P_constants (PcK) SPICE kernel file =========================================================================== By: Nat Bachman (NAIF) 1990 June 25 Organization -------------------------------------------------------- The sections of this file are as follows. Introductory Information: -- Version description -- Disclaimer -- Sources -- Explanation -- Body numbers and names Pck Data: -- Orientation constants for the Sun and planets -- Orientation constants for satellites -- Radii for all bodies Version description -------------------------------------------------------- This file was created on June 25, 1990. The data in the file is based primarily on the IAU report dated January 4, 1989. See `Sources' below for details. This file contains updates of constants contained in the previous version, as well as new constants that were not present in the previous version. One item has been subtracted: the lambda_a offset for Mars is no longer used as data, but the value used in the previous PCK version is still listed in the comments in the Mars section. Official NAIF Version information: \begindata PCK_version += ( 00003 ) \begintext Disclaimer -------------------------------------------------------- This constants file may not contain the parameter values that you prefer. Note that this file may be readily modified by you or anyone else. NAIF suggests that you inspect this file visually before proceeding with any critical or extended data processing. NAIF requests that you update the `by line' and date if you modify the file. Sources -------------------------------------------------------- The sources for the constants listed in this file are: 1. ``Report of the IAU/IAG/COSPAR Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 1988,'' January 4, 1989. 2. ``The Astronomical Almanac,'' 1990. 3. ``Planetary Geodetic Control Using Satellite Imaging,'' Journal of Geophysical Research, Vol. 84, No. B3, March 10, 1979, by Thomas C. Duxbury. This paper is cataloged as NAIF document 190.0. 4. Letter from Thomas C. Duxbury to Dr. Ephraim Lazeryevich Akim, Keldish Institute of Applied Mathematics, USSR Academy of Sciences, Moscow, USSR. This letter is catalogued as NAIF document number 195.0. Most values are from the ``IAU/IAG/COSPAR Working Group on Cartographic Coordinates and Rotational Elements of the Planets and Satellites: 1988.'' All exceptions are commented where they occur in this file. The exceptions are: -- The polar and smaller equatorial radii of Helene (Body 612) are from the 1990 Almanac, as no values are present in the 1988 report. -- The second nutation precession angle (M2) for Mars is represented by a quadratic polynomial in the 1988 IAU report. The SPICELIB subroutine BODEUL can not handle this term (which is extremely small), so we truncate the polynomial to a linear one. -- The expression for the prime meridian of Deimos ( body 402 ) given in the IAU report includes a cosine term, which BODEUL doesn't yet handle. The amplitude of the term is 0.19 degrees. We simply ignore this term, for now. -- The expressions for the pole and prime meridian of Neptune given in the IAU report include trigonometric terms which BODEUL doesn't yet handle. We use the model from the previous IAU report for now. -- The values for the second equatorial radii of bodies 514 and 516 are retained from the last P_constants file since the 1988 IAU report does not give values. The values used agree with the 1990 Almanac. `Old values' listed are from the SPICE P_constants file dated August 25, 1988. Most of these values came from the 1985 IAU report. Explanation -------------------------------------------------------- First: The NAIF toolkit software that uses this file is documented in the NAIF `Required reading' file KERNEL.REQ. See that document for the explanation of the kernel file format. KERNEL.REQ is available in both printed and electronic form. Now, about this file. This file, which is logically part of the SPICE P-kernel, contains constants used to model the orientation and shape of the Sun, planets, and satellites. The orientation models express the direction of the pole and location of the prime meridian of a body as a function of time. The shape models represent all bodies as ellipsoids, using two equatorial radii and a polar radius. Spheroids and spheres are obtained when two or all three radii are equal. Orientation models All of the orientation models use three Euler angles to describe body orientation. To be precise, the Euler angles describe the orientation of the coordinate axes of the `Body Equator and Prime Meridian' system with respect to the J2000 system. The first two angles, in order, are the right ascension and declination (henceforth RA and Dec) of the north pole of a body as a function of time. The third angle is the prime meridian location (represented by `W'), which is expressed as a rotation about the north pole, also a function of time. The reference frame is J2000. For the Sun and planets, the expressions for the north pole direction and prime meridian location are always (as far as the models that appear in this file are concerned) a quadratic polynomial, where the independent variable is time. Some coefficients may be zero. In this file, the time arguments in expressions always refer to Barycentric Dynamical Time (TDB), measured in centuries or days past the J2000 epoch, which is Julian ephemeris date 2451545.0. Example: 1988 IAU Model for orientation of the Earth alpha = 0.00 - 0.641 T ( RA ) 0 delta = 90.0 - 0.557 T ( Dec ) 0 W = 190.16 + 360.9852635 d ( Prime meridian ) T represents centuries past J2000 ( TDB ), d represents days past J2000 ( TDB ). In this file, the polynomials' coefficients above are assigned to the symbols BODY399_POLE_RA BODY399_POLE_DEC BODY399_POLE_PM as follows: BODY399_POLE_RA = ( 0. -0.641 0. ) BODY399_POLE_DEC = ( +90. -0.557 0. ) BODY399_PM = ( 190.16 +360.9856235 0. ) Note the number `399'; this is the NAIF ID code for the Earth. You'll see