Ulysses Jupiter Encounter CD-ROM (ULY_5001) of the Planetary Data System ============================================================================ Introduction ============================================================================ This CD-ROM contains data submitted to the Planetary Data System (PDS) by the Ulysses COSPIN, DUST, EPAC, GRB, HISCALE, SCE, SWOOPS, URAP, and VHM/FGM investigators, and SPICE ephemeris data provided by NAIF, for the Ulysses Jupiter Encounter, 1992-01-25 to 1992-02-17 (days 25-48 inclusive). Note, that this archive does not include SWICS or SWOOPS ion data. The PDS acquired most of these data indirectly from the Ulysses Data System (UDS). Data in this archive differ slightly from the original archive data products. The original data submissions to the UDS all had different time tag styles and missing data values. At the recommendation of the UDS' governing body, these have been modified to provide uniform time styles and missing data values for all data sets. Every effort has been made to assure that the data are of the best quality available. However, the PDS and the Planetary Plasma Interactions (PPI) Node in particular, assume no liability for this disk or its contents. All users are encouraged to verify the 'correctness' of the data prior to submitting any publications or other work based on these data. Brief Disk Description This CD-ROM is organized into 7 principal sub-directories: CATALOG PDS catalog templates describing the Ulysses mission, spacecraft, instruments, data sets, key personnel and references DATA science data from the following instruments: COSPIN (Cosmic Ray and Solar Particle Investigation), DDS (Ulysses Dust Detection System), EPAC (Energetic Particle Composition Experiment), GRB (Solar X-Ray/Gamma-Ray Burst Instrument), HISCALE (Heliospheric Instrument for Spectra, Composition, and Anisotropy at Low Energies), SCE (Solar Corona Experiment), SWOOPS (Solar Wind Observations Over the Poles of the Sun), URAP (Unified Radio and Plasma Experiment), and VHM/FGM (Magnetic Field Experiment). DOCUMENT documents describing instruments, data sets, or software contained on this volume GEOMETRY copies of the SPK, PCK, and LSK SPICE kernels INDEX index of all user files contained on this volume MANAGE inventory files; used by the PDS/PPI node for making this volume available on its website SOFTWARE executables and source code, plus instructions for obtaining any other software that may be available, for use with the data More information on directory structure is contained in the section entitled 'Volume Contents and Structure.' Novice users, however, may ignore all files and directories except for the 'Important Files and Directories' listed below. Important Files and Directories All data files are stored in ASCII (.TAB) format files, in the /DATA branch of the directory tree. The content of each data file is described by a detached PDS label file (.LBL). A single format file (.FMT), which is pointed to by the label file (^STRUCTURE), describes the data file's internal structure or record format. The files DATASET.TXT and INFO.TXT provide additional information about data set and directory contents. An *INFO.TXT file (e.g. CATINFO.TXT, etc.), containing a description of the directory tree and sub-directory contents, is located in every directory immediately below the root. The INFO.TXT files provided on selected data sub-directories contain detailed descriptions of the directories on which they are located. ============================================================================ Documents ============================================================================ The documents provided on this CD-ROM (in the /DOCUMENT sub-directories) include copyrighted materials previously published in Astronomy and Astrophysics Supplement Series, Ulysses Instruments Special Issue, Vol. 92, No. 2, pp 207-440, January 1992. These materials appear with the permission of Astronomy and Astrophysics (A&A). A&A retains Copyright over these articles. Please see the Copyright statement appearing at the beginning of each of the A&A articles. ============================================================================ File Formats ============================================================================ All of the label, table, and text files are ASCII with CR/LF (VAX/IBM-PC) format. All files on this disk are described by detached or combined detached PDS labels. PDS labels have a file extension of '.LBL' and generally have the same name as the file which it describes. All PDS label files on this CD-ROM are completely PDS Standards Version 3.2 compliant. Data files are stored in ASCII (.TAB) format. ASCII file records are generally fixed length with space delimited fields or columns. Refer to the label (.LBL) and format (.FMT) files for information about the format and structure of a specific data file. This CD-ROM contains copies of documents associated with the data provided. These documents are reproduced in both plain ASCII text (.ASC) and HTML (.HTM) versions. Figures, tables and equations from the original documents have been scanned and are provided in GIF89A format. ============================================================================ Errata ============================================================================ For a description of any errors known at the time of the production of this CD-ROM, please refer to the file ERRATA.TXT found on the root directory. Changes or errors found after production can be found via anonymous-ftp at ftp.igpp.ucla.edu. Login as 'anonymous' and provide your e-mail address as a password (in order to provide an audit trail). Change directories to ERRATA/ULY_5001 (cd ERRATA/ULY_5001), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT). ============================================================================ Volume Contents and Structure ============================================================================ The tree diagram below provides a listing and brief description of the contents and key files of the