Magellan Altimetric and Radiometric Global Data Record (GxDR) Archive Bundle Overview -------- This PDS4 archive bundle contains Magellan GxDR products updated from the PDS dataset on CD-ROM that was generated by the Magellan project in the 1990's. The 'x' in the GxDR name is a placeholder that allows GxDR to stand for each of four map types: Global Topography Data Record (GTDR), Global Emissivity Data Record (GEDR), Global Slope Data Record (GSDR), and Global Reflectivity Data Record (GREDR). Note the GTDR maps contain planetary radius values. Each GxDR data type is projected in sinusoidal, Mercator, and polar stereographic (both North and South poles) map projections. The updated archive is based on the PDS3 volume mg_3002. The GxDRs have been reformatted into single-image products from the original tiled products. The new PDS4 bundle also has constrast-enhanced and easier to display browse products, along with improved metadata in the PDS4 labels. This bundle contains the following collections. Browse - JPEG versions of GxDR images Data - PDS4 versions of the maps Document - a set of documents related to the GxDR dataset, including a user guide Miscellaneous - a catalog of information about the GxDR products Data Products and PDS4 Labels ---------------------------- Every GxDR data product is accompanied by a PDS label in a file with the same name as the data file, but with the extension ".xml". These PDS4 labels are written in XML (Extended Markup Language). The labels may be viewed in a text editor or web browser, preferably one that applies special formatting to XML files to make them more readable. The labels may also be read by software that can interpret XML. --------------- This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to Last updated 2023-08-18.