/********************* Neptune 48 Second Browse Data *************************/ /*MODIFICATIONS /* 92-08 -- EFRIED /* 920911 -- EFRIED /* 920918 -- EFRIED /* updated Data Set templates according to new std. /* Data Set Template -> Spacecraft Data Set Template /* event_start_time, event_stop_time -> start_time, stop_time /* last changes made. /* 920922 -- EFRIED /* Revised DATA_SET_ID and DATA_SET_NAME /* 921022 -- RMONARREZ /* Removed 'Z' from the start and stop_time. /* */ /* Template: Spacecraft Data Set Template - Rev: 19890121*/ /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set */ /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: SCDATASET */ /* DATASETINFO */ /* DATASETTARG */ /* DSPARMINFO */ /* SCDSHOST */ /* DSREFINFO */ /* REFERENCE */ /* REFAUTHORS */ OBJECT = SCDATASET DATA_SET_ID = "VG2-N-PRA-4-SUMM-BROWSE-48SEC-V1.0" OBJECT = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "VG2 NEP PRA RESAMPLED SUMMARY BROWSE 48SEC V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = N START_TIME = 1989-08-18T00:00:00.000 STOP_TIME = 1989-09-06T23:59:59.999 NATIVE_START_TIME = 'N/A' NATIVE_STOP_TIME = 'N/A' DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "TIME SERIES" DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 1991-07-22 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. DAVID R. EVANS" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "RADIOPHYSICS, INCORPORATED" SOFTWARE_FLAG = 'Y' DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = 'N' PROCESSING_START_TIME = 'UNK' PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 'UNK' DATA_SET_DESC = " This dataset consists of edited browse data derived from an original dataset obtained from the Voyager 2 Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) instrument in the vicinity of Neptune. Data are provided for 70 instrument channels covering the range from 1.2 kHz to 1326 kHz in uniform 19.2 kHz steps, each 1 kHz wide. Data are included for the period 1989:0:0:0 through 1989:23:59:59. In order to produce this dataset from the original raw PRA data, several steps have been taken: 1. The PRA operates in a variety of modes; data from modes in which the receiver does not scan rapidly through its frequency range have been removed; 2. The data have been calibrated as best we know how; 3. The data have been split into Left Hand Circular (LHC) and Right Hand Circular (RHC) components; 4. The data have been binned into 48-second intervals. Thus, values at a given channel are separated in time by an increment of 48 seconds; each 48-second time interval has associated with it a value for LHC polarization and one for RHC polarization. During data gaps, the entire record is absent from the dataset; that is, missing records have not been zero-filled or otherwise marked. Bad data within a record is indicated by the value zero, which cannot otherwise occur. Each datum is returned as a 16-bit quantity; it represents the mean power received in the given channel at the specified time and polarization. The returned quantity is the value in mB about a reference flux density. The value of 0 mB represents a voltage of 1 microvolt across the front end of the receiver. To convert a returned quantity to flux, use the formula: flux = 7.0x10^(-22)x10^(mB/1000) W m-2 Hz-1" CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " This dataset includes all the available low-rate scanning mode data for the frequency range below 1326 kHz for the time interval covered. Known bad data have been set to zero. Data which appear to exceed the Full Scale Deflection (FSD) of the instrument (i.e. the most intense signal which can be measured reliably) have also been set to a zero (should they occur). Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) suffers from interference from many other instruments aboard the spacecraft. No attempt had been made to remove these interferences in this dataset. The two most obvious examples of this interference are low-frequency spikes which occur every twelve minutes throughout the dataset (due to LECP operation), and a strong, wandering interference (from PPS) that occurs in the range 200 to 600 kHz at various times throughout the encounter. An example of the latter is to be found at 1986-01-24 09:00:00 SCET. The separation into LHC and RHC polarization components is performed on the basis of the polarization of the incoming wave as perceived by the instrument. This takes into account neither the antenna transfer function nor the spacecraft orientation with respect to the source. In general, the mapping of perceived polarization back to emitted polarization cannot be solved without a knowledge of both of these factors, as well as a knowledge of the type of polarization coming from the source region (e.g. is it linear or circularly polarized?). Most planetary emissions are circularly polarized. Below is a table showing the response of the experiment to a low frequency (100 kHz) LHC wave. The response does not change much up to about 5 MHz. The coordinate system used is: THETA == 0 is along the MAG boom;PHI == 0 is the bisector of the two PRA antennas. The third column is the apparent value of the left hand component as perceived by the receiver. That is, a value of +1.0 indicates that the incoming LHC wave is correctly detected as a pure LHC wave. A value of -1.0 will be detected as being of the correct strength, but incorrect polarity. A value of, say, 0.6 indicates that the total energy is split 60% into the apparent LHC component and 40% into the apparent RHC component. The table below has been produced using a wire-frame model of the spacecraft comprising 168 separate elements, and derived using the method of moments procedure. IT IS ONLY A MODEL, not a measurement; but appears to be very accurate for the low band of the PRA instrument. THETA PHI AFP 0 0 -0.99960 10 0 -0.99727 10 10 -0.99723 10 20 -0.99715 10 30 -0.99706 10 40 -0.99696 10 50 -0.99688 10 60 -0.99681 10 70 -0.99679 10 80 -0.99683 10 90 -0.99692 10 100 -0.99708 10 110 -0.99729 10 120 -0.99754 10 130 -0.99782 10 140 -0.99809 10 150 -0.99832 10 160 -0.99851 10 170 -0.99862 10 180 -0.99866 10 190 -0.99862 10 200 -0.99850 10 210 -0.99833 10 220 -0.99812 10 230 -0.99789 10 240 -0.99767 10 250 -0.99747 10 260 -0.99730 10 270 -0.99719 10 280 -0.99711 10 290 -0.99709 10 300 -0.99710 10 310 -0.99713 10 320 -0.99718 10 330 -0.99723 10 340 -0.99727 10 350 -0.99728 20 0 -0.99613 20 10 -0.99591 20 20 -0.99537 20 30 -0.99455 20 40 -0.99350 20 50 -0.99228 20 60 -0.99099 20 70 -0.98969 20 80 -0.98849 20 90 -0.98744 20 100 -0.98661 20 110 -0.98600 20 120 -0.98562 20 130 -0.98541 20 140 -0.98534 20 150 -0.98534 20 160 -0.98535 20 170 -0.98533 20 180 -0.98528 20 190 -0.98519 20 200 -0.98512 20 210 -0.98510 20 220 -0.98520 20 230 -0.98546 20 240 -0.98590 20 250 -0.98655 