/******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "WAVE FLUX DENSITY" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /****************** Radio Wave Spectrum Parameter Desc. Template ************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'RADIO WAVE SPECTRUM' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A set of derived parameters consisting of power fluxes at various contiguous frequencies over a range of frequencies. The MKS units are: (HERTZ.METER**2)." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /*************** Wave Flux Density Parameter Desc. Template *****************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921002 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "WAVE FLUX DENSITY" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = "None provided" END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD