The following are excerpts from : Miller, Kent L., William C. Knudsen, Karl Spenner, "The Dayside Venus Iono- sphere, I. Pioneer-Venus Retarding Potential Analyzer Experimental Observa- tions", Icarus, 57, 386-409, 1984. Copyright 1984 by Academic Press, Inc. All rights of reproduction in any form reserved. which has serveral sections which describe the intercalibration of the PVO Ion detectors. We have left information about page numbers and section titles in place and have provided TIFF formated scanned images of the relevant figures. Figure captions have been included in this text portion of the document. The Dayside Venus Ionosphere I. Pioneer-Venus Retarding Potential Analyzer Experimental Observations KENT L. MILLER,* WILLIAM C. KNUDSEN,* AND KARL SPENNER** *Lockheed Palo Alto Research Laboratory, Department 52-12, Building 255, 3251 Hanover Street, Palo Alto California 94304, and **Institut fur Physikalische Messtechnik, D78 Freiburg, BRD, Heidenhofstrass 8, West Germany Received August 23, 1983; revised January 2, 1984 ============================================================================== Conventions [] indicate a superstript, {} indicate a subscript RPA = Retarding Potential Analyzer IMS = Ion Mass Spectrometer LP = Langmuir Probe RO = Radio Occulation ============================================================================== DISCUSSION OF RESULTS FIG. 9. Median profiles of the particle pressure nik(T{e} + T{i}) within the 65 +/- 5 deg. and 25 +/- 5 deg. SZA intervals. Medians are medians of the local product and not the product of the medians. The altitude scales for the two different SZA intervals are different. 395 The RPA does not have the mass resolution required to resolve atomic ions into distinct peaks; the IMS instrument has the mass reslotuion to resolve these peaks. The ratio of C[+] + N[+])/O[+] (~0.07) (Taylor et al.1979a) based on IMS results. Use of this ratio makes a 7% change in the value of O[+] and will improve the ORPA reported ion temperatures. At higher altitudes the ratio of O[+]/N{i} is ~0.86. This makes the ratio (C[+] + N[+] + O[+])/N{i} ~0.93. All other combined contribute only ~7% of the total number density. The RPA doesn't resolve the ion masses 32(O{2}+), 30(NO+), and 28(CO+ + N{2}+) into separate peaks. When the RPA peak is analyzed with a 2 ion (mass 32, 29) composition, the ratio is within 5% agreement with IMS below 200 km altitude. Below 160 km altitude the ratio of O{2}[+]/[M29[+] from ORPA is ~5 and from OIMS is 10-15. The shape and magnitude of the RPA determined [O{2}+] profiles differ from those reported by the IMS at low altitudes. The IMS density is a factor of approximately 2 larger than that measured by the RPA and shows a peak near 175 km altitude. The values of CO{2}[+] reported by the IMS are approximately a factor of 2-3 times larger than the RPA CO{2}[+] results. The values of O[+] reported by the IMS and RPA are approximately equal in the dayside ionosphere. 396 ACCURACY The estimated accuracy at which the RPA measures N{i}, O[+], O{2}[+] + M29[+], CO{2}[+], and T{i} is approximately 5% (Knudsen et al., 1979a). The accuracy of T{e} is approximately 10% (Knudsen et al., 1979a) FIG. 15. Solar longitude variation of normalized T{e}. 404 The inferred accuracy of the RPA total density measurement is within the approximately +/- 5% claimed. The four (RPA, IMS, LP, RO) experiments are in satisfactory agreement above 200 km altitude where O+ is approximately 90% of the total ion density. Below 200 km altitude the total ion density N{i} measured by the IMS systematically departs from the other three and reaches a factor of approximately 2.5 larger than that reported by the other experiments at an altitude of ~165 km. 405 Above 250 km altitude in the dayside ionosphere the peak corresponding to the ion group (O[+] + N[+] + C[+]) had a median number density equal to approximately 93% of N{i} which is consistent with the composition reported by the IMS. The RPA measurements indicate [O{2}+ + M29+] is approximately 90% of N{i} which is close to that (~95%) indicated by the IMS (Taylor et al., 1980). N{i}, [O+], and (O{2}[+] + M29[+]) are essentially independent measurements and N{i} is measured to approximately 5% FIG 18. Vertical profiles of median plasma density measured by several Pioneer-Venus experiments in the same solar zenith angle interval. 406 Because the detectability of a minor ion increases with increasing fractional density, the possibility exists that the median densities reported for O[+], (O{2}[+] + M29[+]), and CO{2}[+] may not accurately represent the true median in the altitude range FIG. 19. Contours of the ratio (n{i,1} + n{i,2})/N{i}, where n{i,1} and n{i,2} are the ion concentrations corresponding to the two major ion peaks measured by the RPA. 407 REFERENCES KNUDSEN, W. C., J. C. BAKKE, K. SPENNER, AND V. NOVAK (1979a). Retarding potential analyzer for the Pioneer-Venus orbiter mission. Space Sci. Instrum. 4, 351-372. TAYLOR, H. A., H. C. BRINTON, S. J. BAUER, R. E. HARTLE, P. A. CLOUTIER, AND R. E. DANIEI L (1980). Global observations of the composition and dynamics of the ionosphere of Venus: Implications for the solar wind interaction. J. Geophys. Res. 85, 7765-7777. 408