PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-12-29 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Voyager 1 Radio Science Archive Saturn Open-Loop Raw Data from DSS 63 (VG1-S-RSS-1-ROCC-V1.0) AAREADME.TXT R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This compact disc contains archival raw data, partially processed data, and ancillary/supporting files acquired during the Voyager 1 (VG1) egress radio occultation and ring scattering experiment at Saturn. It has been prepared following standards of the NASA Planetary Data System (PDS). Observations were carried out using the VG1 spacecraft and the DSS 63 Earth-based receiving station of the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN) near Madrid (Spain). The observations were designed so that physical structure of Saturn's atmosphere (including temperature and pressure as a function of radial position) and the nature of Saturn's ring system and its particles could be determined. The data also allowed estimation of Saturn's radius and inference of magnetic field orientation in the upper ionosphere. The spacecraft S- and X-band carrier signals (approximately 13 and 3.5 cm wavelength) served as coherent signal sources with right-hand circular polarization, probing the atmosphere at various depths and the ring system at increasing radial positions. During the ring scattering experiment, the radio signals were first transmitted through the rings (diffuse transmission) and later reflected from the rings (diffuse reflection). Output from four DSN receivers (right- and left-circular polarization at both S- and X-band) was sampled and recorded for later analysis. Two sets of recording equipment were used, running in parallel with staggered start/stop times. The original data tapes were converted to computer-compatible tapes (CCTs) later at the NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory. The data from these CCTs (with names of the form VJnnnn) represent the primary archival product here. Each disc in the volume set contains data from part of the Saturn observation period. Saturn data collected using Recorder A appear first in the volume set, followed by data collected using Recorder B. Test and calibration data collected after the Saturn events are last. Within each of these three groupings, CCTs are in chronological order by start time of the original tape. A table of contents is included with each volume, listing each data file in the volume; a separate table of contents shows all files within the data set. The table below lists the individual volumes (CDs) and (very briefly) their respective contents. Original Tape Numbers (VJnnnn) --------------------------------------- VOLUME_ID Times (1980/318) S-RCP S-LCP X-RCP X-LCP --------- --------------------- --------- --------- --------- --------- Recorder A (Saturn data): VG_2311 03:35:00 - 03:49:59* 6185-6187 6197-6199 6209-6215 6245-6251 VG_2312 03:46:40#- 03:59:59 6188-6189 6200-6201 6216-6223 6252-6259 VG_2313 04:00:00 - 04:14:59* 6190-6192 6202-6204 6224-6230 6260-6266 VG_2314 04:11:40#- 04:24:59 6193-6194 6205-6206 6231-6238 6267-6274 VG_2315 04:25:00 - 04:34:59 6195-6196 6207-6208 6239-6244 6275-6280 VG_2316 04:45:00 - 04:59:59* 6001-6003 6012-6014 6023-6029 6056-6062 VG_2317 04:56:40#- 05:09:59 6004-6005 6015-6016 6030-6037 6063-6070 VG_2318 05:10:00 - 05:24:59* 6006-6008 6017-6019 6038-6044 6071-6077 VG_2319 05:21:40#- 05:34:59 6009-6010 6020-6021 6045-6052 6078-6085 VG_2320 05:35:00 - 05:39:59 6011 6022 6053-6055 6086-6088 05:55:00 - 06:04:59* 6381-6382 6392-6393 6403-6406 6436-6439 VG_2321 06:01:40#- 06:14:59 6383-6384 6394-6395 6407-6414 6440-6447 VG_2322 06:15:00 - 06:29:59* 6385-6387 6396-6398 6415-6421 6448-6454 VG_2323 06:26:40#- 06:39:59 6388-6389 6399-6400 6422-6429 6455-6462 VG_2324 06:40:00 - 06:49:59 6390-6391 6401-6402 6430-6435 6463-6468 VG_2325 07:05:00 - 07:19:59* 6469-6471 6474-6476 6479-6485 6494-6500 VG_2326 07:16:40#- 07:29:59 6472-6473 6477-6478 6486-6493 6501-6508 Recorder B (Saturn data): VG_2327 04:05:00 - 04:19:59* 6089-6091 6101-6103 6113-6119 6149-6155 VG_2328 04:16:40#- 04:29:59 6092-6093 6104-6105 6120-6127 6156-6163 VG_2329 04:30:00 - 04:44:59* 6094-6096 6106-6108 6128-6134 6164-6170 VG_2330 04:41:40#- 04:54:59 6097-6098 6109-6110 6135-6142 6171-6178 VG_2331 04:55:00 - 05:05:00 6099-6100 6111-6112 6143-6148 6179-6184 VG_2332 05:35:00 - 05:49:59* 6509-6511 6514-6516 6519-6525 6534-6540 VG_2333 05:46:40#- 05:59:59 6512-6513 6517-6518 6526-6533 6541-6548 VG_2334 06:45:00 - 06:59:59* 6549-6551 6554-6556 6559-6565 6574-6580 VG_2335 06:56:40#- 07:09:59 6552-6553 6557-6558 6566-6573 6581-6588 Recorder A (Test and Calibration data): VG_2336 16:25:00 - 16:39:59* 6612-6614 6617-6619 6622-6628 6637-6643 VG_2337 16:36:40#- 16:49:59 6615-6616 6620-6621 6629-6636 6644-6651 Document Volume: VG_2338 N/A * latest S-band data; X-band data end 200 s earlier. # earliest X-band data; S-band data start 200 s later. Times in the table above and in the individual file labels are rounded to the last whole integer second. The final volume (VG_2338) contains the full document set describing the experiment. Because of many figures, it was impractical to include the full document collection on each data volume. The DOCUMENT directory on individual data volumes is limited to the Software Interface Specifications (SISs) which describe the binary data formats found on the volume. ============================================================================== VOLUME SET INFORMATION ============================================================================== This disc is one of 28 which contain raw data from the Voyager 1 Saturn egress radio occultation and ring scattering experiment. Each archive volume has the structure illustrated in the diagram below -- except that the full DOCUMENT directory, because of its size, appears only on the final volume, and there are no ODR or BROWSE files on the final volume. The primary data files for these volumes are the Original Data Records (ODRs), stored in the ODR directory. Each ODR appears on only one volume in the data set. Snapshots of each ODR are included in the BROWSE directory. The INDEX directory on each volume contains a table of contents of ODR and BROWSE files for that volume (INDEX.TAB) and a cumulative table of contents of ODR and BROWSE files for the 28-volume data set (CUMINDEX.TAB). The primary data files are accompanied by a number of ancillary files. These include receiver frequency files in the CALIB directory, ephemerides and High-Gain Antenna (HGA) pointing files in the GEOMETRY directory, and documents and other descriptive material in the CATALOG and DOCUMENT directories. With the exception of the DOCUMENT directory, which appears in full on only the final volume, these ancillary directories and files are repeated on each volume. Ancillary files are not listed in either INDEX.TAB or CUMINDEX.TAB. The root of each disc includes a general description of the data set (this file, named AAREADME.TXT), a cumulative listing of errors and comments (ERRATA.TXT), and a brief description of the volume (VOLDESC.CAT). Minor errors are documented in succeeding versions of the ERRATA.TXT file. Should it be necessary to update documentation or other ancillary files, a new version of the final volume may be issued. A user concerned about having the most recent version of ERRATA.TXT or files in the CALIB, CATALOG, DOCUMENT, GEOMETRY, or SOFTWARE directories should obtain them from the most recent version of the last volume (VG_2338) in the data set. The diagram below shows the organization of each volume, starting from the root of the compact disc (detached PDS labels are not shown). root | |- AAREADME.TXT |- ERRATA.TXT |- VOLDESC.CAT | |- CALIB | | | |- CALINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- VG1SPOC1.DAT Binary S-band frequency file | |- VG1SPOC2.TAB ASCII S-band frequency data | |- VG1SPOC3.DAT Binary S-band frequency file | |- VG1SPOC4.TAB ASCII S-band frequency data | |- VG1SPOC5.DAT Binary POCA file | `- VG1SPOC6.TAB ASCII POCA data | |- CATALOG | | | |- CATINFO.TXT Streamlined PDS catalog files | |- MISSION.CAT for mission, host, instrument, | |- INSTHOST.CAT data set, personnel, references, | |- INST.CAT and target | |- DATASET.CAT | |- PERSON.CAT | |- REF.CAT | `- TARGET.CAT | |- DOCUMENT (the full directory is included only on final volume; | | an asterisk * identifies files appearing on | | all volumes) | | | |- DOCINFO.TXT Overview of directory (*) | |- CRS80SIS.TXT SIS for original CRS files | |- CRSTAPES.TXT Modern description of CRS data | |- MBODRPRC.TXT Processing schedule for MBODR data | |- OP1S_TXT.ASC Text of VG1 RS Operations Plan | |- OP1SF201.PS Fig 2-1 in VG1 RS Operations Plan | |- ... other Ops Plan figures | |- RSC_11_5.TXT SIS for original POCA file (*) | |- RSC_11_6.TXT SIS for raw radio (RSC-11-6) data (*) | |- TAPELIST.TXT Description of tape numbering | |- TCI10TXT.ASC Text of DSN 64-m subnet description | |- TCI10_F1.PS Fig 1 of DSN 64-m subnet description | |- TCI10_F2.PS Fig 2 of DSN 64-m subnet description | |- TIMELINE.TXT Significant events of Saturn encounter | |- TK_FTP.TXT NAIF access information (*) | |- TK_DESCR.TXT NAIF Toolkit description (*) | |- TK_INSTL.TXT NAIF Toolkit installation (*) | `- USOFREQS.TXT Summarizes USO frequency knowledge | |- GEOMETRY | | | |- GEOMINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- CRS010AA.CRS CRS file for VG1 at Saturn | |- VG1_SAT.SPK NAIF SPK file for Titan/Saturn | |- VH006A.