PDS_VERSION_ID = PDS3 RECORD_TYPE = FIXED_LENGTH RECORD_BYTES = 80 OBJECT = TEXT INTERCHANGE_FORMAT = ASCII PUBLICATION_DATE = 2000-08-31 NOTE = "N/A" END_OBJECT = TEXT END Voyager 1 Radio Science Archive Titan Open-Loop Raw Data (VG1-SSA-RSS-1-ROCC-V1.0) ERRATA.TXT R.A. Simpson Stanford University ============================================================================== INTRODUCTION ============================================================================== This file contains an accumulation of corrections and notes for the Voyager 1 Titan Radio Science Raw Data Set. ============================================================================== CORRECTIONS AND NOTES ============================================================================== VG_2301 Files in the CALIB, CATALOG, DOCUMENT, GEOMETRY, and SOFTWARE thru directories have been repeated on each volume, but minor VG_2308 errors detected during creation of the 8-volume CD set may have been corrected between volumes. When possible, users should retrieve these files from the most recent version of the final volume (VG_2308). VG_2308 is also the only volume containing the FULL collection of DOCUMENT files. The entire 8-volume set of CDs was regenerated in late September 1999 to make a number of minor corrections (Version 2) and then again after PDS review during Summer 2000 (Version 3). Users should make sure they are working with Version 3 (at least) of each volume. Users of Adobe Illustrator may encounter problems displaying files in the BROWSE directory. Cause of the problem is not known, but it appears to be connected with the manner in which the four original figures were combined into a single PostScript file. By hand editing the four-panel PostScript files, one user was able to extract the individual figures and successfully display those using Illustrator. Other methods of looking at the BROWSE files (such as ghostview or sending the files to a PostScript printer) have worked successfully for a number of other users. The autoscaling feature used in making the PREPPOWER panels in the BROWSE files sometimes forces the labeling information out of the window. All plots are made using points which are 1 second averages of raw data values. Other labeling information can be inferred from the plot itself or from the other panels. The DESCRIPTION in each BROWSE file label says the lower right panel is an extract of the first few lines in the ODR label. In fact, for these data, that panel shows the entire label. The following PREPPOWER panels were never created for BROWSE files; instead a second copy of the PREPLOOK plot was substituted. The cause of the anomaly is a sensitivity in the PREPPOWER software to subtle errors in the start and stop times of the requested plot. If samples are missing (for example), the actual data available for plotting will be less than the amount expected, PREPPOWER fails, and the routine which compiles the four-panel file inserts a second copy of the PREPLOOK plot. CD Volume BROWSE Files without PREPPOWER Plots --------- ------------------------------------ VG_2304 VJ6372AA.PS VG_2305 VJ6327AA.PS VG_2307 VJ6591AA.PS VG_2308 VJ6592AA.PS VG_2304 One record (#1429) was lost due to deterioration of the original VJ6363 magnetic tape. ODR/VJ6363AA.ODR and ODR/VJ6363BB.ODR are the two file 'fragments' of good data that were recovered. VJ6363AA.ODR contains about 70 seconds of data; VJ6363BB.ODR contains about 227 seconds. See TAPELIST.TXT in the VG_2308 DOCUMENT directory for more information. VG_2307 Spacecraft ID is (incorrectly) set to the value 95 in (at least) the first two records of ODR/VJ6589AA.ODR. ODR/VJ6589AA.ODR covers 23:02:00 through 23:07:00, overlapping ODR/VJ6590AA.ODR which begins at 23:05:00. ODR/VJ6595AA.ODR covers 23:02:00 through 23:03:40, overlapping ODR/VJ6596AA.ODR which begins at 23:03:20. VG_2308 Spacecraft ID is (incorrectly) set to the value 95 in (at least) the first record of ODR/VJ6607AA.ODR.