Neutron Spectrometer (NS) Raw Data MESSENGER Mission to Mercury This bundle contains the following collections: data_edr - raw data products document - the NS EDR Software Interface Specification and other relevant documents miscellaneous - the PDS3 index table for this archive This PDS4 bundle has been migrated from a PDS3 data volume. For details, see the document geo_notes_and_errata.pdf in the document collection. Each document and data product in this bundle is described by a PDS4 label in a separate file with the same name but with the extension XML. PDS4 labels are XML (eXtended Markup Language) files that conform to the PDS4 Information Model XML schema at They are best viewed in an XML-aware text editor, and may be used by software that can manipulate XML documents. The MESSENGER NS raw product collection consists of uncalibrated observations from the NS instrument. There are ten standard product types associated with the NS sensor. Several raw product types contain spectra from the three neutron detectors within the instrument. Other raw product types contain events data, galactic cosmic ray spectra, gamma ray burst data, time-correlated counts, critical NS status information, and calibration and diagnostic information. A single raw product typically contains data collected over one Earth day. A description of each product type is given in the table below. Code refers to the product type abbreviation used in the file name. Code Product Type Description Storage Format CAD Calibration and This product type contains one set of calibration and ASCII Table Diagnostic diagnostic data collected from the MESSENGER Neutron Spectrometer (NS). CMD Command This product type consists of time-tagged commands ASCII Table executed by the NS instrument along with command arguments and command success status. EVT Event Mode This product type contains time-tagged events Binary Table recorded by the detectors of the NS instrument. FSP Full Spectra The full spectra product contains five spectra from Binary Table the three detectors of the NS instrument. These products replaces the Spectra product type as the result of a flight software update (2006-06-01). GAB Gamma Burst This product type contains 'gamma burst' mode data. Binary Table Gamma-ray bursts are detected by the borated plastic (BP) detector as counts that exceed a settable threshold over background. GCR Galactic Cosmic The NS Galactic Cosmic Ray raw products contain Binary Table Ray Spectra galactic cosmic ray spectra measured by the lithium glass (LiG1 and LiG2) detectors. SPE Spectra This product type contains one set of spectral data, Binary Table status, and software event counters collected from NS. This product type was replaced by the Full Spectra product as result of a flight software update (2006-06-01). SSP Short Science This product type contains a subset of NS spectra Binary Table Spectra data in the form of three of the five NS spectra. These products are generated in telemetry constrained situations. STA Telemetry Status This table contains NS instrument status information. ASCII Table TCC Time-Correlated This product type contains time-correlated spectra Binary Table Counts counters collected by the NS. NS Raw products have the following file names: ns_zzzyyyydddwww.dat where: zzz = Product Type (Code) yyyy = 4-digit year corresponding to the start time of the first record in the data table ddd = 3-digit day of year corresponding to the start time of the first record in the data table www = reserved 3-character string to use during the course of the mission as necessary to identify “special” data products; nominal data products will be identified with “ZZZ” This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to