CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDS200000001= SFDU_LABEL /* File Format and Length */ PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 374 FILE_RECORDS = 3098 /* Record Pointer to Major Object */ ^TABLE = "TNM00001.TAB" /* Description of Objects in File */ DATA_SET_ID = "VEGA1-C-TUNDE-3-RDR-HALLEY-V1.0" TARGET_NAME = "HALLEY" OBSERVATION_ID = "UNKNOWN" START_TIME = "N/A" NOTE = "VEGA 1 TUNDE DATA" DESCRIPTION = "This table lists fast telemetry data counts taken during the period 6 March 1986, UT 04:17:03-08:24:53. These data were taken by the T1 instrument only (T2 was not operational during the Halley encounter. For more information and references, see the accompanying file, 'tnm.doc'." OBJECT = TABLE ROWS = 3098 ROW_BYTES = 374 COLUMNS = 62 INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = TIME DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER START_BYTE = 1 BYTES = 6 FORMAT = "I6" UNIT = "SECONDS" DESCRIPTION = "Time, in seconds, of the END of the integration. Spacecraft time in UT is equal to 04:16:59 + this value. Counts were read out every four seconds. The first record has a time of 8 seconds; there is one data gap in the file between times 4446 and 14779." END_OBJECT OBJECT = COLUMN NAME = COUNT BYTES = 366 ITEMS = 61 ITEM_BYTES = 6 DATA_TYPE = ASCII_INTEGER FORMAT = "I6" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = CHANNEL_NUMBER SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 1 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 1 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = "N/A" START_BYTE = 7 DESCRIPTION = "Counts recorded in each of 61 energy channels. See the 'tnm.doc' file for a mapping of channel to energy." END_OBJECT END_OBJECT = TABLE END