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH006AT.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH006B.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH006BT.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH006C.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH006CT.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH006D.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH006DT.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH006E.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH006ET.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH011.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | |- VH011T.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- VH014.DAT HGA pointing data (binary) | `- VH014T.TAB HGA pointing data (ASCII) | |- INDEX | | | |- INDXINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- INDEX.TAB List of data file contents, this volume | `- CUMINDEX.TAB List of data file contents, all volumes | |- SOFTWARE | | | |- SOFTINFO.TXT Overview of directory | |- CRS2ASC.FOR Converts binary to ASCII CRS file | |- CRS2LBL.FOR Extracts label info from ASCII CRS | |- DOY_MMDD.FOR Day/month conversion subroutine | |- DTCVT.FOR Subroutine normalizes date/time | |- GET_BITS.FOR Extracts bits from array of 32-bit ints | |- GET_HDR.FOR Unpacks RSC-11-6 header to array | |- MAKEFILE.CMD Unix Makefile for directory | |- PREP11_6.FOR Converts RSC-11-6 data to standard format | |- PRT_HDR0.FOR Prints single RSC-11-6 header | |- PRT_HDR1.FOR Prints single RSC-11-6 header | |- RDHDR.FOR Gets RSC-11-6 record, lists header | |- SLIP.FOR Gets number of slipped samples | |- UNI2ASC.FOR Univac character to ASCII converter | |- UNI2DP.FOR Univac to double precision converter | |- UNI2INT.FOR Univac to integer converter | |- UNPK.FOR Unpacks RSC-11-6 data file | `- XFR_11_6.FOR Unpacks 8-bit data to 16-bit fields | |- ODR (does not appear on final volume) | | | |- VJnnnnCC.ODR Data file | |- ... more data files | `- BROWSE (does not appear on final volume) | | |- VJnnnnCC.PS Snapshot of VJnnnnCC.ODR data |_ ... more snapshots (PostScript format) Related Data: Raw data from the VG1 Titan occultation were recorded using the same systems one day before the Saturn encounter; they have been archived as a separate data set on volumes VG_2301 through VG_2308. The Voyager 2 Saturn encounter (both ingress and egress) has been archived as a third data set on volumes VG_2341 through VG_2369. VG1 Saturn ingress was recorded using a different data acquisition system; those data had not been archived when this Saturn data set was completed. Users interested in these other data sets should contact PDS. ============================================================================== ERRATA ============================================================================== A cumulative list of errors and changes is maintained in the file ERRATA.TXT at the root level of each volume. ERRATA.TXT on higher numbered volumes (or higher version numbers) will have errors for earlier volumes. ============================================================================== DISC FORMAT ============================================================================== The disc is organized according to the PDS standard for "one data set, many volumes." This file (AAREADME.TXT), a PDS volume object definition (VOLDESC.CAT), and the listing of errors and changes (ERRATA.TXT) are included at the root level. The following directories of descriptive material are also at the root level: CALIB contains files of receiver tuning data CATALOG contains descriptive files for cataloging the data DOCUMENT contains software interface specifications (SISs) for primary and ancillary data, a copy of the Radio Science Operations