Copyright and Lisencing information: =========================================================================== Copyright (c) 1996, California Institute of Technology U.S. Government Sponsorship under NASA Contract NAS7-1260 is acknowledged This software was developed at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, an operating division of the California Institute of Technology and is available for use by the public without need of a license. DISCLAIMER THE SOFTWARE AND RELATED MATERIALS ARE PROVIDED "AS-IS" WITHOUT WARRANTY OR INDEMNITY OF ANY KIND INCLUDING ANY WARRANTIES OF USE, PERFORMANCE OR MERCHANTABILITY OR FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR USE OR PURPOSE ( as set forth in UCC ''2312-2313) OR FOR ANY PURPOSE WHATSOEVER. USER BEARS ALL RISK RELATING TO USE, QUALITY AND PERFORMANCE OF THE SOFTWARE. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory, the California Institute of Technology and the United States government retain a paid-up royalty free world wide license in this product. =========================================================================== NASAView Version 1.2.b 2/18/98 NASAView is a Planetary Data System (PDS) product display tool that runs on multiple hardware platforms with a common look-and-feel Graphical User Interface (GUI). The long term requirements for NASAView include the ability to access and display all products in the PDS archive. The current beta-release, Version 1.2.b, can access and display IMAGE products from the Galileo, Magellan, Viking, Voyager, Clementine, and International Halley Watch missions; TABLE, TIME_SERIES, and SPECTRUM products from the same missions; and CUBE products from Galileo. An image palette and histogram option is also available. This beta-release is only for PC/Win95/WinNT platforms. Ports to Sun Solaris, Power Mac, and a Web enabled version are planned. The functionality exhibited by NASAView has been requested by the sponsor. NASAView will be distributed freely as a part of the overall PDS function. Recent NASAView releases have been tested and released for Sun/SunOS, PowerMac, and PC/WIN32 platforms. A "click wrap" license site for NASAView is available at . More information regarding NASAView, can be received by contacting the PDS operator. ( NEW FUNCTIONALITY: February 1998 - V1.2b 1) Nasaview now displays TABLEs, TIME_SERIES, SPECTRUM, and Galileo CUBE objects. 2) Under Options, NASAView now a) calculates an image histogram, b) allows contrast stretches via either scroll bar movement or min/max boundary line dragging, c) allows change to brightness via scroll bar movement or median indicator line dragging, and d) application of a number of color palettes. June 1997 - V1.1.2.b 1) NASAView can be invoked as a Web Browser helper application by specifying: File Type : application/PDS Action : nasaview Extensions : lbl, img 2) NASAView can be invoked from a command line along with a PDS product file name. 3) NASAView scales a 16 bit image to an 8-bit image in memory before displaying the image as a pixmap. The specification of MINIMUM and MAXIMUM pixel values in the label will save NASAView from having to search the raw image for these values. 4) The stretch function can now be performed against either the pixmap image being displayed (modifies only a color lookup table and so can be undone but can not be applied successively) or for the image in memory (modifies image so cannot be undone but can be applied successively). The stretch algorithm is an 8-bit contrast stretch with the upper and lower 5% saturated. 5) The "save gif" and "save gif as" functions use the 8-bit in-memory image as a source. This allows a stretched image to be saved as a gif file. INSTALLATION, ISSUES, AND RESOLUTIONS: 1) The PowerMac/Mac 68K version requires that the user set the application memory requirements. After selecting the NASAView Icon, use File->Get Info to set memory requirements to at least 4MB. 2) The SunOS executable "nasaview" requires the file "nasaview.uid" for execution. NASAView can be run from a local directory as long as both files are in same directory. For a more permanent installation, the executable "nasaview" should be installed in /usr/local/bin and the nasaview.uid file in /usr/local/lib. The environment variable UIDPATH will need to be set as follows: "setenv UIDPATH ./%U:/usr/local/lib/%U" The SunOS version requires X_Windows and the Motif window manager mwm. NASAView is not guaranteed to run under other X_Window systems but there are rumors of success. 3) The PC/WIN32 version requires four DLL files for execution. (Included in the distribution package) These files need to be moved to the C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM directory for a permanent installation. Please send comments and suggestions. We are especially interested in PDS products that can not be displayed. NASAView RATIONALE and OVERVIEW The PDS archive currently contains about 5 terrabytes of data from NASA planetary exploration missions. The data sets in this archive reside primarily on CD volumes and consist of science data products that have been labeled with descriptive information useful for accessing and interpreting the data. Also included with each data set is ancillary information useful for understanding and using the science data as well as associated instrument, spacecraft, and mission descriptions. NASAView was developed as a simple display tool for this archive with a requirement that it run on multiple hardware platforms and convert between machine specific data formats as necessary. This application was built using the PDS Label Library Light (L3), PDS Object Access Library (OAL), and the XVT Portability Toolkit (tm). The PDS OAL and L3 libraries provide access to PDS labeled data products and represent the standard software libraries available for the production and use of the PDS archive. The L3 library reads and parses a product label and allows access to label information using standard function calls. The OAL, using the label information, manipulates the actual science data at three levels. At the lowest level or stream layer, physical record format differences such as versus record delimiters are addressed. At the next higher level or structure layer, data format differences such as byte-order is addressed. Finally at the object layer, data products can be manipulated using object-based function calls. The XVT Portability Toolkit (tm), a commercial product, provides the cross platform GUI development environment for NASAView. It allows an interface to be developed on one platform and to then be ported to another supported platform with little effort. Most important for this application, it utilizes the native windowing system on the target platform. This provides a user with the expected look-and-feel on a specific platform while also providing the same application functionality across platforms.