ULY_5001 ERRATA 1998-05-01 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- /DOCUMENT/*/*.ASC and /DOCUMENT/*/*.HTM Copies of previously published documents found on the /DOCUMENT/ sub- directories contain some known misspellings. These may either result from misspellings that follow the original documents or else errors introduced in the transmission of these documents to ASCII and HTML format. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ASCII data file record formats ASCII data tables contained on this CD-ROM are fixed width and space delimited. The PDS Standards recommend using fixed width comma delimited fields in ASCII tables. In general this recommendation was not followed on this CD-ROM in order to provide data in the same format in which they were originally provided to the PDS. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Viewability of /DOCUMENT/*/*.GIF files The viewability of some of these images may depend significantly upon the operating system and the viewer used to view them. Specifically, they are best viewed on a color monitor. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPICE C-kernel (spacecraft orientation) information The geometry information provided on this volume only includes the SPICE SPK file (containing spacecraft and target body ephemeris). As of the date of publication of this volume, no spacecraft orientation data were available. For information regard the availability of the Ulysses SPICE C-kernel, please contact Chuck Acton (INTERNET: cacton@spice.jpl.nasa.gov, DECNET: NAIF::CACTON, PHONE: (818) 354-3869) or check the PDS website's link to the NAIF node for current NAIF contact information. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- SPLASH Software limitations The version of the SPLASH software that was available at the time of the production of this CD-ROM was unable to correctly resolve ARRAY, and CONTAINTER objects and repeated ITEMS. As a result, some files or columns may not plot correctly for the following data: LECP Sectored, ephemeris SEDR (both HG and S3), PRA Browse, PWS 48S and 4S. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- For the latest version of this ERRATA.TXT file use the anonymous-ftp service at ftp.igpp.ucla.edu. The account name is anonymous and the password should be your e-mail address (in order to leave an audit trail). Change to the PDS errata directory (cd pds/ERRATA/ULY_0001), and transfer the file ERRATA.TXT (get ERRATA.TXT).