Bundle Description for the KPLO SPICE Archive Bundle ==================================================== Overview ======== The KPLO SPICE archive bundle contains observation geometry and other ancillary data in the form of SPICE System kernel files for the Korean Pathfinder Lunar Orbiter Danuri (KPLO) spacecraft, its instruments, and targets. The detailed description of the KPLO SPICE archive is provided in the latest version of spiceds_v*.html included in the document collection. Document Collection =================== The document collection contains documents describing the KPLO SPICE archive, PDS4 collection labels, and PDS4 collection inventory tables. SPICE Kernels Collection ======================== The SPICE Kernels collection contains KPLO SPICE kernels and meta-kernels, PDS4 collection labels, and PDS4 collection inventory tables. Miscellaneous Collection ======================== The miscellaneous collection contains the MD5 checksum list of all files in the KPLO SPICE archive bundle. References ========== For more information about the SPICE system see documentation and tutorials available at the NAIF Node of the PDS: http://naif.jpl.nasa.gov Cognizant Persons ================= This archive bundle was produced by the Korean Aerospace Research Institute (KARI). End of KPLO SPICE archive bundle readme.