root directory and instrument sub-directories of the /DATA directory. Note that some files may be omitted from this description. Each file on this CD-ROM (with the exception of *.CAT files) is associated with a PDS label file (.LBL) which describes its content and characteristics. For more information, please refer to the *INFO.TXT files located on each of the sub-directories of the root directory, or the INFO.TXT files located on the individual data sub-directories. Square brackets ([]) denote directories. Please note also that the /DATA directory is listed out of alphabetical order to make this tree more readable. ULY_5001 (root directory) | |- AAREADME.TXT describes volume contents, organization and CD-ROM use | (this file) | |- AAREADME.LBL detached PDS label for AAREADME.TXT | |- AUTORUN.INF auto-executable which will automatically launch the | PDS Explorer on Windows95 platforms | |- ERRATA.TXT file describing errors and anomalies found on this | CR-ROM | |- ERRATA.LBL detached PDS label for ERRATA.TXT | |- VOLDESC.CAT high level description of CD-ROM contents | |-[CATALOG] Contains metadata associated with this CD-ROM | including mission, instrument host (spacecraft), | instrument, data set, personnel and reference | descriptions and information (*.CAT files). | |-[DOCUMENT] Contains a mission, software, SPICE, and 12 instrument | sub-directories which contain documents relating to | one or more data sets. An ASCII version (*.ASC), with | tables and equations reproduced using ASCII | characters, is provided for each document. HTML | versions (*.HTM) are also provided for selected | documents. Figures, tables and some equations have | been scanned and provided in GIF89A format (*.GIF). | |-[GEOMETRY] Contains copies of the SPICE SPK (ULY92106.SPK), PCK | (PCONST.KER), and LSK (LEAPSECS.KER) kernels. The SPK | kernels are provided in both IEEE and PC binary | format (each in a separate sub-directory). Both the | PCK and LSK kernels are ASCII. ULY92106.LBL describes | the contents of the SPK kernels. The file DATASET.TXT | describes data set contents. Note that this CD-ROM is | not the official archive for these SPICE kernels. The | PDS/NAIF node plans to officially archive these data | separately. | |-[INDEX] Contains a listing including file name, location, and | volume and data set association for all user files | contained on this CD-ROM. | |-[MANAGE] Contains DITDOS data management information for this | CD-ROM. The PDS/PPI node uses the DITDOS software to | make data from this CD-ROM available on its website. | Contains no user files. | |-[SOFTWARE] Contains software for use with some or all of the data | contained on this volume. These software, include | executables, and documentation. | |-[DATA] Contains all of the science data in 1 ephemeris and 9 | instrument sub-directories. Each data file (.TAB) | is accompanied by a PDS label file (.LBL) which | describes data file contents. A single format file | (.FMT) describes data file internal structure or | record format. Other documentation includes an | instrument description (INST.TXT), and data set | description (DATASET.TXT). While some of this | information is duplicated in the /CATALOG and | /DOCUMENT directories, it is provided in the data | directories for the convenience of the data user. | Please refer to the INFO.TXT file located in each data | sub-directory for a more detailed description of | directory contents. | |- INFO.LBL label file for INFO.TXT | |- INFO.TXT contains an overview of the /DATA directory tree | and the contents of each of the data | sub-directories | |-[COSPIN] charged particle flux data from the COSPIN | Anisotropy (AT), High Energy (HET), High Flux | (HFT), Electron (KET), and Low Energy (LET) | telescopes | |-[DUST] Ulysses DDS dust impact and physical properties | data covering the period from launch (1990-10-06) | to 1992-12-31 | |-[EPAC] energetic proton and electron data averages from | Proton Rate Sectored Telescopes 2-3, Proton | Spectral Telescopes 1-4, and omni-directional | electrons and protons channels | |-[EPHEM] Ulysses ephemeris near Jupiter in System III 1965 | and Earth Mean Ecliptic and Equinox of 1950.0 | (ECL50) coordinates | |-[GRB] X-ray and gamma-ray burst raw counts | |-[HISCALE] ion and electron flux from the DE, LEFS, LEMS, | and WARTD telescopes | |-[MAG] magnetic field measurements from the Ulysses | Fluxgate and Vector Helium Magnetometers | (VHM/FGM) in System III (right handed) | coordinates | |-[SCE] coronal sounding averaged ranging data and high | resolution doppler data | |-[SWOOPS] solar wind electron parameters near Jupiter | |-[URAP] electric and magnetic field intensities measured | by the URAP Plasma Frequency Receiver (PFR), | Radio Astronomy Receiver (RAR), and Waveform | Analyzer (WFA) ============================================================================ Contacts ============================================================================ The person most directly responsible for the construction and release of this CD-ROM is Mr. Steven Joy. He was the PPI Node Data Administrator at the time this disk was created and understands as much about the disk structure and data organization as anyone. The construction of the PDS labels and templates was done by Mr. Joe Mafi. Other PPI personnel who may be aware of about issues related to this CD-ROM include Ms. Eva Fried, and Dr. Raymond Walker, the PDS/PPI node manager. For questions or problems regarding this CD-ROM, please contact the PDS/PPI PDS operator: Internet pds_operator@igpp.ucla.edu SPAN/DecNet uclasp::pds_operator Telephone (310) 206-6073 U.S. Mail PDS Operator c/o Dr. Raymond Walker 3845 Slichter Hall UCLA - IGPP Los Angeles, CA 90095-156704 For questions regarding PDS Standards or other CD-ROM's available from the PDS, please contact PDS Operator at the PDS Central Node (at JPL): Internet pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov Telephone (818) 354-4321 U.S. Mail Planetary Data System, PDS Operator Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Mail Stop 202-101 Pasadena, CA 91109