/****************** Planetary Radio Astronomy Instrument Template *************/ /* MODIFICATIONS /* 920831 -- JPLPDS::RMONARREZ /* received by mail /* 920916 -- EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Spacecraft Instrument Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: The following templates form part of a standard */ /* set for the submission of a spacecraft instrument */ /* to the PDS. */ /* Hierarchy: SCINSTRUMENT */ /* INSTINFO */ /* INSTDETECT */ /* INSTELEC */ /* INSTFILTER */ /* INSTOPTICS */ /* SCINSTOFFSET */ /* INSTSECTION */ /* INSTSECTINFO */ /* INSTSECTFOVS */ /* INSTSECTPARM */ /* INSTSECTDET */ /* INSTSECTELEC */ /* INSTSECTFILT */ /* INSTSECTOPTC */ /* INSTMODEINFO */ /* INSTMODESECT */ /* INSTREFINFO */ /* REFERENCE */ /* REFAUTHORS */ OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT SPACECRAFT_ID = "VG2" INSTRUMENT_ID = "PRA" OBJECT = INSTINFO INSTRUMENT_NAME = "PLANETARY RADIO ASTRONOMY RECEIVER" INSTRUMENT_TYPE = "RADIO SPECTROMETER" PI_PDS_USER_ID = "N/A" NAIF_DATA_SET_ID = "N/A" BUILD_DATE = "UNK" INSTRUMENT_MASS = 7.7 INSTRUMENT_HEIGHT = "UNK" INSTRUMENT_LENGTH = "UNK" INSTRUMENT_WIDTH = "UNK" INSTRUMENT_MANUFACTURER_NAME = "MARK MARIETTA" INSTRUMENT_SERIAL_NUMBER = "UNK" INSTRUMENT_DESC = " The Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) receiver comprises a 200-channel radio receiver which covers the range from 1.2 kHz to 40 MHz. The receiver is capable of operation in 14 distinct useful modes. The instrument returns 16-bit status words, which generally replace the first two eight-bit data numbers within a single scan of 200 data numbers. The channels are numbered so that the lowest frequency channel (1.2 kHz center frequency - cf) is channel number 200. Channels in the range 1 to 130 are referred to as 'high band', and the remaining channels as 'low band'. In low band, the channel spacing is 19.2 kHz. In high band, the lowest channel (cf) is at 1.3 MHz, and the channel spacing is 307.2 kHz. The instrument is sensitive to, and can distinguish between, the opposing states of circular polarization of an incoming wave. THE PRA STATUS WORD The PRA status word is a 16-bit quantity. The bits are interpreted as follows (in the format S(n), where n is the nth bit of the status word; bits are numbered zero through fifteen, with the Most Significant Bit (MSB) as bit zero): S(0) - phase calibrator on S(1) through S(4) - PRA mode (see below) S(5) - A/D from lower channel S(6) - RHC from upper channel S(7) - PLL closed S(8) - PLL unlocked S(9) - channel toggling disabled *** see below S(10) - calibrate power on S(11) - calibrate bypass open *** see below S(12) - lower preamp selected S(13) - 45 dB attenuator in S(14) - 30 dB attenuator in S(15) - 15 dB attenuator in *** the meanings of S(9) and S(11) were changed around 1980. For status words returned after this time, bits S(9) and S(11) represent a 2-bit POR counter. These bits are overwritten by the spacecraft FDS, and the counter is incremented every time that the FDS detects a PRA POR. The FDS assumes that a POR has occurred whenever it sees a PRA status word with all three attenuator bits set, since this is the power-up condition of the PRA. Graphically, this is: | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ---------------------------- ----------------------------- |PHASE | FIXED |POLHI| POL |HARAD | A/D | RHC | LOOP | | CAL | FREQ | OR |SWITCH| OR | FROM |UPPER | CLOSED| | ON | MODE |LEVEL| OFF | HF |LOWER | | | ---------------------------- ----------------------------- | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ---------------------------- ----------------------------- | LOOP | CHAN | CAL | CAL |LOWER | 45DB | 30DB | 15DB | | UN- | TOGGLE|POWER|BYPASS|PREAMP| IN | IN | IN | |LOCKED|DISABLE| ON | OPEN |SELECT| | | | ---------------------------- ----------------------------- Bits S(1) through S(4) return the mode in which the PRA instrument is running. These are as follows: 0000 - POLLO 0001 - HARAD 0010 - POLLO1 0011 - HARAD1 0100 - LEVEL 0101 - LEVEL1 0110 - LEVEL2 0111 - LEVEL3 1000 - FIXLOL 1001 - FIXLOH 1010 - VLOBRL 1011 - VLOBRH 1100 - XXXXXL 1101 - XXXXXH 1110 - POLHIL 1111 - POLHIH ******************************* *********************************** The remainder of this text describes the meanings of the various modes in the order presented above. ******************************* *********************************** ***************** POLLO ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization of data word number 'n' is reversed each time that a MODE command is received (usually every six seconds). STATUS X000 000X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X000 001X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X000 010X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. STATUS X000 011X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, LC data. ***************** POLLO1 ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization does not alternate between adjacent channels. STATUS X001 000X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X001 001X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 010X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 011X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. ***************** HARAD ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 Khz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 Khz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 2.4 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization of data word number 'n' is reversed