20 260 -0.98738 20 270 -0.98837 20 280 -0.98949 20 290 -0.99068 20 300 -0.99189 20 310 -0.99305 20 320 -0.99410 20 330 -0.99499 20 340 -0.99565 20 350 -0.99604 30 0 -0.99745 30 10 -0.99686 30 20 -0.99529 30 30 -0.99278 30 40 -0.98942 30 50 -0.98537 30 60 -0.98080 30 70 -0.97595 30 80 -0.97102 30 90 -0.96622 30 100 -0.96171 30 110 -0.95763 30 120 -0.95404 30 130 -0.95098 30 140 -0.94842 30 150 -0.94634 30 160 -0.94475 30 170 -0.94365 30 180 -0.94309 30 190 -0.94316 30 200 -0.94395 30 210 -0.94551 30 220 -0.94785 30 230 -0.95095 30 240 -0.95471 30 250 -0.95900 30 260 -0.96367 30 270 -0.96853 30 280 -0.97344 30 290 -0.97823 30 300 -0.98277 30 310 -0.98691 30 320 -0.99052 30 330 -0.99349 30 340 -0.99570 30 350 -0.99704 40 0 -0.99973 40 10 -0.99855 40 20 -0.99515 40 30 -0.98957 40 40 -0.98198 40 50 -0.97261 40 60 -0.96178 40 70 -0.94988 40 80 -0.93730 40 90 -0.92446 40 100 -0.91170 40 110 -0.89936 40 120 -0.88770 40 130 -0.87697 40 140 -0.86741 40 150 -0.85926 40 160 -0.85286 40 170 -0.84853 40 180 -0.84663 40 190 -0.84741 40 200 -0.85100 40 210 -0.85732 40 220 -0.86608 40 230 -0.87684 40 240 -0.88906 40 250 -0.90218 40 260 -0.91567 40 270 -0.92906 40 280 -0.94198 40 290 -0.95413 40 300 -0.96525 40 310 -0.97514 40 320 -0.98362 40 330 -0.99049 40 340 -0.99557 40 350 -0.99870 50 0 -0.99822 50 10 -0.99614 50 20 -0.98981 50 30 -0.97929 50 40 -0.96479 50 50 -0.94669 50 60 -0.92548 50 70 -0.90173 50 80 -0.87609 50 90 -0.84919 50 100 -0.82165 50 110 -0.79406 50 120 -0.76705 50 130 -0.74130 50 140 -0.71760 50 150 -0.69696 50 160 -0.68052 50 170 -0.66947 50 180 -0.66488 50 190 -0.66738 50 200 -0.67706 50 210 -0.69334 50 220 -0.71512 50 230 -0.74097 50 240 -0.76936 50 250 -0.79890 50 260 -0.82839 50 270 -0.85690 50 280 -0.88375 50 290 -0.90848 50 300 -0.93074 50 310 -0.95028 50 320 -0.96683 50 330 -0.98017 50 340 -0.99002 50 350 -0.99612 60 0 -0.98327 60 10 -0.97987 60 20 -0.96916 60 30 -0.95122 60 40 -0.92640 60 50 -0.89528 60 60 -0.85861 60 70 -0.81728 60 80 -0.77225 60 90 -0.72447 60 100 -0.67489 60 110 -0.62449 60 120 -0.57437 60 130 -0.52585 60 140 -0.48065 60 150 -0.44091 60 160 -0.40915 60 170 -0.38792 60 180 -0.37938 60 190 -0.38472 60 200 -0.40386 60 210 -0.43537 60 220 -0.47683 60 230 -0.52529 60 240 -0.57777 60 250 -0.63164 60 260 -0.68479 60 270 -0.73567 60 280 -0.78320 60 290 -0.82667 60 300 -0.86562 60 310 -0.89966 60 320 -0.92846 60 330 -0.95165 60 340 -0.96880 60 350 -0.97948 70 0 -0.93784 70 10 -0.93265 70 20 -0.91587 70 30 -0.88772 70 40 -0.84885 70 50 -0.80029 70 60 -0.74333 70 70 -0.67940 70 80 -0.61001 70 90 -0.53664 70 100 -0.46074 70 110 -0.38380 70 120 -0.30751 70 130 -0.23393 70 140 -0.16570 70 150 -0.10605 70 160 -0.58708E-01 70 170 -0.27369E-01 70 180 -0.15059E-01 70 190 -0.23404E-01 70 200 -0.52162E-01 70 210 -0.99231E-01 70 220 -0.16109 70 230 -0.23348 70 240 -0.31212 70 250 -0.39319 70 260 -0.47360 70 270 -0.55104 70 280 -0.62388 70 290 -0.69098 70 300 -0.75152 70 310 -0.80483 70 320 -0.85026 70 330 -0.88706 70 340 -0.91444 70 350 -0.93161 80 0 -0.83577 80 10 -0.82843 80 20 -0.80429 80 30 -0.76395 80 40 -0.70874 80 50 -0.64057 80 60 -0.56170 80 70 -0.47456 80 80 -0.38152 80 90 -0.28485 80 100 -0.18662 80 110 -0.88899E-01 80 120 0.61719E-02 80 130 0.96112E-01 80 140 0.17796 80 150 0.24824 80 160 0.30315 80 170 0.33897 80 180 0.35274 80 190 0.34287 80 200 0.30954 80 210 0.25477 80 220 0.18202 80 230 0.95629E-01 80 240 0.14867E-03 80 250 -0.10017 80 260 -0.20167 80 270 -0.30144 80 280 -0.39722 80 290 -0.48725 80 300 -0.57007 80 310 -0.64432 80 320 -0.70863 80 330 -0.76146 80 340 -0.80125 80 350 -0.82644 90 0 -0.64612 90 10 -0.63686 90 20 -0.60599 90 30 -0.55482 90 40 -0.48577 90 50 -0.40206 90 60 -0.30732 90 70 -0.20513 90 80 -0.98827E-01 90 90 0.86836E-02 90 100 0.11490 90 110 0.21763 90 120 0.31479 90 130 0.40422 90 140 0.48353 90 150 0.55008 90 160 0.60105 90 170 0.63378 90 180 0.64612 90 190 0.63686 90 200 0.60599 90 210 0.55482 90 220 0.48577 90 230 0.40206 90 240 0.30732 90 250 0.20513 90 260 0.98827E-01 90 270 -0.86834E-02 90 280 -0.11490 90 290 -0.21763 90 300 -0.31479 90 310 -0.40422 90 320 -0.48353 90 330 -0.55008 90 340 -0.60105 90 350 -0.63378 100 0 -0.35274 100 10 -0.34287 100 20 -0.30954 100 30 -0.25477 100 40 -0.18202 100 50 -0.95629E-01 100 60 -0.14887E-03 100 70 0.10017 100 80 0.20167 100 90 0.30144 100 100 0.39722 100 110 0.48725 100 120 0.57007 100 130 0.64433 100 140 0.70863 100 150 0.76146 100 160 0.80125 100 170 0.82644 100 180 0.83577 100 190 0.82843 100 200 0.80429 100 210 0.76395 100 220 0.70874 100 230 0.64057 100 240 0.56170 100 250 0.47456 100 260 0.38152 100 270 0.28485 100 280 0.18662 100 290 0.88899E-01 100 300 -0.61720E-02 100 310 -0.96112E-01 100 320 -0.17796 100 330 -0.24824 100 340 -0.30315 100 350 -0.33896 110 0 0.15059E-01 110 10 0.23404E-01 110 20 0.52161E-01 110 30 0.99231E-01 110 40 0.16109 110 50 0.23348 110 60 0.31212 110 70 0.39319 110 80 0.47360 110 90 0.55104 110 100 0.62388 110 110 0.69098 110 120 0.75152 110 130 0.80483 110 140 0.85026 110 150 0.88706 110 160 0.91444 110 170 0.93161 110 180 0.93784 110 190 0.93265 110 200 0.91587 110 210 0.88772 110 220 0.84885 110 230 0.80029 110 240 0.74333 110 250 0.67940 110 260 0.61001 110 270 0.53664 110 280 0.46074 110 290 0.38380 110 300 0.30751 110 310 0.23393 110 320 0.16570 110 330 0.10605 110 340 0.58708E-01 110 350 0.27369E-01 120 0 0.37938 120 10 0.38472 120 20 0.40386 120 30 0.43537 120 40 0.47683 120 50 0.52529 120 60 0.57777 120 70 0.63164 120 80 0.68479 120 90 0.73567 120 100 0.78320 120 110 0.82667 120 120 0.86562 120 130 0.89966 120 140 0.92846 120 150 0.95165 120 160 0.96880 120 170 0.97948 120 180 0.98327 120 190 0.97987 120 200 0.96916 120 210 0.95122 120 220 0.92640 120 230 0.89528 120 240 0.85861 120 250 0.81728 120 260 0.77225 120 270 0.72447 120 280 0.67489 120 290 0.62449 120 300 0.57437 120 310 0.52585 120 320 0.48065 120 330 0.44091 120 340 0.40915 120 350 0.38792 130 0 0.66488 130 10 0.66738 130 20 0.67706 130 30 0.69334 130 40 0.71512 130 50 0.74096 130 60 0.76936 130 70 0.79890 130 80 0.82839 130 90 0.85690 130 100 0.88375 130 110 0.90848 130 120 0.93074 130 130 0.95028 130 140 0.96683 130 150 0.98017 130 160 0.99002 130 170 0.99612 130 180 0.99822 130 190 0.99614 130 200 0.98981 130 210 0.97929 130 220 0.96479 130 230 0.94669 130 240 0.92548 130 250 0.90173 130 260 0.87609 130 270 0.84919 130 280 0.82165 130 290 0.79406 130 300 0.76705 130 310 0.74130 130 320 0.71760 130 330 0.69696 130 340 0.68052 130 350 0.66947 140 0 0.84663 140 10 0.84741 140 20 0.85100 140 30 0.85732 140 40 0.86608 140 50 0.87684 140 60 0.88906 140 70 0.90218 140 80 0.91567 140 90 0.92906 140 100 0.94198 140 110 0.95413 140 120 0.96525 140 130 0.97514 140 140 0.98362 140 150 0.99049 140 160 0.99557 140 170 0.99870 140 180 0.99973 140 190 0.99855 140 200 0.99515 140 210 0.98957 140 220 0.98198 140 230 0.97261 