Mars 2020 Planetary Instrument for X-ray Lithochemistry (PIXL) Mars 2020 (Perseverance) Rover Mission Planetary Data System (PDS) Archive Bundle Overview ======== This bundle contains the following collections. data_raw_ancillary: Raw (EDR) ancillary data products. data_raw_spectroscopy: Raw (EDR) science data products. data_imaging: Image data products from the Micro-Context Camera (MCC). This collection only contains the logical identifiers (LID) for the images. The image products are archived as the Cartography and Imaging Node. data_processed: Calibrated and derived (RDR) data products document: Descriptions of the PIXL data products and the archive bundle organization. Data Products and PDS Labels ============================ Every PIXL data product is accompanied by a PDS label in a file with the same name as the data file, but with the extension ".xml", as PDS labels are written in XML (Extended Markup Language). The labels may be viewed in a text editor or web browser, preferably one that applies special formatting to XML files to make them more readable. The labels may also be read by software that can interpret XML. Data tables are comma-separated-value tables (.csv), which are text files that may be read using the PDS4 Viewer, or any text editor, or Microsoft Excel. Images from the MCC camera are archived primarily in the collection data_mcc_imgops in the m2020_imgops bundle. For cross-reference, the images are listed as secondary members of the collection data_imaging here in the m2020_pixl bundle. Documentation ============= The PIXL Bundle Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the contents, format, and structure of the bundle. Users unfamiliar with PDS archives are advised to read this document first. The PIXL User's Guide in the document collection presents the information a data user is most likely to need in order to read and understand the data. The information is drawn from the following two documents, the PIXL EDR SIS and the PIXL RDR SIS, which have more detail. The PIXL EDR Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the raw data products generated by the PIXL instrument, including how they are processed and labeled, the format of the data products and their labels, and applicable standards. The PIXL RDR Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the data, metadata, and browse products derived from the PIXL raw data. ============== This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to Last updated 2021-08-12.