PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = STREAM OBJECT = TEXT PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-08-31 NOTE = "Description of contents of INDEX directory" END_OBJECT = TEXT END The INDEX directory contains an index for this CD-WO volume (INDEX.TAB) and a cumulative index for the volume set (CUMINDEX.TAB). Each index is a table of contents for either the volume or the set of volumes, respectively; each index lists only data files. Accompanying each 'TAB' file is a PDS label (INDEX.LBL and CUMINDEX.LBL, respectively). The 'TAB' files are ASCII files. Each line (or record) in the 'TAB' file contains information about a single data file in the radio science raw data archive volume. Each line is made up of seven comma-delimited fixed-length fields. Four fields contain character strings, which are enclosed by double quotes. The other three fields contain date/time information; those values are NOT enclosed by quotes. The 'LBL' label files describe the format and content of their respective 'TAB' files at the byte level. Simply stated, the fields are: number of the CD-WO volume path name to the PDS detached label for each data file unique file name for the data file within this data set original file name, if the file came from another source where it was named differently start date/time of the data in the file stop date/time of the data in the file creation date/time for the original file If the final volume contains no data files (for example, the final volume is a collection of documents), INDEX.TAB and INDEX.LBL will be omitted.