140 240 0.96178 140 250 0.94988 140 260 0.93730 140 270 0.92446 140 280 0.91170 140 290 0.89936 140 300 0.88770 140 310 0.87697 140 320 0.86741 140 330 0.85926 140 340 0.85286 140 350 0.84853 150 0 0.94309 150 10 0.94316 150 20 0.94395 150 30 0.94551 150 40 0.94785 150 50 0.95095 150 60 0.95471 150 70 0.95900 150 80 0.96367 150 90 0.96853 150 100 0.97344 150 110 0.97823 150 120 0.98277 150 130 0.98691 150 140 0.99052 150 150 0.99349 150 160 0.99570 150 170 0.99704 150 180 0.99745 150 190 0.99686 150 200 0.99529 150 210 0.99278 150 220 0.98942 150 230 0.98537 150 240 0.98080 150 250 0.97595 150 260 0.97102 150 270 0.96622 150 280 0.96171 150 290 0.95763 150 300 0.95404 150 310 0.95098 150 320 0.94842 150 330 0.94634 150 340 0.94475 150 350 0.94365 160 0 0.98528 160 10 0.98519 160 20 0.98512 160 30 0.98510 160 40 0.98520 160 50 0.98546 160 60 0.98590 160 70 0.98655 160 80 0.98738 160 90 0.98837 160 100 0.98949 160 110 0.99068 160 120 0.99189 160 130 0.99305 160 140 0.99410 160 150 0.99499 160 160 0.99565 160 170 0.99604 160 180 0.99613 160 190 0.99591 160 200 0.99537 160 210 0.99455 160 220 0.99350 160 230 0.99228 160 240 0.99099 160 250 0.98969 160 260 0.98849 160 270 0.98744 160 280 0.98661 160 290 0.98600 160 300 0.98562 160 310 0.98541 160 320 0.98534 160 330 0.98534 160 340 0.98535 160 350 0.98533 170 0 0.99866 170 10 0.99862 170 20 0.99850 170 30 0.99833 170 40 0.99812 170 50 0.99789 170 60 0.99767 170 70 0.99747 170 80 0.99730 170 90 0.99719 170 100 0.99711 170 110 0.99709 170 120 0.99710 170 130 0.99713 170 140 0.99718 170 150 0.99723 170 160 0.99727 170 170 0.99728 170 180 0.99727 170 190 0.99723 170 200 0.99715 170 210 0.99706 170 220 0.99696 170 230 0.99688 170 240 0.99681 170 250 0.99679 170 260 0.99683 170 270 0.99692 170 280 0.99708 170 290 0.99729 170 300 0.99754 170 310 0.99782 170 320 0.99809 170 330 0.99832 170 340 0.99851 170 350 0.99862 180 0 0.99960" END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO OBJECT = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = 'NEPTUNE' END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG OBJECT = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = 'TIME' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 0.001 MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 48.0 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 12.0 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'SECOND' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM" NOISE_LEVEL = 2400 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'MILLIBEL' END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT = SCDSHOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = 'VG2' INSTRUMENT_ID = 'PRA' END_OBJECT = SCDSHOST OBJECT = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = 'WARWICKETAL1986' OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VG2 PRA NEPTUNE OVERVIEW" JOURNAL_NAME = 'SCIENCE' PUBLICATION_DATE = 1989-12-15 REFERENCE_DESC = " Warwick, J.W., D.R. Evans, G.R. Peltzer, R.G. Peltzer, J.H. Romig, C.B. Sawyer, M. D., A.C Riddle, A.E. Schweitzer, M.D. Desch, M.L. Kaiser, W.M. Farrel, Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy at Neptune, Science, 246, 1498-1501, 1989." OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JAMES W. WARWICK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. DAVID R. EVANS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JOSEPH