an additional symbol grouped with the ones listed here; it is BODY399_LONG_AXIS This term is zero for all bodies except Mars. It represents the offset between the longest axis of the triaxial ellipsoid used to model a body and the prime meridian of the body. Expressions for satellites are a little more complicated; in addition to polynomial terms, there are trigonometric terms. The arguments of the trigonometric terms are linear polynomials. In this file, we call the arguments of these trigonometric terms `nutation precession angles'. In this file, the polynomial expressions for the nutation precession angles are listed along with the planet's RA, Dec, and prime meridian terms. Example: 1988 IAU nutation precession angles for Earth. E1 = 125.045 - 0.052992 d E2 = 249.390 - 0.105984 d E3 = 196.694 - 13.012000 d E4 = 176.630 + 13.340716 d E5 = 358.219 - 0.985600 d d represents days past J2000 ( TDB ) Because the NAIF toolkit software expects the time units for the angles to be CENTURIES (as in the IAU models for most bodies--the Earth is an exception), the linear coefficients are scaled by 36525.0 in the assignments: BODY3_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 125.045 -1935.5328 249.390 -3871.0656 196.694 -475263.3 176.630 +487269.6519 358.219 -35999.04 ) As stated above, the satellite orientation models use polynomial and trigonometric terms, where the arguments of the trigonometric terms are the `nutation precession angles'. Example: The Moon. alpha = 270.000 - 3.878 sin(E1) - 0.120 sin(E2) 0 + 0.070 sin(E3) - 0.017 sin(E4) ( RA ) delta = 66.534 + 1.543 cos(E1) + 0.024 cos(E2) 0 - 0.028 cos(E3) + 0.007 cos(E4) ( Dec ) W = 38.314 + 13.1763581 d + 3.558 sin(E1) + 0.121 sin(E2) - 0.064 sin(E3) + 0.016 sin(E4) + 0.025 sin(E5) ( Prime meridian ) d represents days past J2000. E1--E5 are the nutation precession angles. The polynomial terms are assigned to symbols by the statements BODY301_POLE_RA = ( 270.000 0. 0. ) BODY301_POLE_DEC = ( +66.534 0. 0. ) BODY301_PM = ( 38.314 +13.1763581 0. ) The coefficients of the trigonometric terms are assigned to symbols by the statements BODY301_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -3.878 -0.120 +0.070 -0.017 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( +1.543 +0.024 -0.028 +0.007 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_PM = ( +3.558 +0.121 -0.064 +0.016 +0.025 ) Note that for the RA and PM (prime meridian) assignments, the ith term is the coefficient of sin(Ei) in the expression used in the IAU model, while for the Dec assignment, the ith term is the coefficient of cos(Ei) in the expression used in the IAU model. NAIF software does expect the models for satellite orientation to follow the form of the model shown here: the polynomials are expected to be quadratic, the trigonometric terms for RA and W (satellite prime meridian) are expected to be sums of sines of nutation precession angles, and the trigonometric terms for Dec are expected to be sums of cosines of nutation precession angles. Eventually, the software will handle more complex expressions, we expect. Shape models There is only one kind of shape model supported by the NAIF toolkit software at present: the triaxial ellipsoid. The 1988 IAU report does not use any other models. The three radii needed to define the shape of an ellipsoid are used for each body. The equatorial radii are listed first, followed by the polar radius. The equatorial radii are listed with the largest axis, often called the ``a'' axis, appearing first. Example: Radii of the Earth. BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.140 6378.140 6356.75 ) Body numbers and names -------------------------------------------------------- 1 Mercury barycenter 2 Venus barycenter 3 Earth barycenter 4 Mars barycenter 5 Jupiter barycenter 6 Saturn barycenter 7 Uranus barycenter 8 Neptune barycenter 9 Pluto barycenter 10 Sun While not relevant to the P_constants kernel, we note here for completeness that 0 is used to represent the solar system barycenter. 199 Mercury 299 Venus 399 Earth 301 Moon 499 Mars 401 Phobos 402 Deimos 599 Jupiter 501 Io 502 Europa 503 Ganymede 504 Callisto 505 Amalthea 506 Himalia 507 Elara 508 Pasiphae 509 Sinope 510 Lysithea 511 Carme 512 Ananke 513 Leda 514 Thebe 515 Adrastea 516 Metis 699 Saturn 601 Mimas 602 Enceladus 603 Tethys 604 Dione 605 Rhea 606 Titan 607 Hyperion 608 Iapetus 609 Phoebe 610 Janus 611 Epimetheus 612 Helene 613 Telesto 614 Calypso 615 Atlas 616 Prometheus 617 Pandora 799 Uranus 701 Ariel 702 Umbriel 703 Titania 704 Oberon 705 Miranda 706 Cordelia 707 Ophelia 708 Bianca 709 Cressida 710 Desdemona 711 Juliet 712 Portia 713 Rosalind 714 Belinda 715 Puck 899 Neptune 801 Triton 802 Nereid 851 1989N1 852 1989N2 853 1989N3 854 1989N4 855 1989N5 856 1989N6 999 Pluto 901 Charon Orientation constants for the Sun and planets -------------------------------------------------------- Sun Old values: body10_pole_ra = ( 285.96 0. 0. ) body10_pole_dec = ( 63.96 0. 0. ) body10_pm = ( 84.11 +14.18440 0. ) body10_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY10_POLE_RA = ( 286.13 0. 0. ) BODY10_POLE_DEC = ( 63.87 0. 0. ) BODY10_PM = ( 84.10 +14.18440 0. ) BODY10_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Mercury Old values: RA values (others are unchanged) for Mercury: body1_pole_ra = ( 281.02, -0.033, 0. ) Current values: The old values use the number `1' to refer to Mercury. It is now 199, which is consistent with the other body names. \begindata BODY199_POLE_RA = ( 281.01, -0.003, 0. ) BODY199_POLE_DEC = ( 61.45, -0.005, 0. ) BODY199_PM = ( 329.71 +6.1385025 0. ) BODY199_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Venus Old values: body2_pole_ra = ( 272.78 0. 0. ) body2_pole_dec = ( +67.21 0. 0. ) body2_long_axis = ( 0. ) body2_pm = ( 159.91 -1.4814205 0. ) Current values: The old values use the number `2' to refer to Venus. It is now 299, which is consistent with the other body names. \begindata BODY299_POLE_RA = ( 272.69 0. 