X-ray Spectrometer (XRS) Calibrated Data MESSENGER Mission to Mercury This bundle contains the following collections: data_cdr - calibrated data products document - the XRS CDR/RDR Software Interface Specification and other relevant documents miscellaneous - the PDS3 index table for this archive This PDS4 bundle has been migrated from a PDS3 data volume. For details, see the document geo_notes_and_errata.pdf in the document collection. Each document and data product in this bundle is described by a PDS4 label in a separate file with the same name but with the extension XML. PDS4 labels are XML (eXtended Markup Language) files that conform to the PDS4 Information Model XML schema at https://pds.nasa.gov/pds4/schema/released/. They are best viewed in an XML-aware text editor, and may be used by software that can manipulate XML documents. The MESSENGER XRS calibrated product collection consists of calibrated XRS spectral data. The supernova remnant X-ray source Cassiopeia-A (Cas-A) was periodically used for in-flight calibration due to its relatively high intensity in the XRS energy range. A description of this product type is given in the table below. Code refers to the product type abbreviation used in the file name. Code Product Type Description Storage Format CDR Spectra This table contains calibrated X-ray spectra and Binary Table associated instrument parameters such as detector energy calibration, engineering data conversions, and spatial data which will be necessary to convert raw XRS counts to planetary surface compositions. XRS Calibrated products have the following file names: xrscdryyyyddd.dat where: yyyy = 4-digit year corresponding to the Mercury Elapsed Time (MET) for each product ddd = 3-digit day of year corresponding to the MET for each product in the EDR This bundle was created and archived by the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to geosci@wunder.wustl.edu.