H. ROMIG" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. CONSTANCE B. SAWYER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. MICHAEL D. DESCH" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "MR. MICHAEL L. KAISER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCDATASET /********************* Neptune High Rate Data *********************************/ /*MODIFICATIONS /* 921027 -- SJOY /* Modified from Browse dataset template /* 921104 -- EFRIED /* last changes made /* */ /* Template: Spacecraft Data Set Template - Rev: 19890121*/ /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard set */ /* for the submission of a single dataset to the PDS. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: SCDATASET */ /* DATASETINFO */ /* DATASETTARG */ /* DSPARMINFO */ /* SCDSHOST */ /* DSREFINFO */ /* REFERENCE */ /* REFAUTHORS */ OBJECT = SCDATASET DATA_SET_ID = "VG2-N-PRA-2-RDR-HIGHRATE-60MS-V1.0" OBJECT = DATASETINFO DATA_SET_NAME = "VG2 NEP PRA EDITED RDR HIGH RATE 60MS V1.0" DATA_SET_COLLECTION_MEMBER_FLG = N START_TIME = 'UNK' STOP_TIME = 'UNK' NATIVE_START_TIME = '08634:05:001' NATIVE_STOP_TIME = '12397:43:001' DATA_OBJECT_TYPE = "TIME SERIES" DATA_SET_RELEASE_DATE = 1991-07-22 PROCESSING_LEVEL_ID = 4 PRODUCER_FULL_NAME = "DR. DAVID R. EVANS" PRODUCER_INSTITUTION_NAME = "RADIOPHYSICS, INCORPORATED" SOFTWARE_FLAG = 'N' DETAILED_CATALOG_FLAG = 'N' PROCESSING_START_TIME = 'UNK' PROCESSING_STOP_TIME = 'UNK' DATA_SET_DESC = " Each file within the dataset represents a single PRA high rate frame, of duration 48 seconds. Each file contains a 28 octet header, followed by 1280000 octets of data. The format of these constituents is as follows: Length (bytes) Name Contents 2 Year Year A.D. 2 Day Day of year (1 Jan == 1) 1 Hour Hour of day (midnight == 0) 1 Minute Minute of hour (o'clock = 0) 1 Second Second of Minute (exact minute == 0) 1 Spacecraft 1 == V1, 2 == V2 2 Integral FDS Integer part of FDS count 1 Fractional FDS Fractional part of FDS count 4 Freq. 1 Frequency of 1st channel (Hz) 4 Freq. 2 Frequency of 2nd channel (Hz) 4 Freq. 3 Frequency of 3rd channel (Hz) 4 Freq. 4 Frequency of 4th channel (Hz) 1 Bandwidth Bandwidth (kHz) All values are unsigned, and multi-octet values are presented with the most significant byte first. The data are 16 bit numbers, most significant byte first, with 0 indicating unavailable data. The data are presented as a single stream of 16 bit numbers. The frame is logically divided into lines (although there is no indication of the lines within the file). This terminology comes from the fact that in this high rate mode, the PRA data are treated exactly as if they were imaging data, and a 48 second image comprises 800 horizontal scan lines. Similarly, there are 800 logical lines within a PRA frame. Each line comprises 800 values, representing 400 data pairs. In the high rate mode, the PRA measures the flux at two frequencies _simultaneously_ and returns these two data sequentially. A sample pair is acquired every (actually every 138.88... microseconds), through an RC filter with a 100 microsecond time constant. A single line comprises 60 milliseconds of data. Lines are NOT contiguous in time. There is a 4444.44... microsecond gap between the ending of one line and the start of the succeeding line. The PRA samples a frequency pair in this manner for 24 seconds. It then has the option of switching to a second pair for the final 24 seconds. These