0. ) BODY299_POLE_DEC = ( +67.17 0. 0. ) BODY299_PM = ( 160.39 -1.4813291 0. ) BODY299_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Earth Old values: body399_pole_ra = ( 0. -0.641 -0.00008386 ) body399_pole_dec = ( +90. -0.557 +0.00011851 ) body399_pm = ( 100.21 +360.9856123 +0. ) body399_long_axis = ( 0. ) Note the W boo-boo!!! 0 Earth's North magnetic pole (degrees): \begindata BODY399_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LON = ( -69.761 ) BODY399_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LAT = ( 78.565 ) \begintext The old nutation precession angles were the same as the current ones, except that the current linear terms show 1-2 extra digits of precision. These digits are included because the numbers are arrived at by scaling the IAU values by an exact constant: 36525.0. Current values: \begindata BODY399_POLE_RA = ( 0. -0.641 0. ) BODY399_POLE_DEC = ( +90. -0.557 0. ) BODY399_PM = ( 190.16 +360.9856235 0. ) BODY399_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext The linear terms before and after scaling: -.052992 --> -1935.5328 -.105984 --> -3871.0656 -13.012 --> -475263.3 13.340716 --> +487269.6519 -.9856 --> -35999.04 \begindata BODY3_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 125.045 -1935.5328 249.390 -3871.0656 196.694 -475263.3 176.630 +487269.6519 358.219 -35999.04 ) \begintext Mars Old values: Old W_0 for Mars was 176.655. The other RA, Dec, and PM values have not changed. Old nutation precession angles: body4_nut_prec_angles = ( 169.51 -15916.28 190.71 +41215163.20 53.48 -662.965 ) Current values: The old values use the number `4' to refer to Mars. It is now 499, which is consistent with the other body names. \begindata BODY499_POLE_RA = ( 317.681 -0.108 0. ) BODY499_POLE_DEC = ( +52.886 -0.061 0. ) BODY499_PM = ( 176.868 +350.8919830 0. ) \begintext Source [3] specifies the following value for the lambda_a term ( BODY4_LONG_AXIS ) for Mars. This term is the POSITIVE WEST LONGITUDE, measured from the prime meridian, of the longest axis of the ellipsoid representing the `mean planet surface', as the article states. body499_long_axis = ( 110. ) Source [4] specifies the lambda_a value body499_long_axis = ( 104.9194 ) We list these lambda_a values for completeness. The IAU gives equal values for both equatorial radii, so the lambda_a offset does not apply to the IAU model. The 1988 IAU report defines M2, the second nutation precession angle, by: 2 192.93 + 1128.4096700 d + 0.66 E-8 d We truncate the M2 series to a linear expression. Again, the linear terms are scaled by 36525.0: -0.4357640000000000 --> -15916.28010000000 1128.409670000000 --> 41215163.19675000 -1.8151000000000000E-02 --> -662.9652750000000 \begindata BODY4_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 169.51 -15916.2801 192.93 +41215163.19675 53.47 -662.965275 ) \begintext Jupiter Old values: Jupiter RA, Dec, and PM values have not changed in the 1988 IAU report. The old nutation precession angles were: body5_nut_prec_angles = ( 283.90 +4850.7 355.80 +1191.3 119.90 +262.1 229.80 +64.3 352.25 +2382.6 113.35 +6070.0 ) Current values: The number of nutation precession angles is now ten. The third through eighth correspond to the first through sixth in the previous model. The ninth and tenth are twice the first and second, respectively. \begindata BODY599_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY599_POLE_DEC = ( +64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY599_PM = ( 284.95 +870.536 0. ) BODY599_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY5_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 73.32 +91472.9 198.54 +44243.8 283.90 +4850.7 355.80 +1191.3 119.90 +262.1 229.80 +64.3 352.25 +2382.6 113.35 +6070.0 146.64 +182945.8 397.08 +88487.6 ) \begintext Saturn Old values: 1984 Almanac, 1982 IAU report both have 40.66, 83.52 for Saturn RA, Dec at J2000. 1985 IAU report has 40.58, 83.54. The 1988 report makes no changes. Current values: \begindata BODY699_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY699_POLE_DEC = ( +83.54 -0.004 0. ) BODY699_PM = ( 38.90 +810.7939024 0. ) BODY699_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Old (1984) values for S5, S7 were used only for Hyperion, which does not even appear in the 1985 IAU report, so they have been dropped. (Hyperion is tumbling, and has no orientation.) The old S6 becomes the new S5. The 1988 report makes no changes. \begindata BODY6_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 177.40 -36505.5 300.00 -7225.9 345.20 -1016.3 29.80 -52.1 316.45 +506.2 ) \begintext Uranus Old values: Old Uranus PM: body799_pm = ( 261.62 -554.913 0. ) The rest of the RA, Dec, and PM values from the 1988 IAU report are the same as the old ones. The nutation precession angles have been changed considerably. There are now eighteen angles. The last two are twice the eleventh and twelveth, respectively. The old angles were: body7_nut_prec_angles = ( 304.01 -51.94 308.71 -93.17 340.82 -75.32 259.14 -504.81 102.23 -2024.22 316.41 2863.96 204.46 -4048.44 632.82 5727.92 ) Current values: \begindata BODY799_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY799_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY799_PM = ( 203.81 -501.1600928 0. ) BODY799_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Uranus' North magnetic pole (degrees): Source : N.F. Ness, et al, "Magnetic Fields at Uranus", Science, 233, 85-89, 1986. \begindata BODY799_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LON = ( -47.700 ) BODY799_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LAT = ( 74.800 ) \begintext \begindata BODY7_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 115.75 +54991.87 141.69 +41887.66 135.03 +29927.35 61.77 +25733.59 249.32 +24471.46 43.86 +22278.41 77.66 +20289.42 157.36 +16652.76 101.81 +12872.63 138.64 +8061.81 102.23 -2024.22 316.41 2863.96 304.01 -51.94 308.71 -93.17 340.82 -75.32 259.14 -504.81 204.46 -4048.44 632.82 5727.92 ) \begintext Neptune Old values: body899_pole_ra = ( 295.33 0. 0. ) body899_pole_dec = ( +40.65 0. 0. ) body899_pm = ( 107.21 +468.75 0. ) body899_long_axis = ( 0. ) 1982 IAU report, 1984 Almanac both list N1 as 189.66 + 62.0 * T. 1985 values are significantly different. As with U7, U8, N2-8 are multiples of N1. N = i * N i 1 body8_nut_prec_angles = ( 180.63 +57.81 361.26 115.62 541.89 173.43 722.52 231.24 903.15 289.05 1083.78 346.86 1264.41 404.67 1445.04 462.48 ) Current values: The RA and DEC expressions for Neptune in the 1988 IAU report involve trigonometric terms: alpha = 298.72 + 2.58 sin(N) - 0.04 sin(2N) 0 delta = 42.63 - 1.90 cos(N) + 0.01 cos (2N) 0 W = 313.66 + 483.7625981 d + 1.75 sin (N) + 0.04 sin (2N) N = 359.28 + 54.308 T Because BODEUL cannot handle the trigonometric terms, we truncate the expressions to polynomials. The errors we make (in degrees) are: RA Dec PM ---- ----- ---- Error bound (max abs value) 2.62 1.91 1.79 Error at 1990 TDB (T= -0.1), NAIF value - IAU value .27 1.9 0.20 Neptune's North magnetic pole (degrees) : Source : N.F. Ness, et al, "Magnetic Fields at Neptune", Science, 246, 1473-1478, 1989. \begindata BODY899_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LON = ( -79.500 ) BODY899_MAG_NORTH_POLE_LAT = ( 43.200 ) \begintext \begindata BODY899_POLE_RA = ( 298.72 0. 0. ) BODY899_POLE_DEC = ( +42.63 0. 0. ) BODY899_PM = ( 313.66 +483.7625981 0. ) BODY899_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Nutation precession angles 3-9 are multiples of N1 (2*N1 through 8*N1). Angles 10-13 are multiples of N2 (2*N2 through 5*N2). \begindata BODY8_NUT_PREC_ANGLES = ( 179.280 54.3080 45.0600 3.65000 358.560 108.616 537.840 162.924 717.120 217.232 896.400 271.540 1075.68 325.848 1254.96 380.156 1434.24 434.464 90.1200 7.30000 135.180 10.9500 180.240 14.6000 225.300 18.2500 ) \begintext Values for Pluto are unchanged in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY999_POLE_RA = ( 311.63 0. 0. ) BODY999_POLE_DEC = ( +4.18 0. 0. ) BODY999_PM = ( 252.66 -56.364 0. ) BODY999_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Orientation constants for the satellites -------------------------------------------------------- Moon All terms for the Moon are unchanged in the 1988 IAU report: \begindata BODY301_POLE_RA = ( 270.000 0. 0. ) BODY301_POLE_DEC = ( +66.534 0. 0. ) BODY301_PM = ( 38.314 +13.1763581 0. ) BODY301_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -3.878 -0.120 +0.070 -0.017 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( +1.543 +0.024 -0.028 +0.007 0. ) BODY301_NUT_PREC_PM = ( +3.558 +0.121 -0.064 +0.016 +0.025 ) \begintext Satellites of Mars Phobos: A goodly number of the nutation and precession terms for Phobos have changed. Old values: body401_pole_ra = ( 317.65 -0.108 0. ) body401_pole_dec = ( +52.87 -0.061 0. ) body401_pm = ( 32.84 +1128.844479 +0.66d-8 ) body401_long_axis = ( 0. ) body401_nut_prec_ra = ( +1.80 0. 0. ) body401_nut_prec_dec = ( -1.08 0. 0. ) body401_nut_prec_pm = ( -1.43 -2.32 0. ) Current values: The quadratic prime meridian term is scaled by 1/36525**2: 8.864000000000000 ---> 6.6443009930565219E-09 \begindata BODY401_POLE_RA = ( 317.68 -0.108 0. ) BODY401_POLE_DEC = ( +52.90 -0.061 0. ) BODY401_PM = ( 35.06 +1128.8445850 6.644300D-09 ) BODY401_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_RA = ( +1.79 0. 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -1.08 0. 0. ) BODY401_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -1.42 -0.78 0. ) \begintext Deimos: Old values: body402_pole_ra = ( 316.62 -0.108 0. ) body402_pole_dec = ( +53.50 -0.061 0. ) body402_pm = ( 79.95 +285.161903 -0.4d-9 ) body402_long_axis = ( 0. ) body402_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. +3.00 ) body402_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. -1.78 ) body402_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. -2.68 ) New values: There's a new wrinkle in the Deimos prime meridian expression, which is: 2 W = 79.41 + 285.1618970 d - 0.520 T - 2.58 sin M 3 + 0.19 cos M . 3 ^ (new wrinkle) At the present time, the constants kernel software (the routine BODEUL in particular) cannot handle the cosine term; we omit this term for the time being. The maximum error we can make is 0.19 degrees. The quadratic prime meridian term is scaled by 1/36525**2: -0.5200000000000000 ---> -3.8978300049519307E-10 \begindata BODY402_POLE_RA = ( 316.65 -0.108 0. ) BODY402_POLE_DEC = ( +53.52 -0.061 0. ) BODY402_PM = ( 79.41 +285.1618970 -3.897830D-10 ) BODY402_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. +2.98 ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. -1.78 ) BODY402_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -2.58 ) \begintext Satellites of Jupiter Io: Dec0 for Io changed from 64.50 in 1984 Almanac to 64.49 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it changes back to 64.50. Nutation precession coefficents have been `shifted': the coefficients that formerly applied to J(i) now apply to J(i+2), and the coeffiecients of J1 and J2 are now zero. \begindata BODY501_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY501_POLE_DEC = ( +64.50 +0.003 0. ) BODY501_PM = ( 200.39 +203.4889538 0. ) BODY501_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. +0.094 +0.024 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. +0.040 +0.011 ) BODY501_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.085 -0.022 ) \begintext Europa: W0 changed from 34.97 in 1984 Almanac to 34.03 in 1985 IAU report. The 1988 IAU report gives 35.72. Nutation precession coefficents have been `shifted': the coefficients that formerly applied to J(i) now apply to J(i+2), and the coeffiecients of J1 and J2 are now zero. \begindata BODY502_POLE_RA = ( 268.08 -0.009 0. ) BODY502_POLE_DEC = ( +64.51 +0.003 0. ) BODY502_PM = ( 35.72 +101.3747235 0. ) BODY502_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. +1.086 +0.060 +0.015 +0.009 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.468 +0.026 +0.007 +0.002 ) BODY502_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.980 -0.054 -0.014 -0.008 ) \begintext Ganymede: W0 changed from 42.79 in 1984 Almanac to 43.97 in 1985 IAU report. The 1988 IAU report gives 43.14. Nutation precession coefficents have been `shifted': the coefficients that formerly applied to J(i) now apply to J(i+2), and the coeffiecients of J1 and J2 are now zero. \begindata BODY503_POLE_RA = ( 268.20 -0.009 0. ) BODY503_POLE_DEC = ( +64.57 +0.003 0. ) BODY503_PM = ( 43.14 +50.3176081 0. ) BODY503_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.037 +0.431 +0.091 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.016 +0.186 +0.039 ) BODY503_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.033 -0.389 -0.082 ) \begintext Callisto: W0 changed from 259.90 in 1984 Almanac to 259.85 in 1985 IAU report. The 1988 IAU report gives 259.67. Nutation precession coefficents have been `shifted': the coefficients that formerly applied to J(i) now apply to J(i+2), and the coeffiecients of J1 and J2 are now zero. \begindata BODY504_POLE_RA = ( 268.72 -0.009 0. ) BODY504_POLE_DEC = ( +64.83 +0.003 0. ) BODY504_PM = ( 259.67 +21.5710715 0. ) BODY504_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.068 +0.590 0. +0.010 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.029 +0.254 0. -0.004 ) BODY504_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.061 -0.533 0. -0.009 ) \begintext Amalthea: Prime meridian values have been changed, while the RA and Dec remain the same. The old PM values were: body505_pm = ( 208.06 +722.6303746 0. ) Nutation precession angles for Amalthea appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY505_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY505_POLE_DEC = ( +64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY505_PM = ( 231.67 +722.6314560 0. ) BODY505_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -0.84 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.01 ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -0.36 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY505_NUT_PREC_PM = ( +0.76 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.01 ) \begintext Thebe: Values for Thebe appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY514_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY514_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY514_PM = ( 9.91 +533.7005330 0. ) BODY514_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -2.12 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.04 ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. -0.91 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.01 ) BODY514_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. +1.91 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 ) \begintext Adrastea: Values for Adrastea appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY515_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY515_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY515_PM = ( 5.75 +1206.9950400 0. ) BODY515_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Metis: Values for Metis appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY516_POLE_RA = ( 268.05 -0.009 0. ) BODY516_POLE_DEC = ( 64.49 +0.003 0. ) BODY516_PM = ( 302.24 +1221.2489660 0. ) BODY516_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Saturn Only Mimas, Tethys, Rhea, and Titan have nutation precession data. Mimas: W0 changed from 340.81 in 1984 Almanac to 340.00 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it is 337.46. \begindata BODY601_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY601_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY601_PM = ( 337.46 +381.9945550 0. ) BODY601_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_RA = ( +13.56 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( -1.53 0. 0. 0. 0. ) BODY601_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -13.48 0. 0. 0. -44.85 ) \begintext Enceladus: W0 changed from 1.18 in 1984 Almanac to 1.70 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it is 2.82. \begindata BODY602_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY602_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY602_PM = ( 2.82 +262.7318996 0. ) BODY602_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Tethys: W0 changed from 10.77 in 1984 Almanac to 10.84 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it is 10.45. \begindata BODY603_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY603_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY603_PM = ( 10.45 +190.6979085 0. ) BODY603_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. +9.66 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. -1.09 0. 0. 0. ) BODY603_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. -9.60 0. 0. +2.23 ) \begintext Dione: W0 changed from 356.68 in 1984 Almanac to 356.66 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it is 357.00. \begindata BODY604_POLE_RA = ( 40.66 -0.036 0. ) BODY604_POLE_DEC = ( +83.52 -0.004 0. ) BODY604_PM = ( 357.00 +131.5349316 0. ) BODY604_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Rhea: W0 changed from 232.47 in 1984 Almanac to 235.20 in 1985 IAU report. In the 1988 IAU report, it is 235.16. \begindata BODY605_POLE_RA = ( 40.38 -0.036 0. ) BODY605_POLE_DEC = ( +83.55 -0.004 0. ) BODY605_PM = ( 235.16 +79.6900478 0. ) BODY605_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. +3.10 ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. -0.35 ) BODY605_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -3.08 ) \begintext Titan: \begindata BODY606_POLE_RA = ( 36.41 -0.036 0. ) BODY606_POLE_DEC = ( +83.94 -0.004 0. ) BODY606_PM = ( 189.64 +22.5769768 0. ) BODY606_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. +2.66 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.30 ) BODY606_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -2.64 ) \begintext Hyperion: We don't have any source for an orientation model for Hyperion. It's a little too squirrelly. Iapetus: Notes from the old P_constants file: RA0 changed from 288.57 in 1984 Almanac to 318.16 in 1985 IAU report. Dec0 changed from 78.82 in 1984 Almanac to 75.03 in 1985 IAU report. Rates in RA, Dec were not defined until 1985 IAU report. W0 changed from 351.15 in 1984 Almanac to 350.23 in 1985 IAU report. Last digits in W1 changed from 71 to 72. In the 1988 IAU report, W0 is 350.20. \begindata BODY608_POLE_RA = ( 318.16 -3.949 0. ) BODY608_POLE_DEC = ( +75.03 -1.143 0. ) BODY608_PM = ( 350.20 +4.5379572 0. ) BODY608_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Telesto: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY613_POLE_RA = ( 50.50 -0.036 0. ) BODY613_POLE_DEC = ( 84.06 -0.004 0. ) BODY613_PM = ( 56.88 +190.6979330 0. ) BODY613_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Atlas: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY615_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY615_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 0. ) BODY615_PM = ( 137.88 +598.3060000 0. ) BODY615_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Prometheus: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY616_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY616_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 0. ) BODY616_PM = ( 296.14 +587.2890000 0. ) BODY616_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Pandora: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY617_POLE_RA = ( 40.58 -0.036 0. ) BODY617_POLE_DEC = ( 83.53 -0.004 0. ) BODY617_PM = ( 162.92 +572.7891000 0. ) BODY617_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Satellites of Uranus Note from previous P_constants file: Prior to the 1985 IAU report, All Uranus satellites had constant RA, Dec, linear W. (In fact, all satellites had the same RA, Dec: 257.43, -15.10.) Ariel: Nutation precession angles have been updated; other values have not been changed. Old nutation precession angles: body701_nut_prec_ra = ( +0.29 ) body701_nut_prec_dec = ( +0.28 ) body701_nut_prec_pm = ( +0.08 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.05 ) Current values: \begindata BODY701_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY701_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY701_PM = ( 156.22 -142.8356681 0. ) BODY701_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.29 ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.28 ) BODY701_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.05 +0.08 ) \begintext Umbriel: Nutation precession angles have been updated; other values have not been changed. Old nutation precession angles: body702_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. +0.21 ) body702_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. +0.20 ) body702_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. +0.06 0. 0. 0. -0.09 ) \begindata BODY702_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY702_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY702_PM = ( 108.05 -86.8688923 0. ) BODY702_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.21 ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.20 ) BODY702_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0. +0.06 ) \begintext Titania: Nutation precession angles have been updated; other values have not been changed. Old nutation precession angles: body703_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. +0.29 ) body703_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. +0.28 ) body703_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. +0.08 ) \begindata BODY703_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY703_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY703_PM = ( 77.74 -41.3514316 0. ) BODY703_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.29 ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.28 ) BODY703_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.08 ) \begintext Oberon: Nutation precession angles have been updated; other values have not been changed. Old nutation precession angles: body704_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.16 ) body704_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.16 ) body704_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.04 ) \begindata BODY704_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY704_POLE_DEC = ( -15.10 0. 0. ) BODY704_PM = ( 6.77 -26.7394932 0. ) BODY704_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.16 ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.16 ) BODY704_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.04 ) \begintext Miranda: Nutation precession angles have been updated; other values have not been changed. Old nutation precession angles: body705_nut_prec_ra = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +4.41 0. -0.04 ) body705_nut_prec_dec = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +4.25 0. -0.02 ) body705_nut_prec_pm = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +1.15 -1.27 -0.09 +0.15 ) \begindata BODY705_POLE_RA = ( 257.43 0. 0. ) BODY705_POLE_DEC = ( -15.08 0. 