/******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON DENSITY" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /*************** Electron Density Parm. Description Template ******************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ELECTRON DENSITY' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A DERIVED PARAMETER EQUALING THE NUMBER OF ELECTRONS PER UNIT VOLUME OVER A SPECIFIED RANGE OF ELECTRON ENERGY. Different forms of electron density are derived distinguished by method of derivation (Maxwellian fit, method of moments) or by the some selection criteria (i.e., hot electron and cold electron density). In general, if more than one electron component is analyzed, either by moment or fit, a total density will be provided which is the sum of the electron densities. If the electron do not have a Maxwellian distribution the actual distribution can be represented as the sum of several Maxwellians, in which case the density of each Maxwellian is given." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /*************** Electron Current Parm. Description Template **************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ELECTRON CURRENT' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the rate at which negative charge is collected by a particle detector. The electrons contributing to this current may be restricted by energy. Electrons always have a charge of 1, so this quantity corresponds directly to the electron rate." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921028 SJOY /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON DENSITY" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON RATE" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /**************** Electron Rate Parameter Desc. Template ********************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921102 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "ELECTRON RATE" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the number of electrons hitting a particle detector per specified accumulation interval. The counted electrons may or may not be discriminated as to their energies (e.g. greater than E1, or between E1 and E2)." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921028 SJOY /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON TEMPERATURE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON RATE" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON TEMPERATURE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ELECTRON CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /*************** Electron Temperature Parm. Description Template **************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ELECTRON TEMPERATURE' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A derived parameter giving an indication of the mean energy/electron, assuming the shape of the electron energy spectrum to be Maxwellian (i.e. highest entropy shape). Given that the electron energy spectrum is not exactly Maxwellian, the electron temperature can be defined integrally (whereby the mean energy obtained by integrating under the actual electron energy spectrum is set equal to the integral under a Maxwellian, where the temperature is a free parameter for which to solve), or differentially (whereby the slopes of the actually electron energy spectrum at various energies are matched to the slopes of a corresponding Maxwellian). The temperature parameter is often qualified with a range of applicable energies. temperatures can be angularly anisotropic. If the electrons do not have a Maxwellian distribution the actual distribution can be represented as the sum of several Maxwellians, each with a separate temperature." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION DENSITY" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /****************** ION Density Parameter Desc. Template ********************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ION DENSITY' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A derived parameter equaling the number of ions per unit volume over a specified range of ion energy, energy/charge, or energy/nucleon. Discrimination with regard to mass and or charge state is necessary to obtain this quantity, however, mass and charge state are often assumed due to instrument limitations. Many different forms of ion density are derived. Some are distinguished by their composition (N+, proton, ion, etc.) or their method of derivation (Maxwellian fit, method of moments). In some cases, more than one type of density will be provided in a single dataset. In general, if more than one ion species is analyzed, either by moment or fit, a total density will be provided which is the sum of the ion densities. If a plasma component does not have a Maxwellian distribution the actual distribution can be represented as the sum of several Maxwellians, in which case the density of each Maxwellian is given." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /*************** Ion Current Parm. Description Template **************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = "ION CURRENT" DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A measured parameter equaling the rate at which positive charge is collected by a particle detector. The ions contributing to this current may be restricted by energy and/or mass. Since ion charge states may be greater than one, this quantity generally is greater than the corresponding ion rate." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION THERMAL SPEED" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /*********** ION Thermal Speed Parm. Description Template *********************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ION THERMAL SPEED' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " ION THERMAL SPEED: A measure of the velocity associated with the temperature of the ions. It is formally defined as the Ion Thermal Speed squared equals two times K (Boltzmann's constant) times T (temperature of ion) divided by M (ion mass). Each component of a plasma has a thermal speed associated with it." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION TEMPERATURE" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /*************** Ion Temperature Parm. Description Template **************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template from electron temperature (electron -> ion) /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ION TEMPERATURE' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A derived parameter giving an indication of the mean energy/ion, assuming the shape of the ion energy spectrum to be Maxwellian (i.e. highest entropy shape). Given that the ion energy spectrum is not exactly Maxwellian, the ion temperature can be defined integrally (whereby the mean energy obtained by integrating under the actual ion energy spectrum is set equal to the integral under a Maxwellian, where the temperature is a free parameter for which to solve), or differentially (whereby the slopes of the actually ion energy spectrum at various energies are matched to the slopes of a corresponding Maxwellian). The temperature parameter is often qualified with a range of applicable energies. temperatures can be angularly anisotropic. If the ions do not have a Maxwellian distribution the actual distribution can be represented as the sum of several Maxwellians, each with a separate temperature." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD /******************************************************************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* 921001 EFRIED /* created template /* Template: Parameter Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for each combination */ /* of data set parameter name, instrument parameter */ /* name and instrument host id associated with a dataset. */ /* Hierarchy: PARAMETER */ OBJECT = PARAMETER INSTRUMENT_HOST_ID = VG2 DATA_SET_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION VELOCITY" INSTRUMENT_PARAMETER_NAME = "ION CURRENT" IMPORTANT_INSTRUMENT_PARMS = 1 END_OBJECT = PARAMETER /************ ION Velocity Parm Description Template **************************/ /* MODIFICATIONS: /* From: JPLPDS::RMONARREZ 6-AUG-1992 13:38:59.22 /* 92-08 EFRIED /* 920916 EFRIED /* last changes made /* Template: Data Set Instrument Parameter Description Template Rev: 19890121 */ /* */ /* Note: This template shall be completed for any */ /* data set or instrument parameter description. */ /* */ /* Hierarchy: DSINSTPARMD */ OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD DATA_SET_OR_INSTRUMENT_PARM_NM = 'ION VELOCITY' DATA_SET_OR_INST_PARM_DESC = " A derived parameter giving the average speed and direction of motion of a plasma or plasma component. The velocity can be obtained by taking the first moment of the distribution function or by simulating the observations with some known distribution function, usually a Maxwellian, to the distribution. Velocities may be given in any of the following coordinate systems: RTN coordinate system: R is radially away from sun, T is in plane of sun's equator and positive in the direction of solar rotation N completes right-handed system rho, phi, z (cylindrical) rho is radial distance from the planet's spin axis phi is parallel to spin equator and perpendicular to rho and positive in direction of planetary rotation. z completes right-handed system parallel, perpendicular: parallel or perpendicular to the magnetic field direction." END_OBJECT = DSINSTPARMD