Mars 2020 Radar Imager for Mars Subsurface Experiment (RIMFAX) Mars 2020 (Perseverance) Rover Mission Planetary Data System (PDS) Archive Bundle Overview ======== This bundle contains the following collections. data_raw: Raw (EDR) science data and metadata products data_hk: Raw (EDR) housekeeping data products data_calibrated: Calibrated (CDR/RDR) data products document: Descriptions of the RIMFAX data products and the archive bundle organization browse_radargram: Browse images for calibrated data products Data Products and PDS Labels ============================ Every RIMFAX data product is accompanied by a PDS label in a file with the same name as the data file, but with the extension ".xml", as PDS labels are written in XML (Extended Markup Language). The labels may be viewed in a text editor or web browser, preferably one that applies special formatting to XML files to make them more readable. The labels may also be read by software that can interpret XML. Product type (EDR file name Directory Data product characters 20-22) File name extension --------- ------------ ----------------- ------------------- data_raw raw science data EDR .dat raw metadata EDM .csv data_hk housekeeping EHK .csv metadata housekeeping EHM .csv data_calibrated calibrated science data RDR .csv browse_radargram images of derived data n/a .png Binary data tables (.dat) may be read by software that interprets PDS labels. The PDS4 Viewer is one such program ( Comma-separated-value tables (.csv) are text files that may be read using the PDS4 Viewer, or any text editor, or a spreadsheet program such as Microsoft Excel. Browse image files (.png) are Portable Network Graphic images that may be viewed in most web browsers and commonly available image display programs. Documentation ============= The RIMFAX Bundle Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the contents, format, and structure of the bundle. Users unfamiliar with PDS archives are advised to read this document first. The RIMFAX EDR Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the raw data products generated by the RIMFAX instrument, including how they are processed and labeled, the format of the data products and their labels, and applicable standards. The RIMFAX CDR Software Interface Specification in the document collection describes the calibrated data and browse products. The RIMFAX Calibrated Data Catalog in the document collection contains selected information about each calibrated data product. The Catalog is in the form of a CSV table with columns headings in the first row, followed by one row for each data product. Terminology Note ================ In general Mars 2020 archives employ the abbreviation RDR for Reduced Data Record, referring to data products at any level of processing beyond the raw data. The term CDR for Calibrated Data Record refers specifically to one category of RDRs, that is, data products that have been calibrated. Definitions of processing levels are found in Table 2 of the RIMFAX Bundle Software Interface Specification. ============== This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to Last updated 2021-07-29.