0. ) BODY705_PM = ( 30.70 -254.6906892 0. ) BODY705_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.41 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 4.25 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 ) BODY705_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 1.15 -1.27 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 0.15 ) \begintext Cordelia: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY706_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY706_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY706_PM = ( 127.69 -1074.5205730 0. ) BODY706_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -0.15 ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( +0.14 ) BODY706_NUT_PREC_PM = ( -0.04 ) \begintext Ophelia: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY707_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY707_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY707_PM = ( 130.35 -956.4068150 0. ) BODY707_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -0.09 ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. +0.09 ) BODY707_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. -0.03 ) \begintext Bianca: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY708_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY708_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY708_PM = ( 105.46 -828.3914760 0. ) BODY708_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. -0.16 ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. +0.16 ) BODY708_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. -0.04 ) \begintext Cressida: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY709_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY709_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY709_PM = ( 59.16 -776.5816320 0. ) BODY709_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.04 ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. +0.04 ) BODY709_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. -0.01 ) \begintext Desdemona: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY710_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY710_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY710_PM = ( 95.08 -760.0531690 0. ) BODY710_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.17 ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.16 ) BODY710_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.04 ) \begintext Juliet: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY711_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY711_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY711_PM = ( 302.56 -730.1253660 0. ) BODY711_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.06 ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.06 ) BODY711_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 ) \begintext Portia: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY712_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY712_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY712_PM = ( 25.03 -701.4865870 0. ) BODY712_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.09 ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.09 ) BODY712_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.02 ) \begintext Rosalind: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY713_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY713_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY713_PM = ( 314.90 -644.6311260 0. ) BODY713_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.29 ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.28 ) BODY713_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.08 ) \begintext Belinda: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY714_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY714_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY714_PM = ( 297.46 -577.3628170 0. ) BODY714_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.03 ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.03 ) BODY714_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.01 ) \begintext Puck: Values appear for the first time in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY715_POLE_RA = ( 257.31 0. 0. ) BODY715_POLE_DEC = ( -15.18 0. 0. ) BODY715_PM = ( 91.24 -472.5450690 0. ) BODY715_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.33 ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.31 ) BODY715_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -0.99 ) \begintext Satellites of Neptune Triton Old values: body801_pole_ra = ( 298.24 0. 0. ) body801_pole_dec = ( +39.59 0. 0. ) body801_pm = ( 299.91 -61.2572706 0. ) body801_long_axis = ( 0. ) body801_nut_prec_ra = ( -28.28 -4.61 -1.32 -0.40 -0.13 -0.04 -0.02 -0.01 ) body801_nut_prec_dec = ( +20.60 +1.62 +0.38 +0.09 +0.03 +0.01 ) body801_nut_prec_pm = ( +18.67 +5.01 +1.30 +0.41 +0.13 +0.04 +0.02 +0.01 ) Current values: Values from the 1988 IAU report: The report has a typo: In the W expression, instead of 1.73 sin N1, it should have 1.73 sin 3N1. \begindata BODY801_POLE_RA = ( 298.72 0. 0. ) BODY801_POLE_DEC = ( +40.59 0. 0. ) BODY801_PM = ( 297.14 -61.2572675 0. ) BODY801_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_RA = ( -30.72 0. -5.58 -1.75 -0.58 -0.21 -0.08 -0.03 -0.01 ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( +21.79 0. +1.91 +0.48 +0.13 +0.04 +0.01 ) BODY801_NUT_PREC_PM = ( +20.81 0. +6.01 +1.73 +0.59 +0.21 +0.08 +0.03 +0.01 ) \begintext Nereid: Values for Nereid not defined until 1985 IAU report. Old values: body802_pole_ra = ( 263.75 0. 0. ) body802_pole_dec = ( 62.37 0. 0. ) body802_pm = ( 343.05 +0.999693 0. ) body802_long_axis = ( 0. ) Values from the 1988 IAU report: \begindata BODY802_POLE_RA = ( 273.48 0. 0. ) BODY802_POLE_DEC = ( 67.22 0. 0. ) BODY802_PM = ( 237.22 +0.9996465 0. ) BODY802_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext The report seems to have a typo: in the nut_prec_ra expression, where the report gives -0.51 sin 3N3, we use -0.51 3N2. \begindata BODY802_NUT_PREC_RA = ( 0. -17.81 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +2.56 -0.51 +0.11 -0.03 ) BODY802_NUT_PREC_DEC = ( 0. -6.67 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. +0.47 -0.07 +0.01 ) BODY802_NUT_PREC_PM = ( 0. 16.48 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. 0. -2.57 +0.51 -0.11 +0.02 ) \begintext Satellites of Pluto Charon: Old values: body901_pole_ra = ( 314.32 0. 0. ) body901_pole_dec = ( +4.49 0. 0. ) body901_pm = ( 57.47 -56.3624607 0. ) body901_long_axis = ( 0. ) Current values: \begindata BODY901_POLE_RA = ( 312.98 0. 0. ) BODY901_POLE_DEC = ( +8.49 0. 0. ) BODY901_PM = ( 56.11 -56.3624607 0. ) BODY901_LONG_AXIS = ( 0. ) \begintext Radii of bodies -------------------------------------------------------- Sun Value for the Sun is from the 1990 Almanac (page K7). \begindata BODY10_RADII = ( 696000. 