MRO SHARAD Clutter Simulations Bundle This bundle contains three collections: urn:nasa:pds:mro_sharad_simulations:data urn:nasa:pds:mro_sharad_simulations:browse urn:nasa:pds:mro_sharad_simulations:document The data products are in the "data" directory and the browse products are in the "browse" directory. The document products are in the "document" directory. The document collection contains a user guide for this archive and a "script" directory with several Python 3 programs demonstrating basic manipulation of the surface clutter simulation data products. The user guide is provided as a PDF formatted document containing both text and figures. The data and browse directory structures follow the structure of the original PDS3 SHARAD radargram data set, MRO-M-SHARAD-5-RADARGRAM-V1.0: data/s_NNNNxx/s_NNNNZZZZ/* For each original radargram, the data collection contains three data products and five browse products, each described by a PDS4 XML label: - X_sim.xml describes X_sim.img - X_emap.xml describes X_emap.img - X_rtrn.xml describes X_rtrn.csv - X_browse_map.xml describes X_browse_hillshade.tif, and X_browse_emap.tif - X_browse_sim.xml describes X_browse_left.tif, X_browse_right.tif, X_browse_combined.tif where X = "s_01294501" for example, corresponding to radargram s_01294501_rgram.img X_sim.img contains three 2D images, the left side, right side, and combined clutter simulations X_emap.img contains one 2D echo power map image X_browse_*.tif are browse images in TIFF format X_rtrn.csv is a CSV (comma-separated value) text table of geometric information.