Mars Atmosphere and Volatile EvolutioN (MAVEN) Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor (EUV) Modelled PDS Archive Bundle LID = urn:nasa:pds:maven.euv.modelled Bundle Description ================== Overview -------- This bundle contains solar irradiance spectra in 1-nm bins from 0-190 nm. The spectra are generated based upon the Flare Irradiance Spectra Model - Mars (FISM-M) using the EUV calibrated band irrandiance and interpolated Earth-based solar indices and measurements as proxies. Version History --------------- Bundle Modification Version Date Description ------- ------------ --------------------------------------------------- 1.0 2016-05-20 Intitial release (including the same coverage as MAVEN Releases 1-5). 2.0 2016-08-15 MAVEN Release 6 (2016-08-15): This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle. In this version the data files include an additional field indicating the Sun to MAVEN distance. 3.0 2016-11-15 MAVEN Release 7 (2016-11-15): This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle. In this version the data files include an additional field indicating the Sun to MAVEN distance. 4.0 2017-02-17 MAVEN Release 8 (2017-02-15): This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle. In this version changes were made to the calbration used on the calibrated upon which these data based. 5.0 2017-05-12 MAVEN Release 9 (2017-05-15): These data have been regenerated to correct a CDF leap second issue that appeared in the 2017 data, and to fix a small error in the model that was causing occasional, small steps in the data. This release includes a full redelivery of data from 2014-10-18 to 2016-11-14 and the initial delivery of 2016-11-15 to 2017-02-14. 6.0 2017-08-16 MAVEN Release 10 (2017-08-15): This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of 2017-02-15 to 2017-05-14. These data were regenerated to correct the SPICE kernel information. 7.0 2017-11-17 MAVEN Release 11. This release consists of the initial release of the daily data for 2017-05-15 to 2017-08-14, plus the re-release of all all of the previously released daily data. These data have be processed using new field-of-view, temperature-gain, and degradation corrections. The new FOV correction is based on a new technique of using all off-points in addition to the planned FOV map maneuvers to determine the FOV variability. This has allowed the expansion of the useable pointing range so that some data formerly flagged as "bad" for pointing reasons are now flagged as "good" data. The temperature-gain and degradation correction updates are improved fits to the calibration changes tracked throughout the mission. 8.0 2018-02-20 MAVEN Release 12 (2017-02-15). This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of 2017-08-15 to 2017-11-14. 9.0 2018-05-16 MAVEN Release 13 (2018-05-15). This release consists of the initial release of the data covering 2017-11-15 to 2018-02-14, plus the re-release of all of the previously released data. Total coverage is 2014-10-19 to 2018-02-14. This version of the data data (rev 02, ver 11 data files), correct an error in the flags. In the previous revision data during rapid slews of the spacecraft were incorrectly labelled as "good solar data" resulting in large spikes in the data during those slews. A rate of slew limit has been incorporated in the flag criteria, correcting the problem. In addition, a citation to the paper describing the EUV spectral model has been included in the CDF attributes and PDS label Reference_List. 10.0 2018-08-13 MAVEN Release 14 (2018-08-15). This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of 2018-02-15 to 2018-05-14. 11.0 2018-11-15 MAVEN Release 15 (2018-11-15). This version includes a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of 2018-05-15 to 2018-08-14. These data have been generated using the most recent calibration. 11.1 2019-02-15 MAVEN Release 16 (2019-02-15): This version is an incremental release of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the inital release of the data covering 2018-08-15 through 2018-11-14. This version also includes updates to the label file contents, and a revised version of the SIS. 12.0 2019-08-27 MAVEN Release 18 (2019-08-27): This version is full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the inital release of the data covering 2018-11-15 through 2019-05-14. The modelled daily and minute products have undergone updates in the processing pipeline and in the model coefficients resulting in improved production efficiency and model uncertainty. Some of the irradiances have changed considerably from previous versions, rendering the older versions obsolete. The minute products have also been re-tuned to use other proxies when the EUV Channel B (0-7 nm) irradiances are not available after the anomaly in that channel. Note that the L3 daily product model does not use the Channel B irradiances as a proxy, only the minute product model does. 13.0 2020-01-02 MAVEN Release 19: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2019-05-15 through 2019-08-14. These data have been regenerated based upon updated L2 (v12/r02, PDS version_id 16.0) data products. 