Phoenix MECA Non-imaging Calibrated and Derived Data Bundle This bundle contains the following collections: data_tecp_rhs - Phoenix Thermal and Electrical Conductivity Probe (TECP) Recalibrated Relative Humidity Data This collection contains results from the recalibration of the TECP relative humidity sensor performed in a Martian environmental chamber at the University of Michigan. The recalibration was conducted using a TECP engineering model simulating the full range of environmental conditions observed at the Phoenix landing site, while ensuring the comparability of the engineering model's output with that of the flight model. This recalibration expands the covered environmental conditions, with focus on the warmest and driest conditions (daytime) because they were not covered in the original calibration and previous recalibration. The dataset contains the sol number and local true solar time of all in-situ measurements, the measured temperature at the TECP board, the measured recalibrated frost point and water vapor pressure, the estimated error in water vapor pressure, and the derived values of volumetric mixing ratio and relative humidity. Each document and data product in this bundle is described by a PDS4 label in a separate file with the same name but with the extension XML. PDS4 labels are XML (eXtended Markup Language) files that conform to the PDS4 Information Model XML schema at They are best viewed in an XML-aware text editor, and may be used by software that can manipulate XML documents. See these sources for more information. - For information about the Phoenix TECP RHS collection, see Fischer, E., et al., Relative Humidity on Mars: New Results from the Phoenix TECP Sensor, Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, doi:10.1029/2019JE006080, 2019. - For information about PDS4, see This bundle was created by German Martinez, Erik Fischer, Jennifer Ward, and Susie Slavney and archived at the Geosciences Node of the Planetary Data System. Questions about this bundle may be directed to Other MECA calibrated and derived data sets on this volume, which have been archived using the PDS3 standard, will eventually be migrated to PDS4. The existing data files and PDS3 metadata will remain unchanged, and PDS4 metadata will be added.