Plan, descriptions of DSN equipment, instructions on how to obtain and use the NAIF Toolkit, and documentation on file naming and organization. Because of its size, the full DOCUMENT directory appears only on the final volume (VG_2338). On the other volumes only the SISs needed to understand binary files (RSC_11_5.TXT, RSC_11_6.TXT, TK_FTP.TXT, TK_DESCR.TXT, and TK_INSTLL.TXT) appear. GEOMETRY contains ephemerides and high-gain antenna pointing data INDEX contains index information (a table of contents) for each of the ODR and BROWSE files included in this disc (INDEX.TAB); it also contains a cumulative index to all ODR and BROWSE files in this data set. The remaining directories at the root level contain primary data files and detached PDS labels. ODR contains the raw open-loop data files BROWSE contains snapshots of each data file (each snapshot is a four-panel plot including a histogram, power vs time plot of data samples, time-ordered power spectra derived from samples, and the PDS label) ============================================================================== FILE FORMAT ============================================================================== Catalog Files ------------- Files having names ending with the extension 'CAT' are catalog files. All but one are found in the CATALOG directory; VOLDESC.CAT is in the root of the CD. Each is an ASCII file comprising a few keyword-label pairs and one or more object definitions. Each 'CAT' file in the CATALOG directory is an ASCII file with fixed-length records of 72 characters; each record ends with an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair in positions 71 and 72. VOLDESC.CAT is an exception; it has 80 character records with the carriage-return line-feed pair in positions 79 and 80. Text Files ---------- Files having names ending with the extension 'TXT' are text files and have attached PDS labels; they are found in most directories and in the root of the CD. The attached label includes a few keyword-value pairs and a brief TEXT object definition. The attached label and TEXT object have fixed-length records of 80 characters each. Each record contains only ASCII printable characters except for an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair in positions 79 and 80. Detached Labels --------------- All other files (except in the SOFTWARE directory) have detached PDS labels. A detached PDS label is a file in its own right; its name is the same as its associated data file except that it ends with the extension 'LBL'. Detached labels are ASCII files with 80 character records; each record ends with an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. Documents --------- Documents are found only in the DOCUMENT directory; each is defined by a combined detached label. In addition to having an associated primary file (the document body) the combined detached label also defines links to files containing figures in PostScript format. The body of the document is an ASCII file with variable length records. Each record is delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. The text file name ends with the extension 'ASC'. Each figure is contained in a separate PostScript file having a name ending with the extension 'PS'. The first few characters of the file name match the first few characters in the name of the body/label files. The PostScript files have records of variable lengths; each record is delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. Binary Files ------------ Files having names ending with the extension 'ODR' contain the primary data from these observations. File VJnnnnCC.ODR contains a copy of the data from tape VJnnnn. 'CC' identifies the 'fragment' of the original in cases where one or more records could not be read from the tape (see TAPELIST.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory for more information). Format of the ODR files is described in RSC_11_6.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory. Files with names ending in the extension 'DAT' (e.g., VH006A.DAT in the GEOMETRY directory) also contain binary data. Format of these files is described in the associated detached label (e.g., VH006A.LBL). Browse Files ------------ Browse files are PostScript files of single-page four-panel plots; they are found only in the BROWSE directory. File names are of the form VJnnnnCC.PS (to match the corresponding ODR file). The PostScript files have records of variable lengths; each record is delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. Users of Adobe Illustrator may experience difficulty reading BROWSE files (see ERRATA.TXT for more information). SPK files --------- SPK files are stored in NAIF transfer format. They have file names ending with the extension 'SPK' and appear only in the GEOMETRY directory. SPK files are ASCII files of variable length records, each delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. It may be necessary to convert the delimiter to the local default delimiter before using the archival file with NAIF software. Tables ------ Tables are stored in ASCII files with fixed length physical records. They have file names ending with the extension 'TAB' and appear in the CALIB, GEOMETRY, and INDEX directories. File CRS010AA.CRS in the GEOMETRY directory is also a table. Table files can actually contain more than one table; and the logical record lengths of the tables can be different, so long as they are commensurate with the physical record length. The logical records in a single table are all the same, and each ends with an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. Details of the table file structure are specified in the associated PDS label. Software -------- Software is stored in ASCII files in the SOFTWARE directory (only). File names end with extensions 'FOR' (FORTRAN 77 code) or 'CMD' (Unix makefile). Files have records with variable lengths, each record being delimited by an ASCII carriage-return line-feed pair. Software files do not have PDS labels; but the SOFTINFO.TXT file provides a terse description of the main programs, and each routine has in-line comments. ============================================================================== USER SUGGESTIONS ============================================================================== Users may have different objectives when approaching this data set. But an example may help show how the various files can be used to achieve a modest goal. If the user is interested in reprocessing the Saturn egress occultation, the following steps would be appropriate. All references to the DOCUMENT directory are to the version on VG_2338. 1. Consult TIMELINE.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory to determine the approximate time of the egress occultation (04:36-04:40). 2. Use TAPELIST.TXT (also in the DOCUMENT directory) to identify the relevant tapes (VJ6095 for S-band RCP and VJ6131-VJ6133 for X-band RCP; minimum set). 3. Write a program using the NAIF Toolkit, the VG1_SAT.SPK ephemeris file, and the VH014T.TAB antenna pointing file to reconstruct the observing geometry. Include light-time corrections. The data files are in the GEOMETRY directory. 4. Add Doppler calculations to the program so that the frequency of the carrier can be predicted at both S- and X-band. The USO S- and X-band carrier frequencies are given in USOFREQS.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory. The receiving system is outlined in CATALOG/INST.CAT and is described in more detail in DOCUMENT/OP1S_TXT.LBL. Ground receiver tuning was controlled by the POCA (see VG1SPOC6.TAB in the CALIB directory). General relativistic corrections for the gravitational fields of the Sun, Earth, and Saturn may improve the result. 5. Write a program to calculate the frequency/phase of the observed carrier in the receiver baseband output (the VJnnnn data found in step 2). The ODR format is documented in RSC_11_6.TXT in the DOCUMENT directory. The unpacking program UNPK.F in the SOFTWARE directory may be useful; PREP11_6.F could serve as a model for early stage processing. Attention should be paid to data drop-outs and lost records (or fragmented files), if any (see CATALOG/DATASET.CAT and DOCUMENT/TAPELIST.TXT). 