each time that a MODE command is received (usually every six seconds). STATUS X000 100X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X000 101X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X000 110X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. STATUS X000 111X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, LC data. ******************* HARAD1 ******************* Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 2.4 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization does not alternate between adjacent channels. STATUS X001 100X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X001 101X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. ** THE FOLLOWING TWO DESCRIPTIONS ARE UNDOCUMENTED, but follow logically from the behavior of the instrument in the other modes. Treat them with caution, however. STATUS X001 110X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 111X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. ***************** LEVEL ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Polarization alternates every data word. STATUS X010 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X010 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X010 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X010 01XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. ***************** LEVEL1 ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Polarization alternates every data word. STATUS X010 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X010 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X010 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X010 11XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. ***************** LEVEL2 ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Polarization does not alternate. STATUS X011 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC RH, LC RH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC LH, LC LH, LC RH, UC STATUS X011 00XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data; STATUS X011 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC LH, UC LH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC RH, UC RH, UC LH, LC STATUS X011 01XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, LC data; ***************** LEVEL3 ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Polarization does not alternate. STATUS X011 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC RH, LC RH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC LH, LC LH, LC RH, UC STATUS X011 10XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data; STATUS X011 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC LH, UC LH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC RH, UC RH, UC LH, LC STATUS X011 11XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, LC data; ***************** FIXLOL ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. STATUS X100 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X100 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X100 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X100 01XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data ***************** FIXLOH ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X100 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC STATUS X100 10XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X100 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC STATUS X100 11XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data ***************** VLOBRL ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. STATUS X101 00XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X101 00XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X101 01XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data STATUS X101 01XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, LC data ***************** VLOBRH ***************** Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X101 10XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X101 10XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X101 11XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data STATUS X101 11XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, LC data ***************** XXXXXL ***************** STATUS X110 1XXX XXXX XXXX No meaningful data are returned because the polarization alternates every 69.4 microseconds, but the RC time constant is 100 microseconds. ***************** XXXXXH ***************** STATUS X110 0XXX XXXX XXXX No meaningful data are returned because the polarization alternates every 69.4 microseconds, but the RC time constant is 100 microseconds. ***************** n/ POLHIL ***************** Data produced every 69.4 microseconds, but sample-and-hold operates once every 138.8 microseconds on both data channels simultaneously (i.e. channels 2n-1 and 2n contain simultaneously sampled data). Integration time is 100 microseconds with an RC circuit (i.e. exponential). Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. STATUS X111 00XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X111 00XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X111 01XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data STATUS X111 01XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, LC data ***************** POLHIH ***************** Data produced every 69.4 microseconds, but sample-and-hold operates once every 138.8 microseconds on both data channels simultaneously (i.e. channels 2n-1 and 2n contain simultaneously sampled data). Integration time is 100 microseconds with an RC circuit (i.e. exponential). Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X111 10XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X111 10XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X111 11XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data STATUS X111 11XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, LC data ***************** CONFIGURATION COMMAND ***************** The PRA configuration command is contained in the EDR header. It is a 16-bit word whose last four bits are always '0011'. The remaining bits are: C(0) - calibrator power on C(1) - phase calibrate on C(2) - calibrator bypass open C(3) - A/D from upper C(4) - channel toggle disable C(5) - loop closed C(6) - 45dB attenuator out C(7) - unused C(8) - calibrate inject C(9) - upper preamp select C(10) - 30dB attenuator out C(11) - 15dB attenuator out C(12) - 0 C(13) - 0 C(14) - 1 C(15) - 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | ------------------------------ ---------------------------- | CAL | PHASE | CAL | A/D | CHAN | LOOP | 45DB| | | POWER| CAL | BYPASS| FROM | TOGGLE|CLOSED| OUT |UNUSED| | ON | ON | OPEN | UPPER|DISABLE| | | | ------------------------------ ---------------------------- | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | ------------------------------ ---------------------------- | CAL | UPPER | 30DB | 15DB| | | | | |INJECT| PREAMP| OUT | OUT | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | | SELECT| | | | | | | ------------------------------ ----------------------------- Note that many (but not all!) of these bits are the logical inverse of bits in the status word. MODE WORD M(0) - fixed frequency mode M(1) - POLHI or LEVEL M(2) - polarization switch off M(3) - HARAD or HF M(4) to M(11) - frequency bits M(12) - 0 M(13) - 0 M(14) - 1 M(15) - 1 | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | -------------------------------- ------------------------- | FIXED | POLHI | POL | HARAD | | | | | | FREQ | OR | SWITCH| OR | F | R | E | Q | | MODE | LEVEL | OFF | HF | | | | | -------------------------------- ------------------------- | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | -------------------------------- ------------------------- | | | | | | | | | | B | I | T | S | 0 | 0 | 1 | 1 | | | | | | | | | | -------------------------------- -------------------------" /* /* /* SCIENTIFIC_OBJECTIVES_SUMMARY = " The Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) experiments' primary objective is to locate and explain kilometric, hectometric, and decametric radio emissions from the planets, to measure plasma resonances near the giant planets, and to detect lightning on the giant planets. They have also been successful at observing solar radio emissions from the perspective of the outer solar system. The Voyager Planetary Radio Astronomy experiment is designed to investigate naturally-occurring radio emissions from the outer planets and Sun. Radio emissions from Jupiter have been known from Earth-based measurements since 1955; PRA represents the first attempt to survey those emissions, and to perform near-encounter searches for radio emissions from the other gas planets. Radio emissions can be used to determine the rate of rotation of the inner core of a planet; to determine the existence of a magnetic field and search for magnetic anomalies. Radio emissions are often the only remote diagnostic for interactions occurring in the portions of magnetospheres through which a spacecraft does not pass. This is particularly true for the inner magnetosphere, which usually goes unsampled. PRA is also sensitive to impacts on the spacecraft by micron-sized dust particles. Particularly in its high data rate modes, the information obtained therefrom produces insights into the processes which occur under such situations." /* /* /* INSTRUMENT_CALIBRATION_DESC = " The Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) receivers were calibrated under environmentally- controlled conditions and over the entire frequency and dynamic range of the instruments. This calibration consisted in application of a known narrow-band signal across the inputs and recording the receiver outputs. This falls far short of an overall, front-to-back calibration of the instruments, including their antennas performing on the actual spacecraft in deep space under conditions of perfect vacuum. This full calibration was not possible for many reasons. To fill this gap, we have implemented software programs that electromagnetically model the spacecraft with, in practice, 168 conducting elements; in principle, with more powerful computers, this limitation could be made even less restrictive. The ideal for which we strive is a conversion of the receivers' data numbers to absolute flux density values for signals of known direction of arrival and polarization. The laboratory calibrations provide us with power levels for each data number (DN) and each frequency in terms of known inputs across the antenna terminals of each of the experiment's two monopoles. calibrations were carried out over a range of receiver temperatures, but in practice the stability of the receiver as a function of temperature and the stability of the temperature of the receiver as a function of mission phase and the status of the overall spacecraft have been such as to allow us to use a single calibration curve for each DN and for each frequency. The minimum value for the wave flux density is frequency dependent varying from 5.E-20 W M**-2 Hz**-1 at frequencies below 1.5MHz to 5.E-19 to frequencies above 1.5MHz. The maximum wave flux density is typically 50 dB above the minimum values. The instrument noise level also is frequency dependent. It is about 1.E-19 W M**-2 Hz**-1 below 1.5MHz. The noise at 10 MHz is still about 1E-19 W M**-2 Hz**-1, increases to about 1.E-17 W M**-2 Hz**-1 at 25 MHz and then decreases to an intermediate value at 40 MHz. The low-band operation of the receivers, from 1.2kHz to 1326.0 kHz, and the high-band operation of the receiver, from 1228.8 kHz to 40.5504 MHz, differ. In low-band the receiver operates with a sharply tuned filter only 1 kHz broad at the 3 dB points and in high-band, with a 200 kHz filter. The gain of the receivers is designed in such a way that the output increases discontinuously by 23 dB as they tune downward through the transition frequency. This causes the receiver output to remain constant if its input is broadband noise sensibly constant across the transition point. If unpolarized radiation falls orthogonally on each monopole, the total unpolarized flux density for signals below about 5 MHz can be roughly estimated to be S = So (10**(m/1000)), where m is the channel reading in millibels an So is So = 1.5E-21 (W/Hz m**2). With courage, one may even use these formulas at higher frequencies. But, for more accurate values at low frequencies, or for significant flux density values at higher frequencies, it is necessary to use the spacecraft EM modeling techniques mentioned above. Since the resulting flux density values depend on polarization of the emission there is no practical way to provide the general user with simple algorithms to convert millibels to flux density." OPERATIONAL_CONSID_DESC = "Not applicable." END_OBJECT = INSTINFO /* /* Instrument Detectors /* OBJECT = INSTDETECT DETECTOR_ID = "PRA ANTENNA" DETECTOR_TYPE = "MONOPOLE PR ANTENNA" DETECTOR_ASPECT_RATIO = "N/A" MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" NOMINAL_OPERATING_TEMPERATURE= 298 DETECTOR_DESC = "The Planetary Radio Astronomy (PRA) Antennas are 10 meter BeCu hollow tubes 0.5 inches in diameter mounted orthogonal to one another." SENSITIVITY_DESC = "Not applicable." END_OBJECT = INSTDETECT OBJECT = INSTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = "PRA" ELECTRONICS_DESC = "The PRA consists of two superhetordyne receivers, one for the range from 1326.0 to 1.2 kHz and a second for the range 40.55 to 1.5 MHz." END_OBJECT = INSTELEC OBJECT = INSTFILTER FILTER_NUMBER = "N/A" FILTER_NAME = "N/A" FILTER_TYPE = "N/A" MINIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" CENTER_FILTER_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MAXIMUM_WAVELENGTH = "N/A" MEASUREMENT_WAVE_CALBRT_DESC = "Not applicable." END_OBJECT = INSTFILTER OBJECT = INSTOPTICS TELESCOPE_ID = "N/A" TELESCOPE_FOCAL_LENGTH = "N/A" TELESCOPE_DIAMETER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_F_NUMBER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_RESOLUTION = "N/A" TELESCOPE_TRANSMITTANCE = "N/A" TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER = "N/A" TELESCOPE_T_NUMBER_ERROR = "N/A" TELESCOPE_SERIAL_NUMBER = "N/A" OPTICS_DESC = "Not applicable." END_OBJECT = INSTOPTICS OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET PLATFORM_OR_MOUNTING_NAME = "SPACECRAFT BUS" CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" CROSS_CONE_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" TWIST_OFFSET_ANGLE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_MOUNTING_DESC = "Not applicable." END_OBJECT = SCINSTOFFSET OBJECT = INSTSECTION SECTION_ID = "PRA" OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO SCAN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_RATE = 266.667 SAMPLE_BITS = 8 TOTAL_FOVS = 1 OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS FOV_SHAPE_NAME = "N/A" HORIZONTAL_PIXEL_FOV = "N/A" VERTICAL_PIXEL_FOV = "N/A" HORIZONTAL_FOV = 360 VERTICAL_FOV = 180 FOVS = 1 END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFOVS END_OBJECT = INSTSECTINFO OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "WAVE FLUX DENSITY" MINIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 1400 MAXIMUM_INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER = 17000 NOISE_LEVEL = 2400 INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_UNIT = "WATT/METER**2/HERTZ" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_NAME = "FREQUENCY" MINIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 7.0E2 MAXIMUM_SAMPLING_PARAMETER = 4.1336E7 SAMPLING_PARAMETER_INTERVAL = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_RESOLUTION = "N/A" SAMPLING_PARAMETER_UNIT = "HERTZ" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTPARM OBJECT = INSTSECTDET DETECTOR_ID = "PRA ANTENNA" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTDET OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC ELECTRONICS_ID = "PRA" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTELEC OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT FILTER_NUMBER = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTFILT OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC TELESCOPE_ID = "N/A" END_OBJECT = INSTSECTOPTC END_OBJECT = INSTSECTION OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "POLLO" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " POLLO Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization of data word number 'n' is reversed each time that a MODE command is received (usually every six seconds). STATUS X000 000X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X000 001X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X000 010X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. STATUS X000 011X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, LC data. " OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - POLLO1 /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "POLLO1" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " POLLO1 Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization does not alternate between adjacent channels. STATUS X001 000X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X001 001X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 010X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 011X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - HARAD /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "HARAD" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " HARAD Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 2.4 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization of data word number 'n' is reversed each time that a MODE command is received (usually every six seconds). STATUS X000 100X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X000 101X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X000 110X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data. STATUS X000 111X XXXX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - HARAD1 /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "HARAD1" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " HARAD1 Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration; bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 2.4 kHz (cf). Data come from either the upper instrument channel or the lower instrument channel only. That is, THERE IS NO CHANNEL TOGGLING, regardless of the setting of the configuration command. Polarization does not alternate between adjacent channels. STATUS X001 100X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data. STATUS X001 101X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. ** THE FOLLOWING TWO DESCRIPTIONS ARE UNDOCUMENTED, but follow logically from the behavior of the instrument in the other modes. Treat them with caution, however. STATUS X001 110X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X001 111X XXXX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - LEVEL /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "LEVEL" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " LEVEL Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Polarization alternates every data word. STATUS X010 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X010 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X010 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X010 01XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - LEVEL1 /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "LEVEL1" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " LEVEL1 Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Polarization alternates every data word. STATUS X010 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X010 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain LH, UC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain RH, UC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain LH, UC data. STATUS X010 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X010 11XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words 003-129 contain RH, LC data; Odd numbered data words 131-199 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 004-130 contain LH, LC data; Even numbered data words 132-200 contain RH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - LEVEL2 /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "LEVEL2" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " LEVEL2 Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 1 kHz in low band. Polarization does not alternate. STATUS X011 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC RH, LC RH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC LH, LC LH, LC RH, UC STATUS X011 00XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data; STATUS X011 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC LH, UC LH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC RH, UC RH, UC LH, LC STATUS X011 01XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, LC data;" OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - LEVEL3 /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "LEVEL3" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " LEVEL3 Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Channel spacing is 307.2 kHz in high band and 19.2 kHz in low band. The lowest high band channel is at 1.3 MHz (cf), and the lowest low band channel is at 1.2 kHz (cf). Bandwidth is 200 kHz in high band, 800 Hz in low band. Polarization does not alternate. STATUS X011 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC RH, LC RH, LC LH, UC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC LH, LC LH, LC RH, UC STATUS X011 10XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain LH, UC data; Data words 131-200 contain RH, UC data; STATUS X011 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Data words 003-130: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC LH, UC LH, UC RH, LC Data words 131-200: Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC RH, UC RH, UC LH, LC STATUS X011 11XX X1XX XXXX Data words 003-130 contain RH, LC data; Data words 131-200 contain LH, LC data;" OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - FIXLOL /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "FIXLOL" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " FIXLOL Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. STATUS X100 00XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, UC LH, LC RH, LC RH, UC STATUS X100 00XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X100 01XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, LC RH, UC LH, UC LH, LC STATUS X100 01XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data" OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - FIXLOH /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "FIXLOH" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " FIXLOH Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X100 10XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data RH, UC RH, LC LH, LC LH, UC STATUS X100 10XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X100 11XX X0XX XXXX Take the channel number modulo 4 Channel modulo 4 0 1 2 3 Data LH, LC LH, UC RH, UC RH, LC STATUS X100 11XX X1XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data" OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - VLOBRL /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "VLOBRL" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " VLOBRL Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. n/ STATUS X101 00XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X101 00XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X101 01XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data STATUS X101 01XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - VLOBRH /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "VLOBRH" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " VLOBRH Data produced every 30 msec; 25 msec of integration. Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X101 10XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X101 10XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X101 11XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data STATUS X101 11XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - XXXXXL /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "XXXXXL" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " XXXXXL STATUS X110 1XXX XXXX XXXX No meaningful data are returned because the polarization alternates every 69.4 microseconds, but the RC time constant is 100 microseconds." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - XXXXXH /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "XXXXXH" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " XXXXXH STATUS X110 0XXX XXXX XXXX No meaningful data are returned because the polarization alternates every 69.4 microseconds, but the RC time constant is 100 microseconds." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - POLHIL /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "POLHIL" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " POLHIL Data produced every 69.4 microseconds, but sample-and-hold operates once every 138.8 microseconds on both data channels simultaneously (i.e. channels 2n-1 and 2n contain simultaneously sampled data). Integration time is 100 microseconds with an RC circuit (i.e. exponential). Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 1 kHz. STATUS X111 00XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, LC data Even numbered data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X111 00XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, UC data STATUS X111 01XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, UC data Even numbered data words contain LH, LC data STATUS X111 01XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = UNK END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO /* /* MODE - POLHIH /* OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO INSTRUMENT_MODE_ID = "POLHIH" GAIN_MODE_ID = "N/A" DATA_PATH_TYPE = "N/A" INSTRUMENT_POWER_CONSUMPTION = 6.7 INSTRUMENT_MODE_DESC = " POLHIH Data produced every 69.4 microseconds, but sample-and-hold operates once every 138.8 microseconds on both data channels simultaneously (i.e. channels 2n-1 and 2n contain simultaneously sampled data). Integration time is 100 microseconds with an RC circuit (i.e. exponential). Frequency is fixed. Bandwidth is 200 kHz. STATUS X111 10XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain RH, LC data Even numbered data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X111 10XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain LH, UC data STATUS X111 11XX X0XX XXXX Odd numbered data words contain LH, UC data Even numbered data words contain RH, LC data STATUS X111 11XX X1XX XXXX All data words contain RH, LC data." OBJECT = INSTMODESECT SECTION_ID = "PRA" END_OBJECT = INSTMODESECT END_OBJECT = INSTMODEINFO OBJECT = INSTREFINFO REFERENCE_KEY_ID = WARWICKETAL1977 OBJECT = REFERENCE DOCUMENT_TOPIC_TYPE = "INSTRUMENT DESCRIPTION" JOURNAL_NAME = "SPACE SCIENCE REVIEWS" PUBLICATION_DATE = 1977-12-01 REFERENCE_DESC = " Warwick, J. W., J. B. Pearce, R. G. Peltzer and A. C. Riddle, 'Planetary Radio Astronomy Experiment for Voyager Missions', Space Sci Rev., 21, 3, 309, 1977." OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JAMES W. WARWICK" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. JEFFREY B. PEARCE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "MR. ROBERT G. PELTZER" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS OBJECT = REFAUTHORS AUTHOR_FULL_NAME = "DR. ANTHONY C. RIDDLE" END_OBJECT = REFAUTHORS END_OBJECT = REFERENCE END_OBJECT = INSTREFINFO END_OBJECT = SCINSTRUMENT