14.0 2020-02-14 MAVEN Release 20: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2019-08-15 through 2019-11-14. These data have been generated using and updated visible light correction. 15.0 2020-05-21 MAVEN Release 21: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2019-11-15 through 2020-02-14. These data were regenerated using updated calibrated data (long-term degradation correction for channel A), and a modified pipeline to better automate processing. 16.0 2020-09-04 MAVEN Release 22: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2020-02-15 through 2020-05-14. These data were regenerated. 17.0 2020-11-23 MAVEN Release 23: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2020-05-15 through 2020-08-14. These data were regenerated from calibrated data that have significantly improved degradation corrections for Channels A and C. 18.0 2021-02-16 MAVEN Release 24: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2020-08-15 through 2020-11-14. These data were regenerated with minor corrections that mainly affect data starting in August 2020 but that also cause smaller changes in earlier data. 19.0 2021-08-13 MAVEN Release 26: This version is a full re-release of the MAVEN modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2020-11-15 through 2021-05-14, covering both Releases 25 and 26. These data were regenerated version include corrections to the visible light and degration corrections. 19.1 2021-11-13 MAVEN Release 27: This version is an incremental release of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2021-05-15 through 2021-08-14. Coverage of the newly released data is from 2021-05-15 to 2021-06-19. 19.2 2021-12-10 MAVEN Release 27 part 2: This version includes an incremental release of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the release of corrected or new data covering 2021-05-15 to 2021-08-14. 19.3 2022-02-13 MAVEN Release 28: This version is an incremental release of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2021-08-15 to 2021-11-14. 19.4 2022-05-12 MAVEN Release 29: This version is an incremental release of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of the data covering 2021-11-15 to 2022-02-22. 20.0 2022-06-22 MAVEN Release 29 part 2: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle. The data have been regenerated to fill gaps in the previous versions of the data, and may also contain other changes. 21.0 2022-10-05 MAVEN Release 30: This version is a full redelivery of the MAVEN EUV modelled data bundle, including the initial release of data covering 2022-02-23 to 2022-08-14. Bundle Contents =============== Collections ----------- This bundle includes the following collections: * data.minute.spectra - minute averaged solar irradiance spectra in units of W/m**2/nm (LID = urn:nasa:pds:maven.euv.modelled:data.minute.spectra) * data.daily.spectra - daily averaged solar irradiance spectra in units of W/m**2/nm (LID = urn:nasa:pds:maven.euv.modelled:data.daily.spectra) * document - documents related to the MAVEN EUV calibrated data bundle (LID = urn:nasa:pds:maven.euv.calibrated:document) Data File Naming ---------------- Data files in this bundle are named according to the following convention: mvn_euv_l3__
_v_r.cdf where: = A descriptor used to identify the data file type = 4-digit year of data coverage date = 2-digit month of year of data coverage date
= 2-digit day of month of data coverage date = 2-digit software version = 2-digit data file version under the specified software version Key Documents ============= Eparvier, F.G., MAVEN EUV PDS Archive SIS - This document describes the format and content of the Extreme Ultraviolet Monitor (EUV) Planetary Data System (PDS) data archive. It includes descriptions of the data products and associated metadata, and the archive format, content, and generation pipeline. It is located in the document collection of the MAVEN EUV bundle (LID = urn:nasa:pds:maven.euv:document:sis). Contacts ======== This archive was produced for the Planetary Data System (PDS) at the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) node at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). The data files were generated by Dr. Frank Eparvier at the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics (LASP) in Boulder, Colorado. The data were delivered to the PPI node via the MAVEN Science Data Center (SDC) also located at the LASP in Boulder, Colorado. The PDS metadata were generated at the PPI node. For questions regarding this archive, please contact Mr. Joseph Mafi at the PDS PPI Node: Email Telephone 310-206-6073 For question regarding the data, please contact Dr. Frank Eparvier: Internet For questions regarding PDS Standards or other archives available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Engineering Node (at JPL): Email Telephone 818-354-4321 The PDS assumes no legal liability for errors on this archive. All users are encouraged to verify the correctness of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Please report errors on this archive to the PPI of the PDS through contact information provided above.