software class describes the data processing software used in order to produce the data product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software

  1) name

  2) software_id

  3) software_version_id

  4) software_type

  5) description

  6) Internal_Reference

  7) Software_Program


The Software_Program class describes the specific components or tasks of the Software executed in producing the data product.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]

  6) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]

  1) name

  2) program_type_name

  3) program_user

  4) program_hostname

  5) program_path

  6) program_version

  7) program_start_date_time

  8) program_stop_date_time

  9) description

  10) Software_Program_Parameters


The Software_Program_Parameters class specifies the set of 1 or more parameters for the software program. These parameters can be input, output, or log information. The premise being a way to capture as much information as possible about the software program execution.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[2]/Software_Program_Parameters

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[3]/Software_Program_Parameters

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[4]/Software_Program_Parameters

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[5]/Software_Program_Parameters

  5) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Processing_Information/Process/Software/Software_Program[6]/Software_Program_Parameters

  1) Parameter


The Spatial_Reference_Information class provides a description of the reference frame for, and the means to encode, coordinates in a data set.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information

  1) has_Horizontal_Coordate_System_Definition


The Special Constants class provides a set of values used to indicate special cases that occur in the data.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Array_3D_Image/Special_Constants

  1) saturated_constant

  2) missing_constant

  3) error_constant

  4) invalid_constant

  5) unknown_constant

  6) not_applicable_constant

  7) valid_maximum

  8) high_instrument_saturation

  9) high_representation_saturation

  10) valid_minimum

  11) low_instrument_saturation

  12) low_representation_saturation


The SPICE_Kernel_Files class provides references to the SPICE files used when calculating geometric values.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/SPICE_Kernel_Files

  1) comment

  2) SPICE_Kernel_Identification


The SPICE_Kernel_Identification class optionally includes the SPICE kernel type and provides two alternatives for identifying the product: LIDVID using Internal_Reference, and the file name of the kernel file. Although optional, LIDVID should be given if one is available. The optional kernel_provenance attribute indicates whether the kernel is a predict or reconstructed kernel, or some combination of the two, or if it is a kernel type for which such distinctions do not apply.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/SPICE_Kernel_Files/SPICE_Kernel_Identification

  1) kernel_type

  2) spice_kernel_file_name

  3) kernel_provenance

  4) Internal_Reference


The start_azimuth specifies the angular distance from a fixed reference position at which an image or observation starts. Azimuth is measured in a spherical coordinate system, in a plane normal to the principal axis. Azimuth values increase according to the right hand rule relative to the positive direction of the principal axis of the spherical coordinate system. For lander map projections, this attribute specifies the azimuth of the left edge of the output map. Applies to Cylindrical and Cylindrical-Perspective lander map projections only.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/start_azimuth




start_local_mean_solar_time is the local mean solar time, as defined in the main PDS4 data dictionary.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/start_local_mean_solar_time



The start_local_mean_solar_time_sol element specifies the number of solar days elapsed since a reference day (e.g. the day on which a landing vehicle set down) for local mean solar time (LMST). Days are measured in rotations of the planet in question from midnight to midnight. The reference day is '0', as Landing day is Sol 0. If before Landing day, then value will be less than or equal to '0'and can be negative.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/start_local_mean_solar_time_sol



start_local_true_solar_time is the local true solar time, as defined in the main PDS4 data dictionary.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information/start_local_true_solar_time



The Stereo_Product_Parameters class describes the conditions under which stereo analysis was performed. This includes items such as the stereo baseline (separation between the cameras) and what partner image(s) were used for stereo analysis. If present, stereo partner images can be referenced using either an Internal_Reference or External_Reference.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Stereo_Product_Parameters

  1) stereo_baseline_length

  2) External_Reference


The stop_azimuth attribute pecifies the angular distance from a fixed reference position at which an image or observation stops. Azimuth is measured in a spherical coordinate system, in a plane normal to the principal axis. Azimuth values increase according to the right hand rule relative to the positive direction of the principal axis of the spherical coordinate system. For lander map projections, this attribute specifies the azimuth of the right edge of the output map. Applies to Cylindrical and Cylindrical-Perspective lander map projections only.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/stop_azimuth




The Stream text class defines a text object.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational_Supplemental[1]/Stream_Text

  1) name

  2) offset

  3) record_delimiter

  4) local_identifier

  5) object_length

  6) md5_checksum

  7) description

  8) parsing_standard_id

  9) data_object


The Subframe_Parameters class describes the position and other optional characteristics of an image subframe, relative to the original image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Imaging/Image_Product_Information/Subframe_Parameters

  1) first_line

  2) first_sample

  3) lines

  4) samples

  5) name

  6) description

  7) subframe_type


Attributes specific to imaging instruments on surface missions.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters

  1) Image_Identifiers

  2) Instrument_Information

  3) Derived_Product_Parameters

  4) Error_Model_Information

  5) Geometry_Projection_Parameters

  6) Stereo_Product_Parameters

  7) Error_Pixel


The Surface_Mission_Information class provides information about a surface mission.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Mission_Information/Surface_Mission_Information

  1) start_sol_number

  2) stop_sol_number

  3) start_local_mean_solar_time

  4) stop_local_mean_solar_time

  5) start_local_mean_solar_time_sol

  6) stop_local_mean_solar_time_sol

  7) start_local_true_solar_time

  8) stop_local_true_solar_time

  9) start_local_true_solar_time_sol

  10) stop_local_true_solar_time_sol

  11) solar_longitude


The Surface_Mission_Parameters class contains attributes specific to surface missions which apply across instrument types.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters

  1) surface_gravity

  2) Command_Execution_Information

  3) Telemetry_Information



  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Surface_Model_Parameters

  1) surface_model_type

  2) Surface_Model_Planar



  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Surface_Model_Parameters/Surface_Model_Planar

  1) Vector_Surface_Normal

  2) Vector_Surface_Ground_Location


Specifies the type of surface used for the reprojection performed during the mosaicking process. Valid values: Planar - refers to a flat planar model; Spherical refers to a spherical model where the camera is at the center of the sphere.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Surface_Model_Parameters/surface_model_type

  1) Spherical

  2) Planar



The Table_Delimited class defines a simple table (spreadsheet) with delimited fields and records.

  1) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[1]

  2) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[2]

  3) /Product_Observational/File_Area_Observational/Table_Delimited[3]

  1) name

  2) offset

  3) records

  4) local_identifier

  5) object_length

  6) record_delimiter

  7) md5_checksum

  8) parsing_standard_id

  9) description

  10) field_delimiter

  11) data_object

  12) uniformly_sampled

  13) has_delimited_record


The Target_Identification class provides detailed target identification information.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification

  1) name

  2) alternate_designation

  3) type

  4) description

  5) internal_reference


The Telemetry_Information class contains downlink-related attributes used primarily during mission operations.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Mission_Parameters/Telemetry_Information

  1) application_id

  2) application_subtype_id

  3) application_name

  4) provider_id

  5) flight_software_version_id

  6) telemetry_source_name

  7) transport_protocol

  8) communication_session_id

  9) telemetry_source_start_time

  10) telemetry_source_sclk_start

  11) product_completion_status

  12) earth_received_start_date_time

  13) earth_received_stop_date_time

  14) download_priority

  15) data_size

  16) expected_packets

  17) received_packets


The Time_Coordinates class provides a list of time coordinates.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Time_Coordinates

  1) start_date_time

  2) stop_date_time

  3) local_mean_solar_time

  4) local_true_solar_time

  5) solar_longitude


The name given to the resource. Typically, a Title will be a name by which the resource is formally known. - Dublin Core - The title is used to refer to an object in a version independent manner.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/title



The type attribute classifies Investigation_Area according to the scope of the investigation..

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Investigation_Area/type

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[1]/type

  3) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Observing_System/Observing_System_Component[2]/type

  4) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Target_Identification/type

  1) Individual Investigation

  2) Mission

  3) Observing Campaign

  4) Other Investigation



The Vector_Axis is a unit vector that describes the axis of the camera, defined as the normal to the image plane.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/Vector_Axis

  1) x_unit

  2) y_unit

  3) z_unit


The Vector_Center describes the location of the pinhole of a camera.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/Vector_Center

  1) x_position

  2) y_position

  3) z_position


The Vector_Device_Gravity class is a unit vector that specifies the direction of an external force acting on the articulation device, in the spacecraft's coordinate system, at the time the pose was computed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Articulation_Device_Parameters[1]/Vector_Device_Gravity

  1) x_unit

  2) y_unit

  3) z_unit


The Vector_Horizontal encodes the horizontal axis of the image plane (H'), the coordinate (Hc) of the image column at the optical center of the image plane, and the horizontal focal length (Hs) of the camera, in pixels.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/Vector_Horizontal

  1) x_pixel

  2) y_pixel

  3) z_pixel


The Vector_Model_Transform class specifies, along with the Quaternion_Model_Transform class, the transform used for the camera model in this image. Camera models created by the calibration process have associated with them a pose, comprised of the position (offset) and orientation (quaternion) of the camera at the time it was calibrated. The model is transformed ("pointed") for a specific image by computing, generally using articulation device kinematics, a final pose for the image. The camera model is then translated and rotated from the calibration to final pose. This class specifies the offset portion of the final pose.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/Vector_Model_Transform

  1) x

  2) y

  3) z


The Vector_Origin_Offset class contains attributes that specify the offset from the reference coordinate system's origin to the origin of the coordinate system. It is the location of the current system's origin as measured in the reference system.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[1]/Vector_Origin_Offset

  2) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Coordinate_Space_Definition[2]/Vector_Origin_Offset

  1) x_position

  2) y_position

  3) z_position


The Vector_Projection_Origin class specifies the location of the origin of the projection. For Polar and Cylindrical projections, this is the XYZ point from which all the azimuth/elevation rays emanate. For the Cylindrical-Perspective projection, this defines the center of the circle around which the synthetic camera orbits. For Orthographic, Orthorectified, and Vertical projections, this optional keyword specifies the point on the projection plane that serves as the origin of the projection (i.e. all points on a line through this point in the direction of PROJECTION_Z_AXIS_VECTOR will be ocated at X=Y=0 in the projection). If not present, (0,0,0) should be assumed. This translation is generally not necessary and not often used; the (X


  1) CLASS




The Vector_Range_Origin class specifies the 3-D space from which the Range values are measured in a Range RDR. This will normally be the same as the C point of the camera. It is expressed in the coordinate system specified by the Coordinate_Space_Reference class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Mission_Area/Surface_Imaging_Parameters/Derived_Product_Parameters/Vector_Range_Origin

  1) x_position

  2) y_position

  3) z_position


The Vector_Surface_Ground_Location class specifies any point on the surface. This point is measured in the coordinates specified by the Coordinate_Space reference in the Map_Projection_Lander class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Surface_Model_Parameters/Surface_Model_Planar/Vector_Surface_Ground_Location

  1) x_position

  2) y_position

  3) z_position


The Vector_Surface_Normal class specifies a vector normal to the planar surface. This vector is measured in the coordinates specified by the Coordinate_Space reference in the Map_Projection_Lander class.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Surface_Model_Parameters/Surface_Model_Planar/Vector_Surface_Normal

  1) x_unit

  2) y_unit

  3) z_unit


The Vector_Vertical encodes the vertical axis of the image plane (V' or Vp), the coordinate (Vc) of the image row(?) at the optical center of the image plane, and the vertical focal length (Vs) of the camera, in pixels.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Geometry/Geometry_Lander/Camera_Model_Parameters/CAHVORE_Model/Vector_Vertical

  1) x_pixel

  2) y_pixel

  3) z_pixel


The version_id attribute provides the version of the product, expressed in the PDS [m.n] notation.

  1) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/version_id

  2) /Product_Observational/Identification_Area/Modification_History/Modification_Detail/version_id




  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Vertical

  1) pixel_resolution_x

  2) pixel_resolution_y

  3) x_axis_maximum

  4) x_axis_minimum

  5) y_axis_maximum

  6) y_axis_minimum

  7) Pixel_Position_Origin

  8) Vector_Projection_Origin


The vertical_display_axis attribute identifies, by name, the axis of an Array (or Array subclass) that is intended to be displayed in the vertical or "line" dimension on a display device. The value of this attribute must match the value of one, and only one, axis_name attribute in an Axis_Array class of the associated Array.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Display_Direction/vertical_display_axis



The vertical_display_direction attribute specifies the direction along the screen of a display device that data along the vertical axis of an Array is supposed to be displayed.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Display_Settings/Display_Direction/vertical_display_direction

  1) Bottom to Top

  2) Top to Bottom



The wavelength range attribute specifies the wavelength range over which the data were collected or which otherwise characterizes the observation(s). Boundaries are vague, and there is overlap.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Primary_Result_Summary/Science_Facets/wavelength_range

  1) Far Infrared

  2) Gamma Ray

  3) Infrared

  4) Microwave

  5) Millimeter

  6) Near Infrared

  7) Radio

  8) Submillimeter

  9) Ultraviolet

  10) Visible

  11) X-ray



The x_axis_maximum attribute specifies the value of the X coordinate (measured in the projection frame) of a Vertical, Orthographic or Orthorectified lander map projection at the top of the image. Note that +X is at the top of the image and +Y is at the right, so +X corresponds to North in the Vertical projection.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/x_axis_maximum




The x_axis_minimum attribute specifies the value of the X coordinate (measured in the projection frame) of a Vertical, Orthographic or Orthorectified lander map projection at the bottom of the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/x_axis_minimum




The y_axis_minimum attribute specifies the value of the Y coordinate (measured in the projection frame) of a Vertical, Orthographic or Orthorectified lander map projection at the right edge of the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/y_axis_maximum




The y_axis_minimum attribute specifies the value of the Y coordinate (measured in the projection frame) of a Vertical, Orthographic or Orthorectified lander map projection at the left edge of the image.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Orthorectified/y_axis_minimum




The zero_elevation_line attribute specifies the image line representing 0.0 degree elevation. Applies to Cylindrical lander map projections.

  1) /Product_Observational/Observation_Area/Discipline_Area/Cartography/Spatial_Reference_Information/Horizontal_Coordinate_System_Definition/Local/Map_Projection_Lander/Cylindrical/zero_elevation_line