PDS4 Bundle for the Mars Exploration Rover 1 (Opportunity) Mini-TES Derived Emissivity Data This bundle contains MER1 (Opportunity) Mini-TES derived emissivity data migrated from the PDS3 volume. The bundle contains the following collections: - Calibration data collection located in the calib directory. - Derived emissivity data collection located in the data directory and its subdirectories. - Document collection located in the document directory. - Miscellaneous collection located in the index directory. Each product in this bundle is described by a PDS4 label in a separate file with the same name as the file described by the label but with the extension XML. PDS4 labels are XML (eXtended Markup Language) files that conform to the PDS4 Information Model XML schema at https://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/schema/released/. The PDS4 labels are best viewed in an XML-aware text editor, and may be used by software that can manipulate XML documents. Note that the PDS4 labels and other products are merged with the PDS3 volume such that all the PDS3 files and directories are preserved. But not all of the PDS3 files have PDS4 labels. For example, the files in the catalog and software directories, along with a few ancillary PDS3 files were not made into PDS4 products. Thus, users who want access to the PDS3 labels can continue to use them. Also, most of the MER documentation is archived in a separate PDS4 document bundle. Therefore, most documents in this bundle are listed as secondary members in the document collection. See the document bundle (urn:nasa:pds:mer_documentation) for the most up to date versions of MER documents. The original MiniTES Spectral_Qube structure is defined in the PDS4 label as a binary table because of the presence of suffix bytes at the end of each spectrum. An array object could not be used because PDS4 requires that data objects be continuous and the suffix bytes are interlaced with each spectrum. The MINITES directory of the document bundle contains an Excel file with the mapping of attributes in the PDS4 label to keywords in the PDS3 labels. Not all PDS3 keywords have a PDS4 equivalent. For example, PDS3 keywords such as INSTRUMENT_ID, INSTRUMENT_TYPE are described in the PDS4 label using the Observing_System_Component class. There are also a few PDS3 keywords that do not map to any PDS4 atrribute or class. These include TELEMETRY_FORMAT_ID, TELEMETRY_FORMAT_EXTENSION_TYPE, and TLM_INSTRUMENT_DATA_HEADER. They are, however, preserved in the PDS3 labels attached to MiniTES data products. The band number and center wavelength data in the PDS3 label "GROUP=BAND_BIN" are included in the minites_wavenumber.csv product located in the data_ancillary collection of each MiniTES bundle. Each MiniTES data product contain a link to the wavenumber product. The PDS3 label history records are captured in the Processing_Information class of the PDS4 label. The Opportunity Rover is also known as MER1 (spacecraft serial number) and MERB. This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to geosci@wunder.wustl.edu.