CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001 = SFDU_LABEL PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 183 FILE_RECORDS = 3001 DATA_SET_ID = "ICE-C-SWP-3-RDR-GIACOBINI-ZINNER-V1.0" TARGET_NAME = "GIACOBINI-ZINNER" ^TABLE = "SW850910.TAB" /* originally "G098001S.TAB" */ OBJECT = TABLE INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII ROWS = 3001 ROW_BYTES = 183 COLUMNS = 18 DESCRIPTION = "The following description was extracted from the documentation files provided with the Comet P/Giacobini-Zinner archive CDROM produced by the International Halley Watch: These data were obtained from the LANL plasma experiment on ICE (Principal Investigator: S.J. Bame; data provided by J.T. Gosling, with assistance from K. Sofaly and S. Kedge). The instrument measures the 2-D electron distribution function in one spacecraft rotation (3 s) once every 24 s, by obtaining 16 evenly spaced energy spectra, each with 15 contiguous levels covering the energy range 8.5 eV to 1140 eV. From these 2-D distributions the density, velocity, and temperature of the electrons are then derived. A 2-D temperature matrix is calculated which is subsequently diagonalized. Then nominally the maximum temperature corresponds to the parallel temperature and the minimum temperature corresponds to the perpendi- cular temperature. This is done independently of the magnetic field measurements; however, the direction of maximum temperature deter- mined in this manner is usually found to be within 15 degrees of the magnetic field direction inferred from the magnetometer measurements. The time resolution is 24 seconds throughout this file." /* Column 1 : Observation date */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "UT_DATE" BYTES = 6 START_BYTE = 2 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER FORMAT = "I6" DESCRIPTION= "Observation date: YYMMDD" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 2 : Observation time */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "SEC" BYTES = 7 START_BYTE = 10 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "F7.1" DESCRIPTION= "Observation time in seconds since midnight" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 3-5: Observations time, in HHMMSS.S format */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "UT_HOUR" BYTES = 2 START_BYTE = 18 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION= "Observation time hours (translated from second field)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "UT_MINUTES" BYTES = 2 START_BYTE = 20 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER FORMAT = "I2" DESCRIPTION= "Observation time minutes (translated from second field)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "UT_SECONDS" BYTES = 4 START_BYTE = 22 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "F4.1" DESCRIPTION= "Observation time seconds (translated from second field)" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 6 : Core electron density */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "CORE_ELECTRON_DEN" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 26 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "cm**-3" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 7 : Maximum core temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MAX_CORE_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 38 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 8 : Minimum core temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MIN_CORE_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 50 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 9 : Halo electron density */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "HALO_ELECTRON_DEN" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 62 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "cm**-3" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 10: Maximum halo temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MAX_HALO_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 74 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 11: Minimum halo temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MIN_HALO_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 86 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 12: Total electron density */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "TOTAL_ELECTRON_DEN" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 98 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "cm**-3" DESCRIPTION= "Since the core and halo parameters are derived from model fits and the other quantities are derived from a straight numerical integration over the entire electron distribution, the total density does not necessarily equal the sum of the core and halo densities." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 13: Bulk flow speed */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "FLOW_SPEED" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 110 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "km/s" DESCRIPTION= "The minimum bulk flow speed which can be reliably determined by the Los Alamos plasma electron spectrometer is about 30 km/s. The determination of the bulk flow speed and azimuth from the electron distribution function is unreliable wherever the bulk flow speed drops below this value; this occurred during the central portion of the tail crossing, roughly from 10:50 to 11:15 UT on Sept. 11, 1985. The electron densitied and temperatures inferred during this interval are believed to be reliable; however, the assumptions made in deriving these quantities were somewhat different from those made in deriving the same parameters at other times." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 14: Bulk flow azimuth */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "FLOW_AZ" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 122 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "degrees" DESCRIPTION= "The flow azimuths are measured positive from the solar ecliptic (SE) -X direction toward the SE -Y direction, i.e., 0 degrees corresponds to antisunward flow and positive flow angles correspond to flow towards dawn (+90 deg), and negative flow angles correspond to flow towards dusk." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 15: Maximum total temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MAX_TOTAL_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 134 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 16: Minimum total temperature */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "MIN_TOTAL_TEMP" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 146 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "K" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 17: Electron heat flux */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "HEAT_FLUX" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 158 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "erg cm**-2 s**-1" END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* Column 18: Electron heat flux azimuth */ OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = "HEAT_FLUX_AZ" BYTES = 12 START_BYTE = 170 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_REAL FORMAT = "E12.4" UNIT = "degrees" DESCRIPTION= "For the heat flux, 0 and 360 degrees correspond to a heat flux directed antisunward, 180 degrees corrseponds to a heat flux directed sunward, 90 degrees corresponds to a heat flux directed toward dawn, and 270 degrees corresponds to a hear flux directed toward dusk." END_OBJECT = COLUMN /* end of table */ END_OBJECT = TABLE END