696000. 696000. ) \begintext Mercury Old values body1_radii = ( 2439. 2439. 2439. ) Current values \begindata BODY199_RADII = ( 2439.7 2439.7 2439.7 ) \begintext Venus Old values: body2_radii = ( 6051. 6051. 6051. ) Current values: \begindata BODY299_RADII = ( 6051.9 6051.9 6051.9 ) \begintext Earth Values for the Earth are unchanged in the 1988 IAU report. \begindata BODY399_RADII = ( 6378.140 6378.140 6356.75 ) \begintext Mars Old values: body4_radii = ( 3393.4 3393.4 3375.8 ) Current values: \begindata BODY499_RADII = ( 3397. 3397. 3375. ) \begintext Jupiter Old values: body599_radii = ( 71398. 71398. 66770.78 ) Current values: \begindata BODY599_RADII = ( 71492. 71492. 66854. ) \begintext Saturn Old values: body699_radii = ( 60000. 60000. 53542.74 ) Current values: \begindata BODY699_RADII = ( 60268. 60268. 54364. ) \begintext Uranus Old values: body799_radii = ( 25400. 25400. 24638 ) Current values: \begindata BODY799_RADII = ( 25559. 25559. 24973. ) \begintext Neptune Old values: The values from the last P_constants file were (pressure level = ?): body899_radii = ( 25295. 25295. 24738 ) Current values: The values from the 1888 IAU report are (1 bar pressure level): \begindata BODY899_RADII = ( 25269. 25269. 24800 ) \begintext Pluto Old values: body999_radii = ( 1500 1500 1500 ) Current values: \begindata BODY999_RADII = ( 1162. 1162. 1162. ) \begintext Moon Old values: body301_radii = ( 1738. 1738. 1738. ) Current values: \begindata BODY301_RADII = ( 1737.4 1737.4 1737.4 ) \begintext Satellites of Mars Old values: body401_radii = ( 13.5 10.7 9.6 ) body402_radii = ( 7.5 6.0 5.5 ) Current values: \begindata BODY401_RADII = ( 13.4 11.2 9.2 ) BODY402_RADII = ( 7.5 6.1 5.2 ) \begintext Satellites of Jupiter Old values: body501_radii = ( 1815. 1815. 1815. ) body502_radii = ( 1569. 1569. 1569. ) body503_radii = ( 2631. 2631. 2631. ) body504_radii = ( 2400. 2400. 2400. ) body505_radii = ( 140. 105. 80. ) Extra Jupiter satellites from 1984 Almanac. No values in 1985 IAU report for these. body506_radii = ( 93 93 93 ) body507_radii = ( 38 38 38 ) body508_radii = ( 25 25 25 ) body509_radii = ( 18 18 18 ) body510_radii = ( 18 18 18 ) body511_radii = ( 20 20 20 ) body512_radii = ( 15 15 15 ) body513_radii = ( 8 8 8 ) body514_radii = ( 55 55 45 ) body515_radii = ( 12.5 10 7.5 ) body516_radii = ( 20 20 20 ) Current values: \begindata BODY501_RADII = ( 1830. 1818.7 1815.3 ) BODY502_RADII = ( 1565. 1565. 1565. ) BODY503_RADII = ( 2634. 2634. 2634. ) BODY504_RADII = ( 2403. 2403. 2403. ) BODY505_RADII = ( 131. 73. 67. ) \begintext Only mean radii are available in the 1988 IAU report for bodies 506-516. \begindata BODY506_RADII = ( 85 85 85 ) BODY507_RADII = ( 40 40 40 ) BODY508_RADII = ( 18 18 18 ) BODY509_RADII = ( 14 14 14 ) BODY510_RADII = ( 12 12 12 ) BODY511_RADII = ( 15 15 15 ) BODY512_RADII = ( 10 10 10 ) BODY513_RADII = ( 5 5 5 ) \begintext The value for the second radius for body 514 is missing from the 1988 IAU report. We'll use the old value: 55km. \begindata BODY514_RADII = ( 55 55 45 ) BODY515_RADII = ( 13 10 8 ) \begintext The value for second radius for body 516 is missing from the 1988 IAU report. We'll use the old value: 20km. \begindata BODY516_RADII = ( 20 20 20 ) \begintext Satellites of Saturn Old values: body601_radii = ( 198. 198. 194.24 ) body602_radii = ( 253. 253. 247.94 ) body603_radii = ( 525. 525. 525. ) body604_radii = ( 560. 560. 560. ) body605_radii = ( 765. 765. 765. ) body606_radii = ( 2575. 2575. 2575. ) body607_radii = ( 200. 125. 110. ) body608_radii = ( 718. 718. 718. ) body609_radii = ( 110. 110. 110. ) body610_radii = ( 110. 95. 80. ) body611_radii = ( 70. 57. 50. ) body612_radii = ( 18 16 15 ) body613_radii = ( 17 14 13 ) body614_radii = ( 17 11 11 ) body615_radii = ( 20 20 10 ) body616_radii = ( 70 50 40 ) body617_radii = ( 55 45 35 ) Current values: \begindata BODY601_RADII = ( 210.3 197.4 192.6 ) BODY602_RADII = ( 256.2 247.3 244.0 ) BODY603_RADII = ( 523. 523. 523. ) BODY604_RADII = ( 560. 560. 560. ) BODY605_RADII = ( 764. 764. 764. ) BODY606_RADII = ( 2575. 2575. 2575. ) BODY607_RADII = ( 180. 140. 112.5 ) BODY608_RADII = ( 718. 718. 718. ) BODY609_RADII = ( 115. 110. 105. ) BODY610_RADII = ( 97. 95. 77. ) BODY611_RADII = ( 69. 55. 55. ) \begintext Only the first equatorial radius for Helene is given in the 1984 IAU report. The other two are taken from the 1990 Almanac (page F3). \begindata BODY612_RADII = ( 17.5 16. 15. ) BODY613_RADII = ( 15 12.5 7.5 ) BODY614_RADII = ( 15 8 8 ) BODY615_RADII = ( 18.5 17.2 13.5 ) BODY616_RADII = ( 74 50 34 ) BODY617_RADII = ( 55 44 31 ) \begintext Satellites of Uranus Old values: body701_radii = ( 665. 665. 665. ) body702_radii = ( 555. 555. 555. ) body703_radii = ( 800. 800. 800. ) body704_radii = ( 815. 815. 815. ) body705_radii = ( 250. 250. 250. ) Current values: \begindata BODY701_RADII = ( 581.1 577.9 577.7 ) BODY702_RADII = ( 584.7 584.7 584.7 ) BODY703_RADII = ( 788.9 788.9 788.9 ) BODY704_RADII = ( 761.4 761.4 761.4 ) BODY705_RADII = ( 240.4 234.2 232.9 ) \begintext The 1988 IAU report gives only mean radii for satellites 706--715. We will say that all radii are equal to the mean value for now. \begindata BODY706_RADII = ( 13. 13. 13. ) BODY707_RADII = ( 15. 15. 15. ) BODY708_RADII = ( 21. 21. 21. ) BODY709_RADII = ( 31. 31. 31. ) BODY710_RADII = ( 27. 27. 27. ) BODY711_RADII = ( 42. 42. 42. ) BODY712_RADII = ( 54. 54. 54. ) BODY713_RADII = ( 27. 27. 27. ) BODY714_RADII = ( 33. 33. 33. ) BODY715_RADII = ( 77. 77. 77. ) \begintext Satellites of Neptune Old values: Old values for Triton, Nereid: body801_radii = ( 1600. 1600. 1600. ) body802_radii = ( 150. 150. 150. ) Current values: Values from 1988 IAU Report: \begindata BODY801_RADII = ( 1750. 1750. 1750. ) BODY802_RADII = ( 345. 345. 345. ) \begintext Satellites of Pluto Old values: body901_radii = ( 600. 600. 600. ) Current values: \begindata BODY901_RADII = ( 606. 606. 606. ) \begintext