6. The effects of the atmosphere will be represented by the phase of the observed signal compared with the phase of the predicted signal calculated (step 4) in the absence of an atmosphere. For software development, users may find VJ6001AA.ODR to be an interesting test file. This 5-minute segment of S-band RCP data covers the beginning of the ring occultation. It has signal near the center of the 50 kHz passband but with decreasing strength over the 5 minute interval. The companion files VJ6023AA.ODR through VG6025AA.ODR contain the X-band RCP signal from the same 5 minutes. All four files are on volume VG_2315. For files with (nearly) constant signal amplitude throughout, the user should consider VJ6004AA.ODR (S-band) and VJ6032AA.ODR (X-band); both are on VG_2317. ============================================================================== CITATIONS ============================================================================== Authors who wish to cite these volumes in publications should use the following information: Authors: G.L. Tyler, V.R. Eshleman, J.D. Anderson, G.S. Levy, G.F. Lindal, G.E. Wood, and T.A. Croft Editor: R.A. Simpson Volume Set Name: Voyager 1: Raw Radio Science Data from Saturn - Egress Data set ID: VG1-S-RSS-1-ROCC-V1.0 Volumes: USA_NASA_PDS_VG_2311 to USA_NASA_PDS_VG_2338 Publisher: NASA Planetary Data System Year: 2000 ============================================================================== ACKNOWLEDGMENTS ============================================================================== These data were collected under auspices of the Voyager Project. Von R. Eshleman and G. Leonard Tyler of Stanford University were the Radio Science Team Leaders. David P. Hinson was involved in creating the archive. At PDS the assistance of Ron Joyner and Lyle Huber was appreciated. Contributing during the PDS review were Mike Bird, Neil Heather, Lyle Huber, Ron Joyner, Paul Schinder, and Mark Showalter. ============================================================================== DISCLAIMER ============================================================================== Although considerable care has gone into making this volume set, errors are both possible and likely. Users of the data are advised to exercise the same caution as they would when dealing with any other unknown data set. Reports of errors or difficulties would be appreciated. Please contact one of the persons listed below. ============================================================================== COGNIZANT PERSONNEL ============================================================================== The person most directly responsible for construction and release of this volume set is Dick Simpson, Experiment Engineer for the Mars Global Surveyor Radio Science Team, Radio Science Advisor to the Planetary Data System, and Associate Member of the Voyager Radio Science Team. Although many people contributed to the volume set, any faults in the product are his alone. G.L. Tyler was Team Leader of the Voyager Radio Science Team during the Titan/Saturn encounter. Gunnar Lindal (also known as Gunnar Fjeldbo) was the Voyager scientist most directly involved in analyzing these data, but he is no longer active in planetary science. Of active scientists, Tyler and D.P. Hinson (also an Associate Member of the Voyager Radio Science Team) are most familiar with these data. Richard A. Simpson Center for Radar Astronomy Packard Bldg - Room 332 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Tel: 650-723-3525 FAX: 650-723-9251 rsimpson@magellan.stanford.edu G. Leonard Tyler Center for Radar Astronomy Packard Bldg - Room 331 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Tel: 650-723-3535 FAX: 650-723-9251 len.tyler@stanford.edu David P. Hinson Center for Radar Astronomy Packard Bldg - Room 333 Stanford University Stanford, CA 94305-9515 Tel: 650-723-3534 FAX: 650-723-9251 hinson@nimbus.stanford.edu PDS Operator Planetary Data System MS 171-264 Jet Propulsion Laboratory 4800 Oak Grove Drive Pasadena, CA 91109-8099 Tel: 626-744-5414 FAX: 626-544-5506 pds_operator@jpl.nasa.gov ============================================================================== ACRONYMS AND ABBREVIATIONS ============================================================================== CALIB Calibration (file and/or directory) CCT Computer Compatible Tape CD Compact Disc CR Carriage-Return (ASCII character) CRS Celestial Reference Set (format or file) DSS Deep Space Station (antenna) DOY Day of Year DSN Deep Space Network HGA High Gain Antenna (device and/or file and/or directory) LCP Left-Circular Polarization LF Line-Feed (ASCII character) MBODR Medium-Band Original Data Record NAIF Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration ODR Original Data Record (file and/or directory) PDS Planetary Data System POCA Programmable Oscillator Control Assembly RCP Right-Circular Polarization RS Radio science SIS Software Interface Specification SPK Spacecraft and Planet Kernel (file and/or directory) USO UltraStable Oscillator VG1 Voyager 1