datasets dda The datasets table for database: pdsppi member dda The member table for database: pdsppi curator dda The curator table for database: pdsppi privs dda The privs table for database: pdsppi product dda The product table for database: pdsppi abbrev dda Abbreviation lookup table. VG1-J-CRS-5-SUMM-FLUX-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 Cosmic Ray Subsystem (CRS) proton, ion, and electron flux data near Jupiter, 2/28/79 to 3/16/79. VG1-J-POS-6-SUMM-HGCOORDS-V1.0 dda This data set contains Voyager 1 Jupiter encounter ephemeris data in Heliographic coordinates covering the period 1979-02-26 to 1979-03-24. VG1-J-POS-6-SUMM-S3COORDS-V1.1 dda This data set contains Voyager 1 Jupiter encounter ephemeris in System III (1965) left handed coordinates covering the period 1979-03-03 to 1979-03-16. VG1-J-LECP-4-SUMM-AVERAGE-15MIN-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 LECP 15 minute averaged average particle average flux data near Jupiter, 1979-02-28 to 1979-03-23. VG1-J-LECP-4-SUMM-SECTOR-15MIN-V1.1 dda This data set contains Voyager 1 LECP 15 minute averaged sectored particle flux data near Jupiter, 1979-02-28 to 1979-03-22. VG1-J-MAG-4-RDR-HGCOORDS-1.92SEC-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 MAG 1.92 second averaged magnetic field data in Heliographic (RTN) coordinates. These data were recorded near Jupiter, 2/26/79 - 3/24/79. VG1-J-MAG-4-SUMM-HGCOORDS-48.0SEC-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 MAG 48 second averaged magnetic field data in Heliographic (RTN) coordinates. These data were recorded near Jupiter, 2/26/79 - 3/24/79. VG1-J-MAG-4-RDR-HGCOORDS-9.60SEC-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 MAG 9.6 second averaged magnetic field data in Heliographic (RTN) coordinates. These data were recorded near Jupiter, 2/26/79 - 3/24/79. VG1-J-MAG-4-RDR-S3COORDS-1.92SEC-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 1.92 second averaged magnetic field data in right handed, spherical coordinates (sometimes referred to as System III right handed). These data were recorded near Jupiter, 3/3/79 to 3/16/79. VG1-J-MAG-4-SUMM-S3COORDS-48.0SEC-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 48.0 second averaged magnetic field data in right handed, spherical coordinates (sometimes referred to as System III right handed). 96.0 second averaged System III spherical coordinates ephemeris data have been merged in with the magnetometer data. These data were recorded near Jupiter, 3/3/79 to 3/16/79. VG1-J-MAG-4-RDR-S3COORDS-9.60SEC-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 9.60 second averaged magnetic field data in right handed, spherical coordinates (sometimes referred to as System III right handed). These data were recorded near Jupiter, 3/3/79 to 3/16/79. VG1-J-PLS-5-SUMM-ELE-MOM-96.0SEC-V1.1 dda This data set contains Voyager 1 PLS 96 second averaged electron moment data near Jupiter, 1979-03-03 to 1979-03-07. VG1-J-PLS-5-SUMM-ION-MOM-96.0SEC-V1.1 dda This data set contains Voyager 1 PLS 96 second averaged ion moment data near Jupiter, 1979-03-03 to 1979-03-07. VG1-J-PLS-5-SUMM-ION-L-MODE-96S-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PLS 96 second L-mode ion data in the jovian magnetosheath: inbound (1979-02-28 to 1979-03-03) and outbound (1979-03-13 to 1979-03-24). VG1-J-PLS-5-SUMM-ION-M-MODE-96S-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PLS 96 second averaged M-mode ion outbound jovian magnetosheath data, 1979-03-13 to 1979-03-24. VG1-J-PLS-5-SUMM-ION-INBNDSWIND-96S-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PLS inbound solar wind ion data near Jupiter, 1979-02-15 to 1979-03-02. VG1-J-PRA-4-SUMM-BROWSE-48SEC-V1.0 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PRA 48 second averaged data near Jupiter, 1979-01-06 to 1979-04-13. VG1-J-PWS-4-SUMM-SA-48.0SEC-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PWS spectrum analyzer 48 second averaged wave electric field intensity data near Jupiter, 1979-02-28 to 1979-03-22. VG1-J-PWS-2-RDR-SA-4.0SEC-V1.1 dda This dataset contains Voyager 1 PWS spectrum analyzer edited 4-second wave electric field intensities near Jupiter, 1979-02-28 to 1979-03-22. VG1-J-SPICE-6-SPK-V2.0 dda This dataset contains the SPICE SPK kernel for the Voyager 1 Jupiter encounter plus copies of the PCK and LSK kernels.