frequencies are designated Freq. 1 through Freq. 4 in the header. The data are presented such that the higher of the relevant frequency pair is presented first." CONFIDENCE_LEVEL_NOTE = " Permitted downlink bit error rates are considerably higher for high rate operation than for low rate. Consequently, it is not uncommon for there to be considerable noise in a high rate frame. The probability of any particular datum being incorrect is small, but there are a lot of data in a frame. Generally, a datum should not be assumed to be real if it forms no part of a pattern and is markedly different from its neighbors. Bit error rates are as likely to result in a falsely low reading as a falsely high one. The data presented are calibrated but not otherwise manipulated. An improvement in data quality can often be obtained by making allowance for the 2.4 kHz spacecraft switching power supply, whose signal is clearly superimposed on much of the PRA high rate data. The noise background is considerably higher for these data than for low rate data. This is because of the wide bandwidth usually used (200 kHz instead of the 1 kHz used for low rate), which permits many harmonics of the spacecraft power supply to appear in the data, as well as many of the noise products of other spacecraft subsystems. However, most naturally occurring signals last for (at least) several samples and have an appearance quite unlike the distinctly regular artificial interferences. During Neptune encounter, the data for Freq. 1 are suspect, but are included for the sake of completeness. (See below, dataset processing.)" END_OBJECT = DATASETINFO OBJECT = DATASETTARG TARGET_NAME = 'NEPTUNE' END_OBJECT = DATASETTARG OBJECT = DSPARMINFO SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = 'TIME' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = 'N/A' MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 'N/A' SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = 138.8 MINIMUM_AVAILABLE_SAMPLING_INT = 138.8 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'MICROSECOND' DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM" NOISE_LEVEL = 2400 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_UNIT = 'MILLIBEL' END_OBJECT = DSPARMINFO OBJECT = SCDSHOST INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = 'VG2' INSTRUMENT_ID = 'PRA' END_OBJECT = SCDSHOST OBJECT = DSREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = 'WARWICKETAL1986' OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "VG2 PRA NEPTUNE OVERVIEW" JOURNAL_NAME = 'SCIENCE' PUBLICATION_DATE = 1989-12-15 REFERENCE_DESC = " Warwick, J.W., D.R. Evans, G.R. Peltzer, R.G. Peltzer, J.H. Romig, C.B. Sawyer, M. D., A.C Riddle, A.E. Schweitzer, M.D. Desch, M.L. Kaiser, W.M. Farrel, Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy at Neptune, Science, 246, 1498-1501, 1989." OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JAMES W. WARWICK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. DAVID R. EVANS" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JOSEPH H. ROMIG" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. CONSTANCE B. SAWYER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. MICHAEL D. DESCH" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "MR. MICHAEL L. KAISER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = DSREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCDATASET