CCSD3ZF0000100000001NJPL3IF0PDSX00000001 PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM ^GIF_DOCUMENT = ("FIG1.GIF", "FIG2.GIF", "FIG3.GIF", "FIG4.GIF", "FIG5.GIF", "FIG6.GIF", "FIG7.GIF", "FIG8.GIF", "FIG9.GIF", "FIG10.GIF", "FIG11.GIF", "FIG12.GIF", "TAB1.GIF", "TAB2.GIF", "TAB3.GIF", "TAB4.GIF") OBJECT = GIF_DOCUMENT DOCUMENT_NAME = "Cosmic Ray Investigation for the Voyager Missions; Energetic" DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION" INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = BINARY DOCUMENT_FORMAT = GIF PUBLICATION_DATE = 1977-12-01 FILES = 16 ENCODING_TYPE = "GIF89A" DESCRIPTION = " This document is a GIF89A representation of figures and tables in the paper: Stone, et al., Cosmic Ray Investigation for the Voyager Missions; Energetic Particle Studies in the Outer Heliosphere - and Beyond, from Space Sci. Rev., Vol. 21, No. 3, 1977, 355-376. Scanned objects from the document use the naming convention FIGxx.GIF for the figures, and TABxx.GIF for tables where xx is the figure or table number." END_OBJECT = GIF_DOCUMENT END